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Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-346/90-08. Corrective Actions:Results of Analysis of Radiological Environ Samples & Radiation Measurements Included in 1989 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/11/1990
1-918, NUDOCS 9005210044
Download: ML20043A231 (3)



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TOLEDO. OHIO 43652 0001 r

. Docket Number 50-346 ~l m ,

License Number,NPF-3 Serial' Number'l-918 May 11 L1990! i a

United l States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-Document' Control; Desk' ..

?Vashington, D.-C. 20555 Subj ect s- Response to Inspection Report Number 50-346/90003.


Toledo Edison (TE) has received Inspection-Report Number 90008 (Log Number 1-2264) and providesLthe following response.  ;;

s q

Violation- . . . ..

..._ 1 90008-01: " Technical Specification,1; dated October 31, 1985,, requires- 'j that the Annual Environmental Operating' Reports shall:includeithe- c)

-results of analysis of allf radiological environmental samples =and- :i

! of all environmental radiation measurements taken'during-the period .i lT pursuant to the locations.specified in the1Tablefand Figures ~in the q ODCH,-as well as summarized and tabulated results of these ' analyses- a and measurements.

Contrary to the above, although the' licensee's' Annual Radiological!

Environmental Operating Reports coveringEt he years 1986 through 1 1988, included summaries, they did.not contain the r'esults of the- -

analyses of.all radiological' environmental' samples 1and- ' '

environmental radiation measurements taken during the respective periods."

Responses Acceptance or Denial of the Alleged Violation Toledo Edison acknowledges the alleged violation.


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9005210044 900511 PDR

-Q ADOCK 05000346 D'(

l PDC j, -





) 9-- m Dock 9t Nunbar'50-346  ;

License Number NPF-3 .

. ' Set ial' Number '1-918 Page 2' ,

Reason for the' Violation i


-On July 2,t1985, Toledo Edison' received Amendment Number 86 to the-i Davis-Besse Facility Operating License (FOL)'from_the Nuclear j Regulatory Commission (NRCh This amendment-involved the- a Radiological Environmental Technical Specifications (RETS), andlin' part replaced;the reporting sectionLthat existed in Appendix 1B of

-the FOL vithithel reporting requirements of the-Administrative LControls section ofithe= Standard Technical-Specifications. This'.

change incorporated'the' addition of a-requirement'to include in the'

, Annual Radiological Environmental-Operating Reportf(ARE0R)Lthe- .

.results of analysis of all' radiological environmental samples 3and' ,

of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the'.

+ . l reporting periodI ; Prior.:to1this change,Jthe: ARE0R vas' required to contain this information only in a summarized, tabulated. format;:

While'the summarized,7tabulatedLdata continuedit'o be included;in t the 1985 through11988'AREORs, the requirement to include /the 3 p results of analysis of=all-radiologicalLenvironmental samples:and:


of'all environmental radiation measurements was. inadvertently .



. The-inadvertent omission ofLthese data is primarilyLattributed-to.

the:Iallure;of procedure HS-EC-00001, " Annual Radiological. j Environmental Operating Report. Preparation and> Submittal'_"'.to'.


-adequately proceduralize-the.line item, requirements.'of the- g technical-specifications:that applysto.the'ARE0R.  !

In addition,.although several Quality Assurance audits of the- 4

. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program'(REMP) andtthe AREOR- l vere conducted during-the time period-in question,Jthe'

include the results of analysis of=all radiological environmental ,

samples and.of all. environmental radiationtmeasurements was not- -

discovered. '


Corrective Action Taken and~ResultsIAchievedI The results of-analysis of all' radiological-environmental samplea l and.of all environmental radiation measurements were included in  !

O the the 1989 AREOR, 'which was submitted,to the NRC:in Toledo Sdison- 1 derial Number 1791, dated April 17, 1990.,

j r

The results of analysis of.all radiological environmental samples 4 and of all environmental radiatio'n measurements for the 1985 through 1988 AREORs 'will be subd t ted to the NRC in addenda to-- -

these: reports by June 4, 1990. j i

-l l


t i


- f Dock,t Nunb:r:50-346. *

. License Number NPF-3' ,

. : Strial: Number 1-918 ,

Page'3 ,

AJsignificant) change in the Davis-Be'sse Quality Assurance audit


t" process:vas. instituted in'earlyfl989. ;0uality: Assurance' audits'nov includeLnot only.a;reviev.of programmatic compliance toLTechnical.

L Specification-requirements,.but:an assessment of.the technical j adequacyLof the' programs and-procedures which implementithesef .

1 requirements. In fact,iToledo Edison vas; conducting such anLauditl of the'REMP and the AREOR at..the same time.the NRC inspection was
taking. place. > :The Quality Assurance audit:; team: issued AuditL Reporti .
Number AR-90-RADPR-01,4 vhich documents that the' results 'of all:: J radiological environmental samples andtmeasurementsLvere not- + i!

-included in'the AREORs.. ,=


.t '

JAction Takhn.to2PreventLRecurrence- ,

. Procedure:HS-EC-00001, "AnnualLRadiological1Environmentalc0perating <7 Report Preparation and LSubmittalMis' being revised toj specifically. ,

list the~ individual line itemsLrequired to be included =-inithe.AREOR -

by.the Technical-Specifications. This revision!'effectivet by June 4, 1990.- >

,, , t

. Date When Fulli Compliance Vill' Be' Achieved.

Ji i June 4',L19902:

  • Full compliance. vill be" achieved bp" *

', d Very.truly yours, i a ,

.i AVA/ssg .

-i cc 'P. H. Byron', DB-1 NRC Senior Resident Inspector- -

A. B. Davis, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III

  • T. V. Vambach, DB-1 NRC Senior Project l Manager


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