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Forwards Rev 2 to Combined Units 1 & 2 Inservice Testing Program for Pumps & Valves. Implementation of Program Will Require Procedure Revs Expected to Be Completed by 900228
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1989
From: Morgan W
To: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19327A750 List:
0310T, 310T, GL-89-04, GL-89-4, TAC-54996, TAC-63777, NUDOCS 8910180036
Download: ML19327A749 (2)


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,! } Commercealth Edison d3 - :m > .n West Adams Street Chicago, Illinois ,

'e , T ." _ ,J K& dress B; ply to: Post office 85ir76T ' >

. v+ L/ Chicago. Illinois 60690 0767- '

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], October 2, 1989 R

,4 aw Dr.' Thomas: E. Murley. Director: .

1 i '

Office of Nuclear Reactor. Regulation E '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington, DC. 2055S .



LaSalle County Station Units I and 2 l Inservice Testing (IST) Program l HRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 __ ,

i y:

References-(a): Safety Evaluation Report and Relief of the IST Program for Pumps and Valves, LaSalle _

County Units'I and 2 (TAC Nos. 63777/54996) dated August 16, 1988.

4 1 (b): W.E. Morgan letter to USNRC Dated November.16, 1 L 1988-transmitting-LSCS Units 1 and 2 Response u l~

to Questions from SER Report and Relief of the  :

IST Program for Pumps and Valves.

(c): Generic Letter 89-04, dated April 3, 1989 i; -(NL-89-0410).  ;

i I

3 h

Dear ~Dr. Murley:

l Reference (c) granted the approval of.the LaShlle County Station .

9 i  ; Inservice Testing (IST) Program (Revision 0) with the exception of. eleven (11):

anomalies. -Reference (b) submitted LaSalle County Station's revised IST -!

l Program,:(Revision 1)' addressing these anomalies. Prior to receiving NRC feedback on. Revision 1 of the LaSalle IST Program, Generic-Letter 89-04 h . (Reference (c)) was-Issued. Generic Letter 89-04 was reviewed for its impact Jon Revision 1 of the IST-Program and, based on that. review which utilized the.

l guidance / positions presented in the Generic Letter, LaSalle County Station J t

has revised-its IST Program (Revision 2) to incorporate the concerns of the Generic Letter.

Implementation of the revised IST Program will require procedure Lrevisions which are expected to be completed by February 28, 1990. 1

y The following attachment provides the LaSalle County Station Units 1 ,j

'and 2, Revision 2, IST Program. I 1




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t : s910180036 891002 '!

PDR ADOCK 0500o373  !

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. . . . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _

t Y. A-l ,

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-DEL T.E. Murley: October 2, 1989 a;

If there are any further' questions regarding this~ matter, please.

contact-this office.

Very truly yours, i

H. rgan.

. Nuclear Licensing Administrator im Attachment

.i cci A.B. Davis _ Regional Administrator, RIII Senior Resident Inspector - LaSalle County i

~l i

I F i 0310T:6 j> l

l. 1 l-I i

