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Forwards Insp Repts 50-338/89-08 & 50-339/89-08 on 890321-0417 & 0425-0503 & Notice of Violation
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1989
From: Ebneter S
To: Cartwright W
Shared Package
ML20244B805 List:
NUDOCS 8906130301
Download: ML20244B803 (2)

See also: IR 05000338/1989008


{{#Wiki_filter:w~m cm - - ._ ' c , .? . , ' u . ^ ~* ' ' W J g. . (*. ). ' MAY '171989 2 D' , " ' j i , ' li , , Docket Nos. 50-338, 50-339 1 g License Nos'. NPF-4,LNPF-7

Q' l Wi . I Virginia Ele'ctric and Power Company


  1. .

s ATTN: . Mr. W. R. Cartwright, Vice President, ' & ' Nuclear Operations 5000 Dominior. Boulevard Glen' Allen, VA 23060~. ' Gentlemen: l s , , h, .SOBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION k (NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 50-338/89-08 AND 50-339/89-08) n This refers to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection conducted by ! ^ ' J. L. Caldwell on March 21 - April 17,1989 and April 25 - May 3,1989. The

inspection included ~ a . review of activities authorized for your North Anna

facility. At the conclusion of the inspection, the findings were discussed , with those members of your staff identified in the enclosed inspection report. i . 1 - Areas" examined during the inspection are identified in the report. Within ! these. areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and . representative records, interviews with personnel, and observation of

activities in progress.

r The inspection findings indicate that certain activities appeared to violate ! NRC requirements. The. violations, references to pertinent requirements, and ! w elements to be included in your response are described in the enclosed Notice 'l of Violation. ) i Other violations described in the enclosed inspection report are under consideration for escalated enforcement action. Accordingly, no Notice .of Violation is being issued at.this time for the violations. ' However, please be advised that the number and characterization of the violations under consideration for escalated enforcement may change as a result of further NRC

review. An Enforcement Conference to discuss these violations has been j scheduled for May 24, 1989. You will be advised by separate correspondence of ! the results of our deliberations on this matter. The enclosed inspection report documents an oral commitment (see ! paragraph 4.a) made by a licensee representative and discussed in the exit ! interview. .If your understanding of this commitment differs from the report ! statements, please inform this office promptly. l ! In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, l Title 10, -Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosures 1 will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room. i I " w. , R - y. ., ,7J, - . . . g x . >- ' ~ - ,, Q ^ Cm , 6'9 0 6 1 3'0 3 o j' 9 9 0 5 g 7 j -{DR ADOCK 05000338 l PDC ( ,t , V - _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - b

,.- - - . - - - - _ .- . . - _ , -' .:- 'l . yg , m . - d> - 3 , -- MAY 17 W J 'l ' y f g gg, Electric and'Por>er Company' 2 . - k' s The responses ' directed by' this letter and its enclosures are not subject to the ~~ ' clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork. Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L.;No.- 96-511. .. ' .Should you h' ve any questions concerning this letter, please contact us. ,,'- a Sincerely, ^ Original signed by M. L. Ernst (for) Stewart D. Ebneter Regional Administrator , , ' . Enclos'ures: 1. Notice of Violation 2. NRC Inspection Report. e -cc w/encls: G.-E.-Kane, Station Manager ' R. F. Saunders, Manager - Nuclear Programs and Licensing > Commonwealth of Virginia ' bec w/encis: NRC Rssident Inspector. r h RII'Jh ' RII RM R'I ML5 L 1 ! ^ MLewis:tj PF drickson C H G en 'n s 05/87 /89 05/1O89 C5j/89 05//7 /89 , \\ .. - . . . - ,- % ,, . , Al -d- }}