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Rev 1 to Epop 4490, Implementation of Recovery Operations
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1998
From: Emborsky D
Shared Package
ML20247Q664 List:
EPOP-4490, NUDOCS 9805280318
Download: ML20247Q701 (23)




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"S C. T. ' EVI,EW e .,12 *&

  • 9 i hb

, w e y p- y y y Implementation of Recovery Operations

[4.Ref. 6.1]

EPOP 4490 Rev.1 O

l Approval: ,

/ 3 SORC Mtg. No: Q$f c8O Date: t6-/3 9 7 Effective Date: 6-@-T[

O Level of Use SME: D. Emborsky Information 9805280318 980520 PDR ADOCK 05000245 g PDR


. Millstone All Units p Emergency Plan Operating Procedure V

Implementation of Recovery Operations TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. PURPOSE...................................................2
2. P R E R E Q U I S ITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2
3. P R E CA UTI O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. I N STR U CTI O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.1 In it ial Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.2 Subseque nt Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. ' REVIEW AND S IG NOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6. REFERENCES 4 ................. ............................. 8
7. S U M M A RY O F CH AN G ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS .

Oy r Attachment 1, " Recovery Operations Action Item List" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Attachment 2, " Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery M e m b e rs" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1

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(") Level of Use EPOP 4490 STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 lnformation 1of22

1. PURPOSE 1.1 Objective Provide instructions to the Director of Recovery Operations to implement Recovery Operations after the emergency phase of an accident has occurred. It also identifies the individuals who will fulfill the functions required by the Recovery Operations.

1.2 Discussion Recovery Operations take place after the emergency phase of an accident has occurred, the plant is in a relatively stable condition, and the emergency has been terminated by the Director of Station Emergency Operations). Recovery actions may require nornal resources to recover the plant or extensive resources which could require months of support.

Members of the Recovery Operations are chosen en their experience, managerial skills, and the needs of the plant. Conditions are evaluated to determine when the evacuated public may reenter the area, when the sheltered public may be released, what maintenance and repair need to be performed, and when normal operations may be restored.

1.3 Applicability C) This procedure applies to Recovery Operations following an accident at the plant and the Northeast Utilities individuals responsible for performing necessary functions as part of recovery.

2. PREREQUISITES 2.1 General 2.1.1 All radiation releases have been terminated at the station and the plant is stable and in cold shutdown.

2.1.2 The event has been terminated and the DSEO has discussed conditions with the Chief Nuclear Officer. Recovery Operations have been activated.

2.1.3 The Station Emergency Response Organization has been relieved by the Recovery Operations Organization.

2.1.4 Plant conditions and damage have been evaluated and the magnitude of the recovery has been determined.

Level of Use EPOP 4490 lnformation 6# " # *

  • 2 0f 22

2.2 Documents

, .bl v' 2.2.1 Recovery Manager logbocks 2.3 Resp <msibilities 2.3.1 The Chief Nuclear Officer supervises the Director of Recover l

Operations and has overall responsibility for coordinating the station Recovery Operations with the rest of the Nuclear Group.

l 2.3.2 The Director of Recovery Operations provides overall responsibility to direct station recovery operations. ,

l 2.3.3 The Recovery Operations Manager of Technical Support l

performs reactor core physics and thermal hydraulic systems l analysis and accident data analysis for reconstructing event timeline.

2.3.4 ')he Recovery Operations Manager of Plant Operations provides the interface between station operations staff and the NU Recovery Operations.

2.3.5 The Recovery Operations Manager of Radiation Control and Radwaste Operations supervises and maintains radiological OV control of recovery operations.

2.3.6 The Recovery Operations Manager of Engineering Support provides necessary civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering support for recovery operations.

2.3.7 The Recovery Operations Manager of Public Information coordinates and prepares media information releases.

2.3.8 The Recovery Operations Manager of Nuclear Licensing manages interface and submittals to re;;ulatory agencies.

2.3.9 Advisory Support provides advisory support to the Recovery Operations and is appointed by the Director of Recovery Operations.

2.3.10 The NU Representative in the State EOC and Joint Media Center provides advisory support to the state and local communities resolving FEMA questions and concerns and local town questions and needs.

l l



Level of Use EPOP 4490 l STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 lnformation 1 3 of 22



. 2.4 Definitions 2.4.1 DRO - Director of Recovery Operations 2.4.2 DSEO - Director of Station Emergency Operations 2.4.3 SERO - Station Emergency Response Organization I

3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 All work performed during recovery is in accordance with approved station procedures unless specific actions have been approved by PORC or SORC. 1 i


O 1

s EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Information 4cf22

. 4. INSTRUCTIONS C(3 4.1 Initial Actions NOTE Preparations to activate Recovery Operations should be taken early in an event before the event has been terminated and the SERO ha.; been relieved by the Recovery Operations Organization.


Chief Nuclear 4.1.1 SELECT Recovery Operations staff. .

Officer Chief Nuclear 4.1.2 ' NOTIFY Recovery Operations staff to report to the station EOF Officer or or Berlin offices, as appropriate.

DSEO 4.2 Subsequent Actions lDRO l 4.2.1 ENSURE all recovery managers have been notified and have reported.

4.2.2 ENSURE the Recovery Operations Room has been set up at the site EOF or Berlin offices, as appropriate, ir) v 4.2.3 . ENSURE support staff are available to assist in the Recovery Operations meetings, as necessary.

4.2.4 ENSURE meeting minutes are maintained with action item and commitment follow lists.

4.2.5 INSTRUCT all recovery managers to log significant actions in log books.

l .4.2.6 ESTABLISH a meeting schedule and working arrangements for Recovery Operations commensurate with the level of effort necessary.

L ,


) EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 InformatiOn 5 of 22

NOTE Attachment 1 contains a representative listing of items that the recovery organization should address.

The intent is to identify important items, prioritize these items, allocate resources, and develop schedules.

A suggested priority rating system is as follows:

Priority #1 -

To be completed within the next day Priority #2 -

To be completed within the next week Eriu:(tv #3 -

To be completed within the next month Priority #4 -

To be completed within the next year 4.2.7 Refer To and REVIEW Attachment 1," Recovery Operations Action Item List," and INITIKTE recovery operations.

4.2.8 DIRECT the DSEO provide a status report on the plant and ongoing actions for the first meeting.

4.2.9 ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN communications with the following:

Appropriate Senior NU officers NU Legal Department Financial Department Insurance Department Purchasing Department 4.2.10 ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN communications with State and local officials as follows:


SCHEDULE meetings with officials, as necessary.

DETERMINE if State and local EOCs are still operating.

EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 lnformation 6 cf 22

i , 4.2.11 ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN representation in the State Media l , Center using Media Center and State EOC representatives, as

' necessary.

4.2.12 ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN communications with the following as necessary:

  • NRC



Other key federal agencies ,

a Federal Work Centers I

  • NEI l 4.2.13 EVALUATE the impact of Recovery Operations on NU resources in the near-term and long-term and the interface with company day-to-day operations.

4.2.14 MAINTAIN overall responsibility of station operations until Recovery Operations are complete.

(r) 4.2.15 ENSURE recovery members Refer To Attachment 2, " Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members," and

PERFORM required actions.

Recovery 4.2.16 PERFORM the following until recovery operations have been Operations terminated:

Managers ATTEND meetings convened by the Director of Recovery Operations.

PROVIDE updates to the Director of Recovery Operations.

LOG all significant events in manager logbook.

Level of Use EPOP 4490 STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Information

l . M 4


( 5.1 N/A

6. REFERENCES 6.1 Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 and Unit 2 Emergency Preparedness appraisal, Item No. 37, January 4,1982, NU letter A02567, July 4,1982 and December 15,1982 commits NU to a procedure to implement the transition from an emergency classification to a recovery mode.

6.2 " Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan"



OF CHANGES 7.1 Changed the level of use from General to Information.

7.2 Changed pro' edure from an NU common procedure (NUC EPOP) to a Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan Operating Procedure (EPOP).

7.3 Deleted references to CY in all applicable locations.

7.4 Moved the recovery operations positions listed in Section 2.4, t.s"J

" Personnel," to Section 2.3, " Responsibilities," and added all recovery positions listed in Attachment 2.

7.5 Changed the responsibility for selecting recovery operations staff from the Director Emergency Planning Services to the CNO.

7.6 Changed titles from Executive Vice President-Nuclear to Chief Nuclear Officer in steps 2.1.2 and 2.3.1, side boxes steps 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. and Attachment 2.

7.7 Moved the priority rating system from Attachment 1 to a note prior to step 4.2.7.

7.8 Added bullet to step 4.2.12 for the Director Recovery Operations to estab!ish communications with NEI.

7.9 Added side box to step 4.2.16.

l k 'I


EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 lnfOrmation S of 22 1



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  • Attachment 2 Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members

., (Sheet 1 of 10) l v.

CIIIEF NUCLEAR OFFICER l Supervises: Director of Recovery Operations Basic Function: Provides overall authority and responsibility for the coordination of the station Recovery Operations with the rest of the Nuclear Group

1. Supervises the Director of Recovery Operations ,

Principal Working Relationships:

1. NU Senior Management
2. Director of Recovery Operations
3. Nuclear Vice Presidents I


U l

l l



f") Level of Use EPOP 4490 STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 l Information l

13 of 22 l

Attachmcnt 2 Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members (Sheet 2 0f 10) h i I i y \

DIRECTOR OF RECOVERY OPERATIONS Reports To: Chief Nuclear Officer l Supervises: Manager of Technical Support Manager of Plant Operations Manager of Radiation Control and Radwaste Operations .

Manager of Engineering Support Manager of Nuclear Licensing Manager of Public Information NU Representative in the State EOC and Joint Media Center Basic Function: Provides overall responsibility for the direction of station recovery operations Primary Responsibilities:

1. Establishes command of station recovery operations.

m j 2. Plans recovery operations and implements actions through appropriate managers.

PrincipMVorkine Relationships:

1. Chief Nuclear Officer l
2. Advisory Support Staff
3. Recovery Managers I



l l-b,~- EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I Information 14 0f 22 i

Attachment 2 Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members (Sheet 3 of 10)

.O RECOVERY OPERATIONS MANAGER OF TECIINICAL SUPPORT Reports To: Director of Recovery Operations Supervises: Personnel assigned to technical support activities Basic Function: Performs reactor core physics and thermal hydraulic systems analysis and accident data analysis for reconstructing event timeline Primary Responsibilities:

1. Provides technical support services to the Recovery Operations
2. Performs reactor systems analysis
3. Provides post accident data analysis, timeline for the accident, etc Principle Working Relationships:
1. Director of Recove.y Operations
2. Manager Plant Operations and Recovery Managers
3. NUSCO Reactor Engineering i

O Level of Use EPOP 4490 STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I Information 15 of 22

Attachment 2 Specific Dutics and Responsibilities of Recovery Members

, (Sheet 4 of 10)



Reports To: Director of Recovery Operations I Supervises: Affected unit operations staff Basic Function: Provides interface between station and unit operations staff and the .

Recovery Operations '

Primary Responsibilities:

1. Supervises station support staff
2. Maintains station security operations
3. Implements maintenance and repair operations with station staff as assigned by the Director of Recovery Operations Principle Working Relationships:


1. Director of Recovery Operations
2. Plant Operations staff
3. Other Recovery Operations Managers q Level of Use EPOP 4490 STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 lnformation 16 of 22

Attachment 2 Specific Dutics and Responsibilities of Recovery Members

, (Sheet 5 of 10)



Supervises: Radiation Control and Radwaste Operations Staff Hasic FunctLon: Supervises and maintains radiological control of recovery operations Primary Responsibilities:

1. Maintains Field Survey Team, Environmental Sampling Teams, and data assessment operations as long as necessary to support the state and local communities in decisions related to returning the evacuated public or releasing the sheltered public
2. Develops and implements procedures to control radioactive waste discharge and disposal s 3. Ensures personnel exposure is kept ALARA during recovery both in system design

) and operation Principle Working Relationships:

1. Director of Recovery Operations
2. Manager Plant Operations and Recovery Operation Managers
3. State DEP


t C) t EPOP 4490 i

Level of Use Information STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I 17 0f 22


\. .

l Attachment 2 l

Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members (Sheet 6 of 10)

O RECOVERY OPERATIONS MANAGER OF ENGINEERING SUPPORT Reports To: Director of Recovery Operations Supervises: Engineering Staff flesic Function: Provides necessary civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering support for recovery operations. Provides other recovery services such as project schedules, management, cost control, construction, resources and purchasing, legal, and insurance services Primary Responsibilities:

1. Develops procedures and design for required civil, mechanical, and electrical i engineering modifications
2. Schedules Recovey Operations and ensures prompt execution c 3. Performs construction engineering activities' '

d 4. Arranges for purchasing, legal, and insurance assistance, as necessary.

Principle Workine Relationships:

1. Di . ctor of Recovery Operations
2. Nuclear Engineering Department
4. Other Recovery Operations Managers p


EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Information 18 of 22

Attachment 2 Spccific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members

. (Sheet 7 of 10)

C b

RECOVERY OPERATIONS MANAGER OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Reports To: Director of Recovery Operations Supervises: Assigned staff Basic Function: Coordinates and prepares media information releases. Supports the NU Representative in the Joint Media Center Primary Responsibijitics:

1. Obtains technical information from recovery managers
2. Prepares media information releases
3. Provides assistance in the preparation of materials for news conferences, as necessary Principle Working Relationship 3:

bv 1. Director of Recovery Operations

2. NU Representative in the Joint Media Center
3. NUSCO Systems Communications personnel l

C) EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I l reformation 19 of 22 I

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]

Attachment 2 Spccific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members l ,

(Sheet 8 of 10) s v


Repoi-is To: Director of Recovery Operations Supervisn: Licensing staff Basic Function: Manages interface and submittals to regulatory agencies .

Primary Responsibilities:

1. Proddes regulatory interface with the NRC, State, etc.
2. Coordinates the preparation of documents for submittal to regulatory agencies Principle Working RelationhhiPl:
1. Director of Recovery Operations

(~~N 2. Regulatory agencies G!

3. Other Recovery Operations Managers C)

G EPOP 4490 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 lnformation I

.'O of ".

Attachment 2 Spccific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Meinbers

, (Sheet 9 of 10)

O AD'/ISORY SUPPORT Renorts To: Director of Recovery Operations Superviscs: N/A Basic Funclinn: Industry specialists and experts who provide advisory .

support to the Recovery Operations and appointed, as necessary by the Directory of Recovery Operations O

l l


' Level of Use EPOP 4490 l STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 lnfOrmation 21 of 22 l

- _ _____________________O

I l

Attachment 2 Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Recovery Members (Sheet 10 of 10) l (D

'ul l

NU REPRESENTATIVE IN TIIE STATE EOC AND JOINT MEDIA CENTER Reports To: Director of Recovery Operations Supervises: N/A Basic Function: Interfaces with FEMA and supports state and local response to questions Primary Runonsibilities:

1. Consults with the State and responds to questions and concerns from the following:


  • State a

Local communities C

d 2. Responds as official media spokesperson for NU l

I l


Level of Use I EPOP 4490 lnformation STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I 22 of 22 l

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