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Refueling Outage ISI Rept.
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Site: Turkey Point NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1999
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ML17355A219 List:
NUDOCS 9902120290
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{{#Wiki_filter:TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 1998 REFUELING OUTAGE Form NIS-1 Owners'ata Report for Inservice Inspections 9902i20290 990i20 PDR ADOCK 05000250 8 PDR li 0 TURKEY POINT PLANT UNIT 3 1998 REFUELING OUTAGE INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT This Inservice Inspection report is for the 1998 Turkey Point Unit 3 refueling outage.This was the second outage of the second period in the third ten-year interval.The attached Inservice Inspection summary tables detail the Inservice examinations performed during the outage.The attached NIS-2 forms list the repairs and replacement activities which have taken place since the previous Unit 3 submittal, as well as those performed during the 1998 refueling outage.The Examinations performed included: Primary nozzle inner radius UT examinations were performed on the"C" Steam Generator. t Augmented Feedwater Ultrasonic examinations were performed on the A, B and C Steam Generator FW nozzles, adjacent piping, and fittings.Accessible Reactor Vessel internal surfaces were visually examined along, with the Reactor Vessel flange surface.Also examined were selected components from the Reactor Coolant, Residual Heat Removal, Safety Injection, Waste Disposal, and Chemical and Volume Control systems.100-.of the A, B, and C Steam Generator tubes were Eddy Current tested.Visual examination and functional testing, of snubbers was performed in accordance with ASM'ection XI, as modified by Relief Request No.4, and Plant Technical Specifications. System Pressure testing was performed'n Quality, Group A, B, and C piping and components. The examinations performed exceed the minimum requirements for ISI examinations for this period. Ii FORM NIS-1 OWNERS'ATA REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS Page 1 of 7 1.Owner: 2.Plant: Florida Power and Light Company 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Florida Power&Light Company Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant 9760 SW 344 Street.Florida City, Florida 33035 3.Plant Vnit:~4~5.6.Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required)~Commercial Service Date National Board Number for Vnit: 7 Components Inspected: Component or A urtenance Reactor Pressure Vessel Steam Generator C Manufacturer or Installer Babcock and Wilcox Westinghouse Manufacturer State or or Installer Province Serial No.No.610-0116 j N/A 3PSRV1 16A-5885-3 '/A FSGT-3003 3E210C Nat'l Board No.N-160 N-776 Reactor Coolant Pump'C Regenerative Heat Exchan er Reactor Coolant S stem Safety Injection S stem Chemical and Volume Control S stem RHR S stem Main Feedwater S stem Westinghouse.Westinghouse Bechtel Bechtel Bechtel Bechtel'Bechtel 3P200C 3E200 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A:N/A'/A o Il 0 NIS-1 Report (continued) Page 2 of 7 2.3.4, 5.6.Owner: Florida Power 8 Light Company, 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Plant: Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, 9760 SW 344 Street, Florida City, Florida 33035 Plant Unit:~Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required)Comnercial Service Date: National Board Nwher for Unit: 8.Examination Dates: From to 9.Inspection Period Identification

Second Period 10.Inspection Interval Identification:

Third Interval, from 11.Applicable Edition of Section XI~39 Addenda~a~ 12.Date/Revision of Inspection.Plan: 13.Abstract of examinations and tests.Inservice Examinations of selected Class 1 and 2 components and piping systems of Florida Power and Light's (FPL)Turkey Point Unit 3 were performed during the 1998 Refueling Outage.This outage was the second outage of the second period in the third ten year interval.The 1998 outage began on September 21, 1998 and ended on October 28, 1998.The components and piping systems examined were selected in accordance with the Third Ten Year Inservice Inspection Program, which was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Section XI, 1989 Edition.Manual Ultrasonic, Visual, and Liquid Penetrant non-destructive methods were utilized to examine components, piping, and their supports.The examinations were performed in accordance with FPL NDE procedures, and supported by examiners supplied by Raytheon Engineers 2 Constructors. See the attached lnservice Inspection Summary for details of the examination scope and examination results.Eddy Current examinations on Steam Generators A, B, and C were conducted by ABB personnel from October 5, 1998 through October 8, 1998.A total of 9560 tubes were examined.One tube in the"B" Steam Generator,was preventively plugged during this outage due to mechanical wear at the adjacent anti-vibration bar.See the attached NIS-BB Report for examination scope and results. ~lb Ik e Report (continued) Page 3 of 7 Owner: Florida Power 8 Light Company, 700 Universe:Blvd. Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Plant: Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, 9760 SW 344 Street, Florida City, Florida 33035 Plant Unit:~Owner Certificate of Authorization (H required)Conmercial Service Date: National Board Number for Unit: Snubber functional testing and visual examinations were conducted in accordance with ASME Section XI and Turkey Point Technical Specifications as allowed under Relief Request number 4..Visual examination and functional testing services were supplied by'asic-PSA, Inc.One non-safety related snubber failed a hand strok'e during a visual examination, and also failed a subsequent functional test before being replaced.There were no snubber failures in the safety related visual, or functional test sample..See the attached Snubber Examination Report for examination scope and results.System Pressure testing was conducted by Turkey Point plant personnel and supported by Raytheon Visual examiners to ASME Section XI and applicable plant procedures. See the attached System Pressure Test Report for test boundaries and results.Approximately two-thirds of the scheduled examinations for the second period have been performed. The remainder of the second period examinations are scheduled for the next refueling outage.This meets or exceeds the requirements of Program B of ASME Section XI and applicable relief requests.14.,Abstract of Results of Examinations and Tests.C1a:~A-RPV B-N-1 Vessel Interior Visual examination was performed. There were no reportable indications noted.An Ultrasonic examination was performed on the"C" Steam Generator inlet and outlet nozzle inside radius sections."Also examined were the support structure, including the S/G integral attachments by VT-3, and the manway bolting by VT-1 method.There were no reportable indications noted.Eddy Current examinations were.performed on the tubing of the three Steam Generators. One tube in"B" Steam Generator was preventively plugged during this outage due to mechanical wear at the anti-vibration bar.The results of the examinations are detailed in the attached NIS-BB report. 0 0 , 2.3.4~5.6.NIS-1 Report (continued) Page 4 of 7 Owner: Florida Power&Light Company, 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Plant: Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, 9760 S'N 344 Street, Florida City, Florida 33035 Plant Unit:~Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required>Comnercial Service Date: National Board Number for Unit: An integral attachment on"C" RCP was examined with surface and visual methods.Rejectable linear indications, were recorded during the PT exam on the.3-RCP-C-L2-IA RCP"C" integral attachment (See section 15,"Abstract of Corrective Measures").There were no further reportable indications noted.A VT-3 visual examination was performed near the.beginning of the outage to examine the Regenerative HX for boric acid crystal accumulation and evidence of leakage.A VT-2 visual,,examination was performed during the system leakage test prior to startup to examine for evidence of leakage.There were no reportable indications noted.Reactor Coolant piping welds and one support were examined using surface, volumetric.'c, and visual, techniques. There were no reportable indications noted..Waste Disposal piping welds were examined using surface methods.There were no reportable indications noted..Safety Injection piping welds and supports were examined with volumetric, surface and visual methods.There were no reportable indications noted. 0 II 4I , Report (continued) Page 5 of 7 Owner: Florida Power&Light Company, 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Plant: Turkey Point Nuclear'Power Plant, 9760 SW 344 Street,, Florida City, Florida 33035 Plant Unit:~Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required)Comnercial Service Date: National Board Number for Unit: Residual Heat Removal piping welds and supports were examined using surface, volumetric and visual methods.A loose clamp bolt was recorded during the VT-3 exam of a support.In addition, arc strikes were found outside of the exam area during a piping PT exam (See section 15,"Abstract of Corrective Measures").There were no further reportable indications noted.Chemical and Volume Control piping welds were examined using surface techniques. Piping supports, components and pressure retaining bolting were examined visually.Two of the supports examined had rejectable conditions, and one of those resulted in a sample expansion (See section 15,"Abstract of Corrective Measures").Boric acid was observed during a visual exam of pressure retaining flange bolting (See section 15,"Abstract of Corrective Measures").There were no further reportable indications noted.Augmented ultrasonic examinations were performed.on areas from the nozzle ramp out to a point one pipe diameter on the upstream elbow on all three Feedwater lines inside containment. Previously recorded acceptable slag inclusions were noted during the exams.There were no reportable indications noted. 0 4l NIS-1 Report (continued) Page 6 of 7 2.Plant: Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, 9760 SW 344St 3.Plant Unit:~4.Owner Certificate of Authoritation (if required)6.Owner: Florida Power&Light Company, 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach, Florida 3340B rect, Florida City, Florida 33035 Cormercial Service Date: National'Board Number for Unit: 15.Abstract of Corrective Measures Boric acid accumulation was found at the flange gasket during a VT-1 examination of CVCS flange bolting.The flange gasket and bolting were replaced per Condition Report I 98-1406.Rejectable linear indications were found during a PT exam on the"C" RCP integral attachment. The indications were characterized as manufacturing flaws.The indications were then removed.and re-examined by PT per Condition Report I 98-1517.A bent rod was discovered during a VT-3 examination of a CVCS pipe support and was replaced per Condition Report I 98-1358.A sheared U-bolt was discovered during a VT-3 examination of a CVCS restraint and was replaced'ith a restraint of a different design per Condition Report I 98-1357.A sample expansion of seven additional supports was performed as part of the corrective actions within Condition Report I 98-1357 and in accordance with ASME Sect.XI, Para.IWF-2430.No further reportable conditions resulted from the examinations of the expansion selections. Two arc strikes were discovered outside of the examination area during the PT exam of a RHR piping weld.The,arc strikes were removed and re-examined per Condition Report g98-1437.A loose clamp bolt was found during a VT-3 examination, of a RHR system spring hanger.The clamp bolting of the spring hanger was replaced per Condition Report I 98-1405.One tube in"B" Steam Generator was preventively plugged during this outage due to mechanical wear at the adjacent anti-vibration bar.One non-safety related snubber failed a hand stroke during a visual examination, and also failed a subsequent functional test before being replaced.There were no snubber failures in the safety related visual, or functional test sample.Indications which exceeded the acceptance criteria were evaluated by FPL Engineering to determine acceptability for continued service.There were no conditions that were determined to be unacceptable for continued service, however as good practice, FPL chose to correct all indications that exceeded the Code acceptance criteria. 41 0 0 NIS-1 Report, (continued) Page 7 of 7 Florida'Power 8 Light Company, 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Plant: Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, 9760 SW 344 Street, Florida City, Florida 33035 Plant Unct:~Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required)Comnercial Service Date: National Board Number for Unit: We certify that a)the statements made in this report are correct, b)the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASHE Code, Section XI, and c)corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Certificate of Authorization No.Expiration Date A/A Date: Signed: By C~WW CERTIFICATE 'OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, and the State or Province of Dade County, Florida, and employed by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Massachusetts, have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9/21/98 to 10/28/98, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and tests and taken corrective measures described in the Owner's Data Report in accordance with the Inspection Plan and as required by the ASME Code, Section XI.National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements By signing this certificate, neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty,, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations, tests, and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 8'ZSa 8)nspector's 'S'ature Date: 0 TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 1998 REFUELING OUTAGE Form NIS-2 Owners'ata Report of Repairs and Replacements lpga il Abstract The attached NIS-2 reports detail the repair/replacement of Class 1, 2 and 3 piping and components for Florida Power and Light Company, Turkey Point Unit 3.These repairs or replacements were performed prior to and during the Fall 1998 refueling outage, between the dates of September 21, 1998 and October 28, 1998 Piping and components were inspected/tested in accordance with Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code"Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Components," 1989 Edition with no addenda.

Report No.97-032-3 97-033'-3 97-034-3 97-035;3 97-036-3 97-037-3 97-038-3'7-039-3 98-001-3 98-002-3 98-003-3 98-004-3 98-005-3 98-006-3 98-007-3 98-008-3 98-009-3 98-010-3 98-011-3 98'-012-3 98-013-3 98-014-3 98-015-3 98-016-3 98-017-3'8-018-3 98-01'9-3 98-020-3 98-021-3 98-022-3 Date ,07/29/97 11/12/97 11/19/97 11/i9/97 11/19/97 Number not used ii/19/97 12/08/97 02/02/98 02/23/98 02/23/98 02/23/98 02/27/98 02/23/98 04/20/98 08/25/98 10/06/98 10/10/98 10/23/98 10/20/98 10/13/98 10/20/98 10/29/98 10/20/9810'/20/98 10/18/98 11/05/98 10/20/98 10/20/98 10/22/98 0 Report No.98-023-3 98-024-3 98-025-3 98-026-3 98-027'-3 98-028-3 98-029-3 98-030-3 98-031-3 98-032-3 98-033-3 98-034-3 98-035-3 98-036-3 98-037-3 98-038-3 98-039-,3 98-040-3 98-041-3 98-042-3 98-043-3 98-044-3~Date 10/30/98 10/20/98 10/24/98 10/22/98 10/22/98 11/17/98 10/21/98 10/22/98 10/29/98 3.0/24/98 10/29/98~10/29/98 10/29/98 10/29/98 10/29/98 11/02/98 10/29/98 10/29/98 10/29/98 10/29/98 10/30/98 11/17/98 iCI 0 f J 4l FORK NIS-2 OMIERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As'Required by the Provisi'ons of the ASKE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 07 29 97 700 Universe Blvd.Jwm Beach Fl.33COB Address Sheet of 2 2.'Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PNO¹:63/8811 QO¹: 96022774 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair'Organization P.O.No.,Job Ko.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida Power 8Li ht Name P.O.Box C332 Princeton Fl.33032 Address.Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ko.Expiration Date N A N A N A 4.Identification of System: COMPONENT COOLING llATER System¹: 30 Quality Group: C 5~(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,'NA Addenda,~NA Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edition,~NA Addenda,~NA Code Case 6.Identification of Conyonents Repaired or Replaced, and Replacement Conponents Name of~Component Name of Nanufacturer IManufacturerI Kational I I.Serial Mo.Board Other Ident I f i cat i on IYear I Repaired I ASKE I IguiltI Replaced or I Code I I Replacement ISteny I I I/~Yes Se IHEAVY HEX NUTS I 320 3 4" IHEAVY HEX HUTS I 100 1-1 8 IN/A IM/A ITHREADED ROO 3/4" ,IN/A I160 STUDS FABRICATEO IBOLTP SOUARE HEAD I 20 1 1 8N ITHREADED RCO 1-1/8" IN/A I20 STUDS FABRICATED IN/A IN/A IN/A IM/A IN/A IN/A IUTC¹409358 IN/A IUTC¹'409356 'IM/A'IUTC¹409357 ,IK/A IUTC¹406543 IN/A IUTC¹409288.IUMK I Replacement I No IUHK IReplacement IMo IUNK IReplaccttlcAt IMo IUMK IReplacement INo IUNK IReplacement INo 7..Description of Nork: REPLACED BOLTIMG ON COMPONENT COOLING MATER HEAT EXCHANGER PTC4.3E207C 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pnaznet ic: Kcminal Operating Pressure pressure~s s ts Test Tsessersture u e~F 97-032-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORK NIS-2 (Baclk)9.Remarks: KECHANICAL CONNECTION NO QELOING REOUIRED CFRT IF,I CATE OF COKPLIANCE lie certify that the statceents made in the report are cokrec't aM this replacement conforms to<<he rules of the ASKE Code, Section XI.Type Code Syahoi Steep Certificate Signed Authoripat'ion Noi~~NA c/I/D$Q~~jj~Q~, Owner or IhsM/r's Oesignee, Title I Expiration Date Date@Q', 19 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I I I, the undersignLM, holding a valid ccxanission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Presaura Veasel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and eeployed by Arkwright Kutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ka.have inspected the components described in this Owners R'eport during the period~Q/15~/97~tb 07/28/97 and state that to the;best of my 4mwledge and belief, the Owner has perform<examilnations and taken corrective measures describexl in this owners Report in a'ccor'dance with the requirements of lhe hsKL code,'Section XI~I By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his e'mpioyer makes any warranty, expr'essk ok implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner,'s Report.'ur'the'rmor'e, neither the Inspector nor his eayloyer shall be liable'in c'>ny imanrmr for any personal InJury o'r pr'ope'rty '.damage or a loss of any kird arising from or connected with th'is inspection. Ins ctors igna'ture Comni ssi ons,, NB 823~0~NI~Natiorel Board, State, Providerx:e, and E+5orsements Oa 19 97-032-3 FORM NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPL'ACEMENTS As of the ASME Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 11 12 97 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl'.'33408 Address Sheet'1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit 3 PWO¹:63/1924 lJO¹: 97003235 9760 Su'3C4 Street Florida Cit Fl'.33035 Address Repair Organization P;O.Ho.,Job Ho.,etc 3.Uork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Name s P.O.Box 4332 Princeton Fl.33032 Address Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A 4.Identification of System: Intake Coolin Hater S stem System¹: 19 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1'955 Edition, NA Addenda,~N A Code Case (b)Applicable Edition'of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edition,~NA Addenda,~NA Code Case 6.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component)GATE VALVE I IGATE VALVE Name of ,Manufacturer IJEHKINS iJEHKINS Other Identification IN/A e[N/A ,IH/A I3-50-354 IH/A$.I3-50-354 (Manufacturer(National J Serial No.Board I (Year (Repaired/ASME]guilt/Replaced or/'ode//Replacement (Stamp/I I/~res se (1991]Replaced (Ho (1997)Replacement [No 7.Description of Uork: REPLACE VALVE 3-50-35C-DRAIN VALVE TO CCU HX"C" INLET IIATER BOX 03-ICU-1965-L-03 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-2 Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure X Pressure~5 ig Test Teaperature 78 oF 97-033-3 Sheet 2 of 2 l!i IFORHI NIS 2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNANICAL CONNECTION NO IVELDING PER,FORHED. CERT I IF I CATE OF GDHPLIANCE Me certify that thc statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rul,es bf the'SHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Signed Cert if icate o Authorizatibn No.~NA Owner or Own&I's D~esi!ynce, TitLe Expiration Date A l)ate 4~/ŽI I 1p P'7 CERTIFICATE OF Ih!SERVICE INSPECTIOl'I I, the undersigned, holding a valid comnisslon issued Iby the Ii!ational Board of Boiier and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or province of Dad'e County.and ovytoyed by Arkwright Hutuat!insurance Ckxnpany bf Norwood, Ha.have InsFected the components described in this Owners Report durilng the period D2/C4/97 to 11/12/97 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures descril~in this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASHE CodeSection XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or inpiied, concerning the e,i<aminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furtheraere, neither the Inspector nor his ecpioyer shall be liable-in~ any manner for any personat injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with t'his'ns'pection'. Inspect rs Si+gr ture Commissionk it!B Hl230,~N,~I National Board, State, Providence, ahd I!ndoI'secjcnts D e I 97-033-3 FORH NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHEHTS As Roquirod~~e.Provisions of, the ASHE Code Section XI 1.OMner Florida Power&Li ht Date 11 19 97 700 Universe Blvd.Jum Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet..1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PWO¹:63/6488 WO¹: 94030848 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035'A Address Repair Organization P.O.Ho.,Job No.,etc 3;Work Performed by'Florida Pouer&Li ht Name 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization.Ho. Expiration Date N A H A N A Address 4.Identification of System: S nt Fuel Pit Cooli S stem System¹: 33 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ,831.1 1955 Edition, NA Addenda,~N A Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989'Edition,~NA Addenda,~NA Code Case 6.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Nanufacturer (Kanufacturer) National]Serial No.Board Other Identif ication lYear I Repaired I ASNE I)Built)Replaced or)Code f)Replacement ']Stamp f I I Yes No iHEAVY HEX NUT (1), N/A IN/A IH/A ISTOCK CODE 278221 JUNK (Replacement No e 7.Description of Work: Re laced to bonnet nut on valve 3-798A.'nesetic: Nominal Operating Pressure pressure Nrrs sts Test Turpereture u A'F 97-034-3 Sheet 2 of 2 0 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9..Remarks: HECNANICAL CONNECTION NO uELOING".REOUIRED. CERTIFICATE'OF COHPLIANCE I'Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules ofthe ASHE Code, Section XI.~Type Code Symbol Stamp N 8.Certificate, of uthorization No.~N A'-Expiration Date N A-$]gned~cKrp~~p a~R,g,+&i f~~s~Date~+V 8','19 p7, OMner o thawer's OFsigree, Tit(e CERTIFICATE OF INSERVI CE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid coamission issued by the National Board of Boiler and.pressureiVessei i inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employed by Arksiright Hutual Insurance Compariy of~NorMood, Ha.have inspected the cccpawnts described in this,ONneds R~rt 4>ring the period 12'/08/94 i to 11/19/97 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the OMner has performed examinstiions~ and taken corrective measures described in this Ihners;Report in aecordanee Nith the requirements of the ASHE~Code, Section XI.By signing this;certificate neither the Inspector norihis capt'ayers',makes any uarranty, expressed or Ispiied, concerning the examinaticns and corrective measures described in this Ovner's Report..fur~thermore, neither the Inspector rer his,employer shall be, liable in;any manrier for any personal injury or property~'damage or a.loss of any kird aiiising fred or connected with this i~nspection. Inspectors Sipyr ure Camniisslons HII82'$0 N National Board, State, Providence, and'ndorsenerits Date 19 Qp 97.-034-3 FORM NIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMEHI'S As Required~the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 11 19 97 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet>1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Uni t PMO¹:63/1762 PCM¹: '97-002'O¹: 95017287 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Hane 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address Type Code Symbol Stan@Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 4.Identification of System: Intake Cooli Mater stem System¹: 19 Quail ty Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition, NA Addenda,~NA Code Case (b)Applicable, Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edition,~NA Addenda,~NA Code Case 6.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement, Components, Name of Component Name of Manufacturer)Manufacturer [Serial Ho.National)Board Other Identification [Year f Repaired f ASME f (Builtf Replaced'or /Code//Replacement)Stamp/~esrese ITHREADED ROO F40 STUDS FABRICATED IHEAVY HEX NUT (80)H/A H/A iN/A[H/A[H/A IH/A I TK'CODE 220689 414058 I STK CODE 027842 413848 UNK]Replacement ]Ho]STK CODE 204C3612044361.UHK Replacement No&295031 7.Description of Mork: ADDED VALVE 3-50-382 MODIFIED SUPPORT 8045-H-172-11 REMOVED THE INTERNALS OF VALVE 3-50-360.AND ABONDONED THE VALVE BODY IN PLACE.LEAKAGE TEST PERFORMED UNDER 03-ICMe1995-L-OI. 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-2 Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure X Pressure~5 'ig Test Temperature 78~F 97-035-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FOIRH NIIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNANICAL CONNECTION'O llELDING REOUI RED.CERTI F I CATE OF COHPLIANCE Me certify that the ststersents made in the report sre correct snd this repiscerrent conforrtrs to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI~Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization'No. IN~A Own r or Ownerls De.ignee, f itis CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE IliSPIECTION I, the undersigned, holding s vslicl cormission issued by their National Board of Boiler and PressUre'Vesael'nspectors and the state or province of Dade Crxx>ty and empioyrxi by Arkwright Hutusl Insurance Company of'orwood, Ha.have inspected the corporents descriibed in this Owners Report during the period 06/24/97 to 11/19/97 and state that to the best of my'nowledge and balief, the Owner hss performed eXaminsti'ons'and taken corrective measures.described in this Owners Report in ar!cordsnde with the requirements of the A'SHE'Code, Section XI.By signing this certiificste neither the Inspector nor hi's errylo'yer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the exatrrinstions and correctiive,measurea described in this Ihrner's Report.Furtherrsora, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in alny msnnar for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or conrw.cted with'his-inspection. Inspe 6rs gnature Comnissions NB 823~ON~I~I NatIionhi'oard, State, Providence, and Endorsrments 19 Z 97-035-3 FORH NIS-2 OMHERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Po~er&Li ht Name 700 Universe.Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408-Address Date Sheet-.1 11 19 97 of 2 2.Plant Turks Point Plant Unit PMO¹:63/0160 MO¹: 96025230 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit.Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Name 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address Type Code Symbol Stsap Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 4~Identification of System: C t Cooli Mater S stem System¹: 30 Duality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition, NA Addenda,~N A Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edition,~NA Addenda,~NA Code Case 6.Identification of Conponcnts Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Cceponcnts Name of Component HEAVY HEX HEAD CAP SCREM 4 Name of Hanufacturer N/A iH/A IN/A)Hsnufsctureri National i Serial Ho.Board Repaired I ASHE I Replaced or i Code i Replacement ]Steep)JYesreu iUHK Replacement iHo STK CODE 992553 Other iyear Identification iBui lt 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED 4 NUTS ON IHLET DOOR OF COHPOHENT COOLING MATER HEAT EXCHANGER>>8>>.8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure preeeure~MA TN Teat Teetetreture N A'F 97.036-3 Sheet 2 of 2 iO FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNANICAL CONNECTION NO MELDINB REOUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE lie certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacerent conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No., N~l A Signed Owne or Own(&s Designfe, Title Expiration Date 19~+CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned,.holding a valid corrmission issued by'ha Nation'al Board of Boiler and pressure Vessel'nspectors and the state or Province of Dade County,and employed by Arkwriight Hutual Insurance Company of'orwood, Ha.have inspected the ceqxments descriibed in this Owners Report during the period 09/26/96'o'1/19/97 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the (hawr has performe9 examinati'ons'and'aken corrective measures described in this Owners Report in accorcfance with the recpirements of the ASHE Code, Section XI~By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or~iapiied, concerning 'the examinatiam and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furthenmore, neither the Inspector nor h'is employer shall be liable in ai~manner for any personal inJury or pr*perty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or conrected with this inspectice. Inspec rs S nature Ccamissions,, NB,B23D~N~I'ational Board, State, Providence, and Endorsements 119 97-036-3 FORH NIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR'EPLACEHENTS As Required~-the-Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 11 19 97 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PWO¹:63/1350'CH ¹: 94-096 WO¹: 9C003086 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mark.Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Name 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ho.Expiration Date N A N A 4.Identification of System: Intake Coolin Hater S stem System¹: 19 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition, MA Addenda,'~N A Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized, for Repairs or Replacements 19S9 Edition,~MA Addenda,~HA Code Case 6.Identification of Cceyonents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Meme of.(Hanufacturer(National Hanufacturer 'Serial No.'Board Other Identification '(Year (Repaired (ASHE ('Built(Replaced or (Code ('(Replacement (Sesame (~rue e PIPE SPOOL (N/A (N/A (N/A STK CODE 1951271 (UNK (Replacement No ITHREADEO ROD I 80 STUDS FABRICATEO IH/A IN/A IH/A (STOCK CODE 295071 (UMK (Replacement (No (HEAVY HEX NUT (40 (PIPE PLUG 2 IN/A IH/A (N/A IH/A IH/A IN/A (STOCK CODE 278611 (UMK (Replacement (No (STK CODE 337661, 349691 (UNK (Replacement (No 7.Description of Mork: VALVE CV-3-2202 REHOVED AND REPLACED.WITH PIPE SPOOL PIECE PER PCH 94-096.'EAKAGE TEST PERFORHED'UNDER 03-IClJ-1921-L-03. S.Tests Conducted: 'ydrostatic: Pneunstic: Hominal Operating Pressure X Preeeure~a ig Test Temperature ~F 97-038-3 Sheet 2 of 2 0 FORM NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNANICAL CONNECTION NO llELDING REOUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct~and~ this rLpiacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp.~ll A Certificate f Authorization No.Signed N~A d A/A S r~dAA P k Owne or Owns's Designee, Title'Expiration Date AAAA mA~A+~A CERTIFICATE lOF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the'ndersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nakiodl Board of Boiiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employed by'rkwright Hutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the components described in this Owners Report dur ing the period 09/16/95'o'1/19/9/ and state that to the best of my knowledge and beiiief, the Owner has performed examiriatikns and taken corrective measures descr,ibed in this Osrners Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASHE Coda, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor hisI~loyier rakes any warranty, eXpreased or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measureS deacribed'in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the, inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any Icind ariising from or connected with~thik irIspedtion. Ins ctors ignature Conaissium,,NB 8230~M~I Natiionai Board, State, Providence, and ErxkIrsehenIIs 97-038-3 0 FORM NIS-2 OHHERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS'OR REPLACEMENTS As Required~the&rovisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 12 08 97 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet~1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Uni t 3 PHO¹:63/4845 lJO¹: 97018298 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Nork Performed, by Florida Power&Li ht Name 9760 SN 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date H A H A N A 4.Identification of System: Intake Cooli Hater S tern System¹: 19 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition, NA Addenda,~HA Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI.Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edition,~HA Addenda,~NA Code*Case 6.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Coaponents Name of Component AGATE VALVE I Name of Manufacturer Other Identification IJENKINS VALVE IN/A IN/A (3-50-367]Manufacturer(National[)Serial No.Board[Year[Repaired f ASME (]Built(Replaced or (Code J J.Replacement ]Stamp f I V~es Vo 1991.[Replaced No AGATE VALVE IJENKINS VALVE IN/A'N/A I3-50-367 (1997)Replacement [No 7.Description of Norkt REPLACE VALVE 3-50-367 DUE TO EXCESSIVE SEAT LEAKAGE.LEAKAGE TEST PERFORMED UNDER PRESSURE TEST 03-1N-1903-L-02. 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-2 Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure X Pressure 14~ig Test Temperature 67~F 97-039-3 Sheet 2 of 2~O FORM HIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: MECHANICAL CONNECTION No uELDIHG REauIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp H A Certificate of Authorization No.~N A Signed 5i+/dn.-d~p~.wr AA~~Owner or Owner'a~Des~inca, Title Expiration Date Dat N'A CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid comnission issued by.the National Board of Boiler and pressure~vessel~inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employed by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ma.have.inspected the ccapoi~ts described in this 04neds Rapport during the period 08/07/97'o 12/08/97 and state that to the best of my knowi.edge and belief, the~ir has performed examinations and taken corrective measures clescribed in this (owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the AsME code,~(Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his ehyldyer~makes any warranty, expressed-or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his enpioyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property'amage or a loss of any kirxi arising from or connected. with this inspection. In ors nature Conmiissions, H'2'N I National Board, State, Providerice, and Endoraements Date 97-039-3 FORM r HIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS.OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 02 02 98 700 Universe'Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408'ddress Sheet~1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Nate Unit PWO'¹:69/6167 WO¹: 97026548 CR¹: 96-1374 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.Ko.,Job No.,etc 3.Work Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Name 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Type Code.Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A K A Address 4.Identification of Systemt Intake Coolin Water S stem r System¹: 19 Quality Group: C 5.(a)'Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition, NA Addenda,~H A Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edition,~N A Addenda,~N A Code Case 6.Identification of Cotponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ~/I ,Name of Component Name of Manufacturer IManufactureri'National I Serial'No. Board Other Identification IYear I Repaired I ASME I IBuilti Replaced or I Code I I Replacement Istamp I I iYesrege IM 196 6 N/A ,IN/A'iN/A ilCW PIPE SUPPORT IN/A IRepaired INo 7.Description of Work: MODIFY SUPPORT¹M-196-6 TO EXCLUDE WATER INTRUSION. 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pnetgtatic: Hominal Operating Pressure Other VT-3 pressure~u S tg Tese resgerseure HA oF 98-001-3 Sheet 2 of 2'IFORMI NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL WELDING PERFORHED IN ACCORDANCE LIITH APPROVED PlLANT PR6CE6UREC.~

'ERTII-ICATE OF COHPLIANICE Me certify that the statements made ini the report are correct and this repair conforms to the'ui.cs bf the'SHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Starry~NA Signed Certificate of Authorization No.~N A 3 c~/~~Owner r Owncrrs esignee, Tiltle<~~~~~~iiace~~~~~n

19 Q<P 98-001-:3 FORM NIS-2 OMHERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required~~he Provisions of the ASME Code Section'XI 1;Ih<<M.r Florida Power&Li ht Date 02 23 98 700 Universe'Blvd. Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet i 1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Uni t 0'PMO.¹: 69/6551 MO¹98003962 01 CR¹:98.0276 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type'Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Emer enc Feedbfater S tom System¹: 75 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 T955 Edftfon,~NA Addenda,~uA cade case 8 (b)Applicable Edition of section xi Utilized for Repairs or Replsceaents 1989 Edftfon,~HA" Addenda,~HA coda case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Corponent Name of iManufacturer Manufacturer i Serial No.National Board Other Identification I I Yes No iYear i Repaired i ASHE i iBuilti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement)Staap i 80117-H-334-11 IN/A H/A AFM PIPING SUPPORT JN/A iReplaced No Description of Mork: REPLACE CLAMP BOLTING NUT UTC¹396923 AHD ALL THREAD UTC¹415246 ON PIPE SUPPORT 80117-K-334-11. i Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-3 Pneunst i c: Nominal Operating Pressure N A~F Pressure~@ A ig Test Tecpersture 98-002-3 Sheet 2 o)f 2 FORH NIS.2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECHANICAL-CONNECTION NO M=LDING REQUIRED CERTIF I CATE OF MiPLIANCE Me certify that the statements amde in the report are correct and this~replacement conforms to<<he rules of tHe ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Staap Certificate f Authorization No.~NA Expiration Date Signed 4rA~~pihM~~.Date~+~Owner or Owre's Designe, Title~N A'9'+CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid coamission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesseb inspectors and the state or Province of Dade Cumty and eqployed'by Arkwright Kutual Insurance Company,-of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the ccayonents described in this C~rs Report during the period 02/17/98~to 02/19/98 and'state that to the best<>f my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations an'd taken corrective measures describxl in this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the iASHE Code, Section'Xl. I By signing this certificate nowhither the Inspector.nor hfs eeployer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described'is this (amer's Report.Ful thdrmoie, neither the Inspector nor his eapioyer shall be liable in any ma+mr for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or corrected with thiis inspection. Ins ors S nature Dst~HZ 19 FP Comnissions, NB 82~30'N~I National Board, State, Providence, and Endoraements 98-002-3i FORM NIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the.Provisions of the ASNE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 02 23 98 700 Universe Blvd.Jwm Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet n 1 of.2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit 3 PMO¹: 69/6555 MO¹: 98003962 02 CR¹:98-0276 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job'No.,etc .Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Mo.Expiration Date M A N A M A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification, of System: Emer enc Feedwater S stem System¹: 75 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1'1955 Edition,~ua Addenda,~ua code casa lu>Applfcaule Editian of section xi utillted for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edftfan,~ll A Addenda,~ll A code case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Coaponents Name of Carpcfnent Name of (Manufacturer Manufacturer (Serial No.National, (Board Other Identification (Year I Repaired (ASNE ((Built(Replaced or (Code ((Replacement (Stamp (I I Y~es Eo (80117-H-334-12 I (80117 H 334 13 IN/A (N/A (H/A (N/A'N/A (AFll PIPING'SUPPORT (N/A (AFM PIPING SUPPORT (N/A (Replaced Mo (N/A (Replaced (No Descriptionfof Mark: REPLACED PIPE CL'ANP BOLTING NUTS UTC¹370708&ALL THREAD UTC¹415246 ON SUPPORT 80117-H-334-12. REPLACED PIPE CLAMP UTC¹334081 PIPE CLAMP BOLTIMG NUT UTC¹370708&ALL THREAD UTC¹415246 AND'SPHERICAL BEARING UTC¹406950 ON SUPPORT 80117-H-334-13. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-3 Pneunat i c: Nominal Operating Pressure Pressure~u A iE Test Teaperature E A~F 98.003-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORN HIS"2 (IBack)9.Remarks: NECNANI CAL CONNECT IOlk hIO MIELD ING'ZEOUIIRED. CERTIFICATE OF COI4PLIAHCIE Ne certify that the statenents nlade in the report are correct and this replacement confotans to the irules of th'ASNE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No.~NA sisnat dW+g+~~4 DgA'l~Owner o Owre~r s DeYignee, Title'xpiration Date N A CERTIFICATE OF IHSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hofidfng a valid cimnfssfon issued by the NatieMl Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesseb inspectors and the state or Province of Dade Cax)ty and employed by'Arkwt ight Nutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Na.have inspected the compceents dlescribed in th'is Owners s Report during the perfod 02/Iy/98o 02/17/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the OwIer has Iperformwf examfnationn and taken corrective measures described in this Owners: Report'in accordance with the requirements of the ASNE Code, Section XI~By signing this certfffcate neither the Inspector nor his enployer malkes any warranty, expressed or inplied, concerning the examfretfons and corrective measures clescrfbed in this Ctwner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his etployer shall be liable in any~manner ~for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fran or cemected wftIh this inspection. umInspect rs S iturie'onmissions, N 8'N I National Board, State, Providence, and Endorsements 'Date o2.PF'8-083-3 0 FORM NIS-2 ONHERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required~the.Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Po~er&LI ht Date 02 23 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of'2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit 3 PMO¹: 69/6563 IJO¹: 98003962 03 CR¹:98-0276 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Name Type Code Syffhol Stomp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 4.Identification of System: Emer enc Feedwater S stem System¹: 75'Juality Group: C 1955 Editicn,~NA Addenfs,~@A Code Csee (8>Applicable Edition of Rection Rl utillted for Rcpeirs or Rcplecenents 1989 Edition,~gs Adfendo,~HA code csee J Identif ication of CJJJponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Manufacturer (Manufacturer) National[Serial No.Board I Other Identification IYear Repaired)ASME)[Built Replaced or)Code[(Replacement)StaJJJp[I Jt~es Eo[80>>7-H-334-07 I (80>>7-H-334-08 I)80>>7-H-334-09 N/A IN/A IN/A IH/A (H/A IH/A IAFM PIPING SUPPORT fN/A)AFll PIPING SUPPORT)N/A'AFN PIPING SUPPORT K/A)Replaced)No JK/A)Replaced iNo/H/A)Replaced)Ho Description of Morkt REPLACED PIPE CLAMP UTC¹334081 AHD PIPE CLAMP BOLTING NUTS UTC¹370708&ALL THREAD UTC¹415246 ON SUPPORT'0>>7-H-334-07. REPLACED PIPE CLAMP UTC¹334081 AND PIPE CLAMP BOLTING NUTS UTC¹370708&ALL THREAD O'IC¹415246 ON SUPPORT 80>>7-H-334-08. REPLACED PIPE CLAMP BOLTING NUTS UTC¹370708&ALL THREAD UTC¹415246 AND SPHERICAL BEARING UTC¹406590 ON SUPPORT 80>>7-H-334-09. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-3 Pnemmt ic: Nominal Operating Pressure pressure~g A ig Test Tespersture H A F 98-004-3 Sheet 2 of 2 Cl FORH 14IS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNANICAL CONNECTION NO MELDING REQUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ne certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms<<o the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp N A Certificate of uthorization Ko.~NA Expiraticn Date gf Signed Jg/cd~CQ~0'kir~a~~~c'5 2>Owner o Owrer's Designee, Title N'A'9'ERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid ccemission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pres!ure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade Ccxnty and eapioyed by Arkwr igh't Mutual Insurance Catpany of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the components descr ibex'n this Owners Report during the period 02/17'/98'o 02/19/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the'Owner has pcrforaxxl examiinations and taken corrective measures descrihxi in this iDwners Report in accordance with the reluirements of the ASHE Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neiither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures desc<ibed in this Owner's Report.Fukthe!rmoke, neither the Inspector nor his empl!oyer shall be liable in any manrwr for any persormi injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or corrected with this!inspection. /7 Cannissions' NB 825~0~4 Inspec ors S ture Ma'tional Board, State, Providence, and Endorsemeats Datp,p 98.004-3 FORH>NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required~the.Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 02 27 98 700 Universe Bl'vd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet~1 of 2~2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit 3 PWO¹: 69/6539 WO'¹: 98003759 01 CR¹:98.0276 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc Work Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Name Type Code Syahol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Emer enc Feedwater S tern System¹: 75 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1055 Edition,~NA Addenda,~NA code case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs.or Replacements 1989 Edition,~NA Addenda,N416-1 Code Case Identification of'omponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component I Name of Hanufacturer iHanufactureri National i Serial No.Board N/A i iAFll PIPING.8 SUPPORTS, iN/A IN/A N/A Other Identification iYear iBuilt I I IN/A Repaired i ASHE i Replaced or i Code i Replacement iStamp i iYesreao Replaced iHo Description of Work: REPLACED 90 SECTION OF 2" PIPING UTC¹376381 30'ECTION OF 2" PIPING'l ELBOW UTC¹409259 ELBOW UTC¹410531'VALVE AFSS-016 UTC¹405485 2 COUPLINGS UTC¹378120 2 COUPLINGS UTC¹413702 AND 5 HANGER STRAPS UTC¹414393 FOR H-01 H-02 H-03 H-04 8 H-05.PRESSURE TEST PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03-AFW-7557-L-01. 'Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Other VT-2 3 Sressore~glg ig Hominal Operating Pressure Test Temperature 467~F 98-005-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL WELDING PERFC)RHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FPL WEL C NTR L NUAL~.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statenents made in the report are correct arKI this replacement confonas to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Signed Certificate of uthori a)ion No.~N A Expiration Date~~Owner or Owner's Designee, Title N A CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid cermission issued by tHe National'oard of Boiler and pressure Vessels inspectors and the state or province of Dade C~)nty and employed by A'rkwright Hutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the compaeents d'escribed in this Owners.Report during the period 02/18/98~t~o 02/19/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge.and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures describ<in this owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the iASHE Code,~Section XI.I By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examirw)tions and corrective measures described in this ()wner's Report.Fui'thdrmoi'e, neither the Inspector r)or his employer shall be liable in any~manner'for any personal injury or property damage or a Loss-of any kind'arisfng from or coax)ected with thiis inspect'ion. rP Inspect rs S iture Cermisslons NB 8230~M~I National Board, State, Providence, and Endorsementsi 98-OD5-3 0 FORH'NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Name Date 02 23 98 2~Plant 700 Universe-Blvd. Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Turke Point Plant Sheet~1 Uni t of 2 PMO¹: 69/6553 MO¹: 98003759 02 CR¹:98-0276 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc~'Work Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Syshol Stnap Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A'N A 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Emer enc Feedwnter S stem System¹: 75 Quality Group: C'e (a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1555 gdrttee,~HA Address,~HA cede case (b)Applicable Edition'of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edition,~HA Addenda,NC16-1 Code Case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component'Name of Hanufacturer Hanufnctureri Hational Serial Ko.Board Other Identification I Year I Repaired I ASHE iguiiti, Replaced or,i Code i Replacenent (Stamp IST-49 H/A N/A I'Yes Ho STRAP OH H-04 iN/A)AFSS-015, PIPING, SUPPORT iH/A)Replacement No Description of Mork: REPLACE 6'ECTION OF 2" PIPING UTC¹407118 UPSTREAH AND DOMHSTREAH OF AFSS-015 VALVE AFSS-015 UTC¹405485 1 FLAT HANGER STRAP UTC¹414393 ON H-04 AHD 1 COUPLING UTC¹413702.PRESSURE TEST PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03-AFM-7557-L-01. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunat i c: Other VT-2 3 eressere~atg 15 Nominal Operating Pressure Test Teaperature 467~F 98-006-3 Sheet',2 of 2~li FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL WELDING PERFORHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FPL WELD CO TR L HANUAL~CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE We certify that the statejjjents made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI'ype Code Symbol Stamp Certificate o Authori tion Noe N~A Expiration Date Signed.~@.~d~~~~.'~~'ate<<X~~Owner r Ownerrs Designee,'Title N'A'9'7P" CERTIFICATE OF INSIERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid cajjljji!sion issued by'he'Natiojwji Board of Boiler and Presaure'easel' inspectors and the state or province of Dade County and.employed by Arkwright Hutual, Insurance Cospany of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the cojjjporjents described in this Oknerjs Rhjport during the period 02/17/98 to 02/19/98 and state that to the be.t of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perforjjxd examinationS and taken corrective measures described in this Owners.Report in accordance with the requirements of<<he ASHG Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his ejljpldyer makes any Warranty, expressod ot implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the.inspeotor mr his erptoyer shall be liable in any raanner for any personal injury or property I damage or a'toss of any kind arising fran or connected with'his inspection. Inspec Signature Conmi ssions,, NB, 823~ON~I National Hoard, State, Providence, and Endordemejjjts 'Dot~W 98-006-3 FORM NIS 2 OWNERS REPORI'OR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI l.Owner Florida Po~er&Li ht Date 04 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Name Unit 3 PWO¹: 63/7530 WO¹: 97026573 01 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc.Work Performedeby Florida Power&Li ht Name Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: CVCS Char in&Letdo~n S stem System¹: C7 Qual'ity Group: B 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~us Addenda,~uA code Ease (8)Applfoaula Edition of section Xi utillted for Repairs or Replaoanents f989 Edition,~g A Addenda,~u A Code Case 6.Identification of Components Repaired'or 'Replaced and Replacement Coaponents I3P201A Name of Component Other Identification IUHIOH PUHPSE INC IH/A IH/A ICHARGING PUHP aAw Name of iHanufactureri National Manufacturer (Serial Ho.i Board iYear (Repaired i ASHE i igu3lti Replaced or i Code,i/Replacement iStamp i I I i~tea Ro (N/A iReplaced iHo>.Description, of Work: REPLACED FLUID CYLINDER'ASSEMBLY 0070887 8 STUDS 0041092 AND 16 NUI'S 0039198 ON THE INLET FLANGE 2 STUDS 0204C36 ON THE OUTLET FLANGE.PRESSURE TESTING PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE 03-CVCS-4761-L-02. 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-2 Pneunatict Nominal Operating Pressure 89 pressure~2358 sig Test Tarpersture 'F 98-007-3 Sheet 2 of 2~O FORM,HIIS.2 (Back)9.Remarks: MECHANICAL COHhlECTIOH NO WELDING REOUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIAHCE we certify that the statements matfe iin the report aire correct"and'hi's replacement conforms tai the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate f Author zatiion No.Signed N(A~NA Expiration Date II D.t.Owner or Owner's Designei, Title CERTII'ICATE OF IiNSERVICE INISPECTION I, the undersigned, hcilding a valid comission issued by the National*Board of Boiler and Pressuii e Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and~layed by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Coapbny'of'orwood, Ma.have inspected)the cowimnents descrited in this Owners Report during the period 03/'l1/98 to 03/26/98 and state that to the best of'y knowledge and beliefthe Amer ha.performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owiners Report in accordance with the requires!ents of the ASME Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor'his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examiinations and corrective measures'es'cribed 'in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury.or iproperty damage or a loss of ahy kind arising free or connected wi'th this'nspection. 7 Inspec ors S nature ns , NB 8230~M~l Natiionai. Board, state, providence, and Fndorsements Date 19~5+98-007-3 0 FORM NIS-2'OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As RequirM&y~&xovisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 08 25 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33C08 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PWO¹: 63/90C3 WO¹: 98014640 01 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 (3.Work Performed by Address I, Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ho.Expiration Date H A H A N A Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,ctc 9760 SW 34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification, of System: CVCS Char in 8 Letdown S stem System¹: C7 Quality Group: B 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code.1955 Edition,~uA Addenda,~sA code csee (b>Applicable Edition of section'xi utilitcd for.Repairs or Replacements 1989'Edftion,~m A Addenda,~m A code case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component I CYLINDER FLUID ASSEMBLY I Name of Hanufacturer N/A)Manufacturers National i i Serial No.Board iYcar i Repaired J ASHE)iguilt)Replaced or i Code i i Replacement)Stamp i I I iYe~feuo Other Identification [N/A]N/A i3P2018 UTC¹419287)UNK.iReplaccd]No 7.Description of Work: REPLACED CHARGING PUHP 39201B CYLINDER FLUID ASSEHBLY..Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pncunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure X Other VT-2 a pressure~2350 is Test Temperature 103 DF 98-008-3 Sheet 2 of 2 I IFORHI NIS-2 (Back)9..Remarks: HECNANICAL CONNECTIiO~NNO WELDING REOUIRI=D. CEIRTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report sre corrcrt and this replacement cionforms to thc rules of thc ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp~.~owner owns's DesigneeTitle Certificate of uthoriz~tiain No.~NA siiinal&l..+~1~&2 8g~/4~4'Expli.stion Date N~A CERT IF ICATI-: OF INSERVICE INSPECI'ION I, the undersigned, holiding a valid conmission issued b'y the N'atidnal Board of Boiler snd Pres'surt. Veascl, inspectors snd the state or Province of Dade County and em'pio)'ied by I'irkwright Hutusl Insurance Colnpahy o'Norwood, Ha.have inspected thie cenponents described in this Owners Report during the period 07/29/98'o 08/18/98 and state that tai the best of my knowledge and belief, thc Owner has performed extnninstions and taken corr'ective,measures. desarib<in this Owners IRep'ort in accordance with the requirencnts of'the'ASHIL Ct'fade,'ection XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his amp'loyer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations snd corrective measures dlescribed in this Owner's Report.Furth/rmoke, neither the'Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal ilnjury or-property damage or a loss of sny kind srisiing fram or car+ected witl this ilnspection. Caamissions, iiB 82!M~~ll i I pec rs Si aturc'a'tiki IHoard, State, Providence, snd Endorsements O 98-008-3 FORH NIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions. oF the ASHE Code Section XI E.Owner Florida Po~er 8 Li ht Date 10 06 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet~1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Nane Unit 3 PMO,¹: 63/9082 MO¹: 98014933 01 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization,P.O. No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A'N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Emer enc Feedwater S stem System¹: 75 Quality Group: B 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition,~sa Addenda;~MA Code Cosa ibl APPlicable Edition of Section'Xi Utlllted for RePairs or RePlacnnents 1989 Edition,~m A Addenda,~u A Coda Case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Nane of Component Name of Manufacturer ]Serial, Ho.Board[Hanufacturer(National[Other Identification)Year[Repaired (ASHE ([Builtf Replaced or f Code f f Replacement JStarrp]'I I~yes Mo iRDOE THREADED 16 STUDS FABRICATED CHUTE HEAVY HEX (6)[N/A IN/A IN/A IN/A N/A (UTC 416260 ASHE SA-193 (UNK[Replaced No GRADE B7 H/A IUTC 396208 ASHE SA-194 IUNK IReplaced)No GRADE 2H 7.Description of Mark: REPLACED'IX 6 NUTS AND 6'TUDS ON CHECK VALVE 3-20-340.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure~is Test Temperature ~F 98-009-3 '.theet 2 of 2 FORM HIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: MECHANICAL CONNECTI~ON NO WELIDING REWIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE He certify that the statements made in the report aire correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI~Type Code Symbol Stamp H A gener or ner's Pes'iignee, ilrtte Certificate of A orizatiipo Ho.N~A gtg~~dMW~g.S iQ Expiration Date N A Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTIOH I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of, Dade County and employed by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the components described in this (hairs Report during the.period 08/05/98 to ID/05/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and bellief, the Owner has performed examinatidns hand taken corrective measures described in this (hmers Report in accordance with, the requireraents of th'e ASME Coda, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his eagloyer makes any warrantyexpressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures descri'bed'in this Ownergs Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his er~loyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arjising from or connected with~this inspection. Connissions , HB 823 H I Inspector Sig~na re National Beard, States Providence, and Endarsements 3 98 009'-3 I FORH HIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHEHTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 5~Owner Florida'Power &Li ht Date 10 10 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet'of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PMO¹: 63/9666 QO¹: 98018973 01 CR¹:98-1358 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.Ho.,Job Ho.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 S'M 34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: CVCS Char in&Letdown tern System¹: 47 Duality Group: A 5.(s)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edit l o~nA uAdd d e~unc aCode Case lbl Applicable Edition of section xl utlllted for Repairs or Rcplscannnts 1989 d Et ff~oHnA Addendau~a,code case Identification of CaJJponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement CaJJponents Name of CaJJponent Name of fHsnufacturerf National f Hanufacturer f Serial Ho.'oard Other Identsftcatton Iyesr I Repaired f ASHE I fBuilt f Replaced or f Code f f Replacement fStamp f I I Jatos uo fSTUD (1)I INUTS (2)N/A fH/A H/A fN/A IN/A ISTK CODE¹12053 1 UTC¹4918326 IN/A ISTK CODE¹27832 1 UTC¹370708 ASME SA-19C iUNK f Replacement f Ho f UNK f Replacement f Ho e 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED BENT 1 2 IN.EYE ROO AND Tuo'2 IN.NUTS.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneusatic: Nominal Operating Pressure'/i.Other Vf'Pressure~f8 Test Teapcrature 98-010-3 'Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2', (Back)9.Remarks: HECHAMICAL CONHECTIOM NO HELDING REQUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we certify that the statement!> made lin the report are correct~and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Staap N A Certificate of A horfz tion Mo.hi~A>>Ill>>>>d.~$~~~M+!~+~'9+~Date P~Z~.19 Owner Owne<s Designhe, Tftf~e CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE I,HSPECTIOH I, the undersigned, holdling a valid coamission issued'y the National Board of Boiifer and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or province of Dade County and employed by Arkwrfght Mutual Insurance Company'f'orwood, Ha.have inspected the ccayonents described fn this Owners Report during the period 10/01/98~to~(10/10/98 and state t'hat to the best of my knowledge and be~lief, the Ownet has performed examin1atfons and taken corrective measures described in this CX~rs Report in accorclance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations.and corrective measure<described'n this Owner's Report.IFurt'her!nore, neither the Inspector nor hlis employer shall be Ifabfe in any manner for e1ny personal;fnjury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 7 Inspect Si ure Ccami!>>sfons ,','NB',8230~M~I ~Nat~fondf Bayard, State, Providence, and Endorsements Date l4 98.010-3 0 FORM NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMEHTS As,the&rovislons of the ASME Code'Section XI Te Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 23 98 700 Universe Blvd.'wm Beach Fl.33408'ddress Sheet'of 2 2.Plant Turke Po3nt Plant;None 9 9760 SM 344 Street Flor3da Cit Fl.33035 Address Unit 3 PMO¹: 63/9708 MO¹: 98019132 01 CR¹:98-1357 Repair Organ3zation P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3., Mork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Name Type Code Synhol Steep Authorization No.Expiration Date N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL..33035 Address 4.Identification of System: CVCS Char i 8 Letdown S stem System¹: 47 Quality,Group: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edit f~oHnA Addenda~It A cods case (8>Applleanle Edftfon of station xl utlllted for'Repairs or Replaoeeents 1989 Edftfon,~ua Addenda,~ua code case Identif icat3on of Conponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Mane of Component Name of Manufacturer)Manufacturer i Serial.No. National Board Other)Year i Repaired)ASNE i Identification iBui lti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement)Stony i I I~Yes uo SHARK H-4 U-BOLT iSUPPORT MARK H-4 N/A IN/A H/A H/A'N/A H/A iUTC 416088 iUNK)Replaced No i1998)Replacement iHo 7.Description of, Work: R laced sheared U-Bolt on S rt H-4'With welded a le'iron 2<<x2<<x1 4<<in accordance with MRA¹CR-98-1357-01. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pnematic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-3 Pressure~f9 Test Teaperature 'F 98.011-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL MELDING PERF6RHED IN ACCORDANCE IlITH APPROVED PL NT PR ED RES CERTIFICATE OF COIHPLI ANCE lie certify that the stateaents made in the report are correct and this repllacement confo<wns to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of A horizatio~ No.~NA Signed~Owner or (hq r's De~slglme, Titl Expiration Date N A'9ERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid comnission issued by the National Board of Boiler, and Pressure Vessels inspectors and the state or province of Dade Cmnty and eaployed by A'rkwright Hutual Insurance CoaTMn'y of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the components descr lb'n this Owners Report during, the period 10/02/98'6 10/11/98 and state that to the'best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has.perform< examinat~ions and-taken corrective measures describxl in this (hners Report in accordance with the requirements of<<he ASHE Code, Section XI.cI By signing this certificate ne'ither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Csaw.r's Report.-Fui'thermoke, neither the Inspector nor his eapioyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or pi operty damage or a loss of any'ind arising from or corrected with this inspection. Inspector Signa ure Comnissions, N 0 N National Board, State, Providame, and Endorsemests Date 98-0'11-3 FORH NIS-2 ONNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As&equirecU5y the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2'.Plant Turke Point Plant Uni t pMD¹: 63/9767 uo¹: 98019092 01 cR¹:98-1405 9760 Su 3C4 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.Mo.,Job No.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A M A 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Residual Heat Remove\S stem System¹: 50 Duality Group: A 5.(s)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition,~u A Addende,~m A Code Csee (M>Applicsnle'Edition of Rection Nl Ntlllted for Repairs or Replacements 19E9 Edition,~MA Addende,~NA code case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced snd Replacement Components 9'I I Name of Component (srUDs<2)I (Nurs<4)Name of Hanufacturer IN/A IM/A (Hanufacturer(National (Serial Mo.Board (N/A IM/A Other Identification (Tear (Repaired (ASHE ((Built(Replaced or (Code ((Repiac~t (St~((I[Y~es No (STK CODE 29510 1, 1 1/2" iUNK (Replacement (No R 95-0154 Urc¹352002 (STK CODE 27989.1,1 1/2" (UNK (Replacement (No R91-7958 Urc¹420655 7.Description of Work: REPLACED 2 STUDS AND C NUTS ON CLAHP OF SUPPORT 3-RCH-12.8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other Vr-3 Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure Pressure~fs Test Temperature ~F 98-012-3 Sheet'of 2 FORK IHIS.2 (IIack)9.Remarks: KEcNAMIcAL coNNEcTIolf~wo llELDING REOUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COKPLIANCI= Me certify that the statctncnts made in the report are correct and this ireplscement conforms to the irui*s oif tHe ASKE Code, Section XI~Type Code.Symbol Stamp Owner or Own~rrs Designee, Ti<CWl Certificate of thoriiation Ho.~HA Signed~,I g s~@pr~.Expiration'Date CERTIFICATE OF IH.ERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol<ding a valid contnission issued by the National: Board of Boiler and Preasur*Veasei, Inspectors.ind the state or Province of Dade Co<atty and entploycd by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Con@any of Norwood, Ka.have inspected th<c components d'escribed in this Owners Report during the period 1'0/06/98'o 10/11/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ower has performed examination's and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of itheiASKE Code,~Section XI.I By signing this certificate neither the Insp<mtor nor his anpioyer malkes any warranty, express'cd

  • r inplied, concerning the exnmir<ations and corrective measures described in th<is Amer<s Report.Furthermo're,'either the Inspector nor his cnploycr shall be liable in any imanner~for any pet sonal injury, or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fran or cortnected witlh th<is insF<ection.

Inspector S i gnC re Conmissions, Ml 8'30 N I National Board, state, providence and Endorsemcnts Date cPcP 19,FI<98-012-3 FORM NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required~cthe.Provisions-of the ASME Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 13 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet'1 1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PWO¹: 63/9741 WO¹: 98019305 01 CR¹:98-1436 9760 SW 344 Street Florida'Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Work Perforned by Florida Power S Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ho.r'xpiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4~Identification of System: CVCS Char in 8 Letdown S stem System¹: 47 Quality Group: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition,~MA Addenda,~HA code casa lb)APPllcsble Edition of Section Xl Utlllted for RePairs or RePlscnnents 1989 Edition,~HA Addenda,~HA Coda Case dentification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component'Name of Manufacturer iManufactureri National)i Serial No.Board Other Identification)Year J Repaired i ASME i ieui Iti Replaced or)Code i[Replacenent iStamp)I I JYeereso iROD, THREADED I4 STUDS FABRICATED IHUT HEAVY HEX (8)IH/A)H/A IH/A IH/A IH/A IUTC'20599 ASME SA-193 IUNK I Replaced i Ho GRADE 87 JH/A iUTC 420345 ASME SA-'194 iUNK iReplaced iNo GRADE 28 7.Description of Work: REPLACED FOUR 4 STUDS AND EIGHT 8 HUTS ON FLANGE BOLTING VENT VALVE 3-300C.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-1 Pnewet i c: Hominal Operating Pressure 9 Pressure~is Test Taoperature 'F 98-013-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS.2 (Back)9.Remarksr HECMANICAL CONNECTION NO uELDING REQUIRED.CERTIFICATI: OF COMPLIANCE Mc certify that the statements made in thc report are correct and thlis lreplacement conforms to the rule's of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp~NA Certif icate of A horization Mo.~~MA Sign~iwner Owner<a Desiirnce, Tit4 Expiration Date~N'A f+>>>>r>>CERTIFICATE OF INSIERVICE INSPECTION I, the undcrsigncd, holdling a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pr esture'essel 'nspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employed by Arkwright Hutuai, Insurance Conpany of Norwood, Ha.have inspectedl the compo<rents described in this Okner<s R<lport during the period 10/05/98'o 10/12/98 and state'that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfinrmcd examinations and taken corrective measures dlcscribcd in this thrners Report in arcordance with the requirements of the ASHE'ode, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Ir<spcctor nor his crlyldycr'mak'es any warranty, expressc'd or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his enpioycr shall'be liable in any manner for any personal injury or pdopeity'amage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with thiis inspection. I I'I I I I Inspe 6rs ignature Co<rrnissions,, NB, 823~0M~I National Board, State, Providence, and Endorscrncnts Date 98-013-3 FORH NIS-2 OMIERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHEHTS As'Required by<he&rovfefons of the ASHE Code Section XI 5.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.Jun Beach Fl.33408 Sheet of 2 2.Plant Address Turke Point Plant Unit 3 PNO¹: 63/9745 MO¹: 98019304 01 9760 Ql 3CC Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Orgsnizatfon P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida-Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEH System¹: 41 Duality Group: A 5.(a)ApplicabLe Construction Code.B31.1 1955 Edition,~ss Addenda,~ss Code Case ibl Applicable.Edition of.section xl utlll ted for Repairs or Replacements 1959 Edftfon,~kA Addenda,secede case dentificstion of Components.Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name, of Component iSTUDS (4)I IHUTS (8)Name of Hanufscturer N/A H/A National Board IN/A IH/A IH/A IH/A I iHsnufacturer i Serial Ho.Other Identification 'iSTK CODE 29493 1 UTC¹420599'iSTK CODE 27963 1 UTC¹420345 Year i Repaired i ASHE i Builti Replaced or i'ode i i Replacement istamp)I]~Yes Mo UHK i Replacement ')No UNK iReplacement iNo 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED 4 STLSS AND'8 NUTS ON REACTOR'COOLANT PUHP A 3P200A SEAI.BYPASS FLANGE¹2 Tests Conducted: llydrostatlc:.Pnetmmtfc: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1 pressure~is Test Teepersture 'F 98-014-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Bedeck)9., Remarks: THIS IS A-BOLTED CONNECTION ,'NO MELDIMC REO<JIRED. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ue certify that the statements made in the report erie correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Sy<<hol Staap~NA Certificate of Au orixaticp No.~MA s.g~<'wner'r<er<s DI.signee, Ktie Expiration Date iiste~CF N A.'ERI'IFIiCATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holciing a veiled ceo<<<issicin issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Ve':set inspectors and the state or Priovir<co of Dade County and'<<cloyed k<y A~kwr ight Hutua'I Insurance Coepany of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the ccepo<~ts described in this O<<ners Report during the period 1k/05/98 tio 10/12/98 and state that to the best of my knowl,edge and belief, the Owner has performed e'xamfnations an<)taken corrective measures described in this Owners Report in ai:cordance with the recF<irements of t'e ASHE'<xfe, (Section XI.I By signing this certificate neither the Ir<spector nor hi's e<ipioyer,makes any warranty, expressed or I implied, concerning the exa<<<fnatio<<s and corrective measure's d<'rscribeci'n, this Owner's Report.Furthe<~re, neither the Inspector nor his<'epiioyer shall be liable In any<<<armer for any personal injury or p<'operty damage or a loss of any kind ar ising from or connected with'.this inspection. Inspe ors nature 4 Cci<<<<<fssicns'NB'8230 N I Nation<<I Board, State, Providence, and Endorsenents D.t.<19F<F 98.014-3 ,0 FORM MIS-2 OllMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required-by the'Provisions of the ASNE Code',Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power S Li ht Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PWO¹: 63/9306 WO¹: 98016375 01 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Mo.,etc 3.Work Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.ExpirationfDate H A N A 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Intake Coolin Water S stem System¹: 19 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition,~ll A Addenda;~NA code case lb>Applfcable Edition of section xl vtlllted for Repairs or Replacements 1989 Edttten,~HA Addenda,~MA code case , Identification of Cceponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Manufacturer iManufactureri National'i i Serial No.Board Other Identification iYear J Repaired i ASHE i isuilti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement iStamp i isTUDS (5)I ISTUDS (1)I iMUTS (10)I iCARBOM STEEL PLATE iM/A IN/A IN/A H/A IH/A IN/A IN/A IN/A IN/A iM/A IN/A (STK-CODE 30272 UTC¹415954)UMK I STK-CODE 29510 R70591 IUHK UTC¹412858 iSTK-CODE 29507 R36058003 iUNK UTC¹420348 ISTK CODE 86"R IUHK UTC¹403825'~ves uo ,)No iMo iHo (Mo 7.DescriPtion of Work: REPLACED 6 STUDS 10 NUTS ASSOCIATED WITH'VARIOUS FLANGED CONNECTIONS AMD 1 CARBOH STEEL PLATE ASSOCIATED WITH SUPPORT N 196-1 DURING INTAKE CRAWL THRU..Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunat3c: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1 8 VT-3 pressure~TO Test Tesperature oF 98-015-3 t Sheet 2 of 2', ll:ORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL MELDING PERFORHED IN ACCORDANCE NITH THE FPI NE!LD ONTROL!HANUAL. CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the' of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Sta<<p Certificate of Authorization hlo.~N A Signed~Owner o th<nerds Designe6, Tltl<i N A Expiration Date Date 19 57~.CENTI PICA'liE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid c<mmission issued by the Ikational Board of and Pressurle Vessel inspectors and the state-or Province of Dadle County and employed by Arkuright Hutual Insurance C<Npany Of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the c<NT.onents described in this Owners'Report during the period OB/25/98 to 10/14/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfor!med exa<sinatims end taken corrective measures described in this Ow<mrs Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASHE CodeSection XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his eaployer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measu'res'described in this Ownerda Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be, liable in!any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising!from or c<xmected with this'nSpection. Inspecto s S~i ture commissions , IkB 823O,~N,~I national Board, atatapravidon,oa, ald llndoIatdantst'ate 5V'8-015-3 FORM NIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1~Owner Florida Power 8, Li ht Date 10 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl..33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PN¹: 63/9837 N-¹: 9801984801 CR¹:98-1517 9760 Sll 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organizat~on P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stan@Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Reactor Coolant S stem System¹: 41 Quality Group: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition.~NA Addende,~NA code cess (fd APPllosule Edition of Soutien Xi Utllixed for Reoefrs or RePfsooemnts 1959 Edition,~N A Addende,N~A Code Csee.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Confponent Name of Hanufacturer iHanufactureri National i i Serial No.Board Other Identification iN/A I3P200C HOOEL¹V1101-B1 iREACTOR COOLANT PUHP C iMESTINGNOUSE iN/A iYear i Repaired i ASHE i iguilti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement istanp i I I ft~es No iN/A iRepaired iYes 7.Description of Norkt REHOVAL OF 2 LINEAR INDICATIONS BY GRINDING ON PUHP LUG.EXAHINATION AREA 3-RCP-C-L2 IA 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other PT Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure Pressure~4 A sfE Test Tempereture N A UF 98-016-3 Sheet 2 of 2 2 FOIRH MIS-O2 (Back)9.Remarks: REMOVAL OF 2 LINEAR INDICATIONS BY iGRIMGING OM PUMP LUG.CERT IF ICATE OF COHPLIANCE Me certify that the stateelents made in the ireport are correct'nd th'is"repair conforms to the rule<'f the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Starqp N A Certificate of A hoiization Mo.N~A siss~~OMner or (hsM;r s Design2, Title Expltstlotl Oats~ll a 19, CERTIFICATE OF INSERVIiCE INSPIECTIOM I, the undersigned9, holding a validI c(xsaission issued byl the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade Comity and'esyloyed by Ar'kwright Hutual Insurance Caq~ny of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the cor~nent.described in this Ounera Report during the period'0/10/9B'o 10/15/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ouner has performed eXaminatfons'and taken corrective measures described in this Osrners Report in accordance uIth the requirements df the ASHEiCode, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor hils ea'pioyer makes any Marrant'y, expressed or'Is@lied, concerning 'the examinations and correctiive measures doscribed in this (hrnerts Report.'FurtherImork', neither the Inspector nor his eaployer shall be l,iabie in any manntcr for sny,personal injury od prspedty i damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected arith this inspection. I I I~p7 Inspec rs S nature eamnisslks Xs 828~88~2}sot latest ltaattl, stats p 0\deltas, atld Elldotstsetlts (n~g 98-01i5.3 FORH NIS-2 OMNERS REPORT'FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS iAs Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code" Section XI I.Owner Florida.Power &Li ht'Date 10 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33C08 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit 3 PMO;¹: 63/5688 MO¹: 97022075 01 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.Mo.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp ,Authorization Mo.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM'3CC Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Steam Generator S stem 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 System¹: 71 Quality Group: B 1955 Edition,~ss Addenda,~ss Code Case lg>Appliosgle Edition of seotlon xl Ntllited for Repairs or Replaoonents 1989'Edftfon,~ss Addenda,~NA code case.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and'Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Hanufacturer iHanufactureri National i Serial Mo.Board I.Other Identification iN/A iUTC 420280 SA-193 GR B7 Tl I:iBOLT, HEAVY HEX 1 1/4" iMESTIMGHOUSE iH/A iYear i Repaired i ASHE i iBuilti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement.,iStaap i I I/~yes No iUMK;iReplaced iNo 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED ONE 1 BOLT OM STEAH GENERATOR"Bs 3E210B SECONDARY HANMAY COVER.8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: t Pneunat ic: Hominal Operating Pressure Other"'T-1 Pressure~f9 Test Ttspersture 'F 98.017-3 Sheet 2 of 2 Il FOIIH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: KECNANICAL COHNEC1I'IOH NO NELDIIIG RIEQUIRED. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE lie certify that the statanents made in the report ere correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of, the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Steep Certif icate of AuthorizaILion No'M~A Expiration Date SignedŽ4+~(v@iN~~+Ne,+Ppr<cM Date Owner or i!r~g Designee/Title N'A 1 9++CERTIFICATE OF INSI.'RVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holdling a valid caINeission issued by the National Board of Boiler and pressure'essel 'nspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employed by Arkwright Hutuai.Insurance Company ofi Norwood, Ha.have inspectedl the components described in thi's Owners RLport during the period 10/03/97 to t 10/18/98 and state that to the be.t of my knowledge and belief, the Owner hss performed exsmi'nations snd taken coriectivc measures d'escribed in this Owners Report in secordsnee with the requirements of the ASHB Code,>Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his ekpldyer mek'es any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations snd corrective measures described in thiis owner's IReport.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his,imployer shall be liable in s'ny mann'cr for.sny personal Injury or property damage or a loss of sny kind arising from or connected with this i~nspection; Inspe or s nature Conmi ssi ons HB.82 0 H National Board, State, provideree, and EndorsIcments Date 19~~V 98-0117-3 FORH NIS-2 OMHERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACENEHTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 5.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 18 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl'.33408 Address Sheet~'of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Name Unit PMO¹: 63/9675 MO¹: 98018674 01 CR¹:98-1319 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization.P.O. No.,Job Ho.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power S Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ho.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.'33035 Address 4~Identification of System: S nt Fuel Pit Cooli S tern System¹: 33 Quality Group: B 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edft fcn~NA Addenda,~NA Code CaseApplicable Edltlcn of section,xl utillted for Repairs or Repleeenents 1989 Edftfon,~ua Addenda,~sa cede case Identification of Caqmnents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Coaponents Name of Component Name of Hanufacturer iNanufactureri National i i Serial Ho.Other Identification iYear i Repaired i ASHE i)Builti Replaced or)Code i i Repiac~t iSt~i IU BOLTN C S N MITH NUTS IH/A H/A , N/A UTC 419889 STK CODE 29355 UHK Replaced i~Yea No (Ho IAHGLE, HOT ROLLED ,IN/A IN/A i UTC'416088 STK CODE 29598 iUNK Replaced iNo BAR, FLATS C.S.'IN/AlN/A iH/A iUTC 374021 STK CODE 29739 iUNK iReplaced ,iNo 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED SUPPORT S-1 DUE TO CORROSION. 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-3 Pneuaat i c: Hominal Operating Pressure Pressure~To Test Turpersture ~F 98-018-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FCCH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL IJELDING PERFDRHED IN AccoRDANcE wlTH THE FPL QEL6 coRTRdL HANUAL!CERTIFICATE OF COHPLI ANCE Me certify that the stateaents made in the report are correctt and this replacement,conforms to the rules of th6 ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Steep~NA Certificate of A horization Koo N~A Donor or om:rex D , of&tnt ttllrx ExDtrotion Doto~D x Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valicl canaission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of.Dade Cawty and eaploycd by Arkwright Hutual Insurance C~ny of'orwood, Ha.have inspected the cavporents described in this Owners Report during the period 10/01/98'o 10/18/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and&lief;the Owner has performed examiinations'nd taken corrective measur'es described in this Ctwners Report in adcordance with the requirements of the ASHE'ode, Section XI.By signing this certlificate neither the Inspector nor his enyloyer.makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correctiive measured'kscribed in'hi's&merts.Report. FurtheAnorL, ,neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in airy a'ernii.r for any per.onal inJury or;prioper'ty 'amage or a loss of any kind arising from or conrmcted with this inspection. Inspectors Sig lure C<xnni ss iona NB 823~ON~12~Nat'ionhl B'oard, State, Providence, and Endorsements D.t.98.018-3 FORH NIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the",Provisions-of-the ASHE Code Section XI h.,Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 11 05 98 700 Universe Blvd.J~Beach Fl.33COB Address'Sheet R 1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Mama 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Unit 3 PMO¹: 63/9858 MO¹: 98019911 01 Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Mo.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Syaboi Staap Authorization Ho.Expiration Date H A N A 9760 SM'34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Intake Cooli Mater S tern System¹: 19 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1995 Edit fan,~us Addenda,~us codo case (h)Applicshle Edition of section xi utilited for Repairs or Replscuaertts 19E9 Ed tfi on~us Addenda,~us code case Identification of Components Repaired or.Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component (ICM CHECK VALVE Mene of Hanufacturer (Hanufacturer .National ((Serial Ho.Board Other Ident i f ication (Year (Repaired (ASHE (-(Built(Replaced or (Code ((Replacement (Stamp (I I i~Ves uo (H/A (85223 (N/A (3-50-331 24" CHECK VALVE (UNK (Replaced (No!(ICM CHECK VALVE IATMOOO 8 HORRILL IHT9895 SN2 (3-50-331 STK CCOE 52545 (UHK (Replacewlt (Mo UTC¹'19370 7.Description of Mork: REPLACE INTAKE COOLING MATER CHECK VALVE 3-50-331.PRESSURE TEST PERFORMED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE 03-ICM-1998-1-01. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunat i c: Nominal Operating Pressure other vt-l vr-2 pressure~?I is test teepersture 85'F 98-019.3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS"2 (Back)9.,Remarks: THIS IS A NECHAHICAL CONNECTION~HO MELDING REQUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIAHCE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct artd this.'repl,acement conforms to the tule's of th'ASHE Code,,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of A thoriiation No.~NA Expiration Date N'A Big~I~Owner.44.r<" Own r's Desigr, Tit(ee Date ,'19'+~CERTIFICATE OF IHSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid camnission issued by the National Board of Boiiee and Pressure'Vessel inspectors'nd the state or Province of Dade Co+sty and employed by Arkwright Nutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Na.have inspected'he camporents described in thi's Owners Report during the period 10/11/98'o 10/19/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and.&lie'f, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Repor t i'n ac:cordance with the requirenents of the ASHE'ode, Section XI.By signing this certiificate neither the Inspector nor his eayioyer makes any warranty, expressed or'mplied, concerning the exmainatie~ and correctiive measured'kscribed in this Oner's Report.,Furthe&norh, neither the Inspector nor his eepioyer shall be l,iabie in ahy mann'er'for any personal injury or property damage or.a loss of any kind arising from or conrmcted with this inspection. I c rs Sig ture Cccmi as i ons NB 823~ON~I~National Board, State, Providence, and Endorsanents Dat 19~&98-019-3 FORM MIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAiRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl.5)oner Florida P~r B Li ht Date 10 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.'~Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant".Unit 3 ,PQ).N: 63/9743 ll N: 98019306 01 CR r/:98.1436 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit-'Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.Mo.,lob.Mo.,etc Mork Performed by Florida Pncer S Li t Type Code Syntel Stanp Authorization'No. Expiraticn Date M A M A 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 4.identification of Systeet Safet ln ection S tefs Systeia Nr 62 Quell ty Group: B 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 f955 dRftf en~ca Addenda,~cs Coda Casa lb>A~lfcsbfe Rdltlcn of sectlonxl ut,lifted for Repairs or Rcofac~ts f959 Rdftfcn,~ea Addende~NA code case dentification of Ccafpcnents Repaired or Replaced and Replaceeent Coffponents Naae of Coafponent (STUDS (8)IFE 3 932 Mace of Manufacturer IN/A (Manufacturer(National ((Serial No.Board I I Other ident i f ication;IN/A (N/A (7/8" UTC 409897 STK CME 29499 (Year (Repaired (ASME ((Built(Replaced or (Code ((Replacoaent IStawp (I I~tac Na (UNK (Repl aceaent Xo INUTS (16)(FE.3-932 IN/A IN/A IN/A (7/8" UTC 419762 STK CN)E 27838 IUNK'(Replacement INo.Description of Mork: REPLACED 8 ST(IS NN 16 NUTS ON FE-3-932..Tests tenducted: llydrostatlc: Pnnnatfcr Nosinal Operating Pressure Other VT-1 Pressure~N A is tact testorature 'F 98-020-3 Sheet.2 Pf 2 FORH NIS-2 i,'Beck)9.Remarks: THIS IS A BOLTED CONNECTION~MD FIELDING RECUIRED.CE'RT IF I CATE OF COMPLIANCE Ne certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conform to thai rules of the i ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp N A Certificate of A horizatigp No.~NA~~gF<'-.g s (her or naris IIAIgneeg TI e 4 Expiration Da'te N A gav5/c 2 1 iy QP'O"V CEltTIFICATE OF IMSERVICE INSPECTION I,.the undersigned, ho'lding~valid ceeaission issued by the National Board of BoILer and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dadle Cixmty nrxi employed by'rkaright Mutual Insurance Ceepeny of Morwxd, Ha.have Inspected the componeots described in this Owners Report during the period 10/05/98 to 10/19/98 and state, that to the hest of my knowledge and belief,, the Oeer hss performed examinatiare and taken corrective measures descril~in this Owners Report in accordance Mith the requirements of the ASIA Code, Section XI.By signing this.certificate neither'the Inspector nor his eaployer makes arry Narranty, expressed or Is@i ied, concerning the examinations anf corrective measures described In this thawer's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shaLL be Liable in any earner for any personal injury or, property damage or a loss of arD kind arising from or cornected NI'th'his'nspection. Inspector S I gravure Ccomi salons MB 8230 N I Nati~onal Board, State, Providence, and Fndorsements Date 19~'g I 98-020-3 FORM NIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet-1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PQO>¹: 63/9744 lQ'¹: 98019307 01 CR¹:98-1436 9760" SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair'Organization P.O.Mo.,Job No.,etc 3.Nork Performed by 1Florida Power&Li ht Name Type Code'Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Safet In ection S tern System¹: 62 Quality Group: B 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1'1955 Edition,~ga Addenda,~sa cafe case ln)Applfaspla Edition of Station Ri Utilized for Repairs or Replsonoents 1989 Edition,~NA Addenda,~ll A Code Case.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of CoJJponent Name of Manufacturer)Manufacturer) National)Serial No.Board Other Identification Year (Repaired (ASHE (Built(Replaced or I Code)(Replacement ]Stanp]I J~Yes lfo]STUDS (8)IFE 3 933 iNUTS (16)IFE 3 933 IH/A iM/A IH/A ISTK CODE 29499 1 7 8" UTC 409897 IN/A ISTK CODE 27838 1 7 8" UTC 419762'UNK (Replacement)No[UNK)Replacement ]No 7.Description of, Morkt REPLACED 8 STUDS AND 16 HUTS ON FE-3-933..Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatict Nominal Operating Pressure Other VTe1 Pressore~H A ig Test Teepereture NA UF 98-021-3 Sheet 2 of 2 Cl FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: THIS IS A BOLTED CONNECTION NO HELDING REOIJIRED. CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE He certify that the statesxmts macle in the rleport are correct tandl this repiacement conforms tal the rules of the ASHE Code,.Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp N A Certificate of Aut rizatiion INo.~N/A 3;,.~~Ower or Oj!fwrds lDesignee, Title'~Da'te A+~~i 19 d~~CERTIIF I CATE OF INSERVICE IIISPECTI(N I, the undersigned, holding a valid ccxanission issued by the National Bloard of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and,the state or IProvincle of'ade County and Smplbyed by'rkuright Hutual Insurance Coayany of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the components descril~in thisi Owhersl Report during the period 10/05/98 to 10/19/98, and state that to the best of my kmsiedge and bel.ief, the (XlNwr has performed examinations end taken corrective measures described in this Oelners Report irt accordance Mith the requirements of the A!'AE Code, Section Xl.By signing this'ertificate neither the Inspector nor'his'mployer makes any Harrantyd expressed or is@lied, concerning t'e examinat!ions and corrective measSresi described in this Owmrds Report.Fu'rtherslore, neither the Inspector nor his ea!pioyer shalll be Iiable in any manner fer any personal injury or property damage or a loss'ny kind arising from or connected uiith thia inapection. Inspectors Sigln~a!re tarnnlsslons IIB 3233~BI Bett nel Beard, Staten PrOnldanae, 2nd Brddraelenan Date 98e021s 3 FORN NIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACENENTS As Required by the-Provisions of the ASHE Code JSection XI.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Name Date 10 22 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 fa 2.Plant Turke Point Plant 9760 SM.344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Unit PWO¹: 63/9047 WO¹: 98014670 01 PCN¹: 97-003 Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job,No.,etc r 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power'8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM-344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address System¹: 20 Quality Group: 8 4.Identification of System: Primer Mater Makeu S stem 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~NA Addenda,~HA Code Case (o)Applicable Edition of scotia xoi utilited for Repairs or Replaonnents 19E9 Edition,~pa Addenda,~uA tous toss 6.Identification. of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Nanufacturer (Nanufacturer(National (Serial No.Board Other Identification IYear'(Repaired I'SHE I]guilt(Replaced or'f Code f (Replacement /StaJJJp/I I J~ees Ro STEEP SOCKETWELD iREDUCERE INSERT (H/A IN/A IN/A IH/A IUTC 420016 STK CODE 35122 IUTC 420034 STK CODE 46688)UHK (Replacement ]No JUNK[Replacement [Ho 7.Description of, Mork: INSTALLATION OF A 2" TEE FOR RV-3-302 PER PCN 97-003.CODE CASE N-416-N'WAS INVOKED FOR THIS REPAIR REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY.LEAKAGE TEST PERFORNED UNDER 03-PWHU-2006-F-01 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneumatic: Hominal Operating Pressure Other VT-2 Pressure~160 sip Test Teapersture DF 98-022-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL WELDING PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCIE 'WITH APPROVED PL NT~PRO ED RES,'CODE CASE N-416-1 WAS ENVOKED FOR THIS REPAIR REPLACEHENT ACTIVlTY.CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE We certify that the statenents made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rulers of th'ASHE Code, Section XI'ype Code Symbol Stamp Certificate, of Aut orizatiop No.~N A Owner or ner's Desiginee, Title 47 Expiration Date Lair+C7~/~~NA CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid conmission issued by tHe National Board of Boiler and Presaure.Veasel~ inspectors and the state or province of Dade County and employed by Arkwright Hutual Insurance Cehpady of'Norwood, Ha.have inspected the components d'ascribed in th'is Ownels R'eport during the period 08/12'/98~ tb 10/20/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and beliaf, the Owner has performed examinat'iona and taken corrective measures idescribed in this Owners',Report in accordance with the requirements of the~ASHE Code, Section XI.I By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examirmtions and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Fui thdrmoke, neither the Inspector nor his emp'loyer shall be lia'ble in any~manner~for any'ersonal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspectiion. ~y'7 l."omni ss iona~H82$~0N~i Inspectors igm t e National Board, State, Providence, and Endorsements 'ate I 98.022-3 .FORM NIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI u 5.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Name Date 10 30 98 700 Universe Blvd.Jum Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet>1 of 2 2.Plant Turks Point Plant Unit 3 PMO¹: 63/6668'MO ¹: 97027648 01 CR¹:97-1377 9760 SM 344 Street Florida.Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Synhol Stomp Authorization No.Expiration Date M A M A H A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4~Identification of System: C 5.(a)Applicable C~truction Cm t Coolin Mater tern 831.1 System¹: 30 Quality Group: C r 1955 Edftfan,~ll A Addenda,N~Acode case (5)Applicable Edition of section Ni Ntllfted far Repairs or Replaces>>nts 19R9 Edition,~us Addenda,~uc code case Identif ication of Components Repaired or Replaced snd Replacement Ca5T5onents Hams of Component Name of[Manufacturer] Hational Manufacturer (Serial No.Board'Other Identification (Year f Repaired[ASHE f[guilt]Replaced or[Code f Replacement ]Stamp f I[~tes Na (VALVES SMING CHECK[FLANGEE CARBON STEEL f BONNEY FORGE 3-721A IH/A H/A ,)H/A (STK CODE 222259 2 UTC 419226]N/A'[M/A[STK CODE 102064 1 UTC 418535)UHK Replacement iMo'(UMK J Replacement J No J ELBOM.SOCKETMELD IH/A IH/A/H/A/STK CODE 34037 1 UTC 415333" JUNK)Replacement (Ho IPIPE~CARBON STEEL ISCHEDULE 160 IPIPE CARBON STEEL ISCHEDULE 40 IN/A'IN/A fH/A ,JN/A (STK CODE 30687 1 UTC 417701 IN/A IM/A ISTK CODE 30623 1 UTC 373909[UHK (Replacement ]Mo IUHK IReplscement ]No 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED VALVE 3-721A AMD ASSOCIATED PIPIHG IM ACCORDANCE MITH CR 97-1377.THE FOLLOMING ADDITIONAL PARTS MERE REPLACED: RDO THREADED 1 STUD'FABRICATED STK CODE 29501 1 UTC 415374 ,NUT 2 HEAVY HEX STK CODE 27840 1 UTC 415395.CODE CASE N-416-1 MAS INVOKED FOR THIS REPLACEHEHT ACTIVITY.LEAKAGE TEST PERFORMED UNDER PRESSURE TEST 03-CCM-3036-L-01 .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure 1 Other VT-2 Pressure~tlp ig Test Teaparcture 86~F 98.023-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 OBack)9.Renarks: ALL MELDING PERFC!RHEO IN'CCORDANCI= MITH APPROVED PL HT PRCk EDIIRES>>CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIAHCE Me certify that the statements n>>ade in the report are correct and this~replLacement conforms to the rules of thee ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of uthorization No.~NA Expi rat I c!n D ate Signed f C~3~/HA~~2 x~~>>'7~Date~Owner Owner s Desigrme~Title N A CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTIOH I, the undersigned, holding a valid comnisslc!n issued by th'e National Board of Boiler and Pressure Ve.sel inspectors and the state or Provir!ce of Dade Cecity and employed by Arkwright Hutual Insurance Cori@any of Norwood, Ha.have inspecteci the ccxnponents describe>>d in this Owners'Report durir!g the period 03/05'/98'o 10/22/98 and'state that to the best of my knowledge a!L!d 6elici.f, the Owner-has performed examiinations and taken corrective measures described iiri this Owners Report in accordance with the rejuiretnents of the,hSHE Code, Section XI~By signing this certificate neiither the Inspector nor his en@layer makes,any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinatic!ns and corrective measures described in th'is Owner's Report.Furthe'rmore, neither the Inspector nor his empl,oyer shall be liable in any manner'for any personal Injury or property~damage or'a loss of any kir6 arisi'ng,from or cor!nected witiir this insp6ction. i/7 Inspect r's SIg&ture Ccxnnissions NB 823~0~>>~Ka~tiorhal Board, State, Providence, anci Endorsenents Date$Igi)0 98.023-3 FORH NIS-2 OHNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACENENTS As Required~-the Provisions of the ASNE-Code Section XI E.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 10 20 98 700 Universe Blvd.Jam Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of'2.Plant Turke-Point Plant Unit PHO¹: 63/9871 HO¹: 98019927 01 CR¹:98-1406 9760 SH 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.'No.,Job Ho.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stony Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4~Identification of System: Reactor Coolant S tern System¹: 41 Dual i ty Group: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~ue Addenda,~se Code Case (8)Appticstde Edition ai section xi Utilitcd for Repairs or Rcplaccannts 1989,Edition,~H A Addenda,~N A code case Identif ication of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Coaponents Name of Coayonent ITHREADED ROD 5 3/)4 STUDS FABRICATED /8 HEAVY HEX NUTS Name of Nanufacturer IH/A)Hanufacturer National (Serial No.Board Other Identif ication UNK (Replacement No UNK)Replacement)Ho H/A UTC¹0000415374 .H/A STK CODE¹0029501 1 IUTC¹0000394551 I STK CODE¹0044572 1 IH/A N/A)Year I Repaired I ASNE I)Built[Replaced or)Code](Replacement [Stamp)I~Yes Eo 7.Description of'llork: REPLACED 4 5 3 488 STUDS AND 8 NUTS ON SEAL INJECTION FLANGE TO 3C RCP.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pnmnatic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1'pressure~is Test Tceperature 'F 98-024-3 Sheet 2 of 2 I FiDRH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECHANICAL CONNECTION~NO l!ELDTMG REOUIREII). CERT IF I CATE Ol-COMPLIANCE Ne certify that the statenents made in the reFert are correct and tlhis replacement conforms to the'rules of.the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Osmer or ar'e:sigi, Titlp~~Certificate of Au orizati n Ko.~MA 7 Sig~l AFK~@g~~Expiration Date M A aate n'~CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holdinRI a valid coamission issued by the National Board of Boiler and pressure vessels'nspectors and the state or Province of Dade Cexmty and aqpioyed by hrkMt igh't Hutual Insurance Coepanly of Norwmd, Ha.have inspected the components described in th'is Owners RepoI t cfuring the period 10/12/98 tIo 10/20/98 and state that to the best of my kncneiedge and belief, the (oner has,performed examinations an'd taken corrective measures descritxxf in this (Nners Report in accordance with the.requirements of the ASHE Code,'ection XI.I By, signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor hfs esploye'r makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinmt3ons and corrective measures dlescribed in this OMner's Report.Fui theIrmoj'e, neither the Inspector ror his enployer shall be lia'ble in any manner'for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or corlnected leith thiis inspectIion. Inspector Y7 Ccmnissions, , NB 8230 (My(l)ignature Natiexml Board, State, IProvidewe, and Endorsements 'ate 0 98.024-3 'FORM HIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required~Xhe.ProVjsions of the ASHE Code Section XI<<.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 24 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PMO¹: 63/6670 MO¹: '97027651 01 CR¹:97-1377 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization'P;0. Ho.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed by.Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: C nt Coolin Mater S stem System¹: 30 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955.Edition,~NA Addenda,~HA code case (u)Applicable Edition of section xi Utilized for Repairs or Replaoeannts 1959 Edition,~u A Addenda,~N A code case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and'Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Kanufacturer iNanufactureri National i Serial Ho.Board Other Identification iYear i Repaired i ASNE i iguilti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement istamp i I I/~Tes No iVALVE, SMIHG CHECK BOMMEY FORGE IN/A IN/A ISTK CODE 222259 2 iUMK iReplacement iMo 3-721 C UTC 419226 iFLANGE, CARBON STEEL IELBOMN SOCKETMELD IPIPEN CARBON STEEL ISCHEDULE 40 iN/A IN/A iH/A IH/A , IN/A iSTK CODE 102064 1 iUMK iReplacement iNo UTC 418535 iN/A iH/A iSTK CODE 34037 1 iUHK iReplacement iHo UTC 415333 IH/A IN/A ISTK CODE 30624 i UHK i Repl acement i No UTC 382384 iH/A IPIPE~CARBONeSTEEL ISCHEDULE IN/A IH/A ,ISTK CODE 30623 1 iuHK iReplacement iNo UTC 373909 t 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED VALVE 3-721C AND ASSOCIATED PIPING IN ACCORDANCE MITH CR 97-1377.THE FOLLOMING ADDITIOMAL PARTS MERE REPLACED: PIPE CARBON STEEL SCHEDULE 160 STK CODE 30687 1 UTC 417701.CODE CASE H-416-1'MAS INVOKED FOR THIS REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY.LEAKAGE TEST PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST'3-CCM-3036-L-01. .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunat i c: Nominal'perating Pressure Other VT-2 Pressure~tf9 iN Test Tespersture 86 dF 98.025-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL MELDING PERFORKED IN ACCORDANCE u!TH APPROVED PLANT PROCEDURES.~ CEIRT IF I CATE OF COKPLIANCE lie certify that the statements made in the reiport are correct and this'eplacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp N rA Certificate of thoriza ion No.~NA Signed Owner or nerr Designed, Tiitle Expiration Date r Date N A CERTIFICATE OIF INSERVICE INSPECT IOhl I, the undersigned, holiding a valid comrrission issued by the Natiional. Board of Boiler and Pressure VesseL inspectors and the state or proviince of Dade Cc~ty and employed by Arkwright Hutusl Insurance CcrrTKrny Of Norwood, Hs.have inspected the components dcscrib<in this Owners Report during the period 63/1~2/98 to 10/20/98'nd state that to the best of my knowledge and beliief, the (hnner has performed exar'ainatior'rs a'nd taken corrective measures described in this Owrrers Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASHE Code, Section Xl~By signing this certifiicate neither the Inspector nor his empi,oyer makes any warranty, cxprcsscd or implied, concerning the examinstiions and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in sny manner for any personal injury or property damage or s'loss of any k'ind arising from or'onnected with this insipection. Inspect s~Si sture Cornrrissiona 8 8 30 N I National Board, State, Providence, snd Endorsements Date 98'025.3 FORH NIS-2 OMHERS REPORT.FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI I.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 22 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point'Plant Unit PMO¹: 63/5733 MO¹: 97022434 01 CR¹l95-240 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork'Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ho.Expiration Date H A H A 9760 SM 344 Street.Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Intake Coolin Mater S stem System¹: 19 Quality Group: C'5's)Applicable Construction Code 831.1'955 Edttfcn,~ll A Addenda,u~a COde Cosa lui Applicable Edition of secticn xi utillted for Repairs or Replscesents 1959 Edition,~s A Addenda,u~a code case Identification, of Components Repaired or Replaced and.ReplacementlComponents Name of Colponent I I IPUHP 3P9A I iPUHP 3P9A Name of Hsnufscturer IJOHHSTOH iJOHHSTON Other'dentification IH/A IH/A IH/A l3P9A (1ST 2)IN/A I3P9A (IST-7)iHanufactureri National)i Serial No.'oard iYear i Repaired i'ASHE i)Built)Replaced or i Code J i Replacement igtamp i I I J~ts So.JUNK (Replaced i No iUHK i Replacement iNo 7..Description of Mork: REPLACED 3A'ST-2 ICM PUMP MITH SPARE PUHP IST-7.PRESSURE TEST PERFORHED'NDER 03-ICMe1997-1-01. .Tests conducted: Eydroststfc: pneusstlc: ~~t t t Other VT-2 Pressure~23 lg Nominal Operating Pressure Test Tesperature 82 oF 98-026..3 Sheet 2 cf 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECHANICAL CONNECTION NO MELO ING REQUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF CONPLIAKCE Ne certify that the state<ants made in'the rep>rt are correct and this repiaceoent conforms to the rules of the ASNE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Sta<<y Certificate of thor ization No.~NA Expire'tion Bate N~A II<<~~/6+Ic~~4'.~'<<<~~dcPg<9QW Owner or r'signee,, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersignedholding a valid co<<mission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade Catty and.cloyed by Arkwright Nutiml Insurance iomp-~ny of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the ceqwnents described in~this Owners'Report during the period'12/19/97'o', 10/21/98 and state that to the best of my'krx>wledge and bel,'ief', the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Report in accordance with the requireemnts of the ASNE Code, Section XI.I By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his, e<<ployer makes any, warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinatiors and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furt'hera<ore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in ady m'oner for any personal Injury or'roperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or iconr<ectcd with this Inspectice. Inspectors Signa re National Board, State, Providence, and Endorsements r Oate 98.6 FORH NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHEHTS As Required by the.Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI I.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 10 22 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address of 2 2.Plant Turks Point Plant Unit PWO¹: 63/6604 WO¹: 97005183 01 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Work Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Name Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date H A N A'A 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Intake Coolin Water S stem System¹: 19 Quality Group: C 5~(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition,~ua Addenda,g~accde Case (b>Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utllited for Repairs or Replacements f959 Edition,~u A Addenda,~s A'ode Case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced snd Replacement Components Name of Component i X J-3a 1406 Name of Hanufacturer GARLOK/Hanufactureri National i/Serial No.Board'ther Identification iN/A IH/A ISTK CODE 14195 1 UTC¹405248 iYear i Repaired i ASHE i iBuilt)Replaced or i Code i i Replacement)Stamp i I I i~res Eo'UHK i Replacement i No 7.Description of Work: REPLACED EXPANSION JOINT XJ-3-1406. SYSTEH LEAKAGE TEST PERFORHED UNDER 03-ICWe1997-1-01. I.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Hominal'perating Pressure Other VT-2 Pressure~23 sic Test Temperature 82 oF 98-027-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORK HIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: MECHANICAL JOIHT HO NELOIHG REQUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE Ne certify that the statements made in the repor t are correct iandi thiis replacement conforms to the rules.of the ASHE Code, Section Xl.'Type Code Syrrhoi Stamp Certificate of A horizatfon No.HJAA , Expiration Date H A S I gned~Srner or Dare r rrs esfgne~e, Title.'19 gP CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a validl cormnfssion issued bye the National Board of Boiler snd Pressure Vessel (inspectors and the state or Province of Dade'County and eaployed by ArkwrIight Hutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ka.have fnspected the crxrponents descriibcd fn this Owners Report during the period 12/17/i97 i tq 10/21/98 and state that to the best of my'rmwledge and belief,.the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Rcport in accordance with, the requfrrments of the ASHE,Code, Section XI.By signing this certiificate neither the Inspector nor his errpioyer'makes any warranty, expressed or irrplfed, concerning the examinations and correctIive measures described in, this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be Itfabie in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or conrmcted with;this inspection. Inspe ors gnature Corrmissions NB 8230 H I National Board, State, ProvIidence, andh Endorsements ,(98.027-3 FORH HIS-2 OMNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the-Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI..Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 11 17 98 700 Universe Blvd.J2s3o Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of~2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Uni t 3 PMO¹: 63/6625 lQ¹: 97005184 01 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Mo.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Syshol Stamp Authorization Ho.Expiration Date M A M A M A 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Intake Cool i Mater S tern System¹: 19 Duality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 1955 Edition,~VA Addenda,~pa Cede Case (b)Applicable Edftion of section Ei utllited for Aepalrs or Eeplscnsents 1959 Edition,~p A Addenda,~u A code case Identification of Carponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Coaponents Name of Component Name of Manufacturer i Serial No.Board iHanufactureri National i Other Identification iYear i Repaired i ASHE i iBuilti Replaced or i Code i I Replacement 1St~I iV~es Vo IVALVEE CHECK ATlNOO&HORRILL iH/T 9895405-S Hl N/A UTC 419361 52 45 1 UHK Replacement iMo I STUD l1 1 8<<X 19<<iHUT i1-1 8<<,iICU CHECK VALVE IH/A IN/A IN/A IH/A iN/A iSTK CODE 44563-1 UTC 407540 i75203 iN/A i3-50-311 IN/A iH/A iSTK CODE 44563-1'TC 383150 iUHK iReplacement iNo iUNK iReplacement iHo iUHK iReplaced iHo 7.Description of Morkt REPLACED CHECK VALVE 3-50-311 INCLUDING 19 STIIS AMD 38 HUTS AT FLAMGED CONNECTIONS. SYSTEH LEAKAGE TEST PERFORHEO UNDER'03-ICN-1997-L-OI. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneumat ic: Hominal Operating Pressure Other ET-1 ET-2 pressure~23 ls Test Teoperature 82~F 98-028-3 Sheet 2 of 2 II FORM NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: MECHANICAL CONNECTION MOlWELDING REQUIRED., p CERT I FIUTE OF COMPLIANCE Me certify that, the staten>>nts made in the ireport are correct and this replacer>>nt conforms to the rules of the ASNE Code, Section XI~Type Code Syshol Stosp N A Certificate of Authoriz:ion No.i IN~A Expiration Date s g~~<<<I<<<<<Meupw ~pp

>nts describecl in this OMnerls Report during the period 12/18/97 to 11/05/98 and state that to the be<t of my.knoMIedge and belief, the OMner has performed examinationsi and taken corrective measures dlescribed in this (hners Report in accordance Mith the requirements of the ASME: Code, Section XI.I By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his eSpidyer makes any Marranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in thfis Oia>>rps Report.Furithermore, neither the Inspector nor h,is erployer shall be liable in any manner for any personal inJury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fromi or connected with this inspection. Ins to Signa re Carnal ss I ons NB 8230 N I Natior'mi Board, State, Providence, andi Endorsements Date 98-028-3 FORM HIS-2 OWERS REPORT.FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by, the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI I.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 21 98 700'niverse Blvd.Juno Beach'l.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant'Name Unit PNO¹: 69/7853 MO¹: 98017985 01 CR¹:98-0276 9760 SN 344 Street'Florida Cit'Fl'.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address'I 4.Identification of System: Emer enc Feedwater S stem System¹: 75 Quality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~sa. Addenda,~sa Code Csee (b)Applicable Identification Edition of section zi Utilized for Repairs ar.Replacements 1989 Edition,~ma Addenda,~gs code case A of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Cosponents Name of Component Name of Manufacturer [Manufacturer(Mational (Serial No.Board Other Identification)Year')Repaired)ASHE)[Builtf Replaced or, f Code f/Replacement /Stamp/I I[t~es No IROD CONTINUOUS THREAD IH/A i1'TUD FABRICATED)MUTE HEAVY HEX (4).JM/A]N/A JN/A ,/STOCK CODE¹29486 1/UNK/Replacement /Mo UTC¹415246]N/A[STOCK CODE¹27832 1)UHK]Replacement [No UTC¹370708 7.Description of Uork: REPLACED'ONER BOLT OH AFM SUPPORT 80117-H-334-01 .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pnesnat i c: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-3 pressure~is Test Temperature oF 98-029-3 Sheet 2 of 2 41 FORM NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECHANICAL CONMECTION NO WELDING REOUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE lie certify that the statements made in the report are cor'rect and'thih replacement conforse to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of A orization No.~NBA SfgllNf~+~~+.S~ZC 2~~~4~Date~/~6~ ~19 5H Ouner or Oi ner's4esignee, TPEIe CERTII'ICATE OF IMSERVICE IMSPECTIW I, the undersignedholding a valLid ccxrmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Prdssuhe VessLI inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and,.eaployed by'rkuright Hutual Insurance Company'of Norgood, Ha.have inspected the caqxxx.nts descriled in this Cheers Report during the per iod 09/'IB/9'8 to 10/21/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and beliefthe Ihrner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Openers Report in accordance uith the requireaents of the ASHE Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate'neither the I'nspector nor his employer makes any uarranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measdres'escribed in this Ouner's Report.Furthermore neither the Inspector nor his employer, shall be liable iK any ma'nnei'or any perscnai injury or iproperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected ui'th this'napection. f Inspectors ignatdre Ccemissions -NB 8230~M~I Natl'onal Bo'ard,', State,,providence, a'nd Fndo'rsementa Date 4 19 4l 98-029-3 FORN NIS-2 OMHERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEKEHTS As the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI I.Owner Florida Power'&Li ht Date 10 22 98 700 Universe Blvd.J~Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Uni t 3 PMO¹: 63/5691 MO¹: 97022083 01 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.Ho.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp N A Authorization Ho.N A Expiration Date N A'760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Steam Generator S stem System¹: 71'uality Group: A 5.(a)Applicable. Construction Code'B31.1 1955 Edttten,~ua. Addenda,u~atode case 181 Applioagle Editionlof se:ation xl Utlllted for Eepsirs or Aeptaeeoents 1989 Edftfen,~ga Addenda,E~IA code Esse Identification of ComI5onents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Coeixfnent Name of Hanufacturer ]Hanufacturer) National,(]Serial No.Board I Other Identification)Year/Repaired)ASHE f]Built/Replaced or/Code f/Replacement [Stamp/[~yes go ITUBE PLUG (2)ABB JN/A iN/A]STOCK CODE¹214658 1.JUNK EMP NECHANICAL iNo 7.Description of Mork: INSTALLED 2 MEAR PREVENTATIVE PLUGS OH TUBE ROM 42 COLUHN 55.PLUGS INSTALLED BY ABB COMBUSTION ENGINEERING HOT LEG PLUG SERIAL¹MP 1853 COLD LEG PLUG SERIAL¹MP 1846 THIS NIS-2 IS FOR RECORD PURPOSES ONLY..Tests Conducted: Epdroststio: pneunatio: Hominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure~is Test Teopersture oF 98.030-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNANICAL PLUG NO WELDING REOUIRIED. CERT IF lt CATE OF COHPLIANCIE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this'replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Sta~Certificate of thorization No.~N A Expiration Date~NA Sienese A~Z$g r/<WAR-$-~~~y: Lair Owner or Qer's Designee, Title CERl'IF I CATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigna9, holding a valid cccmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employ'ed by Arkwright Hutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the components described in this Owners Report during the period 16/03/98 to 10/22/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examilnations and taken corrective measures descrilxxi in this i0wners Report in accordance with the requirements of the LSHP Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate nei'ther the Inspector nor hiis ehyibyer makes any warranty, expr'essixl o~r Implied, concerning the examinaticns and correct ive measures described in this Cmer's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his empl.oyer shall be liable'in any,'manr'ier for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with th'is Inspection. Inspect s Sigsdture Comnissions,, NB 823~DEMI~National Board, State, Providence, and Endorseeests Date (ear 4l 98-030-3 FORM NIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required~-the. provisions of the ASME CodecSection XI Ie Owner'F I orids Power 8 L i ht Name Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet 1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Mama Uni t puO¹: 63/9656 wo¹: 98018909'01 cR¹:98-1376 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P;O.Mo.,Job No.,etc 3.llork'Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht None Type Code Syahol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A M A 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: CVCS Char in 8 Letdown S tern System¹: 47 Quality Group: A 5.(a), Applicable Construction. Code 831.1 1955 Edit fo~nNAAddende,~gs Code Csee lul Appllcsuls Edition of section Rl Ntlllted for Repelrs or Replscennnts l9E9 Edit fo~nNA Addenda,~uA code csee o Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Conponents Name of'omponent Name of Manufacturer iHanufactureri National)i Serial'o.Board Other, Identification iYear i Repaired i ASNE i iguf lti Replaced or i Code//Replacenent istamp J I I J Ves rego IROOE THREADED (I STUD FABRICATED IM/A , IH/A IN/A IUTC 418085 iUHK iRepiacement iHo ASTK A-193 GRADE B7 iMUTE HEAVY HEX (1)I'HUT~HEAVY HEX (5)IN/A (H/A IH/A , IH/A IUTC 419938 i UHK i Repl acement i No ASHE SA-194 GRADE 7 iH/A iN/A iUTC 419893lUHK iReplacement)Ho ASHE SA-19C GRADE 7 7.Description of'Nork: REPLACED.OME 1 STUD AMD SIX'NUTS OM CONTROL VALVE CV-3-310B. PRESSURE TEST PERFORMED UMDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE'03-RCS-4101-L-03. .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunat i c: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1'T-2 pressure~2292 slg Test Tespcrsture .547 4F 98-031-3 Sheet 2, of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNANICAL CONKEiCTICN~INO LIELDING REOI/IREO. CERTIF ICATE OF COHPLIANCE Ne certify that the statements made in the report are correct and<<his'eplacement conforms to theirulins of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Staap Certificate of Authorization No.~NA NrA Sign&~A~CX~/ifgig~w'er" s Desi nI4 Title r or g Expiration Date A ante~~~/'+., I9 O'CERTIFICATE Ol: IHSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid'oamission issued by the Ilatfbnai Bokrd of 8'oiler and Pressure Vesse'l inspectors and the state dr Provi'ncc of Dade County and employed'by Arkwright Hutual Insurance Ccepany of Norwood, Ha.have inspectrxf t'e coaponents dcscrfbi<in this Owners Report during the periiod 09/30/98 to 10/23/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the thawer has perforated examfnatiore and taken, corrective measures descrited in this Owriicrs Report'in accordance with the requfrcments of the ASHE Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his eapl'.oyer makes any warranty, expressed or iaplied, concerning the examinations and coirrective measures described in this Owrw.r's Refmrt.Furthernore, neither.the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any inanner for any personal injury or prop'erty damage or a loss of any kind arising fron or ccencctcd with this inspection. Inspect s Si ature Date c~j)Coarnissfonn i NB 8230.~N~I National Board, State, Provfdrwcc, arxf Eindorsceants 98-031-3 FORH NIS-2 OuNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI.(her Florida Pouer"2, Li ht Date 10 24 98 700 Universe Blvd.Jam Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Uni t 3 PMO¹: 63/5639 QO¹: 97021739 01 9760 SM 344 Street'Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Poser.s Li ht Name e 9760 SQ 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A 4.Identification of Systemt EOUIPHENT NATCH System¹: 51 Duality Group: B 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edftfon,~NA Addenda,N~Acode case lcf Applicable Edition of Rection Nl Ntilited for Repairs or Replaceamnts T95il Edition,~u A Addenda,~u A cede case 6.Identification of Components Repaired" or Replaced and Replacement Cfffponents Name'f Conyanent (BOLT (1)HEAVY HEX l Name of Nanufacturer IN/A IN/A (N/A (Nanufacturer(National (Serial No.Board I I Other Ident i f ication (STK CCOE 15135 UTC 412893 (Year (Repaired (ASHE ((Built(Replaced or (Code ((Replacement (Stafffp ((I[~fs No (UNK (Replacement (No (NUT (1)HEAVY HEX IN/A (N/A (N/A (STK CODE 27975 UTC 418270 iUNK ,(Replacement (No 7.OeSCriptian Of llOrkt REPLACED ONE BOLT ANO ONE NUT ON THE UNIT 3 EOUIPHENT HATCH 3S10.8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunat i c: Nceinal Operating Pressure-Other VT-1 pressure~NA ic Test Temperature N A~F 98-032 3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: THIS IS A ICECHANIICAIL CONNECTION NO MELDING REoulRED.CERT I I: I CATE OF COMPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct snd this replacement conforms to theiruies of the ASME Code, Section XI.Type Code Syshoi Steep N A Certificate of uthorization Mo.~N A Expil ation Oats d~~~<Ower Oax.res Oesignee, Title;N A CERTIFICATE OF IMSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersignedholding a ccmmission issued by the'National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesse'I inspectors and the state or province of Oack cwnty and employed by Arkuright Mutual Insurance company of Moruood, Ma.have Incq~ted the caqxxM;nts descriked in this'Ouners Report during the period 09/30/98 to 10/24/98 and state that to the best of my kncccledge and belief, the%nor hss per formed examination snd taken corrective measui as described in this Mners Report in accordance Nith the requirements of the ASIIE Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his emplioyer makes any usrranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinatiore snd corrective messures<descr(bed in this fhcner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shel.l be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a,loss of any k'.ind arising'from or connected Ninth this inapection.. I Inspect rs S~ture Coecaissions NB 8230 N 1 I Mati~onai Boardc State, Providence, and Endorsements Oats Z4'99",P FORH NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FORrREPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code'Section XI I.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 29 98 700'Universe Blvd.Juno Beach.fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant'Unit PWO¹: 63/6669 MO¹: 97027649 01 CR¹:97-1377 9760 SM 3CC Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address'Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mork Performed'by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration;Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: C nt Cooli Mater S stem System¹: 30 Duality Group: C 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1'l955 Edltfcn,~MA Addenda;~NA code case (tt)Afptfcstrte:Edition of section xi Utilited far Repairs or Replacements 1959 Edittcn.~s A Addenda.~s A code case.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Nanufacturer iNanufactureri National (Serial No.Board Other Identification)Year i Repaired i ASHE i iguiiti'Replaced or i Code i/Replacement (Stamp i I I Jt~es Eo iVALVEE SWING CHECK IBONNEY FORGE IN/A'H/A ISTK CODE 222259 2 3-7218'TC'419226 iUHK'iReptacement iNo lELBOME SOCKETMELD I PIPE~CARBON STEEL'SCHEOULE 160 tH/A IN/A iH/A iSTK CODE 34037 1 UTC'415333 IN/A IH/A ISTK CODE 30687 1 UTC 417701 IFLANGE, CARBOH STEEL IN/A iH/A iSTK CODE 102064 1 I UTC 418535 IUNK IRepiacement IHo'iUNK iReplacement iNo iUNK iReplacement iNo IPIPEE CARBON STEEL (SCHEDULE 40 , IH/A IH/A IH/A ISTK CODE 30623 1 UTC 373909 iUHK iReplacement 'Ho 7.Description of Work: REPLACED VALVE 3-721B ANO ASSOCIATEO PIPING IN'ACCORDANCE MITH CR 97-1377.CODE CASE N-C16-1 MAS INVOKED FOR THIS REPLACEHENT ACTIVITY.LEAKAGE TEST PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST 03-CCM-3036 L-ol..Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Nominal Operating'Pressure Other VT-2 Pressure~119 ip Test Temperature 86 4F 98-033-3 Sheet 2 of 2 Cl FORH HIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL MELDING PERFORHED IN ACCORIDAHCE NITH APPROVED PLANT, PROCEDURES.'L CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIAHCE lie certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to,the!rules of the ASHE Code, Sect3on XI.Type Code Symbol Steep H A Certificate of thorization No..~N A SI.~~.g/~<<<<<<~=- Owner r (h r's Desi!knee, Tit@Fxpiration Date Date N A.CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTIOII I, the undersignedholding a valid cosmission issued by the Hati,onal Board of BoiKer and Prelssute V!essel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade Cixaty and employed by Arkwright Hutual'Insurance Company of Norwood, Na.have inspected the comFenents descr3ked in this Owners Report, during the period 03/'12/98 to 10/24/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief<<the Owner has performed examinations 'and taken corrective measures described in this Owners, Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASHE Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor,his,employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correct3ve measures'described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore<< neither the Inspector nor his employer shai.l be Liable in any manner for any personal injury or~propert~y damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this, inspection. Date'Ccmnlssions HB 8230 N!I Inspector Ssgnatiiire Hati'onal Board, State, Providence, a'nd Endersements ..~<~-p 98-033-3 FORH HIS-2 ONNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE,Code Section XI<.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Name Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PQO¹: 63/5938 lJO¹: 97023322 01 9760 SN 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Ilork Performed by Florida Power 8, Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Feedwater S stem System¹: 74 Qual i ty Group: 8 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~s A Addenda,u~s Code Case ini Applicable Edition of section Rl Mtilfted for Repairs or Replacements 19S9 Edition,~s A Addenda,s~s code case.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Coeponent Name of Hanufacturer ISTUFFING BOX IN/A iBLEEDER QIING CHECK]STUDS CARBON STEEL (4)IH/A I CHUTE HEAVY.HEX (4)[N/A)Hanufacturer) National J (Serial No.Board IN/A IH/A[N/A IH/A fH/A Other Identification ISTK CODE 203937 2 UTC 418395 iSTK CODE 28031 1 UTC 370211 ISTK CODE 27975 1 UTC 409569 418270 (Year (Repaired)ASHE[]Built)Replaced or J Code J f'eplacement JStaay f I I Jatos Me)UHK)Replacement)Ho[UNK[Replacement ]No (UNK (Replacement (Ho 7.Description of llork: REPLACED SOUTH STUFFING'OX FOR VALVE CV-3-2900. PRESSURE TESTING PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03-FW-7428-F-03. .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-2 pressure~1320 is Test Temperature 83 oF 98.034-3 Sheet 2 of 2 iCI FORH NIS"2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECMAMICAL CONNECTION NO MELDING lREOLIIRED. CERT I F I CATE OF CCIHPL IANC'E Me certify that the statements made in the rcport sre correct and this replacement conforms to theirulcs of thc ASHE Code, Section XI~Type Code Symbol Stamp Signed ict-Owner Certificate of uthorizpion No.~NA Owner'/Designee', Title Expiration Date ,dew M A CERTIFICATE OIF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holiding a valid contnission issued by thc Natibnal Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Proviince of'ade County and employed by Arkwriglht Hutunl Insurance Company of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the conponents described-In this Owners Report during the period'10/23/98 to ID/27/98 and state that to the best of my knowlcdlge and beliief, the Owner hss perfortned examinations snd taken corrective measures described in this Report in accordance"witlh the requ3remcnts of the ASHE Code,, Section XI.By signing this certif'icste neither the Inspectior nor his employer makes sny warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinstiions and corrective measures described iin this Owner's Rcloort.Furthernx>re, neither the Inspector nor his eqiioyer shall be li,able in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of sny kind arising fr(xn or ccmnectcd with this inspect;ion. Inspect s S~int ture Commissions WB 8230 N I Mlational Board, State, Providence, ahd Endoiserhcnta Date 98-03I-3 FORM NIS-2 ONNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI I.O~ner Florida Power&Li ht Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Jwm Beach Fl.33COB Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit 3 puo.¹: 63/3585 llo': 97011724 01'9760 Sll'344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.llork Performed by Florida Power&ki ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A H A 9760 SM 3C4 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: CVCS Char in&Letdown S stem System¹: C7 Quality Group: 8 5.(a)Applicable Construction'Code 831.1 1955 Edition,~HA Addenda,~ll A code cess (b)Applicable Edition of section xl Utlllted for Repairs or Replaccaents 1959 Edition,~H A Addenda,~M A code case.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component iPIPEE 316 S.S (2F,T)ASSIZE 2w IVALVE~2"GLOBE Name of Manufacturer iH/A-N/A iMsnufactureri National i)Serial No.Board I I Other Identification iH/A (STK CODE 30938 1 UTC 374075 ,(H/A IN/A IH/A ISTK CODE 53135 1 UTC 405016 iYear i Repaired i ASME i iBuilti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement istaJJp i Jatos ao iUHK.)Replacement)No lUHK IReplacement IHo 7.Description of Uorkt REPLACE EXISTING VALVE 3-293C AHD ASSOCIATED PIPING'.CODE CASE N-416-1 HAS BEEN INVOKED FOR THIS REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY.PRESSURE TEST PERFORMED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03-CVCS-C762-L-01. .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunstic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-2 Pressure~2350 lg Tost Tcapersture 98 oF 98-035-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: ALL MELDING PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVEO PLANT PROCEDURES.S CEIRTIF ICATE OF COMPLIANCE Me certify that the statements imsdc in the report are correct snd thisi replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol StanTe N<A Certificate of thoriis on No.~NA sign~~~" 4 B~Owner o Owner" Designee, f1 tie Expiration Date N A CERTIFICATE OIF INSER'VICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hollding a valid cosnission issued by the liationsl Board of Boiler and Pressuce Vessel inspectors and the state or Proviince of Dade County'snd employed by Arkwright Hutust Insurance Conpany of Norwood, Ha.have inspectwi thc components described in this Owners Report duriing the period 05/13/9i~to 10/27/98 and'state that to the best of'my knowledige and belief, the Owner hss performed exsininstions and'aken corrective measures described in this Owrers Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASHE Code, Section XI.By signing'his certifiicatc neither the Inspector nor his cnyloycr makes sny warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinstiions and corrective measures desi:ribed iin this Owner's Reiport.Furthermore, neither ihe.Inspector nor his employer shall be lieble in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kiind frcxn or ccemected w'1th this inspection. Inspectors i gna+I e Conmissiona NB 8230 N I Naticnal Board, State, Providence, and Endorsem'ants Date 98-035.3 FORH MIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI (A 2~OWnef Florida Power&, Li ht Date 10 29 98 700 Universe'Blvd. Juno Beach.Fl.33408 Address Sheet.of 2 2.Plant Turks Point Plant Name Unit 3 Pl%¹: 63/3586 lQ¹: 97011725 01 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Mo.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Name Type Code Symbol'tan'uthorization No Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.'33035-Address 4.Identification of System: CVCS.Char in 8 Letdown S stem System¹: 47 Quality Group: B.5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1'955 Edition,~NA Addenda,~MA Cade Csee 18>Applicable Edition of'section El utilltad for Nepsirs or Neplseeannts 1989 Edition,~aa Addenda,~aa coda seas Identification of Components Repafred or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of CoJJTxment IVALVE~2" GLOBE Name of Hanufacturer JM/A iM/A (M/A iHsnufactureri National i Serial Mo.Board Other Identification 'ISTK CODE 53135 1 UTC 331377 iYear J Repaired, (ASHE (iguiiti Replaced or,)Code f J Replacement istaJJJp i I I J~taa No iUMK/Replacement /No IPIPEE 316 S.S (2FT)ASSIZE 2" iELBDME 90 DEGREE ISIZE 285 IN/A)M/a IN/A JM/A ,IM/A ,ISTK CODE 30938 1UTC 374075 iUMKE iRepiacement iNo IM/A ISTK CODE 34889 1 iUNK iRepiacement)No UTC 353236 7.Description of llork: REPLACE EXISTING VALVE 3-293D AMD'ASSOCIATED PIPING.CODE CASE M-C16-1 NAS BEEN INVOKED FOR THIS REPLACEHENT ACTIVITY.PRESSURE TEST PERFORMED UMDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03-CVCS-C762-L-01. 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Other VT-2 Pneunstic: Nominal Operating Pressure Pressure~2350 ls Test Teapersture 98 oF 98.036.3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORN NIS-2 (Bsc'k)9.Remarks: ALL llELDING PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE MITH APPROVED PtANT PRGCEDUREG.i CERT IF I CATE GF COHPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in thc report sre correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASNE Code, Section Xl.Type Code Symbol Steep NrA Certificate of thorizs~on No.Sign~Ž~NA Expiration Date N A Gate gA/~+>>19 Owner o Owner" s Designee, Title.I CERTIFICATE OIF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holiding a valid conrnission issued by tlhc National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Proviince of Dade Ccemty and employed by Arkwright Nutual Insurance Conpany of Norwood, Na.have inspected the components described in this Owners Report during the period DS/13/9'o, 10/27/98'nd state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exrxninations and taken corrective measures descrilmd in this Owrrcrs Report in accordance with thc requirements of the ASNE CodeSection XI.By signing this certifiicate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the exsminatiions and corrective measures described lin this Owner's Report.Furthernere, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for sny personal injury or property damage or a loss of sny k'ind arising from or ccxwected with this inspection. Inspectors ign ee e Comnissiona NB 8230 N I National Board, State,'Providence, shd Endoiserr!enta Date I 98-036-3 FORH NIS-2 (MIERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI I.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet-1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PHO¹: 63/5682.IJO ¹, 97022063 01 9760 SM 344 Street FloridssCit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc 3.'Work Performed'by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Staff@Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 Su 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Steam Generator S stem System¹: 71 Quality Group: 8 5.(s)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~NA Addenda,~NA code case in)Applicable Edition of seatlon xi Utilized for Repairs or Reptaoaannts,1959 Edition,~aa Addenda,~aA code cosa Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component IBOLTS (2)HEAVY HEX I Name of Hanufacturer N/A IH/A IN/A iHsnufactureri National i Serial No.Board I I Other identification iUTC 393626 STK CODE 15169 iYear i Repaired)ASHE'i iBuilti Replaced or i Code i J Replacement igtaJJJp i I I Jurat Xo)UHK)Replacement iHo 7.Description of Mork: REPLACED ONE BOLT OH STEAH GENERATOR A 3E210A'ANDHOLE A AND ONE BOLT ON STEAN GENERATOR 3E210A HANDHOLE B..Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunstic: Hominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1 pressure~g A sig Test Toapersture NA oF 98-037-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: THIS IS A BOLTED CONNECTION NO MELDING REOUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF CCIHPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report sre correct'nd this replacement conforms to theirulcs of the ASKE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp N'A Certificate of thorization No..~NA A,:/4g~di Owner r Ownei is Desig ce, Title Expil'stion Date N A O.i.~~CERTIFICATE Ol-INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid conrnission ' the Natibnal Boardaof Boiler and prcdsurL Vdssel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employed iby Arkwright Hutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Hs.have inspected tlhe,components describi<in.this Owners Report during the periiod 10/05/98 to 10/27/98 arid state that to this best.of my knowledge and boil~of, the owner hss performed cxsiiiinsItiorha shd taken corrective measures descriticd in this Owriiers Reportiin accordance with the requirements of the AsKE code, Section XI.I By signing this certifiicate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes sny warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations encl corrective measures describad in this Owner's Report.Furthermore,i neither the Inspector nor his, cniploycr shall be liable In~any msnneri for sny personal injury or property damage or a loss of sny k1ind arising from oir connected with tIhfs inspection. I~r<Z/Comnissi~<" hlB 8230 N I I lnspecto S I gnat ure Naticnal'oard, State, providence, arxI Endorscments D.t.98-i037-3 FORH NIS-2 (MIERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As the Provisions of the AsHE code section xI 1.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 11 02 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33CDB Address Sheet*1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit puO¹: 63/5520 Mo¹: 9702115201 cR¹:98-1c66 9760 Sll 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc 3.'llork Performed by=Florida Power&Li ht Name ii Type Code Symbol Stomp Authorization,No. Expiration Date N A N A 9760 Sli 3CC Street Florida Cit'FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Reactor Vessel 5~(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 System¹: 43 Quality Group: "A i955 Edition,~N A Addenda,R~A coda case iu>Applicable Edition of seation xi utlllted for Repairs or Replaeeme ts i959 Edition,~u A Addenda,~u A code case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced snd, Replacement Coaponents Name of Component Name of Hanufacturer iHsnufsctureri National i Serial Ho.Board Other Identification IROOETHREADED (CFT)'lM/A iN/A I 8 STUDS FABRICATEO INUT~HEAVY HEX (16)IN/A iH/A IH/A ISTK CODE 29499 1 UTC 403918 IN/A ISTK CODE 27838 1 UTC 419762 iYesr i Repaired i ASHE i iguiiti Replaced or i Code i i Replacement istamp i I I it~os uo iuNK (Replacement iMo iUNK iRepiacement iNo 7.Description of llork: REPLACED 8 STUDS AND'6 NUTS ON'POOLPIECE ROa3-6316. .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1 Pressure~is Test Temperature 4F 98-038-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORH NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECHAHICAL CONNECTION HO 14ELDING REDUIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COHPL,lANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to thei ru(es of the i (ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stan@Certificate of Authoriiation Ho.~N A n/r c+~<~~f~Owne or (her's Desi!Bnee, T~e N A Expiratiion Date Date IH A I9 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICEi INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid comnissiion issued Iby the Nationail Board of and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and employed by Arkwright, Hutual linsurance Company of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the cotT.'onents described In this Owners'Report during the period O9/22/97 to ID/27/98 and state that to the Lest of my knowlecfge and belief, the Owner has performed exmalnatiom and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Report'n'accordance with the requirements of the ASHE CodeSection XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor Ihis eaployer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures'described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his etipioyer shall be liable ini any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisingi from or connected with this'nspection. Yy7 Commissions B 230 N I Inspector Sigrw~e Nationa(Board, State, providence, ahd Endoi'scents Date 98-038-3 ,0 FORM NIS-2 OHHERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI i.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Name Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33C08 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turks Point Plant Uni t PNO¹: 63/5518 lJO¹: 97021114 01 9760 SM 344'Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Nork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Name'9760 SN'344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 4.Identification of System: Reactor Coolant S stem System¹: 41 Quality Group: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 f955 Edition,~uA Addenda,~ua Code case (8)Applicable Edition of.Rection xl otllited for Repairs or Replsoements 1989 Edition,~ua Addenda,~ua code case.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Manufacturer IPRESSURIZER RELIEF VALVE ICROSBY Other Identification IH512C9-1362 IH/A IRV-3-551A IManufacturerI National I'Serial Ho.Board IYear I Repaired I ASME I IBuiltI Replaced or I Code I ,I Replacement IStsmp I I I i~tea llo IUNK IReplaced INo IPRESSURIZER RELIEF VALVE I CROSBY IRVm3-551A IH51249-1579 IN/A I TK CODE 176172 1 UTC 419094 IUHK IReplacement INo 7.Description of'Morkt REMOVE AND REPLACE PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALVE RV-3-551A. PRESSURE TEST PERFORMED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03 RCS-4101-L-03 'Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneusatic: 'Nominal Operating Pressure other vi.l 9'i.2 pressure~2292 io Test Temperature 547'F 98.039-3 Sheet 2 of 2 FORM HIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: MECHANICAL CONNECTION HO llELOING REOOIRED.CEIRT IF ICATE OF COMPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to.the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stanp NiA Certificate of thorization Ho.~NA Signed+k.+ACk:-B~~Owner or inerbs70esignee, Title Fxpiration Date H A bate PC"'~CERTIFICATE OF Ih1SERVICE IHSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid ccxnnissiion,issued by the Hationall Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state ior Province of Dade County and employed by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the caq:ionents described in this Owners Report during the period 09/22/97 to 10/27/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has p'erformed exabainations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME CodeSection XI.By signing this certificate neithier the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures;desdribed in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable ini any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ari;sing frit or connected with this inspection. /Inspecto Sign ure Cermissions NB fl230 N I National Board, State, Providence, and Endorsecbenta Date 98.039.3 FORH NIS-2 ONNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 1.Owner Florida Power 8 Li ht Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33COB Address Sheet 1~.of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Unit PUO¹: 63/6871 lJO¹: 98001032 01 9760 SU 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Mark.performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization.No. Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 3CC Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: Reactor Coolant S tem System¹: 41 Quality Group: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 f955 Edition,~sa Addenda,~sa code case<h>Applioehle Edition of saotlon Ri vtlllted for Repairs or Replsomnents f959 Edition,~sa Addenda,~sa code case.Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Hanufacturer iHanufactureri National i Serial No.Board'ther Identification IYe" I Repaired I ASHE I iguilti Replaced or i Code i'i Replacement iStamp.i I I/Y~es ito IPRESSURIZER 'RELIEF VALVE ICROSBY iPRESSURIZER RELIEF VALVE iCROSBY iRV-3-5518 iH51249-1360 iN/A: IH51249-1581 IN/A IRV-3-551B ISTK CODE 176173 1'UTC 419093 iUNK iReplaced iNo iUNK'iReplacement iNo 7.Description of,'Nork: REHOVE AND REPLACE PRESSURIZER SAFETY'VALVE RV-3-5518. PRESSURE TEST'ERFORMED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03-RCS-4101-L-03. .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneutetic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other Vt.i VT.2 Pressure~2292 ig Test Temperature 547'F 98-040-3 Sheet 2 of 2 Ili FORH HIS-2 (Back)9.Renarks: HECHANICAL CONNECTION NO MELDING REOOIRED.CERTIFICATE OF COKPLI,'ANCE Me certify that the statrxncnts made in the report are cor;rect snd this replacement conforms to the rules af the ASKE Code, Section XI.Type Code SymboL Starrp Certificate of uthorizajton No.~HA.'..;Expiration Date Signed)/'@~i~~~~4>w 82a~C-i~~~v Date/+'/Orrncr or Ogner's Dr:signce+Title N'CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a val:id comniission ilssucd by the National Board of Boiler and Prcdsur&Vdsscl inspectors and the state ar Province of Dade county and enploycd by Arkuright Kutual Insurance cqmpapy qf Norrrood, Ha.have inspected the components describrxi in this OMners Ilepart during the period 01/15/98 to'lO/27/98 and state that to the best of ray.knoulcdgc and belief, the Orrncr hss performed cxrNirinslti&s shd taken corrective measures described'in this Orrncrs Report'in accordance rrith the requirements of ithei ASHE Code, Section XI.I By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his enplioyer makes anylrarranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations andi corrective measures described in this rhrner's Report.Furthermore,i ncithcr the Inspector nor his erploycr shall be liable in,sny: manner:for sny personal injury or property damage or a Loss of sny kind arising from or connectedlrith this inspection,. Inspe ors Srgnature Carrrnissiony MB 8230 N i I National'oard, State, Pravidence, arrd Endorsements Date 9B-040.3 FORH NIS-2 ONNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR'REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI (.Obdner Flor(ds Pobder 8 Li ht Name Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turks Point Plant Unit PNO¹-63/6874 IQ¹: 98001039 01 9760 SM 34C Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair,Organization P.O.No.,Job'Noecetc 3~Uork Performed by Florida Pager S Li ht Type Code'Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A 9760 SN.3C4 Street Florida Cit FL.33035'Address 4.Identification of System: Reactor Coolant S stem System¹: C1 Quality Group: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~ll A Addenda,~ll A code case (b>Applicable Edition of'ection Xl Utilized for Repairs or Rcplacnnents 1959 Edition,~u A Addenda,~u A Code Case 6.Identification of Coayonents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Component Name of Hanufacturer I PRESSURIZER RELIEF VALVE I CROSBY ,iHanufactureri National i Serial No.Board Other Identification I I H51249-1361 I N/A I RV-3-551C IYear J Repaired I ASHE I'iguilti Replaced or)Code i i Replacement (Stamp (I'i~tea Ro/UNK i Replaced/No IPRESSURIZER RELIEF VALVE I CROSBY IRV-3-551C IN6987700004 IN/A'STK CODE 176171 1 UTC 419092 iUNK iReplacement iNo 7.DescriPtion of'ork: REHOVE AND REPLACE PRESSURIZER SAFTEY VALVE RV-3-551C.'RESSURE TEST PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST'ACKAGE ¹03.RCS-4101-L-03. 8.Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneusstic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1 VT-2 pressure~2292 ig Test Temperature 547 UF 98.041-3 Shee't 2 of 2 I FORM NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: HECNAMICAL CONNECTION MO llELOIMG REQOIRED.CIERT IF I CATE OF COHPLIANCE lie certify that the statcsatnts made in the report.are correct.and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stoep IN A Certificate of A horizati No.N~A 4~Owner or (I(meir's esignee, T'Otic Expiration Oate Date N A CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid corrmission issued by the Nationai Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of Dade County and~employed by Arlkwright Hutuai Insurance C~ny of Norwood, Ha.have inspected the cocponents described in:this Owners Report during the period 01/15/98 to 10/27/98 and state that to the best of my kpowiedge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures describecl in this Owners Report in accordance with the requireaents of the ASHE Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate ineither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described, In, this Owner~s Report.'Furthersere, neither the Inspector nor his empioyer shatl lm liable in any manner for any personal, damage or a Loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector Signet re Ccemissions >>NB 823O M I National Board, State, Providence, and Endorseeents 98-04'l-3 FORM NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the,ASME Code Section XI<.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 10 29 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant Name Unit PWO¹: 63/0137 WO¹: 98020991 01 CR¹:98-1652 9760 SW 344 Street'Florida Cit'l.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.Work Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Name Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ho.Expiration Date N A N A 9760 SW 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: CVCS Char in&Letdown S tem System¹: 47 Duality Croup: A 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 Edition,~s A Addenda,H~A code case lhi Applicahlo Edition of sectlorl Xi Utilized for Recsirs or RePlecements 1989 Edition,~H A Addenda,H~A Cede Case.Identification of Coaponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Carponent Mane of Manufacturer ]Manufacturer(National)Serial Mo.Board I Other Identification ]Year Repaired f ASHE (]Built Replaced or f Code f J,Replacement)Stsap f I I/T~es Ho JSTUDE WITH MUT (3)IN/A IN/A iH/A IUTC 416012 STK CODE 56928-1 JUNK)Replacement)No iBONHETE VALVE (1)ICOPES WLCAN IN/A fH/A IUTC 414031 STK CODE 56650-1 ,)UHK[Replacement [Ho 7.Description of Work: REPLACED BOHNET AMD 3 STUDS WITH NUTS OH LCV-3-460. LEAKAGE TEST PERFORMED UNDER 03-RCS-4101-L-04. .Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pneunatic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT.1 VT 2 Pressure~2285 is Test Temperature 547'F 98.042-3 Sheet 2 of 2 Il FORM HIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks: MECHANICAL CONNECTION NO YIELDING REQ!JIREO. CEIRTI F I CATE OF COMPLIANCE Me certify that the statements made in the relport are correct snd this~replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI~Type.Code Symbol Stan@NIA Certificate of horizatiop No.~NA Sig.~~Owner or oner" s OLfsignee, itle Expiration Date N A CERTIFICATE OIF IHSER'VICE IHSPECTIOII I, the undersigned, holding a valid c<Nmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors, and the state or Province of Dade Ccenty and empioyediby Arkwright Mutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ka.have Inspectw!the components described in this Owners Report during the period'10/26/98 to 10/27/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exa<ninatio<m and taken corrective measures descriIM in this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his emplloyer makes any warranty, expressed or ispiied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kiind arising from or connectedl with this inspection. Inspect s Signature Com<nission+ HB 8230 N I National Board, State, Providence, and Endorsements Date~7,q+P'8-042-3 FORH NIS-2 OHNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEHENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI z.Owner n Florida Power$Li ht Date 10 30 98 700 Universe Blvd.Jum Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet n 1 of 2 2.Plant I Turke PointIPlant Unit 3 PNO¹: 63/4106 lO¹: 97006713 01 CR¹:97-0315 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job No.,etc 3.llork Performed by Florida Power 8 Li ht Type Code Syabol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date N A N A N A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL'.33035 Address'.Identification, of System: InstruTTent Air System¹: 94 Duality Group: 8 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code 831.1 f955 Edttfon,~NA Addenda,~NA Code Case (b>Applicable Edition of section xl ut,fllted for Repair's or Rcplaceannts l989 Edition,~u 6 Addenda,~u 6 cocle case Identification of Conlponents Repaired'or Replaced and'Replacement Components Name of Component IVALVEN SHING CHECK I)PIPER CARBON STEEL iYear'i'epaired i ASHE i'iBuilti Replaced or J Code i i Replacement iSterp i s No Name of iHanufactureri National Other Identification Hanufacturer [Serial No.Board I LAD I SH H/A IN/A iN/A IN/A IUTC 411979 Sl'K CODE 30626-1 iUNK i Replacement iNo I~Ye N/A (UTC 417420 iUNK, Replacement No'TK CODE 182361-2 7.Description of.Nork f REPL'ACED EXISTING CHECK VALVE 3-40-205.CODE CASE N-416-1 HAS BEEN INVOKED-FOR'HIS REPLACEHENT ACTIVITY.PRESSURE TEST PERFORHED UNDER PRESSURE TEST PACKAGE¹03-IA-1301-L-01. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pnewetic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-2 pressure~Ed ig Test Tespersture ~F.98-043-3 Sheet 2 of 2~l FORM NIS-2 (Baclc)9.Remarks: ALL WELDING PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE MITH THE FPL llEL'D CONTR'OL MANUAL'.CDDF.CASE N4'16-1 WAS ENVOKED FOR THIS REPI.ACEMENT ACTIVITY.CERTIFICATE OF CCMPLIAHCE lie certify that the statenents made in the reiert are;correct and tihisireplaceaent conforms to the'rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp N A Certificate of Authorization Ho.~NA~5p r'.-;-)Signed~c4~d~~~%3Q r&~n Owner, or wr'skesignee'Title ~Expiration Date D.t.N A CERTIFI CATIE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid coninission issued by the Natienai Board of Boiler and Pressure Veasel inspectors and the, state or Province of Dade Catty and cloyed'by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Coo@any of Norwood, Ma.have Insixmted the corn@ments de'scribed in this Owners Report during the period 06/23/97 to 10/28/98 and state that to the best of my Iknowiedge and beli'ef,'he Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described iin this Owners Report'in acccrdance with the requirements of'he'ASME Code, Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor h'is employer makes any warranty, expressed or'(implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures descrilxxi fn this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his eayloyer shall be liable, in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising frea or cennected with this inspection; /Inspecto Signa ure Coaaiissiona NB~30 N I National Board, State, Providence, and Endoraements Date 19 5" F'8-043-3 FORM NIS-2 OMMERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required bynthe Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI 8.Owner Florida Power&Li ht Date 11 17 98 700 Universe Blvd.Juno Beach Fl.33408 Address Sheet s 1 of 2 2.Plant Turke Point Plant 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit Fl.33035 Address Unit 3 PMO¹: 63/3977 MO¹: 97001397 01 PCN¹: 96-092 Repair Organization P.O.No.,Job Ho.,etc 3.Mork Performed by Florida Power&Li ht Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization Ho.Expiration Date N A N A M A 9760 SM 344 Street Florida Cit FL.33035 Address 4.Identification of System: C nt Cooli Mater S stem System¹: '30 Quality Group: C 5.(s)Applicable Construction Code B31.1 1955 d Et sf~casa Addend~eat Code Case (al Applicable Edftfoll of sectfon Xf U\flf.ted for RePafl'a ol'CPlocnaents 1989 Edftfon,~HA Addenda,~ll A Code Case Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I'I l3T 216 Name of Coe ponent Other Identification )VARIOUS VARIOUS I H/A iCCM HEAD TANK NOD IF I CATION Name of/Manufacturer/ National/Ksnufacturer .]Serial No.Board/Year f Repaired f ASHE/)guilt]Replaced or/Code/Replacement /Stamp (I I/~tes No IVAR.I"epiacement INO 7.Description of Mork: ADDITION'OF CCM HEAD TANK AND ASSOCIATED PIPING FITTINGS SUPPORTS AMO VALVES PER PC H 96-092 INCLUDING MORK ORDERS 97001397 01'ND 98010744 01.CODE CASE N-416-1 MAS INVOKED FOR THIS HOOIFICATIOM. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST 03-CCM-30308-H-01 AMO PRESSURE TESTS 03-CCM-30314-L-01 03-CCM-30311-1-02 AND 03-CCM-30309-L-01 MERE PERFORMED AS REQUIRED UNDER PC H 96-092.*SEE INDIVIDUAL PRESSURE TEST PACKAGES FOR TEST PARAHETERS. 'ests Conducted: Hydrostatic: Pnematic: Nominal Operating Pressure Other VT-1 2 3 Prcssure~fg Test Tarperature


CERTIFICATE OF COHPLI'ANCIE i/e certify that the statements amde in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASHE Code, Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp N A Certificate of Autho zatian No.~NA s;~'@~4M Owner or Ower/'s Desig~e, Title Expiration Date D.t.4~<<N/A CERT IF I CATIE OFINSERVICE INSPEC1'ION I, the undersigned, holding a valid ccmnission issued by the Niationai Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of IDade Catty and eaployed by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Company of Norwood, Ha;have inspo:ted the ceqxnents desciribed in this Owners Report during the period 05/27/98, to 11/03/98 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in tlhis Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of thai,ASHE Code, Section XI~I By signing this certificate neither t'e Inspector nor his~loyei makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures'descrihM in this Owner's Report.Furthermore,; neither the Inspector nor his employer shall, be liable in, any, manner, for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fram or connected with this inspection. Ins ors S nature Comnissions',,- 'B 8230'I National',Board, State, Providence, and Endorsements Date 19.+P 98-Oi44-3 TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 1998 REFUELING OUTAGE Form NIS-BB Owners'ata Report of Eddy Current Examinations ~O Page 1 of1 FORM NIS-BB OWNERS'ATA REPORT FOR EDDY CURRENT EXAMINATION RESULTS As required by the provisions of the ASME Code Rules EDDY CURRENT EXANINATION RESULTS PLANT: Turkey Point Unit 3 EXAMINATION DATE: October 5 1998 through October 8, 1998 Steam Total Generator Tubes Inspected 3E210A 3194 3E210B 3187 3E210C 3179 20%-39%6 0)40 27 (()Total Tubes Tubes Plugged as Preventative Maintenance Tubes Plugged This Outage Total Plugged Tubes in S/G 20 35 LOCATION OF INDICATIONS (3)(20%-100%)Steam Generator AVB Bars Support Locations 1 thru 6 Cold Leg Support Locations 1 thru 6 Hot Leg Freespan 06H-06C U-Bend Top of Top of Total Tubesheet Tubesheet Indications to t1 TSP to P1 TSP 20%-39%Cold Leg Hot Leg Total Indications )40%3E210A 11 (()3E210B 22 (()(2)3E210C 43 (i)'0 22 (()g)43 (i)Remarks: (1)Mechanical wear damage at anti-vibration bars (AVB)was depth sized using qualified bobbin coil sizing technique. (2)One tube was preventatively plugged in SG 3B for AVB wear progression. (3)Some tubes may have more than one AVB wear indication reported.Date:~~~~9'repared by: CSI S/G Eddy Current oordinator Date: 2.(J9 Reviewed by: I Inspections Supe isor Date: o I Reviewed by: 2 8 CSI S/G echnical S ecialist ~Ci 0 COMPONENT: S/G'CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION


TURKEY POINT UNIT g 3'09/98 Page: 1 Date: 10/13/98 Examination 'Dates.: 10/05/98 thru 10/08/98 Total Number of Tubes Inspected.....: 3194 Total Indications Betveen 20<and 394 Greater than or equal to 404 Total'orrosion type Indications"VOL" Total Tubes Plugged as Preventive Maint Total Tubes Plugged 11 0 0 0 0 Location Of Indications 208 to 100$&"VOL'" Hot Leg TSH-.5 01H-2.0 to 01H-2.1 to'06H+2.0 0~0 06H+2.1 to AV1-3.1,: 0 AV1-3,.0 to AV4-3'.0: 11 Cold Leg TSC-.5 to 01C-2.1: 0 01C-2.0 to 06C+2,.0: 0 06C+2.1 to AV4-3.1: 0 ~O~~il OHPONENT: S/G A DESCRIPTION

ALL 20K TO 39K'INDICATIONS INDICATIONS/TRENDING REPORT PTN-3 OUTAGE: 09/98 ,Page: 1 Date: 10/13/98 Time:.15:55:32+I I'xtent I-I[Roe[Col[Leg[*
  • ITst/Note[

Reel I Probe I Location+---I-I I"I----I-I-I: I 33[41[C'I ITEKTECPS[AC025,'IA-720-H/ULC [AV1.0:I.C I'ITEKTECPSIAC025 'IA-720-M/ULC.IAV2.0 I I I C I ITEHTECPSIAC025 ,IA-720-H/ULC IAV3;.0 I;I'C I ITEKTECI.R[AC025 IA-720-H/ULC IAV4.0 I 31[44[K I IT cTEM IAK025[A-720-H/ULC IAV3.0 I 38[45[-C I[TEKTECPSIAC024 IA-.720-H/ULC IAV2.0 I C I.ITEKTECPSIAC024 IA-720-H/ULC IAV3.0 I 37[47[C I ITEKTEC IAC027'IA-720-H/ULC IAV3.'0 I 30[52[C I ITEHTECPCIAC030 IA-720..H/ULC IAV3.0;I 28[59[C I ITEKTEc IAc034 IA-720.M/ULc IAV2;0 I I.I C I ,ITEKTEC IAC034 IA-720-M/ULC IAV3.0'---I---I---I---I--------I-I I'--Number of RECORDS Selected from Current Outage: '11 Number of TUBES Selected from Current Outage: 6 , 09/98 I I~N/A I IVolts[Dcg[Ch I'/,[Diff[ Location IVolts[Dcg[Ch I g I-I---'I--I-I--I----I-------------I-----I---I---I---. I.9I'P 2[26[I I I I I I I'4l IP 2['>>I.I I I'I I I 1.41 I>>I 29[.I I I I I I I-4[I>>I>>I I I I I I I I~4[I>>l, 29I I I I I I I 1.8[;IP 2[.35[I I I I I.8['P 2[28[I I I I I 1.0[[P 2[28[I I[I I.4[IP 2[29,[I I I I'I I-7l I>>[25I I I I I I'I I.5[I>>I>>l I I I I I I--I----I---I---I---I----I------.---- I----.I---I---I---. 0 il COMPONENT: S/G'B'UMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION


TURKEY POINT UNIT if 3 09/98 Page: 1 Date: 10/13/98 Examination Dates: 10/05/98 thru 10/08/98 Total Number of Tubes Inspected.....: 3187 Total Indications Between 20>and 39~Greater than or equal to 40%Total Corrosion type Indications"VOL" Total Tubes Plugged as Preventive. Maint Total Tubes Plugged 22 0 0 1 0 Location Of Indications 20>to 100>&"VOL" Hot Leg.TSH-.5 to 01H-2.1: 0 01H-2.0 to 06H+2.0: 0 06H+2.1 to AVl-3.1.: 0 AV1-3.0 to AV4-3.0: 22 Cold Leg TSC-.5 to 01C-2.1: 0 01C-2.0 to 06C+2.0: 0 06C+2.1 to AV4-3.1: 0 ~O 0 INDICATIOHS/TREHDIHG REPORT PTH-3 OUTAGE: 09/98 OHPOHENT: S/G B~t DESCRIPTIOH: ALL 40X TO 100K, VOL 8:PTP INDICATIONS Page: 1 Date: 10/13/98 Time: 15:58:21.+'I Extent IRovlcoIILcgI** ITst/Hotel Reel I+---I---I-.-I--I--------I-I I,-QI 55I K l39XITEGTEK IBH016 IA-720-K/ULc ---I--I--I--I-----I--Hunbcr of RECORDS Selected from Current Outage Number of TUBES'Selected from Current Outage: I 09/98 I,I I.ocation IVoltslDeglch I x IDiffl I---I----I---I---I---I-I IAY3.0 I 1.5I IP 2IPTPI I------------I----I--I--I---l-I 1 1 H/A I Location IVoltslDeglCh I X'I I I.I--.I---+ I I I I I I I.I--.I---+ 0 0 0 OMPONENT: S/G 8 DESCRIPTIOH

ALL 20X TO 39K INDICATIONS INDICATIONS/TRENDING REPORT PTN-3 OUTAGE: 09/98 Page: 1 Date: 10/13/98 Time: 15:58:51+'L I I Extent[Row(coi(Leg(**"ITst/Note(Reei Probe--I--I--I-l--I----I (28(111 H I ITECTEKLR(BK011 (A-720.M/ULC I 29[12[H I ITECTEHLRIBH011 I 720.M/ULC 26(20(H (ITECTEH IBH025 (A-720-M/ULC (34(31(H I ITECTEHPS(BH018 (A-72D.M/ULC I I I O'ITECTEHPs[BH018 (A 720-M/ULc I-32(34I H I ITECTEHPSIBH021 IA-720-M/ULC I I I H[ITECTEKPSIBH021 (A-720-M/ULC I I I H I ITECTEHPSIBH021 IA-720.M/ULC I I I H I ITECTEHPSIBH021 IA-720-M/ULC I 34(46(H I ITECTEHPSIBH019 IA-720-M/ULC

((K ((TECTEHPS(BH019 (A-720-M/ULC (35(48(K I ITECTEHPSIBHD16 IA-720.M/ULC I I I K ([TECTEHPS(BH016 IA-720-M/ULC 11(50(c I (TEHTEcsc(Bc003 (a-720-M/ULC (34(51(H I ITEC'IEHPS(BK016 IA-720-M/ULC N ((TECTEHPSIBH016 (A 720-M/ULC I I I K I ITECTEHPslBH016 IA-720-M/ULC I 34(53(K I ITEGTEK IBH016 Ia-720-M/ULc I I I K I ITECTEH IBH016 (A-720-M/ULC I H (ITECTEK IBH016 IA-720-M/ULC I I I H I ITECTEH IBH016 IA-720-K/ULC I I I H I ITECTEH IBH016 IA-720.M/ULC +--I---'I--I--I-I I I AV4 IAY1 IAV4 (AV2 (AV3 IAV1 IAV2 IAV3 (AV4 IAV2 (AV3 IAV2 (AV3 IAV1 lAVI IAV2 (AV3 IAV1 (AVZ (AV3 (AVZ[AV3 I. I (Location I.5(~3(.5(.8(.5(~Sl 1.0I 1.4 (.4I as(li z(zi(I I>>l>>I I I>>I>>I I (I z(30(l>>I>>I I I>>I 32I I>>I>>I I I>>I 30(I I>>l>>I I I>>l>>I I (I 2(27(IP 2(zs(.2('(p z(z1(1~1(IP 2(34[~3(IP zl 23(.S(~6(.3(.2(1.S[-I-I (I Z(26(IP zl 28[IP z(z3((r z(zz(l>>l 39l I I I I-I-09/98 I I (Voits(oeg(ch (X,(Diff(--I----I---I-I l.3((I z(zzl I.z(23(N/A Location I IVoits(Deg(ch (X (I.I.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (I Number of RECORDS Selected from Current Outage: 22 Number of TUBES SeLected from Current Outage: 11 0 il COMPONENT: S/G C CUMULATIVE. DISTRIBUTION'UMMARY r TURKEY POINT UNIT if 3 09/98 Page: 1 Date: 10/13/98 Examination Dates: 10/05/98 thru 10/08/98 Total Number of Tubes Inspected 3 179 Total Indications Between 204 and 39%Greater than or equal to 404 Total Corrosion type Indications"VOL" Total Tubes Plugged as Preventive 'Maint Total Tubes Plugged 43 0 0 0 0 Location Of Indications 100%,&"VOL" Hot Leg TSH-.5 to 01H-2.1 01H-2.0 to 06H+2.0 0'6H+2,.1 to AV1-3.1 0 AV1-3.0 to AV4-3.0: 43 Cold Leg TSC-.5 to 01C-2.1 01C-2.0 to.06C+2.0 06C+2.1 to AV4-3.1 0 0 0 COMPONENT: S/G C DESCRIPTION

ALL 20X TO 39X INDICATIONS INDICATIONS/TRENDING REPORT PTN-3 OUTAGE: 09/98 Page: 1 Date: 10/13/98 Time: 16:04:32+\~I Extent (Row(Col(Leg(*~~(Tst/Note(, Reel'---I---I---I--.I-------I------

(31(15('I+ITEKTECPSICC034 I 30(17(C (~(TEHTECPS(CC033 I 30(18(C I~ITEHTECPSICC033 I 33(3I(C ((TEKTECPS(CC038 (34(31(c t~ITEKTEcPs(cc037 I c (ITEKTEcPc(cc037 t 42(31(C t>>ITECTEKPS(CK033 I 33I 32I C IA ITEHTECPSICC038 I C IH (TEKTECPSICC038 (43(33(C (d (6AKTECRC(CC038 (3s(3s(c tj ITEHTEci sfcc038 I 43(35 (c I~ITEKTEGPs(cc038 (35(36(C (i (TEHTECPS(CC038 I c I j (TEKTEGPs(cc038 I 34 I 41 I C I~(TEHTECPs IcC037 I I (C Il'TEHTECPSICC037 I c (~(TEHTECPs(Cc037 I I I c I~ITEKlECPSICC037 (35f 43(C (~ITEHTECPSfCC041 f c (r'TEHTEGPs(cc041 I I ,I c I i ITEHTECPs(CC041 I 34(44(I ITEKTECPS(CC040 I 35(44(C ((TEKTECPS(CC041 I I I c I~ITEKTECPslcc041 I I I c I ITEHTECPslcc041 I 28(48(c (H (TEKTEcPsfcco46 I 35I 49I c I A ITEKTECPSICC043 I 39I 54(c (j (TEHTEcPslcc043 (26(58(C (i ,(TEHTECPS(CC050 I l I C ti ITEHTECPSICCOSO II c I ITEHTEcPslcc050 I I I C Iif ITEHTECScfCC050 (28(60(C (II'TEHTECPSICC050 I 30(61(c I<(TEHTEcPs(cc050 (38(61(C f~ITEKTECPS(CC044 (25(62(c t~ITEKTEcpsfcc049 I c (~(TEHTEcPsfcc049 I 24(63(c III ITEHTEGPs(cc050 I I (C.(H (TEKTECPS(CC050 I 38(65(K (/(TECTEHPS(CK026 'I I (K'/ITECTEKPS(CK026 I I I H (~(TECTEKPS(CK026 I 38(71(H (~ITECTEKPS(CK026 ---I--I--I--I------I----(A-720-H/ULC (AV1 IA-720-H/ULC IAV1 IA-720.H/ULC IAV1 (A-7ZO-M/ULC IAv3 IA-7?0-H/ULC IAV2 IA-720-M/ULC !AV3 tA-720-M/ULC IAV3 IA-720-M/ULC IAV2 IA 0 H/ULC IAV3 IA-720-H/ULC tAV3 IA-720-H/ULC IAV3 (A-720-M/ULC (AV3 (A-720-M/ULC (AV2 IA-720.H/ULC (AV3 IA-720.H/ULC IAV1 (A-720-M/ULC IAV2 (A-720-M/ULC (AV3 (A-720-M/ULC (AV4 IA 72 H/ULC IAV2 (A-720-M/ULC (AV3 IA-720-H/ULC IAV4 IA-720-H/ULC fAV3 IA-720-H/ULC (AV2.IA-720-H/ULC IAV3 IA-720-H/ULC IAV4 IA-720-M/ULC IAV IA-720-M/ULC IAV4 IA-720-M/ULC (AV3 IA-720-M/ULC (AV1 (A-720-H/ULC (AV2 IA-720 H/ULC IAV3 fA-720-H/ULC (AV1 IA-720-H/ULC IAV2 IA 72 H/ULC IAV IA-720-H/ULC IAV2 (A-720.H/ULC (AV2 IA-720 H/ULC (AV3 IA-720-H/ULC IAV2 (A-720-M/ULC (AV3 IA-720.M/ULC (AV2 IA-720-H/ULC IAV3 IA-720 M/Ut.C IAV4 IA-720-M/ULC IAV3. I Probe (Location 09/98 (Volts(D I--I-.2(.2(.4f.5(.7(.4 f.~3(-3(.3(.3(.2(.4(.5(~8(.5(~6I.7(.9(1.2I.8(.4f 1.5 I 1.6I.6(.3(~Sl.3(.7(.3(.4(.2(.6(.3(.3f~Sl~4(.6I.5(.4(~6(I.6(--I--I l eg(Ch I X (Diff(--I---I.--I-(P 2(ZO(II zl 21(IP Zt 23(IP Zt 23((I zl z7(II Zt 29(IP 2(20(II 2(22(IP zl 21((P 2(Z1(II I II?I 24((I zl 30((I 2(26(II 2(z8((P 2(29(~(I z(zs(II 2(29((P zl 24(fi 2(z2f (I 2(33((I 2(34((I 2(Z1(IP z(zz(Ii 2(zo((P 2(Z6((P 2('30(IP zl 25((I 2(21(Ii 2(23((P 2(Z9((p 2(zs(I>>I>>I IP zl zzl tp z(zs(tp z(z8(1>>I.20((I 2(23(IP 2(23(N/A Location I (Volts(oeg(Ch (X (I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I l I I I I I I I I I (I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.--I I I 0 0 COHPONEHT: S/G C DESCRIPTIOH

ALL 20X TO 39X INDICATIOHS INDICATIONS/TRENDING REPORT.PTN-3 OUTAGE: '09/98 Page: 2 Date: 10/13/98 Time: 16:04:34 I ,Extent I (Row]col(Leg]'*~./Tst/Notej'eel' I I I I-I I'---I---I-I'I I-I l Number of RECORDS Sclccted.from Current Outage: Number of TUBES Selected from Current Outage: Location 43 27 09/98 I I'/A I/Volts(Degfch f X]Diff/l.ocation/Volts/Deg/Ch,/

X/I I-I---I---I---I------


--'I-I---I.--I----I-------------'I----I---I---I.-- 4I 0 TURKEY POINT UNIT 3, 1998 REFUELING OUTAGE Summary of Visual Examinations and Functional Testing of Snubbers ~Ci~O Abstract The attached report details the snubber inspection/testing performed for Florida Power and Light Company, Turkey Point Unit 3.These tests and inspections were performed during the Fall 1998 refueling outage, between the dates of September 21, 1998 and October 28, 1998 Snubber inspection/testing was conducted in accordance with Plant Technical'pecifications as allowed under Relief Request 4 of the Third Ten Year Interval ISI Program. 0 0 Mechanical shock arrestors (snubbers) were visually inspected/handstroked and functionally tested under purchase order A'00032190 by Basic-PSA personnel in accordance with the following plant/vendor procedures: 0-CMM-105. 1 0-OSP-105. 1 O-OSP-105.2 A technical specification visual inspection, ASME Section XI VT-3 and a hand stroking was performed at the following tag locations: 3-1000 3-1012 3-1019 3-1025 3-1125 3-1133 3-1002 3-1013 3-1020 3-1026 3-1126 3-1134 3-1003 3-1014 3-1021 3-1027 3-1127 3-1135 3-1007 3-1015 3-1022 3-1028 3-1128 3-1008 3-1016 3-1023 3-1030 3-1130 3-1011 3-1017 3-1024 3-1123 3-1132 A technical specification visual inspection, ASME Section XI VT-3, NO HAND STROKE, and a.functional test was performed at the following tag locations: 3-1001 3-1102 3-1005 3-1018 3-1111 r 3-1006 3-1029 3-1004 3-1009 3-1069 3-1082 3-1124 3-1129 3-1010 3-1093 3-1131 Italicsindicaies SR Sample snubbers Bold indicates QR Sample snubbers Und rlin in i reviou rebuil A technical specification visual inspection, ASME Section XI VT-'3 and a hand stroking was performed at the following tag locations. Upon completion of the technical specification visual inspection, ASME Section XI VT-3 and the hand stroking, the snubbers were changed out with previously rebuilt and functionally tested snubbers.The removed snubbers were rebuilt and functionally tested and will be utilized as spares for future outages.3-1043 3-1044 3-1045 3-1046 Word:ptnsfo2/vol.i/common/&p198 0 4l 0 oint Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Re g Outage WO¹9702360001 0 S Date S S Visual T of T T Tag Serial Inspection A Functional A"L" A Number Number Date T Test T Dimension T Visual S Functional S 3-1000 18015 10/2/98 3-1001 27095 9/30/98 12.75 9/30/98 P.17.00 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimemion acceptable, handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no handstroke performed, snubber is part of the initial SR sample.N/A A functional test was performed with the following acciytable results.Snubber was removed with transition tube left in place, cleaned and lubricated spherical bearings and load pin with neolube-24982-3.Snubber S/N 27095 Tension Compression Test 1)12.73 17.07 Test 2)8.64 13.79 Test 3)0.006 0.006 Test 4)9.21 13.81 Criteria 300.00 300.00.02g 300.00 3-1002 104 10/2/98 N/A 17.25 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with neolube-24982-3.This SR snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.3-1003 29625 10/2/98 N/A 16.25 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with neolube-24982-3.N/A 3-1004 101 10/1/98 10/1/98 P 17.375 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no handstroke performed, snubber is part of the initial QR sample.Spherical bearings and load pin were lubricated with neolube-29482-3.Snubber S/N 101 Tension Compression Test I)22.46 17.06 Test 2)18.87 9.31 Test 3)0.013 0.009 Test 4)19.13 9.43 This R snubber was tested as Criteria 300.00 300.00.02g 300.00 of the initial sam le A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.WORD: PTNSF021 VOLI/COM MON/FRPT98 0'll int Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Refue mg Outage WO¹97023600 01 Tag Serial Number Number S Date S S Visual T of T T Inspection A Functional A"L" A Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Summary Functional Sununary 3-1005 10579 9/28/98 P 9/30/98 P 26.375 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, No handstroke performed. This snubber was tested as a previous rebuild.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Snubber S/N 10579 Tension Compression Criteria Test 1)113.94 215.71 2500.00 Test 2)102.68 139.39 2500.00 Test 3)0.003 0.007.02g Test 4)108.67 156.31 2500.00 3-1006 6494 9/28/98 P 9/30/98 P 26.575 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, No hatxhtroke performed. This snubber was tested as a previous rebuild.Snubber had dislodged bearing.875" on building end and both paddies were loose.Bearing was restaked and both paddies were retorqued. Corrective actions were performed per Condition Report (CR 97-2008, PMAI 9841485).This R snubber was tested as a revious rebuild.A functional test was performed with the following accelerable results.Snubber S/N 6494 Tension Compression Criteria Test 1)71.46 165.39 2500.00 Test 2)33.44 141.81 2500.00 Test 3)0.008 0.007.02g Test 4)43.32 131.19 2500.00 This R snubber was tested as a revious rebuild.WORD:PTNS F02/VOL l/COht h(ON/FRPT98 0 II T oint Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Re gOutage WO¹9702360001 Visual Tag Serial Inspection Number Number Date S Date S S Tof T T A Functional A."L" A T Test T Dimension T Visual Summary Functional Summary 3-1007 4590 (Removed)10035 (Installed) 9/29/98 P 10/2/98 F 26.938 P i 27 313 (As left)Snubber passed Technical Specification inspection, but during IWF inspection the snubber would not rotate and could not be handstroked. CR 98-1404 was written.The"L" dimension was in acceptable range.Load studs were jammed due to snubber being in a bind.When pipe end load stud was removed the pipe shifted.375" to the west.The snubber was transported to the trailer for machine stroking and did not meet the acceptance criteria, it was broken down to determine wear and parts for rebuild.Snubber serial¹4590 was replaced with serial¹10035.Snubber S/N 4590 was put in the bench to stroke.The snubber was frozen, requiring 6,0001b.for breakaway, the acceptance criteria is 2500.CR 98-1404 was written to address the problem, the snubber was broken down and a list of defective parts were submitted to ISI.Due to the extent of damage, snubber 4590 will be disposed of.The snubber was rephced with serial¹10035.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results after rebuild performed on 3/21/97.Snubber S/N 10035 Tension Compression Criteria Test I)161.38 138.78 2500.00 Test 2)232.46 452.13 2500.00 Test 3)0.004 0.008..02g Test 4)224.31 397.34 2500.00 3-1008 3-1009 8084 10542 9/30/98 P N/A 9/29/98 P 9/30/98 27.75 P P 26.750 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load in with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no handstroke performed. This snubber was tested as a previous rebuild.N/A A functional test was peiformed with the following acceptable results.SnubberS/N 10542 Tension Compression Criteria Test I)98.46 89.26 2500.00 Test 2)95.75 89.97 2500.00 Test 3)0.005 0.004.02g Test 4)95.85 87.14 2500.00 This R snubber was tested as a revious rebuild.WORD:PTNS F02/VOLI/COMMON/FRFr98 0 0 0 int Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Refue mg Outage WO N 97023600 01 Tag Serial Number Number S Date S S Visual T of T T Inspection A Functional A"L" A Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Summary Functional Sumntary 3-1010 6530 9/28/98 P 9/30/98 26.500 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no handstroke performed. This snubber was tested as a previous rebuild.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Snubber S/N 6530 Tension Test I)55.31 Test 2)61.10 Test 3)0.009 Test 4)46.94 Compression Criteria 181.96 2500.00 139.05 2500.00 0.006.02g 136.38 2500.00 3-1011 12376 9/29/98 P'N/A 20.3750 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.This R snubber was tested as a revious rebuild.N/A 3-1012 8086 9/30/98 P N/A 26.50 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, handstroke -SAT.Removed load pin bracket end and replaced with a load stud and nuts per WO 97027646 Stud (I)214245-3 Nuts (4)209608-3 Washers (2)197329-3 Lubricated spherical bearings and load stud with neolube-24982-3.N/A 3-1013 33624 10/5/98 P N/A 3-1014 1722 10/5/98 P N/A 3-1015 18009 10/6/98 P N/A 3-1016 18012 10/6/98 P N/A 3-1017 18003 10/6/98 P N/A WORD:PTNS F02/VOLl/COMMON/FRFF98 10.500 12.000 12.2500 14.000 P Visual inspection MAT;"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke-SAT.P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke-SAT, lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke-SAT, lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke-SAT, lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke-SAT, lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.N/A N/A N/A !l 0 0 T oint Outag Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Re ng Outage WO¹97023600 01 Visual Tag Serial Inspection Number Number Date S Date S S Tof T T A Functional A"L" A T Test T Dimension T Visual Sunmiaty Functional Summary 3-1018 18013 10/6/98 10/6/98 P 13.5 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no handstroke performed, snubber is part of the initial SR sample.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Snubber was removed with transition tube leII in place, cleaned and lubricated spherical bearings and load pin with neolube-24982-3.Snubber S/N 18013 Tension Compression Test 1)17 04 11 60 Test 2)12.85 7.87 , Test 3)0.010 0.011 Test 4)~13.21 4.53 Criteria 75.00 75.00.02g 75.00 3-1019 17425 10/5/98 N/A 17.375 This SR snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, N/A handstioke-SAT.Note: Indicator numbers have eroded off snubber.It is not an o rabili concern.3-1020 103 3-1021 16725 3-1022 18006 10/5/98 10/5/98 10/5/98 N/A N/A N/A 16.875 18.313 15.00 13.25 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, handstroke-SAT.Snubber would not rotate and was completely removed to handstmke. Bearings and pins were rusty, bearings would not move due to rust.(CR 984372)Spherical bearings and pins were cleaned and neolubed 24982-3.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke-SAT. Visual inspection -SAT.Handstroke -SAT.During initial visual inspection it was identified that the"L" dimension was out of spec.Per CR 98-1475 the 12" Unbolt was loosened and the support assembly rotated enabling the snubber to achieve the"L" dimension setting of 13.25.Snubber was missing one cotter pin.New cotter pin installed 29139-3.N/A N/A N/A WORD:FTNSFO2/VOLl/COMMON/fRFH8 0 oint Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Refue mg Outage WO¹9702360001 S Date S S Visual T of T T Tag Serial Inspection A Functional A"L" A Number Number Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Summary Functional Sununary 3-1023 23273 10/5/98 N/A 12.50 13.25 Visual inspection -SAT, Handstroke -SAT.Per CR 98-1475 the 12" U4olt was loosened and the support assembly rotated enabling Snubber to achieve the"L" dimension set tin of 13.25.N/A 3-1024 17427 10/5/98 N/A I 17.00 Visual~on-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Hanstroke-SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load in with neolube-24982-3.N/A 3-1025 100 3-1026 12394 3-1027 16237 3-1028 11135 10/5/98 10/5/98 10/5/98 10/5/98 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17.00 19.25 21.00 18.00 Visual inspection -SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load in with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection -SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load in with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection -SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load in with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection -SAT."L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load in with neolube-24982-3. N/A N/A N/A 3-1029 11330 10/5/98 10/5/98 P 22.00 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no hartdstroke performed, Snubber is part of the initial SR sample Snubber was removed with transition tube left in place, cleaned and lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with neolube-24982-3.For reinstallation of Snubber it was necessary to loosen clamp bolt.Clamp was re-tightened to the as found ear to ear dimension. Torqued transition tube and installed new safet wire 012237-3.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Snubber S/N 11330 Tension Compression Test 1)16.61 40.40 Test 2)13.10 24.81 Test 3)0.015 0.015 Test 4)14.59 24.52 Criteria 750.00 750.00.02g 750.00 This SR Snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.3-1030 11121 10/5/98 N/A 21.00 Visual inspection -SAT."L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke -SAT, lubricated spherical bearing and load in with neolube-24982-3.WORD: PTNSPO2/VOLl/COMMON/FRPT98 0 II J oint Outag Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Re gOutage WO¹9702360001 S Date S S Visual T of T T Tag Serial Inspection A Functional A"L" A Number Number Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Summary Functional Summary 3-1043 17899 (Removed)12377 (Installed) 3-1044 17900 (Removed)17905 (Installed) 10/3/98 10/3/98 P 3/17/97 P P 9/16/97 P 22.00 21.00 Visual inspection -SAT,"L" dimension acceptable Handstroke -SAT, Snubber was removed with transition tube Ielt in place, lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with noelube-24982-3.Installed new safety wire-0012235-3. Replaced Snubber S/N 17899 with Snubber S/N 12377.Snubber 17899 was overhauled, functionally tested and sent to Dry Storage buiMng for storage and will be utilized as a spare for future outages.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable Handstroke -SAT, Snubber was removed with transition tube leII in place, lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with noelube-24982-3.Installed new safety wire-0012235-3. Replaced Snubber S/N 17900 with Snubber S/N 17905 Snubber 17900 was overhauled, functionally tested and sent to Dry Storage buikhng for stoiage and will be utilized as a spare for future outages.A functional test was performed with thc following acceptable results.Replaced Snubber S/N 17899 (Following Overhaul)Tension Compression Criteria Test 1)65.25 42.24 300.00 Test 2)43.94 29.26 300.00 Test 3)0.015 0.010.02g Test 4)39.52 25.96 300.00 Replacement Snubber S/N 12377 Tension Compression Criteria Test 1)124.11 100.42 750.00 Test 2)124.11 116.17 750.00 Test 3)0.006 0.008.02g Test 4 70.29 142.58 750.00 A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Replaced Snubber S/N 17900 (Following Overhaul)"'ension Compression Criteria Test 1)29.69 176.54 300.00 Test 2)17.74 160.29 300.00 Test 3)0.017 0.019.02g Test 4)36.79 55.85'00.00 Replacement Snubber S/N 17905 Tension Compression Criteria Test I)29.9 31.8 750.00 Test 2)72.5 44.1 750.00 Test 3)0.003 0.004.02g Test 4)105.8 78.7 750.00 WORD: PTNSF02/VOL l/COMMON/FRPT98 0 0 oint Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Re g Outage WO¹97023600 01 S Date S S Visual T of T T Tag Serial Inspection A Functional A"L" A Number Number Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Sumnmy Functional Sununary 3-1045 17189 (Removed)10172 (Installed) 10/3/98 3/15/97 P 22.00 Visual inspection -SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. Handstroke -SAT, Snubber was removed with transition tube left in place, lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with noelube-24982-3.Installed new safety wire-0012235-3. Replaced Snubber S/N 17189 with Snubber S/N 10172 Snubber 17189 was overhauled, functionally tested and sent to Dry Storage building for storage and will be utilized as a spare for future outages.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Replaced Snubber S/N 17189 (Following Overhaul)Tension Compression Criteria Test 1)26.84 59.71 300.00 Test 2)22.95 71.76 300.00 Test 3)0.012 0.007~.02g Test 4)16.86 66.19 300.00 Replacement snubber S/N 10172 Tension Compression Criteria Test I)97.69 39.05 300.00 Test 2)136.63 45.91 300.00 Test 3)0.006 0.006.02g Test 4 68.54 66.06 300.00 3-1046 17903 10/3/98 (Removed)10174 (Installed) 3/15/97 P 20.75 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable Handstroke -SAT, Snubber was removed with transition tube left in place, lubricated spherical bearing and load pin with noelube-24982-3.Installed new safety wire-0012235-3. Replaced Snubber S/N 17903 with Snubber S/N 10174 Snubber 17903 was overhauled, functionally tested and sent to Dry Storage building for storage and will be utilized as a spare for future outages.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Replaced Snubber S/N 17903 (Following Overhaul)Tension Compression Criteria Test 1)40.56 49.19 300.00 Test 2)33.41 39.63 300.00 Test 3)0.014 0.008.02g Test 4)33.90 39.78 300.00 Replacement Snubber S/N 10174 Tension Compression Criteria Test I)12.92 62.18 300.00 Test 2)30.75 84.11 300.00 Test 3)0.012 0.007.02g Test 4)92.76 41.08 300.00 WORD:PTNS F02/VOLl/COMMON/PRPT98 ~O Ci T oint Outag Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Refue ing Outage WO¹97023600 01 Tag Serial Number Number S Date S S Visual T of T T Inspection A Functional A"L" A Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Sumniary Functional Sumniaiy 3-1069 27072 10/6/98 P 10/6/98 P 16.625 P Visual inspection -SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no Handstroke performed, Snubber is part of the initial SR sample.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Snubber was removed with transition tube in place.Snubber S/N 27072 Tension Compression Test I)13.78 25.37 Test 2)9.76 18.51 Test 3)0.005 0.006 Test 4)8.62 21.09 Criteria 300.00 300.00.02g 300.00 3-1082 11932 10/7/98 P 10/5/98 P 27.313 P Visual inspection -SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no Handstroke performed, Snubber is part of the initial SR sample.This SR Snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Load pins were drilled and tapped on one end to allow for the installation of a pulling device for future removal of this Snubbe'i per MRA 97023600-02.Snubber S/N 11932 Tension Compression Test I)105.51 172.01 Test 2)71.90 143.58 Test 3)0.007 0.007 Test 4)74.80 132.25 Criteria 2500.00 2500.00.02g 2500.00 3-1093 27091 10/2/98 P 10/3/98 P 18.313 F Final Visual inspection -SAT, no Handstmke performed, Snubber is part of the initial SR sample.This SR Snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.17.688 During initial visual inspection it was identified that the"L" dimension was out of spec.Per CR 98-1476 the turnbuckle-locking nut was loosened to allow the adjustment of the Snubber"L" dimension range.Sriubber"L" dimension was returned back in spec and turnbudde nuts were tightened. Snubber S/N 27091 Tension Compression Test I)10.51 23.90 Test 2)6.73 17.95 Test 3)0.006 0.007 Test 4)5.72 17.59 Criteria 300.00 300.00.02g 300.00 This SR Snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.WORD: PTNSF02/VOL I/COMMON/FRFF98 ~CI'0 T oint Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Re ng Outage WO//97023600 01 Tag Serial Number Number S Date S S Visual T of T T Inspection A Functional A"L" A Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Summary Functtonal Summary 3-1102 3-1111 29451 2875 10/3/98 10/6/98 10/3/98 10/6/98 P 11.000 P P 17.125 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, no handstroke performed, snubber is pait of the initial SR sample.Visual inspection -SAT,"-L" dimension acceptable, no Handstroke performed, Snubber is part of the initial'SR sample.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Snubber S/N 29451 Tension Compression Criteria Test I)6.72 6.68 17.50 Test 2)6.12 5.59 17.50 Test 3)0.012 0.010.02g Test 4)3.79 5.89" 17.50 This SR snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.A functional test was performed with the following acceptable results.Snubber was removed with transition tube in place.Snubber S/N 2875 Tension Compression Test I)16.80 27.89 Test 2)10.35 16.50 Test 3)0.009 0.013 Test 4)9.15 19.39 Criteria 300.00 300.00.02g 300.00 3-1123 3-1124 6484 12991 9/29/98 9/29/98 N/A 9/30/98 27.875 P P 27.750 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke -SAT Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable. No handstroke performed. Snubber is part of the gR sample.This SR Snubber was tested as of the initial sam le..A functional test was performed with the following Acceptable results.Snubber S/N 12991 Tension Compression Test I)58.61 194.71 Test 2)52.51 167.67 Test 3)0.004 0.004.Test 4)71.34 170.33 Criteria 2500.00 2500.00.02g 2500.00 3-1125 12986 9/29/98 N/A 26.750 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke -SAT.This R snubber was tested as of the initial sam le.N/A WORD: PTNS F02/VOLI/COMMON/FRPT98 0 li 0 oint Outag Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Refu ng Outage WO//97023600 01 S Date S S Visual T of T T Tag Serial Inspection A Functional A"L" A Number Number Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Summary Functional Summary 3-1126 3-1127 12989 12990 9/29/98 9/28/98 P N/A'P N/A 27.000 27.1250 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke -SAT.Rust was found on support linder this is not an o rabili.concern.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke-SAT, lubricated spherical bearings and load pin with neolube-24982-3.Snubber I.D.tag was hun N/A N/A 3-1128 12985 9/28/98 P N/A 27.1250 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, N/A Handstroke-SAT.Snubber was stroked with a~/i ton come-a-long. Lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.3-1129 3-1130 3-1131 12987 17840 17837 9/30/98 9/29/98 9/29/98 P 9/30/98 P P N/A P 10/I/98 P 26.000 19.6250 19.5000 Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, No handstroke performed. Snubber is part of the QR sample.Spherical bearings and load pins were cleaned and lubricated with neolube-24982-3.P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke-SAT, lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, No hatldstroke performed. Snubber is part of the QR sample.Lubricated spherical bearings and load pin with neolube-24982-3.A functional test was performed with the following Acceptable results.Snubber S/N 12987 Tension Compression Test I)68.33 294.83 Test 2)104.78 258.81 Test 3)0.006 0.006 Test 4)111.44 287.16 Criteria 2500.00 2500.00.02g 2500.00 A functional test was performed with the following Acceptable results.Snubber S/N 17837 Tension Compression Test I)33.61 89.11 Test 2)9.99 68.41 Test 3)0.015 0.008 Test 4)46.69 70.60 Criteria 750.00 750.00.02g 750.00 This R snubber was tested as of the initial sam le N/A This R snubber was tested as of the initial sam le WORD:Fest'02/VOLI/COMMON/FRFr98 ~O 0 oint Outage Report Unit 3 1998 Cycle 17 Refue ng Outage WO¹97023600 01 S Date S S Visual T of T T Tag Serial Inspection A Functional A"L" A Number Number Date T Test T Dimension T Visual Sunurtary Functional Summary 3-1132 3-1133 3-1134 3-1135 17838 13695 17836 17839 9/29/98 P N/A 9/29/98 P N/A 9/28/98 P N/A 9/2&/98 P N/A 19.000 P 19.5000 P 19.2500 P 19.2500 P Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke -SAT.Lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke -SAT.Lubricated spherica bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke -SAT.Lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3. Visual inspection-SAT,"L" dimension acceptable, Handstroke -SAT.Lubricated spherical bearings and load in with neolube-24982-3.N/A N/A N/A N/A WORD: FfNS N2/VOLl/COMMON/FRFr98 0 0 TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 1998 REFUELING OUTAGE Suxmnary, of Inservice Inspection Exami.nations 0 Date: 12/29/1998 CIOR PRESSURE VESSEL TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSERVICE INSPBCTION


THIRD INTBRVAL, SECOND PBRZOD, SBCOND OUTAGE (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components Page: 1 Zone Number: 3-001 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure N I 0 S 0NGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarks T C G H, R, ee Calibration Block ee RRP.DWG.NO.5613 M 4000 001900 VBSSBL ZNTBRZOR ACCBSSIBLB ARBAS'B-N-1 VT-3 B13.10 NDB 4.3 20 C-X--10/11/1998 -VT-3 complete, slight erosion observed on core barrel nettles.RBP.DWG.NO.3 V01 013090 VBSSBL TO CLOSURB HBAD HATING B-N;1 VT-3 SURPACB ON VBSSBL B13~10 NDB 4.3-20 C-X--10/11/1998 -VT-3 complete, pitting observed on flange. II Date: 12/29/1998 AM GENERATOR C PRIMARY SIDE TURKBY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 ZNSERVICB ZNSPECTZON


THIRD INTERVAL, SBCOND PERIOD, SECOND OUTAGB (98RP)Claus 1 PCBEA'STATUS Componento N I 0 Page: 2 Zone Number: 3-005 Summary.Examination Area Number Identification ASMB SBC.'XZ iCatgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure S ON G'T T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarke T C G M R ee Calibration Block ee RBP.DWG, NO.5613 M 4005 041100 3-SGC-I-IRS INLBT NOZZLE INNER RADIUS SECTION B-D UT, B3~140 NDB 5.13-1 C X---10/4/1998-UT complete NRZ.STEAM GENERATOR'MOCK UP**041200 3-SGC-0-IRS OUTLBT NOZZLE INNER.RADIUS SECTION B-D UT B3.140 NDB 5.13-1 C X---10/4/1998-UT complete NRZ.**STEAM GENERATOR MOCK UP**041300 3-SGC-I BOLTING STEAM GENERATOR ZNLBT'MANWAY. BOLTING B-G-2 VT-1 B7~30 NDB 4.1 5 C X---10/08/1998 VT-1 complete NRI.041400 3 SGC-0 BOLTING B-G-2 VT-1 NDE 4.1-4 C X---10/08/1998 -VT-1 complete NRZ.STEAM GBNERATOR OUTLBT MANWAY B7.30 BOLTING 041510 3-SGC SUPPORT SUPPORT LEGS 1 THRU 4 P-A VT-3 F1'0V NDB 4.3-11 C'---10/02/1998 -VT-3 complete NRZ. el 45'J Date:, 12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 ZNSBRVZCB INSPBC1'ZON SUHHARY THIRD INTERVAL, SBCOND PBRIOD, SECOND OUTAGE (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components Page: 3 CK>R COOLANT SYSTEM LOOP C INTERMEDIATE LEG N I 0 Zone Number: 3-013 Summary Bxamination Area Number'Identification ASH B SEC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Hethod Procedure S ONGT T RSBH A B Z 0 B Remarks T C G H R ee Calibration Black**REP.DWG.NO.5613 P 766-S SH.3 048800 32i-RCS-2303-5 STBAH GBNERATOR NOZZLE TO BLBOW B-P PT B5.70 UI'DB 3.3 15 NDB 5.4-12 C X-X 10/02/1998 -PT complete-2 acceptable rounded indicatians. 10/03/1998 -UT complete, UT-26R ee 049000 32%-RCS-2303-7 PIPB TO BLBOW B-J PT'B9.11 UT NDB 3.3 12 NDB 5.4-6 C X-X 10/02/1998 -PT complete-1 acceptable linear indicatian. 10/03/1998 -UT complete geometry.e*UT-12, UT-26R, UT-46**049500 31 RCS 1303 10 BLBOW TO PUHP CASING 0 B-J PT.B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-21 NDB 5.4-6 C-X-X-20/02/1998 -PT complete-3 acceptable rounded indications. 10/03/1998 -UT complete NRZ.UT-26R ~ll 0 Date: 12/29/1998 CIOR COOLANT SYSTEM I~P C HOT LEG TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPECTION


THIRD INTERVALED SBCOND PERIODS SECOND OUTAGB (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components N I 0 Paget 4 ,Zone Number: 3-014 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure S ONGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarks T C G H R<<<<Calibration Block<<<<RBP.DWG.NO.5613 P 766 S SH.3 050200 29<<-RCS-1308-4 ELBOW TO STBAM GENERATOR NOZZLE B-F PT B5.70 UT NDB 3~3-14 NDB 5.4-9 C-X-X-10/02/1998 -PT complete-3 acceptable rounded indications. 10/03/1998 -UT complete, geometry.<<*UT 26R** ~ll 0 0 'Date:,12/29/1998 TURKBY POINT'NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 5 INSBRVICB'NSPEC1'ZON


THZRD INTERVAL, SECOND PBRZOD, SBCQND OUTAGE (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components ACIOR COOLANT SYSTEM LOOP C COLD LEG N I 0 Zone.Number: 3-015 SummarY Examination Area Number Identification ASMB'BC.XZ Catgy Exam Item No Method Procedure S 0NGT T RSBH I A B I 0'B Remarks T C G'M R:ee Calibration Block ee REP.DWG.NO.5613 P 766 S SH.3>050500,27. 5"-RCS-1309-11 >PUMP CASING TO PIPE B J~'PT B9~11 UT NDB 3.3-24 NDB 5.4 10 C-X--X-10/06/1998 -PT complete, 3 acceptable rounded indications. 10/07/1998 -UZ'omplete, geometry.UT-12, UT-46 e* Cl 0 41 Date: 12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 6 ZNSBRVICE ZNSPBCI'ZON SUNHARY THIRD INTERVAL, SECOND PBRIOD, SECOND OUTAGE (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components CTOR COOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURIZER SPRAY LINE'NZ 0 Zone Number: 3-021 Summary Bxamination Area ,Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Hethod Procedure S ONGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarks T C G H R'*Calibration Block**REP.DWG.NO~5613 P 661 S SH.4 062300 45-RC-1305-2 BRANCH CONNECI'ZON'TO ELBOW'-J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-20 NDB 5.4-7 C-X-X 10/03/1998 -PT complete, acceptable linear indication. 10/06/1998 -UT complete, geometry.~*UT 45N ee 062400 4'-RC 1305-2 ELBOW TO PIPE B J.PT.B9.11 UT NDB 3'-20 NDB 5.4 7 C X---10/03/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.X 10/06/1998' UT complete, NRZ.**UT-45N ee 063300 3 RCH 13 SPRING HANGBR P1.10C VT-3 NDB 4.3-2 C X---09/22/1998 -VT-3 complete, NRZ.e 0 ll Date: 12/29/1998 TB DISPOSAL SYSTBM LI UID TURKBY POZNI'UCLBAR PLANT UNZT 3 INSBRVICB ZNSPBCTZON


THIRD ZNTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRZOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components RC LOOP C DRAIN N I 0 Page: 7 Zone Number: 3-028 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification ASMB SBC.XZ Catgy Exam Item No Method Procedure S 0 N G T T R S B H A B I 0 B Remarks T C G H R ee Calibration Block++RRP.DWG.NO.5613 P 671 S SH.5 079600 2%-RC-1303-1 BRANCH CONNBCI'ZON TO PZPB B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3~3-2 C X---09/29/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.080100 2w-RC-1303-5 VALVB 3 505A TO PZPB B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3.3 6 C X---9/30/1998-PT complete, NRZ. 0 0 Cl' Date: 12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB'NSPECTION


Page: 8 T HIRD INTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRZOD,'SBCOND OUTAGB Claes 1 PCBBA STATUS Componente IDUAL HEAT REMOVAL FROM RC LOOP'C HOT LEG (98RP)Zone Number: 3-036 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification ASMB SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Ztem No Method Procedure N I 0 S ONGT'T R S B H A B I 0 B Remarke T C G H R**Calibration Block ee RBP.DWG.NO.5613-P-669-S SH.1 121600 3 RCH-12 SPRZNG HANGBR F-A VT-3 R1~10C VT-3 NDB 4.3-6 NDB 4.3-21 C---X 9/30/1998-VT-3 complete, RZ'(CR()X---98-1405)'. 10/11/1998 -VT-3 following corrective actione per CR B 98-1405,'NRZ.121800 14'-RHR-1301-6 PZPB TO VALVB"MOV-3 750 B-J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-3 NDB 5.4-8'X-X 9/30/1998-PT complete, acceptable rounded indication. 10/2/98-UT complete, geometry.<<*UT 30 ee 122000 VALVB HOV-3 750 BOLTING VALVB BOLTING B G-2 VT-1 B7.70 NDB'.1-3'C X---10/01/1998 -VT-1 bolting exam complete, NRZ~200 3-RCH-11 DOUBLB ACTING RBSTRAZNT P-A F1~10B VT 3:NDB'.3-7 C X---9/30/1998-VT-3 complete, NRZ. 0 Cl 4l Date: 12/29/1998 SIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL TO TURKEY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT'UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPECTION


THIRD INTERVALED SBCOND PERIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RF)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components RC LOOP A COLD LEG Page: 9 Zona Number: 3-037 Summary Examination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Exam Item No Method Procedure N I 0 S ONGT T RSBH A B Z 0 B Remarks T C G:M R**Calibration Block tt RBP DWG NO~5613 P 585 S SH 1 123500 10'Z 1301-2 PZPB TO ELBOWB J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-18 NDB 5.4-16 C X---<0/02/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.-X-10/08/1998 -UT complete, geometry.27 tt 126100 8t RHR 1301 2 PIPE TO BLBOW B-J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-18 NDB 5'-5 C X---10/02/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.X---10/03/1998 -UT complete, NRI.126200 8'HR 1301-3 ELBOW TO VALVE 3-876A B J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-18 NDB 5.4-5 C X---10/02/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.X--10/03/1998 -UT complete/NRZ~tt UT 41 tt ~I!~lk 0 Date: 12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 10'HZR IDUAL HEAT REMOVAL TO RC LOOP C COLD LBG N I 0 ZNSBRVZCB INSPBCTION SUMHARY D INTBRVAL, SECOND PERIOD, SECOND OUTAGE (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components Zone Number: 3-039 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Hethod Procedure S ONGT T RS,BH A B I 0 B Remarks T C G H R<<e Calibration Block ee RBP.DWG.NO.5613 P 587 S SH.1 130400 8'-RHR-1305 2A PZPB TO PIPE B-J B9~11 UT NDB 3.3"7 NDE 5.4-15 C X X 9/30/1998-PT complete, 2 arc strikes noted outside of exam area (CR 98-1437)10/01/1998 -UT complete, UT 4]130500 8'-RHR-1305-3 PZPB TO TBB B-J PT B9~11 UT NDB 3~3-7 NDB 5~4-15'X 09/30/1998 PT complete, NRZ.-X-10/01/1998 -UT complete, geometry.131600 8i-RHR-1304-8 PZPB TO TBB B-J PT B9~11 UT NDB 3.3-23 NDB 5.4-13 ,C X-10/06/1998 -PT complete, NRI.-X-10/07/1998' UT complete, UT 41 te RBP.DWG.NO.5613-P-587-S SH.2 132300 10 SI-1303 16 BLBOW TO PIPE B-J B9~11 UT NDB 3.3-13 NDB F 4-14 C-X-X 10/03/1998 -PT complete, acceptable rounded indication. 10/04/1998 -UT complete, UT 27'e 132600 10;SZ 1303 5 PIPE TO ELBOW B-J PT 89.11 UT NDB 3.3-13 NDB 5.4-18 C-X 10/03/1998 -PT complete, acceptable rounded indication. 10/4/1998-UT complete, geometry.te UT 27 tt 132900 3-SZH-116A DOUBLB ACTING RBSTRAINT P-A F1.10B VT-3 NDB 4.3-10 C X---10/01/1998 -VT-3 complete, NRZ.133000 10"-SI-1303-8 PIPB TO BLBOW B J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-10 NDB 5.'4 4 , C X---9/30/1998-PT complete,NRI. 10/1/1998--X-o UT complete, UT-27 I Ol Date: 12/29/1998 'TURKEY, POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 11 INSBRVICB INSPECTION,


THIRD INTBRVAL, SECOND PERIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RP)Claes 1 PCBBA STATUS Componente srnvar.HEAT RRMovan To Rc Loop.c corD rRG Zone Number: 3-039 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification ASMB SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure N I 0 S ON'GT T.RSBH A B Z 0 B Remarko T'C G H R ee Calibration Block ee RBP'.DWG.No.5613 P 587 S SH.'133900: 10'-SI-1303 11 BLBOW TO VALVE 3-875C B-J PT B9~11 UT NDB 3.3-27 NDB 5" 4-17 C-X X-10/07/1998 -PT complete, acceptable linear indication. 10/8/1998-UT complete,'NRZ.**UT 27**134300 10 SZ71303-13 ELBOW To BLBOW B-J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-28'NDB 5.4-17 C-X--X-10/07/1998 -PT complete, 2 acceptable indicationo. 10/8/98-UT complete, geometry.27 134400 10-SZ-1303-14 BLBOW To PIPE 8-J PT B9.11 UT NDB 3.3-26 C X---10/07/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.NDB 5.4-17-X-10/08/1998 -'UT complete, geometry.27 134500 10-SZ-1303 15 PIPE TO BRANCH CONNBCTION.B-J PT B9~11 UI'DE 3.3-29 NDB 5.4-17 C-X--10/07/1998 -PT complete, acceptable --X-rounded indication. 10/08/1998 -UT complete, geometry.UT 27<<* ~O Ci Date: 12/29/1998 GH HEAD SAPETY INJECTION TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPBCTION


THIRD INTERVAL,*SBCOND PERIOD, SECOND OUTAGB (98RP)Claee 1 PCBBA STATUS Componente LOOP B INSIDE CTM N I 0 Page: 12 Zone Number: 3-041 Summary, Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Exam Item No Method Procedure S ONGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarko T C G H R*e Calibration Block ee REP.DWG.NO.5613 P 584 S SH, 1 140700 8051-R-528-01 DOUBLE ACTING RBSTRAINT F1~10B VT-3 NDB 4.3-8 C X--10/01/1998 -VT 3 completed, NRZ i(chipped concrete noted).142100 2" SZ 1302 14 PZPB TO BLBOW B-J PT B9~40 NDB 3.3-22 C X---10/04/1998> -PT complete, NRZ. ~li 0 Cl Date: 12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPECTION


THIRD INTERVAL, SBCOND PERIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components Page: 13 H MEAD SAFETY INJECX'ION LOOP C INSIDE CZMT N I 0 Zone Number: 3-042 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure S ONGT T RSBH A B Z 0 B Remarks T C G M R ee Calibration Block ee RBP.DWG.NO.5613 P 648 S SH.1 147400 2i SZ-1303-21 BLBOW TO PIPB B J 89.40 NDB 3.3 1 C X---09/29/1998 -'PT complete, NRZ.147900 2%-SZ-1303-26 PZPB TO BLBOW B-J PT B9~40 NDB 3.3 1 C X---09/29/1998 -PT complete, NRZ. 1 0 Date: 12/29/1998 TURKBY POINT'NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVZCB INSPBCTION SUHHARY THIRD INTBRVAL~SBCOND PBRIODg SBOOND OUTAGB (98RF)Claen 1 PCBBA STATUS Components Page: 14 H HBAD SAFBTY INJBCTION LOOP A INSIDB CTHT N I 0 Zone Number: 3-043 SummarY Bxamination Area'umber Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Hethod Procedure S 0NGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarke T C G H'**Calibration Block ee RBF.DWG.NO.5613 P 764 S SH;2 148900 8080-H-010 01 DOUBLB'ACTING RBSTRAZNI'-A VT-3 F1.10B NDB 4.3-9 C X---10/01/1998 -VT-3 complete, NRZ (chipped'oncrete noted).150000 2-SZ-1305-5 BLBOW'TO PZPB'J PT B9.40 ,NDB 3.3-5 C X---9/30/1998-PT complete, NRI.150100 2i-SZ-1305-6 PZPB'TO BLBOW B-J PT B9.40'DB 3.3-4"C X---9/30/1998-PT complete, NRZ.00 2-SZ-1305-7 BLBOW TO PZPB B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3.3-4 C X---9/30/1998-PT complete, NRZ.150300 2i-S1-1305-8 PZPB TO ELBOW B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3.3-4 C X---9/30/1998-PT complete, NRZ.150400 2'-SZ-1305-9 BLBOW TO PIPE B-J:, PT B9.40 NDB 3.3-4 C X--9/30/1998-PT complete, NRZ~ ~!!1 4! Date: 12/29/1998 TURKBY POINT.NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 15 INSBRVICB ZNSPBCl'ZON SUMHARY THIRD ZNTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRZOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RP)Claee 1 PCBBA STATUS Componenta HIOAL 8 voLUHB coNTRQL To Rc Loop c HoT LBG N'I 0 Zone Number: 3-045 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Hethod Procedure S ON GT T RS B'H A B Z 0 B Remarko T C G H R*e Calibration Block e~RBP.DWG.NO.5613 P 661 S SH.2 165400 3-VCH-132 SINGLB AC1'ZNG RBSTRAINT P-A VT-3 F1'.10A NDB 4.3-5 C X---09/27/1998 -VT-3 complete, NRZ. i 4i Date: 12/29/1998 MICAL AND VOLUME TURKEY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPBCTION


THIRD INTBRVAI, SECOND PBRIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RP)Claeo 1 PCBBA STATUS Componente CONTROL TO REGENERATIVE HX I N I 0 Page: 16 Zone Number: 3-047, Summary Examination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Exam Item No Method Procedure S O'NGT T R'SBH'B I O B Remarko T C G M R<<e Calibration Block e>>RRP.DWG.NO.5613 P 594 S SH, 1 172500 3-VCH-129 SZNGLB ACI'ING'BSTRAZNT P-A VT-3 P1.10A VT-3 NDB 4.3-3 C X T9.9-3.1/4.3-23 X 09/27/1998 -VT-3 complete-RI -CRB 98-1358.10/10/1998 -VT-3 by QC following corrective meaoureo per CR 5 98-1358, NRZ. ~O 0 0 Date: 12/29/1998 TURKBY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 17 INSBRVZCB INSPBCTZON SUHHARY THIRD ZNIBRVAL, SBCOND.PBRZOD, SECOND OUTAGB (98RP)'laeo 1 PCBBA'STATUS Componento HICAL&VOLUHB CONTROL PRON THB RBGBNBRATIVB HX N I 0 Zone:Number: 3-049 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No~Hethod Procedure S ONG'T TR S B H A B I 0 B Remarko T C G H R e>>Calibration Block*+RBP.DWG.NO.5613 P-644 S SH.3 177700 2-CH-1302-10'ZPB TO BLBOW B J PT B9.40 NDB 3'.3-19 C X---10/05/1998 -PT complete, NRI.177800 2i-CH-2302-11 BLBOW TO PIPS B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3.3-19 C X---10/05/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.178200 2i-CH-1302-24 PZPB'TO TBB B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3.3-19C X---10/05/1998 -PT complete, NRI. 0 0 4l Date: 12/29/1998 TURKBY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT'NIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPBCI'ION SUHMARY Page: 18 THIRD INTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB Claoo 1 PCBBA'TATUS Componente MICAL&VOLUHB CONTROL SBAL INJBCTION LOOP A{98RR)Zone Number: 3-050 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification ASHB SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Hethod Procedure N I 0 S ONGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarko T C G H R ee Calibration Block++RBR.DN.NO.5613 P 647 S SH.1 182721 H-2'DOUBLB ACTING RBSTRAINT F1.10B VT 3 NDB 4~3-12 B X---10/03/1998 -Bxpaneion cample celection, NRZ (CR 98-1357). ~CI 0 0 Date:>>12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 19 INSERVZCE INSPECTION


THIRD INTERVAL, SECOND PERIOD, SECOND OUTACB (98RP)Class I PCBBA STATUS Compon'ento MZCAL&VOLUME CONTROL SEAL INJECTION LOOP C N I 0 Zone Number: 3-051 SummarY Bxamination Area Number Identification ~SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure S 0NGT T RSEH A B I 0 B Remarks T C G M R<<e Calibration Block ee REP.DWG.NO.5613-P-646 S SM.1 182840 1'.5i CH 1302-4 RC PUMP TO PZPB B J PT B9.40'DB 3~3 16 C X---10/02/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.182900 1.5"-CH-1302-PB1 PIPING FLANGB BOLTING B-G-2 VT-1 87.70 VT-1 NDB 4.1-1 C---X 9/29/1998-VT-1 complete, RZ (CRB T9.9-1.1/4 ~1-6 X---98-1406).10/14/98-VT 1'Y QC following corrective actions per CR B 98-1406, NRI.183300 2i-CH-1304-2 BLBOW TO PIPB B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3.3-16 C X---10/02/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.00 2'-CH-1304-3 PIPB TO BLBOW B-J PT B9.40 NDB 3.3-16 C X---10/02/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.183500 2~-CH-1304-4 ELBOW TO PIPE B J PT B9~40 NDB 3.3-16 C-X--10/02/1998 -PT complete, acceptable rounded indication. 183600 2'-CH 1304-5 PIPB TO BLBOW B-J PT B9~40 NDE 3'-16 C X---10/02/1998 -PT complete, NRI.183700 2i-CH-1304-6 BLEOW TO PIPE B-J PT B9.40 NDE 3.3-16 C X---10/02/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.185000 2"-CH-1304-PB2 PZPZNG RLANGB BOLTING BG2 VT1 B7~70 NDB 4.1-2 C X---9/29/1998-VT-1 complete, NRZ. ~O 0 Date: 12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT'NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPECTION SUHHARY THIRD'INTERVAL, SBCOND PERIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RF)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components Page: 20 NICAL 6 VOLUME CONTROL SEAL INJBCI'ION LOOP C Zone Number: 3-051 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XI Catgy Exam Ztem No Hethod Procedure N I 0 S ONGT T RSBH'A B I 0 E, Remarks T C G H R ss Calibration. Block se REF.DWG.NO.5613 P 646 S SH.1 185300'4 DOUBLE ACTING RBSTRAZNT VT 3 F1.10B VT 3 NDB 4.3-4 C---X 09/27/1998 -VT 3 complete, RZ (CRB T9.9-3'.1/4.3-22 X---98-1357).10/11/98-VT-3 by ()C following corrective actions per CR()98 1357', NRZ.185730 H-2 DOUBLB ACTING RESTRAINT F1.10B VT-3 NDB 4.3-18 B X---10/03/1998 -Bxpanoion oample selection, NRZ (CR 98 1357).185760 PS-2B DOUBLB ACI'ING RBSTRAINT F A Fl'.10B VT-3 NDB 4.3-16 B X---10/03/1998 -Expansion sample selection, NRI (CR 98-1357)~65 PS 2A DOUBLB ACI'ING RBSTRAINT F-A VT 3 F1~10B NDB, 4.3-17 B X---10/03/1998 -Expansion sample selection, NRI (CR 98-1357)~ II II Date: 12/29/1998 CTOR COOLANT PUMP C TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 ZNSERVZCB ZNSPBCTION


THIRD INTBRVAL, SECOND PBRIOD, SBCOND OUTAGE (98RP)Claee 1 PCBBA STATUS Componento N I 0 Page: 21 Zone Number: 3-058 Summary Examination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Exam Item No Method Procedure S ONGT TRSBH A B I 0 B Remarkc T C G H R*e Calibration Block ee REP.DWG.NO.5813 M 4008 204000 3-RCP-C-L1 THRU L3 ZA ZNTBGRAL ATTACHMENT B-K PT B10.20 VT 3 NDE 3.3-25 NDB 4.3-19 NDB 3.3-30 NDB 3.3-31 C---X X X X-10/08/1998 -PT complete, 2 re)actable linear indicatione -{CR 98-1517).10/08/98-VT;3 complete NRZ.10/12/98 and 10/13/98-re-examination of indication areao following corrective actionc per CR 98-1517, NRZ. Cl Date: 12/29/1998 NICAL&VOLUNB CONTROL Zone Number: 3-069 TURKBY POINT NUCLBAR'PLANT UNIT 3 ZNSBRVZCB ZNSPBCTZON SUNNARY THIRD ZNTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RP)Class 1 PCBBA STATUS Components RBGBNBRATZVB HBAT RXCN N I 0 S ONGT Page: 22 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XI Catgy Bxam Item No Nethod Procedure T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarks T C G N R ee Calibration Block ee RBP.DWG.NO.5613 N 4009 204100 RGX 3B200 VISUALS POR LBAKAGB VT-2 VT-3 NDB 4~2-1 NDB 4.3-1 C X---09/21/1998 -VT-3 complete, NRZ.X---10/26/1998 -VT-2 complete, NRI. II'l 4b Date: 12/29/1998 TURKEY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 23 ZNSBRVZCB INSPECTION SUHMARY THIRD INTBRVAL, SECOND PERIOD, SBCOND OUTAGE (98RF)Class 2 PCBBA STATUS Components SIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM INSIDE CONTAINMBNT N I 0 Zone Number: 3-081 Summary Examination.Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Catgy Exam Item No Hsthod Procedure S ONGT T RSBH A E I 0 B Remarks T C G H R ss Calibration Block++RRP.DWG.NO.5613 P 587 S SH.1 252900 100-SI-2304-2LU Elbow Long Seam Upstream C P-1 PT C5.12 UT NDB 3.3 9 NDB 5.4-2 C X--'-9/30/1998-PT complete, NRZ.10/3/1998 X----UT complete, NRI.*s UT 27 253000 10'-SZ-2304-2 BLBOW TO VALVB HOV-3-744A C-P-1 PT C5.11 UT NDB 3.3-9 NDB 5.4-2 C X---9/30/1998-PT complete, NRZ.10/3/1998 X----UT complete, NRZ.**UI'-39 ss 253100 10'-SI-2304-3 VALVB HOV-3-744A TO PZPB C-P-1'T'C5. 11'T NDB 3'-9 NDB 5.4-1 C-X--,9/30/1998 -PT complete,, acceptable X---rounded indication. 10/01/98-UT complete, NRI.UT-27 0 0 Date: 12/29/1998 TURKBY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 Page: 24 INSBRVICB ZNSPBCTION


THIRD ZNTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRIOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RF)Claee 2 PCBBA STATUS.Componento. IDUAL HBAT RBHOVAL SVSTSN INSZDB CONTAZNHRNT N'I 0 Zone Number: 3-085 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XI Catgy Bxam Item No Hethod Procedure S ONGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarke T C G H R*e Calibration Block ee RBP.DN.NO.5613 P 587 S SH.1 260100 8-SZ-2303-1 RBDUCBR TO PIPE C-P 1 PT C5.11 Ul'DB 3.3-8 NDB 5'-3 C X---9/30/1998-PT complete, NRI.10/1/1998-X--UT complete, geometry.*e UT-41 e* 0 'Date: 12/29/1998 H PRBSSURB SAFBTY TURKBY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 ZNSBRVZCB INSPBCTION


THIRD INTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRZOD, SBCOND OUTAGB (98RF)Claee 2 PCBBA~STATUS Componente INFARCTION INSIDB CONTAINMBNT N I 0 Page: 25 Zone Number: 3-096 SummarY Bxamination Area Number Identification ASM B SBC.XZ Catgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure S 0NGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarkc T C G M R ee Calibration Block<<e RBF, DWG.NO.5613 P 764 S SH.1 289415 3i-SZ-2304 3 PZPB TO RBDUCZNG BLBOW C-F-1 PT C5.21 UT NDB 3.3-17 NDB 5.4 11 C X---10/03/1998 -PT complete, NRZ.X---10/05/1998 -UT complete, NRZ.UT-57 289418 2i-SZ-2304 1 RBDUCING BLBOW TO PZPB C-F-1 PT C5.30 NDB 3.3-17 C X---10/03/1998 PT complete, NRZ.289424 2'SZ-2304-3 BLBOW TO PIPB C-F-1 PT C5.30'NDB 3.3-21 C X 10/04/1998 PT complete, NRZ. i~4l Date: 12/29/1998 N PEEDWATER SYSTEM LOOP A.TURKBY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPECTION


THIRD INTERVAL, SECOND PBRIOD, SECOND OUTAGB: (98RP)Claen 2 PCBEA STATUS Components N I 0 Page: 26 Zona Number: 3-109 Summazy Examination Area Number Identification SBC.XZ Ca'tgy Bxam Item No Method Pzocedure S ONGT T RSBH A B I 0 E Remarks T C G M R*+Calibration Block+*REP.'DWG.NO.5613 P 651 S SH.1 330500 AUGMBNTBD BXAMZNATION FROM NOZZLE RAMP TO 1 DIAMETER ON BLBOW AUG UT NDB 5.16-2 A--X X 10/08/1998 -Augmented UT complete, geometry, acceptable incluaion~(previouely dlopoeltioned). ee UT-20, UT-29 ~O II 0 Date: 12/29/1998 IN FBBDWATBR SYSTBM LOOP B TURKBY POINT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVICB INSPBCTZON


THIRD ZNTBRVAL, SBCOND PBRZOD, SECOND OUTAGB (98RF)Class 2 PCBBA STATUS Components Page: 27 Zone,Numbetu 3-110 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification ASMB SBC.XI Catgy Bxam Item No Method Procedure N I 0 S ONGT T RSBM A B I 0 B Remarks T C G M R ee Calibration Block ee RBF.DWG.NO.5613 P 652 S SM.1 333800 AUGMBNTBD BXAMINATZON FROM NOZZLB RAMP TO 1 DZAMBTBR ON BLBOW AUG UT NDB 5.16-1 A--X-10/07/1998 -Augmented UZ'xam complete, geometry.UT-20, UT-29 0 0 Date: 12/29/1998 ZN PRBDWATBR SYSTEM LOOP C TURKBY POZNT NUCLBAR PLANT UNIT 3 INSBRVZCB INSPBCI'ION


THIRD INTBRVALy SBCOND PBRIOD>SBCOND OUI'AGB (98RF)Clacs 2 PCBBA STATUS Componento N I 0 Page: 28 Zone Number: 3-111 Summary Bxamination Area Number Identification SBC.XI Catgy'Bxam Item No Method Procedure S 0NGT T RSBH A B I 0 B Remarkc T C G H R ee Calibration Block ee RBF.DWG.NO.5613-P-178 S SH.1 338200 AUGMBNTBD BXAMZNATZON FROM NOZZLB RAMP TO 1 DZAMBTBR ON BLBOW AUG UT NDB S.16-3 A--X X 10/8/1998-Augmented UT complete, geometry, acceptable incluaion (previouely diopooitioned). UT-20~UT-29 ~Ci'Cl TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 1998.REFUELING OUTAGE-Summary of'ystem Pressure Testing ~O~O 0 Abstract This report details the pressure testing of selected Class 1, 2 and 3 piping and components for Florida Power and Light Company, Turkey Point Unit 3.These inspections were performed prior to and during the Fall 1998 refueling outage, between the dates of September 21, 1998 and October.28, 1998.In addition to the specific pressure tests listed, all Class 1 bolted connections were inspected in accordance with 3-OSP-045.1 and Class 2 bolted connections inside containment were examined utilizing 3-OSP-045.2. Piping and components were selected and tested in accordance with Section XI of the American Society, of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code"Rules for.Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Components," 1989 Edition with no addenda with relief as granted by the 10 CFR 50.55a. ~ll, 0 I 0 Procedures The following FPL procedures and documents were utilized to provide instructional guidance for the performance of the required ASME XI pressure testing.OP-1004.1 3-OSP-045.1 3-OS P-045.2 0-AD M-523 Reactor Coolant System-System Leak Test Following RCS Opening.ASME Section Quality Group A Bolting Examination.

  • ASME Section Quality Group B Bolting Examination.
  • ASME Section XI Pressure Tests for Quality Group A,B,C, Systems/Components.

NDE-4.2 Visual Examination VT-2 Conducted During System Pressure Tests.*Relief Request Code Case N-533 Authorization for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4.(TAC NOS.M98149 and M98150) 0 0 SYSTEM


'UNIT-3 The following safety related Class 1, 2, and 3,systems, or sections thereof were pressure tested in accordance with ASME Section XI.Name of System Service Air Intake Cooling Water Primary Water Make-up Component Cooling Water Reactor Coolant Chemical and Volume Control Residual Heat Removal Safety Injection Safety Injection Accumulator System Main'Steam Feedwater Auxilliary, Feedwater System Number 13 19.20 30 41 47 50 62 64 72 74 75

~li Nl 0 ~A'cron ms ADM:-ASME: CSS: CCW CVCS: ECC: FW: ICW: NDE: PWO: Administrative American Society of Mechanical Engineers Containment Spray System Component Cooling Water Chemical and Volume Control System Emergency Containment Cooler Fee dwater Heat Exchanger Intake Cooling Water Non Destructive. Examination Plant Work Order PZR: Pressurizer RCP: RO: RV: SFPC: SG'PCW: VCT: WO'eactor Coolant Pump Residual heat Removal Restricting Orifice Relief Valve Reactor Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Steam Generator Turbine:Plant Cooling Water Volume Control Tank Work Order 0 0 0 Test Paeka e Develo ment The specific pressure test boundaries were selected after review of the applicable plant operating diagram/code boundary drawings.The piping systems were broken down into sub-systems. The sub-systems were selected based on Technical Specifications operability requirements, acceptable isolation points and availability of test connections and vent valves.These sub-systems were then assigned a test package:number, which could be tested in the entirety, or based on availability, could be broken down further into numerous tests within the specific sub-system. The pressure test package numbers contain six segments of information, Sample: 03-CCW-30110-H-01 A A A A A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.Unit number (00)common to units 3 and'4.(03)Unit specific.(04)Unit specific.2.System abbreviation. 3.System number[First (2)digits].4.Sub-system number[(2)or (3)digits].5.Type of test (H)hydrostatic, (P)pneumatic, (L)leakage, (F)functional, (I)inservice, (S)static head (I)system inservice, (L)system leakage.6.Number of test performed within the specific sub system. 0 41 SERVICE AIR SYSTEM 13 03-IA-1301-L-01 -, Test date 10/17/9S This test was performed due to the replacement of check valve 3-40-205 under WO 97006713 01.Code case N-416-1 was invoked for this replacement activity.No leakage was noted during the test. ~O II INTAKE COOLING WATER SYSTEM 19 03-ICW-1950-L-02 -Test date 05/25/97 This test was performed due to the replacement of 3-50-377 under WO 96022773 01.No leakage was noted during the leakage test.03-ICW-1995-L-01 -Test date 11/07/97 This test was performed due to the abandonment of 3-50-360 and the addition of 3-50-382 under WO 995017287 01 and PC/M 97-002.No leakage was noted during the test.03-ICW-1965-L-03 -Test date 11/07/97 This test was performed due to the replacement of 3-50-354 under WO 97003235 01.No leakage was noted during the test.03-ICW-1903-L-02 -Test date 12/07/97 This test was performed due to the replacement 3-50-367 under WO 97018298 01.No leakage was noted during the test.03-ICW-1998-I-01 -Test date 10/13/98 This test was performed due to the replacement of 3-50-331 and associated expansion joint under WO 98019911 01.No leakage was noted during the test.03-ICW-1997-I-01 -Test date 10/19/98 This test was performed due to the replacement of the 3A intake cooling water pump under WO 97022434 01, discharge check valve 3-50-311 under WO 97005184 01, and associated expansion joint per under WO 97005183.No leakage was noted during the test. 0 i PRIMARY MAKEUP WATER SYSTEM 20 03-PWMU-2006-F-01 -Test date 10/17/98 This test was performed due to the addition of a reducing tee to allow installation of a new thermal relief valve.This work was performed under WO 98014670 01 and PCM 97-003.No leakage was noted during the test. 0 Cl COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM 30 03-CCW-30308-H-01 -Test date 01/23/98 This test was performed due to the addition of the CCW head tank per PC/M 96-092 and WO 97001397 01.No leakage was noted during the hydrostatic test.03-CCW-30229-L-01 -Test date 05/23/97 This test was performed due to the repair of the access cut into the shell side of CCW HX"A" per condition report 97-0070 and WO 97002428 01.No leakage was noted during the inservice test.03-CCW-30202-I-02 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the test 03-CCW-30203-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the test.03-CCW-30204-1-02 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the test.03-CCW-30207-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the test.03-CCW-30208-I-03 .-Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the test.03-CCW-30209-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the test. 0 0 COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM 30 CONTINUED 03-CCW-30309-L-01 -Test date 10/19/98 This test was performed due to the addition of the CCW Head Tank~per PC/M 96-092'nd WO 98010744-01. Code case N416-1 was invoked for this modification for the two tie in welds at the CCW Surge Tank and at RV-3-707.No leakage was noted during this test.03-CCW-30311-I-02 -Test date 10/19/98 This test was performed due to the replacement of RV-3-707 per PC/M 96-092 and WO 98010744-01. No leakage was noted during this test.03-CCW-30314-L-01 -Test date 10/24/98 This test was performed due to the installation of the CCW Head Tank per PC/M 96-092 and WO 97001397 01.This test was applicable to the.tie in welds at PCV-3-832 and the existing piping.Code case N-416-1 was invoked for this modification. No leakage was noted during the test.10 ~lk.~O REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 41 03-RCS-4101-L-04 -Test date 10/27/98 This test was performed due to the replacement of the bonnet of LCV-3-460 per PWO WO 98020991 01.No leakage was noted during this test.03-RCS-4101-L-03 -Test date 10/26/98 This test involved the leakage test of Reactor Coolant System piping inside containment following the Unit-3 Refueling Outage.This leakage test addressed the following replacements: Component Worl<Order Remarks RV-3-551A RV-3'-551B RV-3-551 C 970211'14 01 98001032 01 98001039 01 Valve Replacement Valve Replacement Valve Replacement The following leakage was identified at bolted connections during the leakage test and documented on a Condition Report: Component 3A RCP Flange LCV-3-460 Leakage Seal Housing Body to Bonnet CR Number CR 98-1651 CR 98-1652 11 ~O CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM CHARGING AND LETDOWN SYSTEM 47 03-CVCS-4750-I-01 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No thru wall leakage was observed.03-CVCS-4751-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the test.03-CVCS-4752-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed,to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section Xl periodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during this test;03-CVCS-4762-L-01 -Test date 10/25/98 This test was performed due to the replacement of 3-293C per WO 97011724 01 and 3-293D per WO 97011725 Ol.No leakage was noted during this test.12 ~~ RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM 50 03-RHR-5014-F-02 -TEST Date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI perodic pressure test requirements. No leakage was noted during the inservice leak test.03-RHR-5017-'F-02 -Test date 10/11/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI perodic pressure Test requirements. No leakage was noted during the inservice'leak test.13 0 0 SAFTEY IN JECTION ACCUMULATOR SYSTEM 64 03-SIA-6402-F-04 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the ASME Section XI 1989 Edition periodic pressure test requirements. No through wall leakage was noted during the leakage test.14

MAIN STEAM SYSTEM 72 03-MS-7214-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic test requirements. No leakage was noted during this test.03-MS-7215-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic test requirements. No leakage was noted during this test.03-MS-7216-I-03 -Test date 09/21/98 This test was performed to meet the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI periodic test requirements. No through wall leakage was noted during the test.15 41 FEEDWATER SYSTEM 74 03-FW-7428-F-03 -Test date 10/25/98 This test was performed due to the replacement of the stuffing box on the south end valve CV-3-2900 per WO 97023322 01.No leakage was noted during this test.16 iO t~O 0 AVXILIARY FEED%ATE<R SYSTEM 75 03-AFW-7557-L-01 -Test date 02/18/98 This test was performed due to the replacement of a section of piping adjacent to valve AFSS-016 under WO 98003759 01 and piping adjacent to valve AFSS-015 under WO 98003757 02.Code Case N-416-1 was invoked for this replacement activity.No leakage was noted during the leakage test.17 I, 4k i Cl}}