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Requests Relief from Tech Spec LCO 4.2.9 Requirements Until Mid 1981,due to Excessive Purified Helium Leakage in Loop 2 Steam Generator Penetration Sys.Leakage Paths Represent Penetration Closure Leakage Different from LCO 4.2.9
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1980
From: Warembourg D
To: Kuzmycz G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8006170692
Download: ML19323J044 (5)


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  • CeBende 16805 ROAD 19%
                ,    PLATTEV1LLE, COLOR ADO 80651 June 5, 1980 Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 P-80139 Mr. George Kuzmycz, Project Manager U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Project Management                                                I Special Projects                                                              I Washington, D.C. 20555                                                    l


Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 Tech-  ! nical Specification LCO 4.2.9 l l

Dear Mr. Kuzmycz:

Per our telecon you are aware that we have been experiencing excessive purified helium leakage in the Loop 2 steam generator penetration sys- j tem. Leakage to the penetration closure interspaces is controlled by ' Technical Specification LCO 4.2.9, and on the basis of that LCO is limited to 400 pounds per day for the primary and secondary closures. In addition it should be noted that the basis for this Technical Spe-cification was developed based on end of life design circulating ac-tivity of 30,000 Ci. As I discussed with you we have reasonable assurance that the present leakage path is internal to one or more of the six (6) steam generator penetration closures in Loop 2 and that the leakage is occurring be-tween the purified helium interspace and the cold reheat piping inter-nal to the penetration. The leakage path involves two postulated paths as shown in the attached drawing. These leakage paths represent pene-tration closure leakage which is somewhat different from those described by LCO 4.2.9 in that this LCO only addresses primary and secondary closure leakage and not internal leakage as we are presently experiencing. For the particular type of leakage being experienced it is requested that we be given temporary relief from LCO 4.2.9 on the following basis.

1. The leakage path is internal to the penetration and not spe-cifically addressed by LCO 4.2.9.
2. With the defined leakage path any failue of the primary closure will result in a primary coolant leak path into the reheat steam system. 'h' S\

t - 8006170fg g

Mr. George Kuzmycz June 5, 1980

3. The reheat steam system is monitored and high activity in the reheat system results in Plant Protective System (PPS) action for loop isolation. Under this action the reheat steam system is isolated to prevent any further primary coolant leakage with
                'the secondary steam system.
4. In addition the reheat system is monitored by two very sensi-tive radiation monitors which alarm at levels much lower than the PPS radiation monitor, which in turn can be utilized by the operator as an indication of primary closure leakage for pos-sible manual operator action.
5. LCO 4.2.9 basis for release of primary coolant is based on a de-sign activity of 30,000 Ci with the effect of the release staying an order of magnitude below 10CFR100 limits. We are presently running about 234 C1 circulating activity, a factor of 128 below the design acti"ity.
6. As mentioned above any leakage into the reheat system and thus to the environment is isolatable either by manual operator ac-tion or automatically by the PPS reheat radiation monitoring instrumentation.

It is requested that LCO 4.2.9 be relaxed for the defined leak path from 400 pounds per day to 700 pounds per day with the following administra-tive controls.

1. SR 5.3.7, Secondary Coolant Activity, be conducted once each 72 hours in lieu of once per week.
2. A pressure decay test be conducted for the Loop 2 steam generator pentration closures on a weekly basis. This pressure decay test will be utilized to determine the leakage rate. Leakage rate in-creases of 25% over previously observed values will be cause for conducting pressure decay tests daily until it can be established that the leak rate h .s reached an equilibrium value within the 700 pounds per day.
3. SR 5.2.16, PCRV Closure Leakage, be conducted once every two weeks for Loop 2 steam generator penetration closure rather than monthly as a comparison to the pressure decay tests.

L. Radiation process monitors for the reheat steam system will be monitored once per shif t for indication of primary coolant leakage into the secondary system. It is-requested that relief from LCO 4.2.9 be granted until the next re-fueling shutdown which is currently scheduled for mid-1981, at which time

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,l' Mr.fGeorge.Kuzmycz June 5, 1980 we will investigate the leakage and effect necessary repairs. Very'truly yours,

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Don W. Warembourg Manager, Nuclear Production Fort St..Vrain Nuclear Generating Station DW/alk Enclosures (2) l 1 i e I l I f

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