MONTHYEARML20205G8771999-03-26026 March 1999 Forwards Copy of Cover Page from Fort St-Vrain Welding Manual,Which Had Been Listed as Encl on Page 4 of 990325 Reply to EA 98-081.Cover Page Had Been Inadvertently Left Out with Original Reply ML20197H8811998-12-0101 December 1998 Forwards Proposed Change to Fsv ISFSI Physical Protection Plan in Which Commitment Is Made to Provide Feature to Security Posture for Facility ML20236R9191998-07-20020 July 1998 Ltr Contract:Mod 4 to Task Order 27, Task Area No 4 of Basic Contract - Fort St Vrain Insp Under Contract NRC-02-95-003 ML20199H8141997-11-21021 November 1997 Responds to Requesting Clarification as to Whether Increase in Tritium & Iron-55 Contamination Limits That Were Approved for Plant Apply to All Licensees ML20198K1931997-10-10010 October 1997 Provides Supplemental Info in Support of Util Proposed Rev to Physical Security Plan for Plant Plant Isfsi.Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) & 10CFR73.21 ML20198H5601997-09-16016 September 1997 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Being Released in Entirety ML20141F3521997-05-14014 May 1997 Forwards Proposed Issue 4 of Physical Security Plan for Fort St Vrain ISFSI for Review & Approval.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) ML20141C8611997-05-0909 May 1997 Informs of Approval of Fsv Final Survey Rept & Effluent Pathway Survey Plan & Supporting Analysis ML20141K9881997-05-0505 May 1997 Forwards Amend 89 to License DPR-34 & Supporting Safety Evaluation.Amend Designates All Elements of Approved Decommissioning Plan as License Termination Plan ML20138G2701997-04-28028 April 1997 Provides Response to NRC Comments Re Proposed Sampling & Survey Plan for Fsv Effluent Pathway.Response Documents Fsv Liquid Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas Are Acceptable for Release for Unrestricted Use IAW Draft NUREG/CR-5849 ML20148D4651997-04-24024 April 1997 Forwards Revised Interim Ltr Rept Which Describes Procedures & Results of Confirmatory Survey of Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas at Fsv Station NUREG/CR-5849, Requests That Licensee Provide Evidence That Average Contamination Levels in Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas Meet Averaging Criteria in Draft NUREG/CR-58491997-04-23023 April 1997 Requests That Licensee Provide Evidence That Average Contamination Levels in Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas Meet Averaging Criteria in Draft NUREG/CR-5849 ML20138B0511997-04-22022 April 1997 Forwards Copy of Proposed Amend to Fsv NPDES Permit, Wastewater Discharge Permit CO-0001121 Requested to Support Repowering Activities,Iaw Section 3.2.d of Fsv Non-Radiological Ts,App B to License DPR-34 ML20140E1061997-04-10010 April 1997 Forwards Confirmatory Survey of Group Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas for Fsv Nuclear Station,Platteville,Co ML20137S4481997-04-0808 April 1997 Informs That Decommissioning Activities at Fsv Are Complete & NRC Issued Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w) in .Property Damage Insurance Policy Is Maintaned to Protect Fsv balance-of-plant Assets ML20137S0821997-04-0707 April 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-267/97-01 on 970310-11.No Violations Noted ML20137S1691997-04-0707 April 1997 Fifth Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Forwards Documents Listed in App K ML20137S5421997-04-0707 April 1997 Forwards Final Quarterly 10CFR50.59 Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Affecting Decommissioning of Fort St Vrain Nuclear Station ML20148D5951997-04-0404 April 1997 Forwards Confirmatory Survey for Fsv Nuclear Station, Psc,Platteville,Co, Final Rept ML20137R6921997-04-0404 April 1997 Informs of Approval for Request for Addl 45 Days to Remedy Deficiencies Identified in NRC Re Financial Assurance Mechanism for Fsv Decommissioning Costs ML20137J8051997-03-31031 March 1997 Third Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App F Encl & Will Be Available in Pdr.App G & H Records Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5 & 7) ML20148D5811997-03-26026 March 1997 Forwards Confirmatory Survey Plan for Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas at Fsv Nuclear Station, Covered in Final Survey Rept,Vol 6 ML20137G7361997-03-25025 March 1997 Requests Addl Time for Util to Respond to NRC Comments in Re Financial Assurance Mechanism for Fort St Vrain Decommissioning Costs ML20137G9521997-03-24024 March 1997 Forwards Quarterly 10CFR50.59 Rept for Period 961201-970228 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments for Fort St Vrain Decommissioning ML20137H1131997-03-24024 March 1997 Second Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Forwards Documents Listed in App D.Documents Also Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App E Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 6) ML20137C0181997-03-18018 March 1997 Documents That No Personnel Has Received Radiation Exposure at Fsv in 1997 or at Any Time Subsequent to ML20137C0061997-03-18018 March 1997 Documents That There Have Been No Activities Involving Release of Radioactive Matls from Fsv Nuclear Station That Potentially Could Have Affected Environ,Subsequent to Previous Radiological Envion Operating Rept ML20136G1201997-03-11011 March 1997 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan- Dec 1996 & Jan-Mar 1997. All Effluent Releases Completed as of 960703.Repts on Activities After 960703 Reflect Disposal of Solid Waste ML20136B1331997-02-28028 February 1997 First Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Documents Listed in App a Already Available in Pdr.Forwards App B Documents.App C Documents Being Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20135D7891997-02-27027 February 1997 Forwards Responses to Comments Re Fort St Vrain Final Survey Rept ML20135D9531997-02-27027 February 1997 Forwards Copy of Amend to Util Npdes,Wastewater Discharge Permit CO-0001121,which Clarifies That Monitoring of Farm Pond Outlet Required When Industrial Wastewater Being Discharged Through Upstream Goosequill Ditch ML20135A8711997-02-14014 February 1997 Requests That Encl Deficiencies Identified in Financial Assurance Mechanism for Fort St Vrain Decommissioning Cost Be Addressed within 45 Days ML20134D1551997-01-31031 January 1997 Forwards Util Responses to NRC Comments Provided in NRC Ltr Re Sampling & Survey Plan Used for Final Radiological Survey of Liquid Effluent Pathway at Ft St Vrain ML20134C8481997-01-30030 January 1997 Forwards Draft Confirmatory Survey Rept for Fsv Nuclear Station,Psc,Platteville,Co Providing Info on Essap Activities on 960930-1003 ML20133L4961997-01-0707 January 1997 Forwards Comments That Need to Be Resolved Before Final Approval of Util Submittal Entitled, Proposed Sampling & Survey Plan for Effluent Pathway,Ft St Vrain Final Survey Program ML20133E0481997-01-0202 January 1997 Forwards Comments to Fsv Nuclear Station, Decommissioning Project Final Survey Rept (Volumes 4-11), for Consideration ML20132G0421996-12-23023 December 1996 Forwards Insp Rept 50-267/96-05 on 961203-05.No Violations Noted ML20132F2841996-12-19019 December 1996 Forwards Quarterly 10CFR50.59 Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Affecting Decommissioning of Plant,Covering Period of 960901-1130 ML20133A8591996-12-16016 December 1996 Forwards Original & Copy Transcripts of Public Hearing,Held on 961203 in Platteville,Co Re Decommissioning & License Termination of Util Ft Saint Vrain Nuclear Generating Station ML20133N0011996-12-0404 December 1996 Recommends That NRC Require License to Modify Submission of Unexecuted Draft Trust Agreement Remaining Decommissioning Costs for Ft St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station in Listed Ways ML20135B3861996-11-25025 November 1996 Informs That NRC Reviewed Util 961114 Submittal (P-96096) Entitled, Fort St Vrain Final Emergency Response Plan, & Meets Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q) ML20135A5861996-11-25025 November 1996 Submits Suppl Info Re Annual Environ Rept for 1995 Operation of Fsv ISFSI ML20135A6361996-11-20020 November 1996 Submits Copy of Describing Discharge Practices for Groundwater Seeping Into Fsv'S Reactor Building Sump ML20134L4721996-11-14014 November 1996 Notifies NRC That Util Adopted Fsv ISFSI Emergency Response Plan to Direct Emergency Response for Radiological Accidents Occuring at Site,Until 10CFR50 License Is Terminated ML20134F4351996-10-30030 October 1996 Forwards Sections 1,2,6 & 8 from Survey Packages F0015, F0039 & F0126 & Sections 1,2 & 6 from Survey Package F0115 to Support on-site NRC Insp ML20134G5991996-10-30030 October 1996 Forwards Volumes 1-12 to Final Survey Rept for Groups A,B,C Rev 1,D Rev 1,E,F Rev 1 & G-J for NRC Approval in Support of Forthcoming Request for Termination of Fsv 10CFR50 License ML20133D7691996-10-22022 October 1996 Forwards Preliminary Rept Re Orise Support of NRC License Insp at Fsv on 960930-1003 ML20136B1411996-10-15015 October 1996 FOIA Request for Documents Re NOV Addressed to Scientific Ecology Group Re NRC Insp Rept 50-267/94-03 & OI Investigation Repts 4-94-010 & 4-95-015 ML20128M6181996-10-0404 October 1996 Forwards Ltr from PSC to Co Dept of Public Health & Environ Describing Monitoring Practices at Plant ML20128G8041996-10-0101 October 1996 Forwards Fsv Decommissioning Fire Protection Plan Update 1999-03-26
MONTHYEARML20205G8771999-03-26026 March 1999 Forwards Copy of Cover Page from Fort St-Vrain Welding Manual,Which Had Been Listed as Encl on Page 4 of 990325 Reply to EA 98-081.Cover Page Had Been Inadvertently Left Out with Original Reply ML20197H8811998-12-0101 December 1998 Forwards Proposed Change to Fsv ISFSI Physical Protection Plan in Which Commitment Is Made to Provide Feature to Security Posture for Facility ML20198K1931997-10-10010 October 1997 Provides Supplemental Info in Support of Util Proposed Rev to Physical Security Plan for Plant Plant Isfsi.Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) & 10CFR73.21 ML20141F3521997-05-14014 May 1997 Forwards Proposed Issue 4 of Physical Security Plan for Fort St Vrain ISFSI for Review & Approval.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) ML20138G2701997-04-28028 April 1997 Provides Response to NRC Comments Re Proposed Sampling & Survey Plan for Fsv Effluent Pathway.Response Documents Fsv Liquid Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas Are Acceptable for Release for Unrestricted Use IAW Draft NUREG/CR-5849 ML20148D4651997-04-24024 April 1997 Forwards Revised Interim Ltr Rept Which Describes Procedures & Results of Confirmatory Survey of Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas at Fsv Station ML20138B0511997-04-22022 April 1997 Forwards Copy of Proposed Amend to Fsv NPDES Permit, Wastewater Discharge Permit CO-0001121 Requested to Support Repowering Activities,Iaw Section 3.2.d of Fsv Non-Radiological Ts,App B to License DPR-34 ML20140E1061997-04-10010 April 1997 Forwards Confirmatory Survey of Group Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas for Fsv Nuclear Station,Platteville,Co ML20137S4481997-04-0808 April 1997 Informs That Decommissioning Activities at Fsv Are Complete & NRC Issued Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w) in .Property Damage Insurance Policy Is Maintaned to Protect Fsv balance-of-plant Assets ML20137S5421997-04-0707 April 1997 Forwards Final Quarterly 10CFR50.59 Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Affecting Decommissioning of Fort St Vrain Nuclear Station ML20148D5951997-04-0404 April 1997 Forwards Confirmatory Survey for Fsv Nuclear Station, Psc,Platteville,Co, Final Rept ML20148D5811997-03-26026 March 1997 Forwards Confirmatory Survey Plan for Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas at Fsv Nuclear Station, Covered in Final Survey Rept,Vol 6 ML20137G7361997-03-25025 March 1997 Requests Addl Time for Util to Respond to NRC Comments in Re Financial Assurance Mechanism for Fort St Vrain Decommissioning Costs ML20137G9521997-03-24024 March 1997 Forwards Quarterly 10CFR50.59 Rept for Period 961201-970228 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments for Fort St Vrain Decommissioning ML20137C0061997-03-18018 March 1997 Documents That There Have Been No Activities Involving Release of Radioactive Matls from Fsv Nuclear Station That Potentially Could Have Affected Environ,Subsequent to Previous Radiological Envion Operating Rept ML20137C0181997-03-18018 March 1997 Documents That No Personnel Has Received Radiation Exposure at Fsv in 1997 or at Any Time Subsequent to ML20136G1201997-03-11011 March 1997 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan- Dec 1996 & Jan-Mar 1997. All Effluent Releases Completed as of 960703.Repts on Activities After 960703 Reflect Disposal of Solid Waste ML20135D7891997-02-27027 February 1997 Forwards Responses to Comments Re Fort St Vrain Final Survey Rept ML20135D9531997-02-27027 February 1997 Forwards Copy of Amend to Util Npdes,Wastewater Discharge Permit CO-0001121,which Clarifies That Monitoring of Farm Pond Outlet Required When Industrial Wastewater Being Discharged Through Upstream Goosequill Ditch ML20134D1551997-01-31031 January 1997 Forwards Util Responses to NRC Comments Provided in NRC Ltr Re Sampling & Survey Plan Used for Final Radiological Survey of Liquid Effluent Pathway at Ft St Vrain ML20134C8481997-01-30030 January 1997 Forwards Draft Confirmatory Survey Rept for Fsv Nuclear Station,Psc,Platteville,Co Providing Info on Essap Activities on 960930-1003 ML20133E0481997-01-0202 January 1997 Forwards Comments to Fsv Nuclear Station, Decommissioning Project Final Survey Rept (Volumes 4-11), for Consideration ML20132F2841996-12-19019 December 1996 Forwards Quarterly 10CFR50.59 Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Affecting Decommissioning of Plant,Covering Period of 960901-1130 ML20133A8591996-12-16016 December 1996 Forwards Original & Copy Transcripts of Public Hearing,Held on 961203 in Platteville,Co Re Decommissioning & License Termination of Util Ft Saint Vrain Nuclear Generating Station ML20133N0011996-12-0404 December 1996 Recommends That NRC Require License to Modify Submission of Unexecuted Draft Trust Agreement Remaining Decommissioning Costs for Ft St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station in Listed Ways ML20135A5861996-11-25025 November 1996 Submits Suppl Info Re Annual Environ Rept for 1995 Operation of Fsv ISFSI ML20135A6361996-11-20020 November 1996 Submits Copy of Describing Discharge Practices for Groundwater Seeping Into Fsv'S Reactor Building Sump ML20134L4721996-11-14014 November 1996 Notifies NRC That Util Adopted Fsv ISFSI Emergency Response Plan to Direct Emergency Response for Radiological Accidents Occuring at Site,Until 10CFR50 License Is Terminated ML20134F4351996-10-30030 October 1996 Forwards Sections 1,2,6 & 8 from Survey Packages F0015, F0039 & F0126 & Sections 1,2 & 6 from Survey Package F0115 to Support on-site NRC Insp ML20134G5991996-10-30030 October 1996 Forwards Volumes 1-12 to Final Survey Rept for Groups A,B,C Rev 1,D Rev 1,E,F Rev 1 & G-J for NRC Approval in Support of Forthcoming Request for Termination of Fsv 10CFR50 License ML20133D7691996-10-22022 October 1996 Forwards Preliminary Rept Re Orise Support of NRC License Insp at Fsv on 960930-1003 ML20136B1411996-10-15015 October 1996 FOIA Request for Documents Re NOV Addressed to Scientific Ecology Group Re NRC Insp Rept 50-267/94-03 & OI Investigation Repts 4-94-010 & 4-95-015 ML20128M6181996-10-0404 October 1996 Forwards Ltr from PSC to Co Dept of Public Health & Environ Describing Monitoring Practices at Plant ML20128G8041996-10-0101 October 1996 Forwards Fsv Decommissioning Fire Protection Plan Update ML20128G0481996-09-30030 September 1996 Submits Rev to Psco Definitions of Contents of Documentation Packages Re Fsv Final Survey Project ML20129C0421996-09-20020 September 1996 Forwards Quarterly Submittal of 10CFR50.59 Rept of Changes, Tests & Experiments for Facility Decommissioning,Covering Period of 960601-0831 ML20133D7601996-09-16016 September 1996 Forwards Confirmatory Survey Plan for Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project,First Final Survey Rept Submittal- Vols 1-5.NRC Comments Incorporated.Spending Plan Attached ML20117P0711996-09-13013 September 1996 Describes Util Plans to Remove Bldg 28 from Plant Facility ML20129A4431996-09-11011 September 1996 Describes Util Plans for Demonstrating That Liquid Effluent Pathway & Surrounding Open Land Areas Satisfy 10 Mrem/Yr Criteria Provided in Plant Final Survey Plan ML20117K5291996-09-0404 September 1996 Provides Notification That Util Will Be Revising Financial Assurance Mechanism That Will Be Used to Cover Remaining Costs of Decommissioning Plant ML20117C7281996-08-22022 August 1996 Discusses Impact of Final Decommissioning Rule & Requests NRC Concurrence That Requirements to Submit & Obtain Approval of License Termination Plan Have Been Satisfied ML20116P3431996-08-16016 August 1996 Describes Actions to Remove Structures & Equipment Items from Fort St Vrain Facility for NRC Info.Requests That NRC Advise Util of Wishes to Perform Confirmatory Survey of Any Parts of New Fuel Storage Building Before 960903 ML20133D7551996-08-14014 August 1996 Provides Environ Survey & Site Assessment Program'S (Essap) Comments Re Review of Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project Final Survey Rept ML20116M0771996-08-14014 August 1996 Provides Suppl Response to Re Insp Rept 50-267/96-01 in Jan 1996 Re NRC Concerns About Fsv Final Survey Program.Specifically,Bias in Instrumentation Response Overestimating Amount of Contamination Present ML20116M1841996-08-13013 August 1996 Forwards Util Responses to NRC Comments in Re Use of in-situ Gamma Spectroscopy to Measure Exposure Rates During Plant Final Survey.Approval to Use in-situ Gamma Spectroscopic instrument,Microspec-2,requested ML20116K0061996-08-0909 August 1996 Submits Fort St Vrain Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project Final Survey Rept ML20116M1241996-08-0808 August 1996 Responds to NRC Bulletin 96-004, Chemical,Galvanic,Or Other Reactions in Spent Fuel Storage & Transportation. Informs That Modular Vault Dry Storage Sys Is Not Susceptible to Problems Addressed in Bulletin ML20116F3611996-08-0202 August 1996 Submits Revised Documentation for Fort St Vrain Final Survey Program ML20116F8141996-08-0202 August 1996 Informs of Util Intent to Modify Fort St Vrain Control Room,Which Will Make Certain Final Survey Locations Unavailable for Further Review.Final Survey Efforts Are Complete ML20116A4511996-07-19019 July 1996 Requests NRC Approval of Proposed Method to Fsv Final Survey Plan to Determine Exposure Rates in Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel 1999-03-26
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MONTHYEARML20059H9471990-09-14014 September 1990 Forwards Rev to Proposed Physical Security Plan,Per .Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20064A6841990-09-14014 September 1990 Notifies That Ms Frazier License OP-5608-1 Terminated Effective 900906,per 10CFR50.74 ML20059K2091990-09-14014 September 1990 Requests That Dj Trumblee Reactor Operator License Be Terminated,Effective 900912 ML20059L5831990-09-14014 September 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-34,changing Tech Spec Design Features Section to Remove CRD & Orifice Assemblies from Core Regions Defueled in Support of Plant Closure Activities ML20059D3231990-08-15015 August 1990 Forwards fitness-for-duty Performance Data Rept for Plant ML20058N5661990-08-0808 August 1990 Requests Exemption from 10CFR50.54(w)(1) Requirements for Min Property Insurance Coverage ML20058L8031990-08-0303 August 1990 Forwards GA-C18103, Fort St Vrain Cycle 3 Core Performance, Per Request for Addl Info Re Proposed Amend to Tech Spec Which Would Allow Util to Complete Defueling of Facility ML20058M1931990-07-31031 July 1990 Advises of Termination of Kj Einig Reactor Operator License, Effective 900727 ML20056A1791990-07-30030 July 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/90-07.Corrective Actions:Electrical & Mechanical Craft Personnel Assigned to Planning & Scheduling Organization ML20055H8091990-07-23023 July 1990 Forwards Addl Info in Support of 900622 SAR for Isfsi. Proprietary SAR Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20056A1711990-07-20020 July 1990 Discusses Decommissioning Funding for Plant.Util Revised Decommissioning Financial Plan,Based on Safstor,Currently in Effect & Funds Will Be Accumulated Per Plan Provisions ML20055H6571990-07-20020 July 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. No Rosemount Model 1153 or 1154 Transmitters Presently in Use at Plant ML20058P6891990-07-20020 July 1990 Forwards Security Plan for Proposed ISFSI for NRC Review,Per 900622 & 0412 Ltrs.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20055G8601990-07-20020 July 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/90-07.Corrective Actions:Site Mgt Recognized Applicability of 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(vi) Re Previous Day Notification & Immediately Notified NRC ML20055H2811990-07-20020 July 1990 Forwards Rev 4 to Updated Fire Protection Plan ML20055G7061990-07-20020 July 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-34,revising Tech Spec 6.1 to Remove Equipment to Support Plant Closure ML20059D1361990-07-13013 July 1990 Applies for Exemption from Payment of Annual Fees for FY90, Per 10CFR171 ML20055E0401990-07-0303 July 1990 Forwards Issue 3 to FPOR-18, Fire Protection Operability Requirements, as Result of Rev 3 to Facility Fire Protection Plan ML20055E0331990-07-0202 July 1990 Informs of Plans to Remove B Helium Circulator from Plant Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel in Mannner Similar to Previous Circulator Maint Outages.Requests Timely Ack of NRC Concurrence W/Undertaking ML20055E9171990-06-29029 June 1990 Resubmits Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jul-Dec 1989, as Result of Omitted Tables ML20044A8281990-06-29029 June 1990 Notifies of Termination of Wj Ashmore,License SOP-43244 & Requests That Reactor Operator License Be Terminated Effective 900620,per 10CFR50.74 ML20055D3931990-06-29029 June 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 90-04,requesting Info on Status of Generic Safety Issues.W/O Encl ML20055D1591990-06-22022 June 1990 Forwards Proposed Change to Updated Fsar,App B Re Use of Controls Other than Change Notice Sys to Implement Mods Such as Cutting & Capping of Piping,In Order to Obtain Positive Equipment Isolation ML20043J0581990-06-15015 June 1990 Forwards Proposed Issue 5 to Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Defueling Emergency Response Plan, Deleting Offsite Emergency Response Capabilities,Per Util 890816 Defueling SAR & NUREG-0654 ML20043D3291990-05-25025 May 1990 Forwards Response to NRC 900330 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/90-04.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20055D2051990-05-25025 May 1990 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/90-06. Corrective Actions:Extensive Training on Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing Procedures Will Be Provided to Operating Crews Beginning in May 1990 ML20043C8981990-05-25025 May 1990 Responds to NRC 900427 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/90-05.Corrective Actions:Mgt Will Continue to Stress Requirement for Procedural Compliance on Ongoing Basis ML20043B3691990-05-22022 May 1990 Describes Util Current Plans for Removal of Certain Plant Equipment Items.Components to Be Removed Have No Required Nor Useful Function During Planned or Postulated Remaining Defueling or Shutdown Conditions ML20043A9491990-05-11011 May 1990 Forwards Issue 59 to AOP-K-1, Environ Disturbances - Earthquake. ML20042F9771990-05-0404 May 1990 Forwards Assessment of Possible Sources of Water in Plant Core,Means of Detecting Water in Pcrv & Effects of Water Ingress on Reactivity,For Info ML20042F9011990-05-0101 May 1990 Forwards Conceptual Plan & Cost Estimates for Early Dismantlement of Fort St Vrain Pcrv, Per NRC 900315 Request ML20042E8911990-04-27027 April 1990 Requests 30-day Extension to 900529 to Submit Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/90-04 ML20042F3111990-04-26026 April 1990 Forwards Application to Amend License DPR-34,providing Tech Spec Changes Needed to Complete Defueling ML20012D4711990-03-19019 March 1990 Requests Approval of Encl Exemption Request Allowing Util to Accumulate Decommissioning Funds Beyond Termination of Operations ML20012B7541990-03-0707 March 1990 Informs of Electronic Transfer of Fees on 900307 for Invoice IO547 ML20011F4691990-02-22022 February 1990 Responds to NRC 900116 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/89-23.Violation Re Fire Doors 13 & 9 Between 480-volt Ac Switchgear Room & Bldg 10 Propped Open on 891129 Disputed.Improved Communications Underway ML20006E7821990-02-15015 February 1990 Forwards Responses to 891004 Questions Re Decommissioning Financial Plan ML20011E8941990-02-0707 February 1990 Responds to 890719 NRC Bulletin 89-002 Re safety-related Anchor/Darling Model S350W Swing Check Valves.Licensee Reviewed Plant Data Base & Design Documents & Concludes That No Anchor/Darling Model S350W Valves Installed at Plant ML20011E7861990-02-0707 February 1990 Forwards Overview of Evaluation on Compliance W/Environ Qualification Regulation (10CFR50.49) During Defueling of Facility.During Defueling,Pcrv Will Be Maintained at Nearly Atmospheric Pressures & Rapid Depressurization Not Possible ML20011E5031990-02-0606 February 1990 Notifies of Termination of Ma Rhoton Employment W/Util, Effective 900206 ML20006D6621990-02-0606 February 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Currently Established Preventive Maint & Tech Spec Surveillance Activities on HXs Remaining in Svc Will Continue ML20006B2091990-01-26026 January 1990 Forwards Fire Operability Requirements 3 & 14,Issues 3 & 4, Respectively,To Fire Protection Program Plan,Section FP.6.1. Changes Cover Halon Sys & Basis & Records Ctr Halon Sys ML20006B7791990-01-25025 January 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-34,changing Section 7.1 of Tech Specs.Specifically,Senior Vice President,Nuclear Operations Revised to Vice President, Nuclear Operations & Nuclear Training Manager Revised ML20006A5001990-01-19019 January 1990 Notifies of Util Intent to Bore 10 Concrete Core Drills Into Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel Barrel Section at Various Elevations Found Necessary for Decommissioning Planning.Drillings Wil Begin on 900205.Assessment Encl ML20006A5041990-01-19019 January 1990 Responds to NRC 891218 Ltr Re Weaknesses Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/89-22.Corrective Actions:During Power Operations Three Licensed Reactor Operators Will Be Present in Control & Short in Emergency Public Address Sys Repaired ML20005G5001990-01-12012 January 1990 Forwards Approved Proposed Change to NPDES Permit to Use Halocide Product for Microbiological Control in Smaller Cooling Tower ML19354D8581990-01-0505 January 1990 Forwards Safety Assessment of Proposed Changes to Fire Protection Program Plan,Per P Erickson Request.Changes Cover Acceptance Criteria for Shutdown Cooling Following Fire & New Fire Protection Cooldown Trains 1 & 2 ML20005F5531990-01-0303 January 1990 Certifies That Util Has Implemented fitness-for-duty Program Meeting 10CFR26 Requirements ML20005D8921989-12-21021 December 1989 Forwards Proposed Change to Plant NPDES Permit ML19354D7441989-12-0808 December 1989 Requests Relief from Requirements of Generic Ltr 89-10 Re motor-operated Valves Since Plant Permanently Shut Down Since 890818 & Defueling Initiated on 891127 1990-09-14
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pubue service cornpany e cchwede 16805 Road 19 1/2, Platteville, Colorado 80651 December 4, 1979 Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 1-79293 Mr. George Kuzmycz, Proj ect Manager U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division Proj ect Management Special Projects Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket No. 50-267
Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 Fluctuation Testing
Dear Mr. Kuzmycz:
As a result of our recent on-site meeting (November 19-20) we agreed to summarize 21uctuation test program to date and our plans for future testing. As we indicated to you, the recent fluctuation data is still undergoing considerable analysis, and we have been unable to reach final and detailed conclusions. On November 19 and 20 we presented the data from the recent fluctuation tests to you and members of the staff, and the following represents our preliminary conclusions.
Cvele 2 Fluctuation Summarv Fluctuations have been initiated and observed on seven (7) occasions during cycle 2 at power levels between 38% and 63% of full power. Four (4) of these fluctuations were initiated by power increases and three (3) commenced during orifice valve adjustments. The data from the in-pile test program has demonstrated that while the fluctuations observed during cycle 2 appear to be somewhat more regular and widespread throughout the core, it is basically the same phenomenon experienced during cycle 1.
There are many significant similarities in the fluctuation data observed during cycles 1 and 2, and only a few differences.
In cycle 2, as in cycle 1, the core pressure drop is an important para-meter intluencing the fluctuation threshold, and power reductions are an effective means of stopping fluctuations. While the cycle 2 fluctua-tion threshold does exhibit a dependence on core pressure drop similar to that of cycle 1, fluctuations were observed during cycle 2 at condi-tions below the cycle 1 threshold line. The reason for this observed difference is under investigation. Initial indications are that it may be due in part, to the different orificing patterns used in cycles 1 and 2. (The different orificing patterns result in different lateral pressure force fields in the upper portion of the core.) We are'also I
0e0 % 1,528 08 51 jl 7912110 S'l G
. . .
Mr. George Kuzmycz December 4, 1979 Page Two continu'ag to analyze the core resistance parameter and are analyzing the ef'.ect of core resistance as it relates to the fluctuation thresh-hold. Although core pressure drop appears to be the most dominant parar.eter, we feel that there are some relationships of core resistance that may have an effect on the fluctuation threshold line. The fluctua-t 4 or. phenomenon is however, cumplex in nature and these initial observa-tions must be regarded as tentative.
Similar to cycle 1, the fluctuations during cyc e 2 exhibited a period of about 10 minutes and the temperature fluctuation amplitudes (from all instruments) were about the same for cycles 1 and 2. Although the cycle 2 fluctuatians appeared to be more of a core wide phenomenon as compared with cycle 1, the region exit temperatures were very similar in accure. As in cycle 1, the onset of fluctuations during cycle 2 involved simultaneous changes in the various instrumentation signals (e.g., nuclear channels, calibration tube thermocouples, region exit gas temperatures). Furthermore, the same correspondence of region and steam generator module temperatures is seen during cycle 2 as was seen during cycle 1, i.e., the steam temperatures lag inlet helium temperatures to the steam generator modules. The rapid changes in steam generator module inlet temperature, (with some adjacent modules being out-of-phase) which were seen during cycle 1 were also observed during cycle 2.
Ihere were some differences in the phase relationships of various region core outlet temperatures between cycles 1 and 2, but this is not un-expected due to the random nature of the fluctuations.
In the case of the nuclear channels, there were some differences noted in their behavior during cycle 2. Specifically, the fluctuations on the
.aclear channels exhibited smaller amplitudes during cycle 2. This may be due to the fact that fluctuations occurred at lower core pressure crops and therefore with smaller driving forces during cycle 2. Further-more, during cycle 2 no single nuclear channel was clearly more active than the others. All six (6) of the nuclear channels displayed about the same degree of activity during cycle 2 fluctuations, as opposed to the several fluctuations during cycle A in which a single nuclear channel (e.g., channel VI) exhibited significantly more activity than the others.
Af ter reviewing the data obtained during the initial cycle 2 fluctuation testing snd observing that the fluctuation amplitudes on the nuclear channels were smaller during cycle ., the definition of a fluctuation (as given in RT-50rF) was revised. Under the revised definition (in-corporated into RT-500G), the plant is defined to be in a fluctuation operating mode when individual nuclear channels exhibit cyclic deviations from the average power equal to or greater than 0.5% peak to-peak of full power not exceeding a 30 minute period. These " deviations" proved to be an excellent means for monitoring for fluctuation 1 during testing.
) 5).0
Mr. George Kuzmyc:
December 4, 1979 Page Three The instrumentation on the instrumented control rod drives (ICRD's) in-stalled in regions 5 and 35 durin; the refueling outage has provided useful new information. The data acruired from those ICRD's is currently being analyzed. However, from an initial review of the data, a couple of observations can be made. First, the in-core fission chamber response appears to support the contention that the fluctua-tions seen on the ex-core nuclear channels are primarily due to neutron streaming through narrow gaps in tSe permanent side reflector which a e opened (or siderf.d) and closed by block motion during fluctuations.
The response of the in-core fission chamber follows the core average behavior, whereas thi ex-core nuclear channels show deviations from the average. Second, during fluctuation testing, these deviations on the ex-core nuclear chant.els are an excellent means for monitoring the beginning and end of fluctuations.
The fundamental aspects of the current theory of FSV core fluctuations have not changed from earlier statements. The mechanism continues to be characterized as a coupled fluid mechanics / thermal phenomenon where the measured effects i.e., region outlet temperature changes, steam generator inlet temperatures, gap temperatures at the core support level, and external nuclear flux deviations are still explainable by small movements of reactor core-elements. The resulting phenomena 1.e.,
changing gaps and gap flow, " jaws," and type II flow still appear appropriate to explain the observed data as has been discussed pre-vicusly for cycle 1 fluctuations.
Based upon the above observations, it is concluded that the fluctuations experienced during cycle 2 are a manifestation of the same phenomenon observed during cycle 1.
Proposed Future Fluctuation Testing As presented at the November 19, 20 meeting the Region Constraint Device (RCD's) have been installed and we are preparing a test plan for further fluctuation testing with the RCD's installed. Our operating and testing plans upon completion of the present outage are ar follows:
- 1. Verify the Expected Operating Characteristics of Selected Orifice Valve Assemblies As the plant is returned to power, testing will be performed (RT-490) wherein the orifices will be calibrated and results compared with previous calibrations to determine the effect,
if any, of the RCD's on the orific_s.
} f)2b b
Mr. George Kuzmycz December 4,1979 Page Four
- 2. Verify Power and Flow Distribution and Temperature Profile During the rise-to-power, testing will be performed to measure core region power and flow distribution (T-119) and the outlet temperature profile (RT-524) again with the primary purpose of determining if the RCD's have had any ef fect on these parameters.
- 3. Verify Calibration of ICRD's and Recalibrate All Other Fluctuation Data Gathering Systems The instrumentation performance and calibration for the ICRD's installed in Regions 5 and 35 (RT-486) will be verified and functional tests will be performed on other data gathering systems.
- 4. Take the Reactor to Approximatelv 68% - 69% in the Non-Fluctuating >bde Following completion of this outage it is our intent to operate the plant in the non-fluctuating mode to meet our winter peak demand. In this respect we intend to increase reactor power in a controlled rise-to-power program keeping core pressure drop and core resistance as low as possible based on data obtained from past fluctuation testing. As indicated in P-79094, while operating in the non-fluctuating mode control room instrumentation will be closely monitored for indications of fluctuations. If inadvertent fluctuations are observed in normal operation corrective action will be taken to terminate the fluctuation, and PSC management authorization will be required prior to returning to a power level that would approach that level in which inadvertent fluctuation were observed.
- 5. Demonstrate That Temperature Fluctuations No Longer Exist at Power Levels Up To 100%_and/or Define the Fluctuation Threshold With RCD's For fluctuation testing post RCD installation, we intend to to essentially continue the testing as previously performed under RT-500. Testing will be performed in two (2) parts, with part 1 invciving testing below 70% power and part 2 in-volving testing above 70% power. Testing under part 2, of course, is predicated on completion of part 1 testing and a review by the NRC staff before proceeding. We are presently revising RT-500G and plan to isoue RT-500H to control fluctua-tion testing with RCD's installed. A copy of RT-500H will be forwarded to you as soon as necessary internal approvals h ve been obtained.
1528 084
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Mr. George Kuzmycz December 4, 1979 Page Five The essence of part 1 of RT-500 (version H), testing bclow 70% power, consists of first establishing the core configura-tion from which fluctuations were initiated at the lowest power during previous cycle 2 testing. Then the reactor power is in-creased in 3% increments up to about 70% power attempting to initiate fluctuations. If no fluctuations occur, power is to be decreased to approximately 40% and the core pressure drop and resistance are increased by closing the orifice valves.
At this higher initial core pressure drop, attempts to initiate fluctuations by incremental power increases are again made.
These operations are repeated until stable operation at about 10% power with a core LP of about 4.5 is demonstrated or until the fluctuation threshold is determined. (This testing mode is shown graphically in Attachment 1.)
Part 2 of RT-500 (version H), testing above 70% power, is essentially an extension of the procedure followed in part 1.
First, a stable core configuration is established at about 70% power. Then reactor power is increased in 3% increments up to 100% power attempting to initiate fluctuations. If no fluccuations occur, power is decreased to approximately 70%
and the core pressure drop and resistance are increased by closing the orifice valves. At this higher initial core pres-sure drop, attempts are again made to initiate fluctuations by incremental power increases. These operations are repeated ur.til stable operation at approximately 1007 power with the highest reasonable core pressu:e drop is demonstrated or until the fluctuation threshold is determined.
Other than the method of determining system operating lines as described above the conditions and controls of RT-500G remain unchanged for RT-500H. Test prerequisite, administra-tive controls, system and operating limits, and reporting re-q2irements as established by RT-500G remain unchanged. It is still our intent to keep operations in the fluctuating mode r.inimized and to this end fluctuations will be terminated as soon as practicable after data collection is compleu 4 We trust that the above information is adequate to fulfill your request resulting from the November 19, 20 site meeting, and we are proceeding on this basis.
Our present pLins indicate that we should be in a position to begin the rise-to-power program on or about December 10, 1979. If
} f)2b
Mr. George Kuztr/cz December 4, 1979 Page Six you have any questions concerning our plans it is requested that you contact us as soon as possible. It is essential that we get Fo rt S t .
Vrain on line as soon as possible to meet our system demands, and it should be noted that your SER and final approval of the RCD safety evaluation are needed promptly to maintain our schedule.
Very truly yours,
}Y W Don '4. Warembourg Manager, Nuclear Pro uction DWW:dkm 1528 087
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