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Forwards,For Info,Application Filed W/Delaware River Basin Commission for Approval for Use During 1985 of Consumptive Use Water Allocations of Titus Units 1,2 & 3 & Cromby Unit 2.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/1985
From: Conner T
To: Chilk S
CON-#285-267 NUDOCS 8506040675
Download: ML20129A612 (29)




'174 7 PEN N SY LVA N I A AVEN UE. N. W.

' Taor m. CONNER.JR. WAS!!!NOTON. D. C. 20006


.MOBEAT M. MADER DOUOLks M.OLSON JT SSYCA N. LAVERTT wits w.wicnOt= ' June'3, 1985

'8 8' *3'- 500 E 55"*m"JE5'EcnnOE,En COLKETED CABLE ADDRESS: ATOMLAw

% JtN -4 A1053 gem $cSD$t Mr. Samuel J. Chilk BRANCH Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C..

20555 In the Matter of Philadelphia Electric Company (Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1)

Docket No. 50-352 OL.

Dear Mr. Chilk:

Although it is recognized that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission adjudicatory tribunals no longer have juris-diction over water-supply issues for the Limerick Generating Station, for the information of the Commissioners and the boards, I am enclosing an application filed with the Delaware River Basin Commission under Section 3.8 of the Compact for approval of the use, during 1985, by Limerick Unit 1 of the consumptive use water allocations of Titus Units 1, 2 and 3 and Cromby Unit 2 during coordinated operation of the' Limerick, Titus and Cromby units.

Sincerely, h* . .

Troy B onner, Jr.

Counsel for the Applicant TBC/dlf Enclosure cc: Service List i

o 8506040675 050603 ogy h 7

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P.O. BOX 8699 PHILADELPHIA. PA.19101 sowAno S. eAUSE.JR. 1215)841 4000

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nonato scannan nuooten a,cuiLLame
17. *m'."n*s"n'e'o'an s '85 JUN -4 A10 :54 PAUL AusneACn May 30,1985

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sowann s. sv6Len. J a. GFFICE OF 3EChIA;i i vnouns n. usLLan, an. 00CXEilNG & SERVKL inensa.m.nsana BRANCH

! Ms. Susan Weisman, Secretary

Delaware River Basin Commission
' P.O. Box 7360 i

West Trenton, New Jersey 08628

Dear Ms. Weisman:


Transmitted herewith for filing with the ' Commission is Philadelphia '

Electric Company's (PECO) Application under Section 3.8 of the Compact for approval of the use, during 1985, by Limerick Unit 1 of the consumptive use water allocations of Titus Units 1, 2 and 3 and Cromby Unit 2 during coordinated operation of the Limerick, Titus and Cromby Units in such a manner as not to exceed consumptive use withdrawals now authorized for the Titus and Cromby Units, 'Ihe approval is requested for such periods during 1985 when current flow and dissolved oxygen constraints would otherwise prevent the

- withdrawal of water by the Limerick Unit for consumptive use.

'Ihe filing consists of six copies of the following documents: a) completed DRBC Application Form, including Attachments 1 and 2 and Exhibits 1 through 8 thereto; b) completed DRBC Environmental Form; and c) completed Applicant's Statement - Project Review Fee Form.

Enclosed is Philadelphia Electric Company's check in the amount of $100 to cover the Project Review Fee.

'Ihe affidavit of Vincent S. Boyer, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power, PB00, which is' part of Attachment 2 of the Application, indicates that a full

wwer license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Limerick Unit 1 may

'  % issued by the end of June, 1985; that in order to proceed with the power ascension program after issuance of the license it is necessary to have in place a supplemental cooling water system; that delays in proceeding to full power will delay commercial operation of the unit, and that the cost of not

' operating tha unit for lack of water is estimated to be $49 million per month.

+ - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -ne,- - - - +

.2-Accordingly, the Compan pursuant to Section 2-3.9(d)y of the Comission's requests insnediate Rules of Practice'and action on its Application Procedure to protect the public interest and to avoid substantial and irreparable injury to the public and to the Company.

r-ntications regarding this Application should be directed to the undersigned.

! We have been authorized by Metropolitan Edison Company, the owner and

. operator of the Titus Generating Station to state that they have reviewed the enclosed Application and that Metropolitan Edison joins in the Application to

the extent it relates to the operation of the Titus facility.

Very truly yours,


. Edwa' G. Bauer, Jr.

l -

'j -

BGB,JR:pke Enclosures l


] 0015q i


[ 8



"TM 'o FXpp1Tiidftdri: -(Chetirone vrnnere=TerTe vereside)--

(a) Addition to the Comprehensive Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( )

, (b) Change in a Comprehensive Plan Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(x)

(c) Approval under Section 3.8 of the Compoet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (x)

(d) Inclusion in "A-List" of the Water Resources Program. .. ... ... ( )

Pursuant to the Delaware River Basin Compact For Use of Commission and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Docket No, Delowere River Bosin Commission, cpplication Date Received is hereby mode for review of the project des-Action by Commission cribed below:

(A) Application From:

  • Nome' Philadelphia Electric Company -

Mailing Address 2101 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19101 Telephone 8hi hooo - -

Norne of Counsel Edward G. Bauer, Jr.

and Eugene J. Bradley Nome of Engineer V. S. Boyer (B) Type of Project: (Check)

(I) Impoundment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( ) (4) Stream Encroachment. . . . . ..( )

(5) We l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( )

(2) Withdrawal of Water. . . . . . . . .(x)

(3) . Disposal of Westes, . . . . . . . . . .( .)

(6) O th e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (

(C) Description of Project: .

For' 1985, withdrawal of water from the Schuylkill River for consumptive use at Limerick Generating Station Unit No.1 when existing flow and dissolved oxygen constraints prevent withdrawal by using, at Limerick Unit 1, consumptive water in amounts authorized to be withdrawn, but not withdrawn, at Titus Generating Station Units 1, 2 and 3 and Cromby Generating Station Unit 2.

4 m

Signoture of Authorized Person ,

Namel v ' s. BoverU Titic ~ Senior vice President _,

Dole Nuclear Power MAY 3 0 $85


- - - . .-- . a.,m , .

. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - --

ENVIRONMENTAL FORM Applicant Philadelphia Electric Canpany Date W 0M Title of Project Interim consumptive water Supply location Limerick Generating Station DRBC Docket No.

l. List any significant environmental impacts, beneficial and adverse, caused by the 1

proposed action.

i The beneficial impact of the requested use of water for consumptiv'e purposes i

.will be to permit scheduled operation of Limerick Unit 1. See DRBC FEA

- for Neshaminy Watter Supply System (August 1980); DRBC Level B Study; and

-AEC/NEC FES for Limerick (November 1973 and April 198h). Use of Titus i

Station's water will enhance the 23 mile reach between Titus and Limerick

} _due to the delay in consumptive use of the water. Use of Crcaby. Station's water.aAAccar,lon v1AA nave a minimal impact on the 9 mile reach petween Limusiva sua Ca w-uy . 5ww auwauumeuw 1.

2. What measures will be used to reduce oralleviate the adverse en'vironmental impacts ?

The-proposed use of'op'erational stations' water will not change the int' ended' purpose or the present water allocations. The impact on the Schuylkill n1ver wouAn De minimaA. Inus, no mitigating measures need be undertaken.

l -


3. Summarize the alternatives considered. -

l .

The alternatives considered were (1) no action, (2) release of water from the

- Ontelaunee Reservoir, (3) release of water from Green Lane Reservoir. (4)

. release of water from Blue Marsh Reservoir or other DRBC water supply storage, and (5) release of water from Beachwood Pit. See Attachment 2.

l .

l 4 List any known objectors to the proposed action.


f .


-- . . . g,

1 e

Delaware River Basia Commissica g) 4507 APPLICANT'S STATEMENT - PRSJECT REVIEW FEE (see Reverse side for AdditionalInformation)

1. Home and Address of Applicon, Philadelphia Electric Company 2101 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19101 Limerick Generating Station
2. Non e d W Intarim.Consumptira Water S9pply Docket #  ;
3. Type of Project check Applicable item (s)

(o) Impoundments (b) diversions of water into or out of the Defoware River Basin (c) Industrial water use and weste treatment facilities X (d) electric generating and transminion facilities (e) petroleum product pipelines (f) stroom encroachments; and (g) withdrawal of ground water J. Project Cost Factors (Complete all lines using Zero where applicable)

Item Estimated Cost

a. Design .

$ n

b. Supervision of Construction $_ O .
c. Legal Services $. O
d. Contract Administration $_ o
e. Land . $a

, f. Materials $_ O' '

g. Construction and Fobricotton $O TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $.

0 ,

Footnotes / Remarks

5. Filing Fee Schedule (Check opp!!cobfe item (s))

(The filing fee is the greater of (a) or (b)) Computation X (o) minimum fee: $100. for any projects or (a)$ 100.

(b) ofternative fee: .. (b)

(1) 1/10 of 1% of estimated project cost up to $1,000,000. (1)$-

(2) 1/50 of 1% of remaining cost above $1,000,000s but not (2)$

to exceed a maximum fee of $50,000 as to any one project, exclusive of odded environmental fees. 100.00 Total $. *

6. Filing Fee Required with Application
  • Please enclose check in this amount with opplicotton. Check should be mode payable to Defowere River Bosin Commission.

NOTE: Should this project require on Environmentallmpoet Statement or on Environmental Assenment, you will be notrfled at a later date and on Applicant's Statement. Environmental Review Fee will be forwarded for compfotion and payment of applicabfe fee.

/hf$O Signature of Certifying Oficial g

30 m .

s,nig,y1,,p,,,14,,,,3,,1 ,, pay,,

Tiefe ACKNONLEDGMENT BY DRBC OF FEE PAYMENT Received Check No.  : dated , Bonk No.

In omount of


COPitss II) Adelalettette, DMelee Copp - whis* Signoture it) AFFt.ICANT - Betain This Copp - pink

18) Appueens - D ABC Reesloted CepF - FeHew til Proleet Review Copy - blee

__E'~E_~~_.._*____ . . _ _ , _ _ _ _ _

ATTACHENT 1 Appilcation of Philadelphia Electric Cenpany

. For Authorization of Consunptive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities Under DRBC Docket No.69-210 CP (Final) (Revised) (May 29, 1985),

Philadelphia Electric Conpany ("PEco") is presently prohibited from teking water fonn the Schuylkill River for consunptive use at Limerick Generating Station Unit No.1 during 1985 unless certain flow and dissolved oxygen conditions exist. Water may not be used for the operation of the unit when fim as measured at the Pottstown gage is less than 530 cfs (342 med) or after Jtme 15, when dissolved oxygen (00) levels measured at various locations are below 5.1 mg/l mininun

. - dally averages and 4.2'mg/l mininun Instantaneous value.

  • Given the projected occurrence of these flow and DO parameters during existing drought emergency conditions, water available for consumttve use will be Insufficient to sustain the power ascension testing program planned for Limerick No. 1 during 1985. PEco therefore proposes to obtain a supply of cooling water for the unit during 1985 by coordinating the operation of Limerick No. I with certain other electric generating units on the Schuylkill, (Crmby Unit 2, owwd and operated by PECo, and Titus Units 1, 2 and 3 owned and operated by Metropolitan Edison Comany (Met Ed)) In such a manner as not to exceed consumttve use withdrawals now authorized for the Titus and Cronby Units, when the fim and 00 constraints prevent the withdrawal of water.

Titus Units 1, 2, and 3 are three coal fired steam electric generating units having a total electric generating capacity of 234 4

1 No . Titus is located on the west bank of the Schuylkill River two miles domstream from Reading, PA and approximately twenty-three miles upstream from Limerick. In duty 1976, the DRBC granted a certificate of entitlement to Titus Station to use, withdraw or divert surface water of the Basin pursuant to Section 5-1.3 of Conmission Resolution No. 74-6 in the amounts of 54.834 million gallons per month for consumtive use and 5212.582 mg/ month for non-conse ptive use. With the addition of a cooling tower to Titus in 1979, DRBC issued Docket Decision No. D-74-32, revised October 1980, which acknowledged that the addition of the coollng tower would result in a 3.5 mdg (105 ng/ month) maximun consumttve use. In relation to Limerick operations, this 3.5 med would. enable operatioh of Limert,ck Unit No.1 ,

up to 'approittmately 15% of full power and wl11 a11ow ccrmletion of approximately one week of its full power test program.

Cromby Unit No. 2 is an oil fired generating unit with a capacity of 201 We, located on the west bank of the Schuylkill River approximately nine miles downstream frcm Limerick. In July 1976, the DRBC granted a certificate of entitlement to Cronby Units Nos.1 and 2 for 88.410 mg/ month for consumtive use and 11,074.470 mg/ month for non-consumtive use. Using the capacity ratto of Crcrnby Unit No.1 to Cronby Unit No. 2 (150 We to 201 We respectively), Crcmby Unit No. 2 has a maximan consumstve usage of 50.628 mg/ month (1.7 mod).

Together, Cronby Unit No. 2 and Titus Unit Nos.1, 2, and 3 have been authorized to use Schuylkill water for consumttve uses equivalent to a maxinun withdrawal of 5.2 med. This daily amount of water, when used for operation of Limerick Unit No.1, would enable the unit to generate power at levels up to approximately 25% of full

power, would enable the Limerick unit to comlete the initial four weeks of the planned power testing program and would enable the unit to operate _ st a base capacity throughout the surmer.

PEco is requesting that the abcwe described 5.2 med consunctive use authorized for Cro d y Unit 2 and Titus units be declared available for use by Limerick Unit 1, to be used by Lirmerick Unit 1 as the power ascension testing program of that unit warrants. Thus, If Limerick is available for operation but its operation would otherwIse be prohlbited because of existing ficw and DO consumttve use restrictions, Limerick would be permitted to operate to the extent that its consumptive uses would be carmensated for by equal reductions in the consumtive uses of the Credy and/or Titus units.

Whenever the -

resultant power generation at 'I'Imerick is less than the pcwor which would have been supplied from the Titus and/or Crady units, the difference in power generation will not be produced by units utilizing consumpt!ve vetor from the Delaware River Basin.

The plan of operation would be to continuously schedule the test and operating program for Limerick Unit No.1 for three days in advance, yxisting the program each day. The consumttve water requirements for each day's operation would then be calculated taking into account the expected meteorological conditions. This calculation would recognize the availability of the 3.5 med avallable for coneugttve uses from the Titus smits and the 1.7 med from Credy Unit No. 2. The calculations would determine which, If any, of these units ,

could be scheduled to operate and at what levels.

. -W.

DRBC has previously determined that the supply of cooling water for Limerick provides a benefit to the environment. As DR8C stated in its most recent envirorenantal review of the supply of supplemental cooling water for Limerick, "docunents prepared after DR8C's Final EIS on the Point Pleasant Diversion Plan, Issued in 1973, support the conclusion that the proposed project would be a feasible and beneficist use of water resources." DR8C Final Environmental Assessment for the Neshaminy Water Supply System, Part III, p. 2-53 (August 1980). DRSC reached the same conclusion in granting final Section 3.8 approval to the Point Pleasant project in Docket No.

D-79-52 CP at p. 5 (February 18, 1981). Accordingly, DRSC has recognized that the use of Basin water resources to provide cooling

. . water for Limerick const'ltutes a beneficlin1'use'. ,

As to the specific need for the electrical power to be granted by the Limerick Generating Station, DR8C has relled upon the findings of the Nuclear Regulatory Comnission (previously the Atomic Energy Camission) In its own envirorvnental statements for Limerick. See Docket No. D-69-210 CP (Final) at pp.1, 6-8 (Novenber 5,1975). In issuing construction pennits for Limerick, the AEC detennined that there is a need for the electrical power to be generated by Limerick.

133,AEC Final Environmental Statement Related to the Proposed Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, docket Nos. 50-352 an 50-353, Ch. 9 (Novenber 1973). At the operating Ilconse stage, the NRC slmtlarly found a substantial benefit to the envirorvnent to be derived from the e i


operation of the Limerick Station in the annual production of approximately 10 billion kWh of base load electrical energy. See NRC Final Envircrvnents) Statement Related to the Operation of Limerick i

Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-352 and 50-353, Section 6.4.2 (April 1984).

Further, in an order entered August 27, 1982, the Pennsylvania PUC expressly stated the "(t)he public Interest requires . . .

(t)lmely carmletion of Limerick Unit 1" and further stated "we encourage the Comany to cormlete this unit as rapidiv as possible consistent with the public safety". Pennsylvania PUC, Opinion and Order, Docket No. 1-80100341 (August 27,1982) (armhasis added) (pp.

23-25). Accordingly, there exists a substantial benefit to the i.

' environment and the pub 1'Ic in the comnencement of connetclal operations at Limerick as soon as possible.

As Limerick Is downstream of Titus, the Schuylkill River will be enhanced in the 23-entle reach between the two stations by a maxinun of 105 mg/rnonth due to the delay In consurmttve use of the water. While Limerick is upstroom from Crmby, the adverse Irmact on the reach in between the two stations should be mintmm1, as the distance is only 9 miles and the consumttve use only 50.628 rng/ month or 2.6 cfs. It Is armhasized that the flow in the Schuylkill River below Crmby Station would be unaltered. With the retirements of PECo's Barbadoes Station and units at Schuylkill Station, PEco has enhanced the water quality of the Schuylkill River by not using its 63.437 mg/rmnth (3.3 cfs) entitlements for consumttve use and 5,538.429 m3/ month entitlements

for non-consunptive use for these stations. PECo has also terTninated using 269.435 mg/ month entitlements for consumttve use on the Delaware River with the retirement of Chester Station, units at Delmare Station, and planned retirement of Rictinond Station. We believe some credit should be given for the discontinued consumtive water usage.

The proposed coordinated use of consumttve water among the Schuylkill River Generating Stations will not result in any additional envircrvnental or overall consumttve water effects on the basin.

, 4

, e ,

4 4 6

4 . ==

ATTACitENT 2 Application of Philadelphia Electric Comany For Authorization of Consumtive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities Alternatives Considered PEco has considered various alternatives for a temporary suoply of supplemental cooling water to Limerick for the period of 1985 when docket decision constraints preclude withdrawals from the Schuylkill and Perkicmen. An alternative is not realistic and need not be considered unless capable of being pronotly implemented. Thus, an siternative cannot require. construction or major modification of , ,

- existing facilities. The alternatives considered and a brief discussion of each follow:

(O No action - Due to f1cw and DO constraints imposed by DRSC on withdrawals of water frcm the Schuylkl11 River for consumptive use, the Schuylkl11 will be largely unavailable for such withdrawals during the period June to October, 1985. Because the permanent supplemental water supply from the Point Pleasant project will be unavailable for this period, Limerick cannot continue with start-up and ascent to e


L )

il full power testing without an Interim source. The cost of


I not operating Limerick for lack of water during that period

- la estImsted to be $49 million per month. St e, Affidavit of Vincent 5. Soyer, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power 86 i / W (attached).

. (2) Ontelamee Reservoir - This reservoir is located on Molden '

Creek, a tributary to the Schuylkill River upstream of the 3 '

Limerick plant, and is omed by the City of Reading for use as a water supply source. Ontelaunee has 11,640 acre-feet of total storage. The City of Reading was granted an allocation of*35 ml11 ton gallons per day of water by the DRSC on August 27,.1969 in Docket No.'D-69-139 CP.. The -

water supply system Is presently reported to use an average

. of 20 med with a maximun usage of about 25 med. The city of Reading and the municipalities served by the water system are l, served by comprehensive systems of seweroge collection-which alscharge to cc elete treatment facilities and thence into tributary streams and the Schuylkill River.

Inquiries have been made to the City of Reading and a


presentation was made to the City Councl1 as to the city's l

Interest in selling unused water fran their allocation to PEco . An oppilcation for approval of such usage would have to be made by the City to the DR8C. To date, the City has net Indicated an Interest in making any water available to PEco for 1985, or any other period of time.


o 1

(3) Green Lane Reservoir - This reservoir is located on the Perkicmen Creek. It is owned by the Philadelphia Suburban Water Cormany ("PSW Co.") and is used in ccnt ination with other reservoirs and wells for water supply. Total storage Is 13,430 acro-feet. Green Lane is not large enough to meet the conbtned needs of PSW Co. and Limerick. (Letter to Nicholas DeBenedictis, DER Secretary from Robert A. Luksa, Executive Vice President, Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, June 4, 1984).

(4) 81ue Marsh Reservoir - This reservoir is located on the Tulpehocken Creek, a tributary to the Schuylkill River upstream of the Limerick plant. On March 15, 1985, PECo . ,

flied with the DRSC an appilcation under Section 3.8'of the' Cormact for releases from Blue Marsh or other DRBC water supply storage during 1985 for use at Limerick Generating Station Unit No. 1. This request was rejected by the DRBC on May 29, 1985 in Docket No. D-69-210 CP (Final) (Revised)

(5) Seechwood Plt - PEco expects to flie with the DRSC an appilcation for approval of the withdrawal of water frem the Schuylkill River for consumtive use at Limerick Unit I h such withdrmals would otherwise be prevented by the ficws and dissolved oxygen constraints of Docket No.69-210 CP (Final) (Revised) (May 29, 1985), to the extent Schuylkill River ficw is augmented by discharges from the Beechwood Pit, a former strip mine controlled by the Reading Anthracite Ccreany and containing approximately 2.2 bl11 ton gallons of water. This source of water is a potential

O t,

supplement to the water supply sought by the Instant appilcation and could provide sufficient water to meet Limerick's consumttve needs for 1985 when the Schuylkl11 River would be otherwise unavailable. Approval by regulatory agencles, the DRSC and the DER, of certain ,

aspects of the discharge from the pit would be required before this water could be used. There is no certainty that these approvals will be grmted.

t r

, , t, e

l 4

l e t


ss.  !



VINCENT S. BOYR, being first duly sworn, states as follows:

1. My name is Vincent S. Boyer. I as Senior Vice President, Nuclear PDwer of Philadelphia Electric Company ("the Company"), owner and, operator of the Limerick Generating Station.
2. On October 26, 1984, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  !

issued a license authorizing fuel loading and low power testing program which has been completed. The schedule for the power ascension phase of operation of Unit 1 of the Limerick Generating Station is such that the Plant is now ready to proceed to poWor' levels' greater than allowed'under our ex,isiling, .

l license. On May 24, 1985 an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of the R C issued an order which authorized the issuance of a full power operating license for Limerick Unit 1. Prior to such license being issued the R C must ,

first make the authorizing Order effective, after receiving comments. In view of the current status of the EC licensing proceedings, issuance of a full power license could occur by late June, 1985.

3. In order to proceed with the power ascension program for Unit 1

- i after the issuance of a full power operating license by the R C, it is i necessary to have in place a supplemental cooling water supply.

4. 1he partially constructed Point Pleasant diversion will not be ,

completed in time to supply Unit l's supplemental coo 11re water needs when it ,

t is anticipated that the EC will authorise the Company to proceed to full power operation.

5. Consequently, an interin supply of cooling water will be required to operate Unit 1 at sustained high power levels until the Point Pleasant Project is completed.


6. Delays in proceeding to full power will result in a delay in the l commercial operation of the Unit. Such delays will increase the costs of Limerick Unit 1 by $34 million per month. This cost figure is made up of $24 million per month Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) and $10 million per month operational, security and maintenance costs. In addition, the fuel costs of the Company's customers will be increased by $15 million a month for each month of delay. ,

Delays in the full power operation of Unit 1 may also impact on' 7.

l' the restart of construction of Unit 2. The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission is presently conducting proceedings on whether construction at Unit l

2 should be continued, but in compliance with a prior order issued by the PUC, l

l construction of No. 2 Unit has been suspended until Unit No.1 is placed in commercial operation.

A4!OH W,;M m Vincent S. Boyer V Subscribed and swom to before me this & # day 1985.

of f)Dg 7/h,l( ,%)

Notary Public l L

  • PAmelA A. Jones

.  % Puhe, PMe . PMe. Co.

W h Espwee oct.13,1ges

F' O

Exhibit 1 App 1tcation of Philadelphia Electric Cermany For Authorization of Consunptive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities Abstract of Proceedinos Authorizino Project DR8C Docket No. D-69-210 CP (Final) (Noverser 5,1975) approved the Limerick Generating Station Project pursuant to Section 3.8 of the Cormact. Incorporated in this Docket were Schuyikill River flow and termerature restrictions which would largely prohlblt consumttve water withdrawels during the period dme to October,1985. The

- - . . ternperature' restraints were termorarily suspended and a disso' ved 1 oxygen -

monitoring program lenposed in lieu thereof in Docket No. D-69-210 CP (Final)

(Revised) (May 29, 1985).

O Exhibit 2 Application of Philadelphia Electric Comany For Authorization of Consunptive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities Standard or PoIIcy Under Consideration The primary purpose of the DRBC In establishing Ilmits for consumttve use of water is to minimize the adverse environmental effects of withdrawals for consumtive use during periods of low natural stream flow and low dissolved oxygen levels. The proposal set forth in this Appilcation is consistent with this purpose in that the level of consu mtive use presently authorized for the units in .

questionwl11notbe'threasedwiththeoperationofLimerickUnitl'as proposed herein.

Exhibit 3 Appilcation of Philadelphia Electric Cenpany For AutborIzatIon of Consuretive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities Section of the United States Geological Survey Topographic Map Showing the Territory and Watershed Affected The maps attached detalling the location of Titus Station and Cronby Station were prepared fran the United States Geological Survey Reading and Phoenixville Quadrangles, respectively, O

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_ .- N 4007.5-W 7530/ 7.S ACCuRAct STANDARDS 1955 (STON. VIRGINIA 22092 PHOTOREVISt0 1968 AND 1973 l eotl O Avaitaett ON etgutSt 4MS sete il NE. SERIES V831

f Exhibit +

Appilcation of Philadelphia Electric Comany For Authorization of Consurptive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities


Description of Specific Effects j of Non-Structural Projects The specific effects of the non-structural projects are discussed in Section 1 of Environmerital Form and Attactynent 1 hereto.  !

. j I'


.o Exhibit 5 Application of Philadelphia Electric Cormany For Authorization of Constrnptive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities Report of the Appilcant's Engineer Showing the Proposed Plan of Operation of the Project The -resumtion of the startup program and approach to full power for the Limerick Generating Station Unit No.1 is expected to begin following issuance of a full power license by the Nuclear Regulatory Corrmission. A gradual ascension to full power is planned with tests l

being conducted at several discrete power levels. The total test l l

program is estimated to require a period of approximately six months, including time for review and approval of test results and for scrne.,

adjustment an'd tuning of control systems.

If Limerick is available for operation but its operation would l otherwise be prohibited because of existing ficw and DO consunptive use restrictions, Limerick would be permitted to operate to the extent that its consumtive uses would be compensated for by equal reductions in the consumtive uses of the Crcrrt>y and/or Titus units. Whenever the resultant power generation at Limerick is less than the power i

l which would have been supplied from the Titus and/or Crcyrt>y units, the difference in power generation will not be produced by units utilizing l consumtive water from the Delaware River Basin.

The test and operating program for Limerick Unit No. I would be continuously scheduled for three days in advance, updating the program each day. The consunptive water requirements for each day's operation would then be calculated taking into account the expected meteorological conditions. This calculation would recognize the

availability of the 3.5 mgd available for consumttve uses from the Titus u11ts and the 1.7 mgd from Cronby Unit No. 2. The calculations would determine which, if any, of these units could be scheduled to operate and at what levels. This' plan of operation is further discussed in Attacivnent 1 of this application. The flew and dissolved oxygen constraints Irnposed in Docket No.69-210 CP (Final) (Revised)

(May 29, 1985) would be inappilcable to this plan of operation.

9 4


Exhibit 6 Appilcation of Philadelphia Electric Conpany For Authorization of Consunptive Water Use .

During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill' River Generating Facilities Map of Any Lands to be Acoutre.d or Occupied This is a non-structural proposal.- There are no lands to be acquired.

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Exhibit 7 Application of Phi 1adelphIa Electric Ccumany For Authorization of Consumtive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River -

Generating Facilities Estimate of Cost of Cormleting the Proposed Project This is a non-structural proposal which involves no expenditures for its cormletion.

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Exhibit 8 Appilcation of Philadelphia Electric Company For Authorization of Consumtive Water Use During Coordinated Operation of Certain Schuylkill River Generating Facilities Descrlotion of Construction Procedures This is a non-structural proposal which involves no construction activity.

