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| number = ML20215E065
| number = ML20141E500
| issue date = 10/08/1986
| issue date = 02/05/1986
| title = Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-382/85-31.Ltr Forwarded to Div of Qa,Vendor & Technical Ctr Programs for Review of 10CFR21 Applicability
| title = Insp Rept 50-382/85-31 on 851202-06.Violation Noted:Failure to Adequately Evaluate & Rept Defective GE AKR-50 Circuit Breakers in Accordance w/10CFR21
| author name = Gagliardo J
| author name = Boardman J, Ireland R
| addressee name = Dewease J
| addressee name =  
| addressee affiliation = LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee affiliation =  
| docket = 05000382
| docket = 05000382
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = NUDOCS 8610150014
| document report number = 50-382-85-31, NUDOCS 8602250270
| title reference date = 03-21-1986
| package number = ML20141E456
| package number = ML20215E069
| page count = 6
| page count = 2

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In Reply Refer To:
  !. ,
OCT 8 l986 Docket: 50-382/85-31
j' Yy ;
    *    - '
Louisiana Power & Light Company ATTN: J. G. Dewease, Senior VP Nuclear Operations 317 Baronne Street P. O. Box 60340 New Orleans, Louisiana 70160 Gentlemen:
, ,
Thank you for your letter of March 21, 1986, in response to our letter and the attached Notice of Violation dated February 20, 1986. -As a result of our review, we continue to feel this item was reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 21;.however, we are forwarding your letter to the NRC Division of Quality Assu ance, Vendor, and Technical Center Programs for program office review cf 10 CFR 21 applicabilit t Sincerel Original Signe'd k
i' }'    ,
    ..*" ll J. E. Gagliardo, Chief Reactor Projects Branch cc:
Louisiana Power & Light Company ATTd: G. E. Wuller, Onsite Licensing Coordinator P. O. Box B Killona, Louisiana 70066 Louisiana Power & Light Company ATTN: R. P. Barkhurst, Plant Manager P. O. Box B .
Killona, Louisiana 70066
- - .
, -
tCfuh<lll * #  3p/
    ' APPENDIX B  c
' ' '
[    REGION IV    ,
NRC Inspection Report: 50-382/85-31 Operating License: NPF-26'
  ; Docket:~ 50-382 3 ,
LLicensee: Louisiana Power and Light Company (LP&L) ~
142 Delaronde Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70174  .
Facility Name: Waterford Steam Electric Station,, Unit 3 .,
Inspection At: Taft, Louisiana Inspection Conducted: December 2-6,-1985
Inspector: ,
4? 30ardman,
   / .CN Reactor b d Inspector, Operations .2/S/r2  '
p J. R.Section, Reactor Safety Branch Date ,
RIV/RSB/OS C/OS C/RSB C [C B j f JRBoardman:yhchm  TFWesterman G onstable &g ardo /t, [
i,1 nDMHunnicutt 10/ 6 /86 f 10/']/86 10/ 7/86 10/ 7 /86 .:.0/ g /86 goq%8ti Bth8)h2  /f 0 I N'
l l  Approved: N:. /Ireland,
    . c I Acting s /e Chief, M Operations  4/5/vd, j Date i  Section, Reactor Safety Branch
l Inspection Summary l    7 ,
. Inspection Conducted December 2-6, 1985 (Renort 50-382/85-31)
Areas Inspected: Reactive, announced inspection of the licensee preventive maintenance program and nonlicensed staff training. The inspection involved 36
inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspecto Results: Within the one area inspected (corrective maintenance), one violation was identified (failure to adequately evaluate and report defective General  .
Electric AKR-50 circuit breakers in accordance with 10 CFR Part 21,' paragraph 3).-
m22288MP4g2      ,
      , 4 l      '
i      .
        . _ _ - - -M
, ,
= Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees
*R. P. Barkhurst, Plant Manager
*L. W. Myers, Operations Superintendent
*S. Alleman, Assistant Plant Manager Technical Service
*F. J. Englebracht, Manager Plant Administrative Services
,*A. S. Lockhart, Site Quality Manager l *R. B. Willis, Manager, Engineering and Nuclear Safety
, *D. Packer, Manager, Training l *H. A.-Trigg',s Records and Administration Manager
! *P. V. Prasankumar, Technical Support Supervisor t
* V. Seidle, Engineering and Nuclear Safety I * L. Brewster, Onsite Licensing
! L. Laughlin, Technical Support ( J. Mahoney, Maintenance ,
* Denotes those attending the exit interview on December 6, 198 The NRC inspector also interviewed other licensee personne . Followup on Previously Identified Items (0 pen) (382/8425-01) Licensee Document Controls for Vendor Manuals and Technical Data The NRC inspector began the inspection on licensee corrective action for the subject violation by reviewing the following licensee pro-cedures relating to the review and control of vendor manuals:
  * PMI-016, " Vendor Manual Program," Revision 1, dated July 31, 1985
  * PPP-306, " Engineering Review," Revision 0, dated June 13, 1984, and Revision 1, dated September 21, 1984
  * PMP-004, " Control of Vendor Manuals," Revisions 0, 1, and 2, dated April 16, 1984, November 15, 1984, and May 27, 1985 respectively l
  * PMP-002, " Document Control," Revision 1, dated October 22, 1985
!        I
The NRC inspector found no apparent programmatic problems or concerns  l in these procedures, except as follows:
l l        1
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.  * During review by the NRC inspector of potentially reportable events (PRE's)'for possible maintenance and training causes, a'.
case was discovered on Condition Identification Work
Authorization (CIWA) 01740 where the incorrect hydraulic fluid  , ,
was added to the valve operator of safety-related feed' water
isolation valve FW-1848. Based on-technical evaluation of this  '''
I error by the licensee, the use of incorrect fluid could have adversely affected elastomeric parts of the valve, and consequently valve operatio m* Thelicensee'svendormanualforvalveFW-1848andits'operEtor did not identify the hydraulic fluid to be used. Since a l  primary purpose of controlled vendor manuals is maintenance, the  ,
NRC inspector, during a subsequent inspection, will evaluate documentation of the licensee's technical review of vendor l  manuals to assure that vendor instructions exist for required
;  preventive and corrective maintenance.
l The NRC inspector also reviewed Vendor Technical Information
l  (VTI) for Agastat Relays used7 tn safety-related applications.
l  The VTI identified by the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG)  ,
!  supplier was for originally provided nonsafety related relays.
i used for safety-related applications. Licensee personnel stated
!  that original relays were qualified by the EDG supplie Replacement relays will be safety-related (E-series). The '
licensee will verify that no unqualified relays have been  .
Installed as replacements. Maintenance instructions will require j  the periodic replacement specified for E-series relays. This will remain an open item (382/8531-01) pending further review
during a subsequent inspection.
l  Further review by the NRC inspector of the licensee's response  I
!  to 382/8425-01 will be accomplished during a subsequent    l l
! (Closed) (382/8527-01) Microflim identification of safety-related preventive maintenance records showing required l  designations, such as Equipment Qualification (EQ). The.
l  licensee now stamps preventive maintenance documents with the  -
special designation (EQ) prior to their issue, (Closed) (382/8527-05) Possible Use of Preventive Maintenance
  , (PM) Task Cards to Perform Corrective Maintenance. The NRC inspector reviewed a sampling of PM task cards having a 3 and 5  ,
  , year accomplishment periodicity that had two or more recorded i  accomplishments in the first year of operation, with the following l-
l        *
l  * Partial accomplishments of PM tasks were entered in the
!,    licensee's maintenance information system as complete t~ ,
l l
        , :
i I

.       1
, .a
l Louisiana Power & Light Company -2-Middle South Services ATTN: Mr. R. T. Lally P. O. Box 61000
  -4-accomplishments, indicating erroneous multiple accomplishment * In some cases, task cards were lo , and replacement task cards issued. Subsequently, the licensee determined that both task cards were accomp14shed, and both were entcred in the licensee's maintenance management information syste * In some cases, upon recalibration, measuring and test equipment (M&TE) used for PMs subsequently was determined to be out-of-calibration and the PM task was redon * In one case, there were two identical pieces of equipment having a 5 year PM periodicity based on Technical Specification requirements. FSAR requirements were purported by licensee personnel to be the accomplishment of 10% of this equipment every 18 months. The licensee interpreted this to require PM on one of the two pieces of equipment every 18 month The NRC inspector suggested to licensee personnel that they assure that similar practices resulting in much more frequent PMs than required do not degrade safety-related equipmer.t. The licensee's new maintenance information management system, having the acronym "SIMS" (Station Information Management System), can eliminate unnecessarily redundant accomplishment of PMs. SIMS is scheduled to go "on line" in calendar year 198 . Licensee Corrective Maintenance Program The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's program for corrective maintenanc This review included licensee procedures, and licensee potentially reportable events (PRES), to determine if they were caused by, or adversely affected by, licensee maintenance practice The licensee is evaluating and accomplishing site-specific, modifications to the Middle South version of the SIMS which is presently used for control of maintenance at Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) for both units. The ifcensee has targeted to have this system, with site-specific modifications, on-line by October 1, 1986. Review of the Arkansas Power and Light (AP&L) version of SIMS indicates that this program can provide effective management visibility and control of maintenance, Corrective Maintenance Administrative Procedures Overall programmatic control of licensee maintenance activities is covered by Administrative Procedure MD-1-014. " Conduct of Maintenance," Revision 1, approved November 21, 198 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _
, New Orelans, Louisiana 70161 Louisiana Power and Light Company ATTN: K. W. Cook, Nuclear Support      l and Licensing Manager 317 Baroone Street P. O. Box 60340 New Orleans, Louisiana 70160 bec to DMB (IE01)
bec distrib. by RIV:
.. . _- _ _ _ - - . . . _ . _ ,
RPB  D. Weiss,LFMB(AR-2015)
      . _ _ _ _ . . - , ,
Resident Inspector  R. D. Martin, EA Section Chief (RPB/C) DRSP R&SPB   RSB
~*  %  r t ,
I      e
Corrective maintenance is performed using a work control document entitled a " Condition Identification and Work Authorization (CIWA)."
The governing procedure is UNT-5-002, " Administrative Procedure . +
;  Condition Identification and Work Authorization," Revision 4, dated l September 5, 1984.
Plant engineering technical review and processing of CIWAs is  *
Procedure PE-2-005, " Plant Engineering CIWA Processites." Revision 5, approved June 21, 198 .
The NRC inspector noted no programmatic violations or deviations in these procedure , Review of Licensee Potentially Reportable Events (PRES) for Events That May Have 8een Caused, or Adversely Af fected, by Licensee Maintenance Practices    !
The NRC inspector reviewed all licensee PRES for maintenance  ,
implications. Administrative Procedure UNT-6-010 " Event Evaluation and Reporting," Revision 1 (approved November 26, 1984), provides  .
guidance for licensee review, evaluation, and reporting of event The inspector identified two problems with the evaluation of events as follows:
  * One maintenance-related' PRE reviewed was.for the addition of hydraulic fluid to safety-related feed water isolation valve FW-1848. This is discussed previously in this report in  ,
Section 2.(a). 1
   * PRE 85-150, failure of B charging pump, GE AKR-50 circuit . .
breaker to make contact on one phase resulting in failure of the pump motor to start was reviewe ;
The failure of the AKR-50 breaker to make contact was caused by rotationofaphasecontactadjustingscrewduringbreakeroperatio The cause was a low thread torque (less than 40 inch pounds) for the adjusting scre The event occurred May 18, 1985, General Electric (GE) provided to  ;
the licensee on June 6, 1985, an evaluation and engineering analyses and specified corrective actions which required the application of
  " LOCTITE-220" to the adjusting screw and verification of adequate torquing. To implement GE's recommendation for breakers having an above average number of close-open operations CIWA 021716  >
was approved and issued August 26, 1985, but the action had not been accomplished at the time of the NRC inspection. The licensee committed  i to accomplish this'CIWA prior to the next startup for those breakers which had "an above average number of CLOSE-OPEN operations."
i I
y,  ,
  . .. .,
Subsequent to the inspection, the licensee committed to review all other similar safety-related GE breakers (AKR-30 and AKR-50) to ",
assure provision of timely corrective maintenance for this potential failure. This matter will be an open item (382/8531-02) pending review of the licensee actions during a subsequent inspectio Failure to Adequately Evaluate and Report the Defects GE AKR-50 Circuit Breakers Under 10 CFR Part 21 The failure of the 8 charging pump breaker, as noted in b. above, l    was not reported under 10 CFR 50.73. The breaker failure had been-evaluated under 10 CFR 21 by the licensee and determined not to be a reportable defect. However, the defect identified by GE to the l    licensee was generic to all AKR-50 an AKR-30 breakers as noted in a l    June 6, 1985 letter to the licensee. Additionally, GE issued a
revision to publication GEK-64459 (applicable to all AKR-30 and AKR-50 breakers) to provide maintenance instructions for checking and correcting the potential defec This breaker failure (rotation of a phase contact adjusting screw during breaker operation) represented a defect in a basic component that could create a substantial safety hazard. The failure of the licensee to adequately evaluate and report this defect to the NRC is a violation of 10 CFR 21,(382/8531-03). Training of Nonlicensed Staff The NRC inspector reviewed licensee Potentially Reportable Events (PRES)
for evidence of events that resulted from licensee training deficiencies.
!    No events appeared to have been negatively influenced by training.
t Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on December 6,198 The NRC inspector summarized the purpose, scope and findings of the inspection.
l        .

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Revision as of 13:08, 12 December 2021

Insp Rept 50-382/85-31 on 851202-06.Violation Noted:Failure to Adequately Evaluate & Rept Defective GE AKR-50 Circuit Breakers in Accordance w/10CFR21
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1986
From: Boardman J, Ireland R
Shared Package
ML20141E456 List:
50-382-85-31, NUDOCS 8602250270
Download: ML20141E500 (6)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-382/85-31 Operating License: NPF-26'

~ 50-382 3 ,

LLicensee: Louisiana Power and Light Company (LP&L) ~

142 Delaronde Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70174 .



Facility Name: Waterford Steam Electric Station,, Unit 3 .,

Inspection At: Taft, Louisiana Inspection Conducted: December 2-6,-1985


Inspector: ,

4? 30ardman,

/ .CN Reactor b d Inspector, Operations .2/S/r2 '

p J. R.Section, Reactor Safety Branch Date ,






l l Approved: N:. /Ireland,

. c I Acting s /e Chief, M Operations 4/5/vd, j Date i Section, Reactor Safety Branch


l Inspection Summary l 7 ,

. Inspection Conducted December 2-6, 1985 (Renort 50-382/85-31)

Areas Inspected: Reactive, announced inspection of the licensee preventive maintenance program and nonlicensed staff training. The inspection involved 36


inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspecto Results: Within the one area inspected (corrective maintenance), one violation was identified (failure to adequately evaluate and report defective General .

Electric AKR-50 circuit breakers in accordance with 10 CFR Part 21,' paragraph 3).-

m22288MP4g2 ,



, 4 l '

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= Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees

  • R. P. Barkhurst, Plant Manager
  • L. W. Myers, Operations Superintendent
  • S. Alleman, Assistant Plant Manager Technical Service
  • F. J. Englebracht, Manager Plant Administrative Services

,*A. S. Lockhart, Site Quality Manager l *R. B. Willis, Manager, Engineering and Nuclear Safety

, *D. Packer, Manager, Training l *H. A.-Trigg',s Records and Administration Manager

! *P. V. Prasankumar, Technical Support Supervisor t

  • V. Seidle, Engineering and Nuclear Safety I * L. Brewster, Onsite Licensing

! L. Laughlin, Technical Support ( J. Mahoney, Maintenance ,

  • Denotes those attending the exit interview on December 6, 198 The NRC inspector also interviewed other licensee personne . Followup on Previously Identified Items (0 pen) (382/8425-01) Licensee Document Controls for Vendor Manuals and Technical Data The NRC inspector began the inspection on licensee corrective action for the subject violation by reviewing the following licensee pro-cedures relating to the review and control of vendor manuals:
  • PMI-016, " Vendor Manual Program," Revision 1, dated July 31, 1985
  • PPP-306, " Engineering Review," Revision 0, dated June 13, 1984, and Revision 1, dated September 21, 1984
  • PMP-004, " Control of Vendor Manuals," Revisions 0, 1, and 2, dated April 16, 1984, November 15, 1984, and May 27, 1985 respectively l
  • PMP-002, " Document Control," Revision 1, dated October 22, 1985

! I


The NRC inspector found no apparent programmatic problems or concerns l in these procedures, except as follows:


l l 1


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- . ,


  1. ., '(

. * During review by the NRC inspector of potentially reportable events (PRE's)'for possible maintenance and training causes, a'.




case was discovered on Condition Identification Work


Authorization (CIWA) 01740 where the incorrect hydraulic fluid , ,

was added to the valve operator of safety-related feed' water


isolation valve FW-1848. Based on-technical evaluation of this

I error by the licensee, the use of incorrect fluid could have adversely affected elastomeric parts of the valve, and consequently valve operatio m* Thelicensee'svendormanualforvalveFW-1848andits'operEtor did not identify the hydraulic fluid to be used. Since a l primary purpose of controlled vendor manuals is maintenance, the ,

NRC inspector, during a subsequent inspection, will evaluate documentation of the licensee's technical review of vendor l manuals to assure that vendor instructions exist for required

preventive and corrective maintenance.

l The NRC inspector also reviewed Vendor Technical Information


l (VTI) for Agastat Relays used7 tn safety-related applications.

l The VTI identified by the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) ,

! supplier was for originally provided nonsafety related relays.

i used for safety-related applications. Licensee personnel stated

! that original relays were qualified by the EDG supplie Replacement relays will be safety-related (E-series). The '

licensee will verify that no unqualified relays have been .

Installed as replacements. Maintenance instructions will require j the periodic replacement specified for E-series relays. This will remain an open item (382/8531-01) pending further review


during a subsequent inspection.

l Further review by the NRC inspector of the licensee's response I

! to 382/8425-01 will be accomplished during a subsequent l l


! (Closed) (382/8527-01) Microflim identification of safety-related preventive maintenance records showing required l designations, such as Equipment Qualification (EQ). The.

l licensee now stamps preventive maintenance documents with the -


special designation (EQ) prior to their issue, (Closed) (382/8527-05) Possible Use of Preventive Maintenance

, (PM) Task Cards to Perform Corrective Maintenance. The NRC inspector reviewed a sampling of PM task cards having a 3 and 5 ,


, year accomplishment periodicity that had two or more recorded i accomplishments in the first year of operation, with the following l-



l *

l * Partial accomplishments of PM tasks were entered in the

!, licensee's maintenance information system as complete t~ ,


l l

, :


i I


, .a


-4-accomplishments, indicating erroneous multiple accomplishment * In some cases, task cards were lo , and replacement task cards issued. Subsequently, the licensee determined that both task cards were accomp14shed, and both were entcred in the licensee's maintenance management information syste * In some cases, upon recalibration, measuring and test equipment (M&TE) used for PMs subsequently was determined to be out-of-calibration and the PM task was redon * In one case, there were two identical pieces of equipment having a 5 year PM periodicity based on Technical Specification requirements. FSAR requirements were purported by licensee personnel to be the accomplishment of 10% of this equipment every 18 months. The licensee interpreted this to require PM on one of the two pieces of equipment every 18 month The NRC inspector suggested to licensee personnel that they assure that similar practices resulting in much more frequent PMs than required do not degrade safety-related equipmer.t. The licensee's new maintenance information management system, having the acronym "SIMS" (Station Information Management System), can eliminate unnecessarily redundant accomplishment of PMs. SIMS is scheduled to go "on line" in calendar year 198 . Licensee Corrective Maintenance Program The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's program for corrective maintenanc This review included licensee procedures, and licensee potentially reportable events (PRES), to determine if they were caused by, or adversely affected by, licensee maintenance practice The licensee is evaluating and accomplishing site-specific, modifications to the Middle South version of the SIMS which is presently used for control of maintenance at Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) for both units. The ifcensee has targeted to have this system, with site-specific modifications, on-line by October 1, 1986. Review of the Arkansas Power and Light (AP&L) version of SIMS indicates that this program can provide effective management visibility and control of maintenance, Corrective Maintenance Administrative Procedures Overall programmatic control of licensee maintenance activities is covered by Administrative Procedure MD-1-014. " Conduct of Maintenance," Revision 1, approved November 21, 198 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

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I e



Corrective maintenance is performed using a work control document entitled a " Condition Identification and Work Authorization (CIWA)."

The governing procedure is UNT-5-002, " Administrative Procedure . +

Condition Identification and Work Authorization," Revision 4, dated l September 5, 1984.



Plant engineering technical review and processing of CIWAs is *

Procedure PE-2-005, " Plant Engineering CIWA Processites." Revision 5, approved June 21, 198 .


The NRC inspector noted no programmatic violations or deviations in these procedure , Review of Licensee Potentially Reportable Events (PRES) for Events That May Have 8een Caused, or Adversely Af fected, by Licensee Maintenance Practices  !

The NRC inspector reviewed all licensee PRES for maintenance ,


implications. Administrative Procedure UNT-6-010 " Event Evaluation and Reporting," Revision 1 (approved November 26, 1984), provides .

guidance for licensee review, evaluation, and reporting of event The inspector identified two problems with the evaluation of events as follows:

  • One maintenance-related' PRE reviewed was.for the addition of hydraulic fluid to safety-related feed water isolation valve FW-1848. This is discussed previously in this report in ,

Section 2.(a). 1

  • PRE 85-150, failure of B charging pump, GE AKR-50 circuit . .

breaker to make contact on one phase resulting in failure of the pump motor to start was reviewe ;


The failure of the AKR-50 breaker to make contact was caused by rotationofaphasecontactadjustingscrewduringbreakeroperatio The cause was a low thread torque (less than 40 inch pounds) for the adjusting scre The event occurred May 18, 1985, General Electric (GE) provided to  ;

the licensee on June 6, 1985, an evaluation and engineering analyses and specified corrective actions which required the application of

" LOCTITE-220" to the adjusting screw and verification of adequate torquing. To implement GE's recommendation for breakers having an above average number of close-open operations CIWA 021716 >


was approved and issued August 26, 1985, but the action had not been accomplished at the time of the NRC inspection. The licensee committed i to accomplish this'CIWA prior to the next startup for those breakers which had "an above average number of CLOSE-OPEN operations."

i I


y, ,



. .. .,





Subsequent to the inspection, the licensee committed to review all other similar safety-related GE breakers (AKR-30 and AKR-50) to ",

assure provision of timely corrective maintenance for this potential failure. This matter will be an open item (382/8531-02) pending review of the licensee actions during a subsequent inspectio Failure to Adequately Evaluate and Report the Defects GE AKR-50 Circuit Breakers Under 10 CFR Part 21 The failure of the 8 charging pump breaker, as noted in b. above, l was not reported under 10 CFR 50.73. The breaker failure had been-evaluated under 10 CFR 21 by the licensee and determined not to be a reportable defect. However, the defect identified by GE to the l licensee was generic to all AKR-50 an AKR-30 breakers as noted in a l June 6, 1985 letter to the licensee. Additionally, GE issued a


revision to publication GEK-64459 (applicable to all AKR-30 and AKR-50 breakers) to provide maintenance instructions for checking and correcting the potential defec This breaker failure (rotation of a phase contact adjusting screw during breaker operation) represented a defect in a basic component that could create a substantial safety hazard. The failure of the licensee to adequately evaluate and report this defect to the NRC is a violation of 10 CFR 21,(382/8531-03). Training of Nonlicensed Staff The NRC inspector reviewed licensee Potentially Reportable Events (PRES)

for evidence of events that resulted from licensee training deficiencies.

! No events appeared to have been negatively influenced by training.

t Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on December 6,198 The NRC inspector summarized the purpose, scope and findings of the inspection.

l .





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