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| number = ML20207S458
| number = ML20211B667
| issue date = 03/12/1987
| issue date = 02/03/1987
| title = Corrects Insp Rept Number Erroneously Reported Per 870211 Ltr.Rept Number Should Be 50-482/86-32 Not 50-482/87-32
| title = Insp Rept 50-482/86-32 on 861201-05.Violation Noted:Failure of post-test Reviewers to Identify & Take Appropriate Corrective Action to Restore as-listed out-of-spec Value of Average Specific Gravity to within Limits
| author name = Gagliardo J
| author name = Hunnicutt D, Pick G
| addressee name = Withers B
| addressee name =  
| addressee affiliation = WOLF CREEK NUCLEAR OPERATING CORP.
| addressee affiliation =  
| docket = 05000482
| docket = 05000482
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = 50-482-86-32, NUDOCS 8703190488
| document report number = 50-482-86-32, NUDOCS 8702190492
| package number = ML20211B646
| page count = 2
| page count = 6

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  -o In Reply Refer To:  pI2W Docket: STN 50-482/86-32 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation ATTN: Bart D. Withers President and Chief Executive Officer P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Gentlemen:
  , . :.
The transmittal letter for NRC Inspection Report STN 50-482/86-32, mailed on February .11,1987, erroneously indicated that the inspection report number was STN 50-482/87-3 Please correct your records accordingl Sincerel Original Signed Kv J. E. GAGLIARDO J. E. Gagliardo, Chief Reactor Projects Branch Enclosure:
As stated cc:
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation ATTN: Otto Maynard, Manager of Licensing P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Gary Boyer, Plant Manager Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Forrest Rhodes, Vice President, Nuclear Operations Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Kansas Radiation Control Program Director RSB ..
ldgk /
RIV:RSB/0 GPick:gb OS h DMHunnicutt PS DR r TFWesterman JEGaglia (
3 ////87 .$ /// /87 b/w /87 f# 3 /p /87 3/p/87 R$8*%80!!$$885's2    /pg 0 0  PDR

      .. - - . - .   .. . .-
-4 .a .
NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/86-32 License: NPF-42 Docket: 50-482
Licensee: Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station Inspection At: Burlington, Kansas
Inspection Conducted: December 1-5, 1986 I
Inspector: wh .. M A, lith G.A.Pf)kOReactorEngineer, Operations Dfte g Secti&n,Weactor Safety Branch Approved: MM    4/8/F7
D. M. Hunnicutt, Chief, Operations Section Date'
Reactor Safety Branch Inspection Summary
; -Inspection Conducted December 1-5, 1986 (Report 50-482/86-32)
I Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of complex surveillance test, surveillance test ar.d calibration control program, procurement program, and l followup of unresolveJ items.
l l
Results: Within one area inspected, one violation was identified (surveillance l
testing and calibration control programs, paragraph 4).

i bec to DMB (IE01)
bec distrib. by RIV:
  *RPB    Myron Karman, ELD, MNBB (1)
  *RRI    R. D. Martin, RA
  *SectionChief(RPB/B) -    DRSP
  *R&SPB    R. P. Warnick, RIII
  *RIV File    Resident Inspector, RIII
  * MIS System    *RSB
;  *RSTS Operato * Project Inspector i  *D. Weiss, PR/ALF    *R. Hall I
i l
B702190492 070211 PDR ADOCK 05000482 G  ppg i
. .,
    -2-DETAILS Persons Contacted
  *B. D. Withers, President, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operations Company
  * A. Bailey, Interim Site Director
  *F. T.' Rhodes, Plant Manager
  *G. D. Boyer, Deputy Plant Manager
  * J. Rudolph, II, Manager, Quality Assurance
  *0. L. Maynard, Manager, Licensing
  *J. Stokes, Manager, Procurement and Materials
  *R. M. Grant, Director, Quality
  * G. Williams, Superintendent, Regulatory, Quality, and Adminsistrative Services
  *C. G. Patrick, Superintendent, Quality Evaluations
  * D. Rich, Superintendent, Maintenance
  *K. Peterson, Lead Engineer, Licensing
  *T. M. Damashek, Quality Assurance Systems
  * J. Pendergross, Licensing Engineer
  *C. J. Hoch, Quality Assurance Technician
  *C. Minor, Maintenance Support Supervisor R. Wollum, Instrument and Control Supervisor K. Clair, Mechanical Engineer M. Bove, Electrical Engineer G. Brushi, Consulting Engineer R. Jurrus, Consulting Engineer
  *J. E. Cummins, Senior Resident Inspector
  *B. L. Bartlett, Resident Inspector
  * Attended exit intervie ' Action on Previous Inspection Findings
  (Closed) Unresolved Item 482/8626-01, " Failure of Post-Trip Review to
Identify Out-of-Specification Data." This item has been upgraded to a violation as discussed in paragraph . Procurement Program The NRC inspector reviewed WCGS Procedure KP 2140, Revision 0, " Material i  and Service Procurement," which established the responsibilities,
requirements, and methods for the procurement of materials and services.
The procedure was in agreement with applicable sections of
ANSI N45.2.13-1976, " Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants," and ANSI N18.7-1976, paragraph 5.2.13, " Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants." For those i
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I sections of N45.2.13 that were not covered in KP 2140, references were made to more specific documents in the appropriate areas (i.e., bidder evaluation, sub-tier procurement, et cetera).
-The NRC inspector verified that KP 2140 had provisions to accomplish the following: identify equipment, supplies, consumables, and/or services purchased; identify test, inspection, and acceptance requirements and any
special instructions for fabrication, packaging, shipping, or storage; include technical requirements; provide access to the supplier's plant or records; require documentation for certification; determine the contractor / supplier Quality Assurance (QA) program was consistent with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B; provide requirements for assuring 10 CFR 21 was considered. The procedure provided measures and assigned responsibilities for the following: initiation of procurement documents; review and approval of specifications differing from the original design; review and approval of procurement doctments; processing changes to procurement documents and; the basis for designation of quality classification Also reviewed in this area were the following Quality Assurance Evaluation Section audits in the procurement are The audits were thorough, identified that the program met requirements, and appeared to be complete:
Audit    Title TE: 50140-K118  Procurement TE: 50140-K130  Procurement Document Control No violations or deviations were identifie . Surveillance Testing and C=libration Control Program Surveillance Testing The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee programs relating to the surveillance testing, calibration, and inspection of safety-related equipment / components required by Technical Specifications (TS) and inservice inspection and testing of pumps and valves as required by 10 CFR 50.55a(g). The licensee procedures reviewed, which related to the surveillance testing program were:
Procedure Revision Title  Date ADM 02-300 8 Surveillance Testing August 20, 1986 ADM 02-311 2 Surveillance Test Master Cross-Reference and Review Requirements October 7, 1985 ADM 08-806 6 I&C Group Calibration of Process Instrumentation and Special Maintenance June 3, 1986
, ., ,-
    -4-ADM 08-807 4 I&C Group Surveillance Testing  October 30, 1986 The NRC inspector reviewed the following WCGS audits and/or surveillances by the Quality Assurance Evaluation Section to gain insight into the licensee's program:
Audit / Surveillance  Title TE: 50140-K123 Surveillance Testing and Inspection TE: 50140-Kl?7 Measuring and Test Equipment TE: 53359 S-1463 Torque Wrench Control TE: 53359 S-1471 Main Steam Safety Valve Testing TE: 53359 S-1472 Calibration of Accelerographs TE: 53359 S-1483 Source Range Channel Calibration TE: 53359 S-1489 Channel Calibration of 1 Second Time Delay  .
Circuit Separation Group 1 (Bus NB01)
TE: 53359 S-1502 Relief Valve Bench Testing The audits /surveillances were thorough and identified deficiences were corrected with actions implemented in a timely manner. The NRC inspector determined that ADM 02-300 established formal methods and assigns responsibilities for: review and evaluation of test and calibration data; reporting deficiencies, failures, malfunctions, et cetera; verification that limiting conditions for operation (LCO) requirements were satisfie This procedure assigned to the surveillance coordinator the responsibility of assuring that all TS required tests and surveillances were scheduled to meet their requirements. ADM 02-311 provided further guidance for reviews and authorizations in this are The NRC inspector followed up on the concern raised in NRC Inspection Report (IR) 50-482/86-26. A more detailed review of the surveillance STS MT-019, completed October 16, 1985, revealed three minor discrepancies in the conduct of the procedure. The discrepancies were incorrect average specific gravities (SG) for two batteries as calculated, failure of a test performer to properly sign in Section 1 of the surveillance test routing sheet (STRS) as directed by step 6.4.2 of ADM 02-300, and a typographical error within the procedure in repeating a TS requirement. The major concern involved the failure of the post-test review to identify the out-of-specification value of the average SG for battery NK-1 Step 5.11 of STS MT-019 and WCGS TS required that the average SG of all connected cells be greater than 1.205 (>1.205). If the value falls between 1.205 and 1.195, the licensee has seven days to get the average
e .* , ,
    -5-SG >1.205 or declare the battery inoperable. WCGS ADM 02-300, Revision 8,
" Surveillance Testing," required in step 5.6.2 that each test reviewer shall ensure that, " Test data shall be compared to the Acceptance Criteria to determine test acceptability." The listed value of.the average SG for NK-11 was 1.2004; therefore, contrary to the above, the post-test review should have noted the "as listed" out-of-specification value and taken appropriate corrective actio Procedure ADM 02-300, Revision 8, was required through Section 8.b of Appendix A to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.33 which specifies that specific procedures for surveillance tests, inspections, and calibrations are to be provided. Wolf Creek Generating Station TS 6.8.1 required that, " Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering . . . The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix A of RG 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978." This is a violation (482/8632-01).
Calibration Control Program This activity was described in ADM 08-806, Revision The below listed information was delineated in the procedure: calibration required for components associated with safety-related systems or functions but not listed in the TS (requirements were scheduled as surveillance non-technical specifications (STN) and were usually scheduled to support TS surveillances); a master schedule listed the calibration frequency, I&C group responsible, and calibration date; responsibility assigned for ensuring calibration dates were met and for maintaining an up-to-date master schedule. The STNs had formal procedures for performing component and/or loop calibration . Complex Surveillance The NRC inspector had intended to observe the conduct of surveillance
technical specificatie- (STS) KJ-001A, Revision 3, " Integrated D/G and i Safeguards Activiation Test-Train A," and/or KJ-0018, Revision 3, i " Integrated D/G and Safeguards Activation Test-Train B;" however, the STSs
were begun but were not completed due to emergency diesel generator (EDG)
troubles. On December 1, 1986, the NRC inspector and a consultant to the
licensee, who was conducting the test, completed a preliminary control l room walkdown for KJ-001B. Test KJ-001B began on Tuesday morning i (December 2,1986) but was interrupted to repair a fuel oil leak. The l test was restarted that day, but it was again interrupted. The EDG was l
declared inoperable to repair a thrust bearing lube oil leak on the
, injector pump and to prevent the seal between the engine and the generator
; from slipping. Due to the troubles with the B EDG, a decision to conduct
; KJ-001A was made. Test KJ-001A began at approximately 11:00 a.m. (CST) on l December 3, 1986. While the A EDG was in the 20th hour of its 24-hour l
run, an operator identified a fuel oil leak. The A EDG was shutdown and
: declared inoperable. A meeting was held on December 5, 1986, with the
[    - . - - - - - - . . - . - ~

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* . . ,
    -6-license The licensee committed to completing the 24-hour test run on both the A and B EDG, including the initial run for 2 hours at 110 percent of desig No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with the personnel identified in paragraph 1 on December 5, 1986, to discuss the scope of the inspection and the findings identified in this repor .
        . . _ . _ _ . . . . - . . . . _ _ . _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . .

Latest revision as of 00:26, 2 December 2021

Insp Rept 50-482/86-32 on 861201-05.Violation Noted:Failure of post-test Reviewers to Identify & Take Appropriate Corrective Action to Restore as-listed out-of-spec Value of Average Specific Gravity to within Limits
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/03/1987
From: Hunnicutt D, Greg Pick
Shared Package
ML20211B646 List:
50-482-86-32, NUDOCS 8702190492
Download: ML20211B667 (6)



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NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/86-32 License: NPF-42 Docket: 50-482


Licensee: Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station Inspection At: Burlington, Kansas


Inspection Conducted: December 1-5, 1986 I

Inspector: wh .. M A, lith G.A.Pf)kOReactorEngineer, Operations Dfte g Secti&n,Weactor Safety Branch Approved: MM 4/8/F7


D. M. Hunnicutt, Chief, Operations Section Date'

Reactor Safety Branch Inspection Summary

-Inspection Conducted December 1-5, 1986 (Report 50-482/86-32)

I Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of complex surveillance test, surveillance test ar.d calibration control program, procurement program, and l followup of unresolveJ items.

l l

Results: Within one area inspected, one violation was identified (surveillance l

testing and calibration control programs, paragraph 4).


B702190492 070211 PDR ADOCK 05000482 G ppg i


. .,

-2-DETAILS Persons Contacted

  • B. D. Withers, President, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operations Company
  • A. Bailey, Interim Site Director
  • F. T.' Rhodes, Plant Manager
  • G. D. Boyer, Deputy Plant Manager
  • J. Rudolph, II, Manager, Quality Assurance
  • 0. L. Maynard, Manager, Licensing
  • J. Stokes, Manager, Procurement and Materials
  • R. M. Grant, Director, Quality
  • G. Williams, Superintendent, Regulatory, Quality, and Adminsistrative Services
  • C. G. Patrick, Superintendent, Quality Evaluations
  • D. Rich, Superintendent, Maintenance
  • K. Peterson, Lead Engineer, Licensing
  • T. M. Damashek, Quality Assurance Systems
  • J. Pendergross, Licensing Engineer
  • C. J. Hoch, Quality Assurance Technician
  • C. Minor, Maintenance Support Supervisor R. Wollum, Instrument and Control Supervisor K. Clair, Mechanical Engineer M. Bove, Electrical Engineer G. Brushi, Consulting Engineer R. Jurrus, Consulting Engineer
  • J. E. Cummins, Senior Resident Inspector
  • B. L. Bartlett, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit intervie ' Action on Previous Inspection Findings


(Closed) Unresolved Item 482/8626-01, " Failure of Post-Trip Review to


Identify Out-of-Specification Data." This item has been upgraded to a violation as discussed in paragraph . Procurement Program The NRC inspector reviewed WCGS Procedure KP 2140, Revision 0, " Material i and Service Procurement," which established the responsibilities,


requirements, and methods for the procurement of materials and services.


The procedure was in agreement with applicable sections of


ANSI N45.2.13-1976, " Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants," and ANSI N18.7-1976, paragraph 5.2.13, " Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants." For those i

-- - - ,


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I sections of N45.2.13 that were not covered in KP 2140, references were made to more specific documents in the appropriate areas (i.e., bidder evaluation, sub-tier procurement, et cetera).

-The NRC inspector verified that KP 2140 had provisions to accomplish the following: identify equipment, supplies, consumables, and/or services purchased; identify test, inspection, and acceptance requirements and any


special instructions for fabrication, packaging, shipping, or storage; include technical requirements; provide access to the supplier's plant or records; require documentation for certification; determine the contractor / supplier Quality Assurance (QA) program was consistent with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B; provide requirements for assuring 10 CFR 21 was considered. The procedure provided measures and assigned responsibilities for the following: initiation of procurement documents; review and approval of specifications differing from the original design; review and approval of procurement doctments; processing changes to procurement documents and; the basis for designation of quality classification Also reviewed in this area were the following Quality Assurance Evaluation Section audits in the procurement are The audits were thorough, identified that the program met requirements, and appeared to be complete:

Audit Title TE: 50140-K118 Procurement TE: 50140-K130 Procurement Document Control No violations or deviations were identifie . Surveillance Testing and C=libration Control Program Surveillance Testing The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee programs relating to the surveillance testing, calibration, and inspection of safety-related equipment / components required by Technical Specifications (TS) and inservice inspection and testing of pumps and valves as required by 10 CFR 50.55a(g). The licensee procedures reviewed, which related to the surveillance testing program were:

Procedure Revision Title Date ADM 02-300 8 Surveillance Testing August 20, 1986 ADM 02-311 2 Surveillance Test Master Cross-Reference and Review Requirements October 7, 1985 ADM 08-806 6 I&C Group Calibration of Process Instrumentation and Special Maintenance June 3, 1986


, ., ,-

-4-ADM 08-807 4 I&C Group Surveillance Testing October 30, 1986 The NRC inspector reviewed the following WCGS audits and/or surveillances by the Quality Assurance Evaluation Section to gain insight into the licensee's program:

Audit / Surveillance Title TE: 50140-K123 Surveillance Testing and Inspection TE: 50140-Kl?7 Measuring and Test Equipment TE: 53359 S-1463 Torque Wrench Control TE: 53359 S-1471 Main Steam Safety Valve Testing TE: 53359 S-1472 Calibration of Accelerographs TE: 53359 S-1483 Source Range Channel Calibration TE: 53359 S-1489 Channel Calibration of 1 Second Time Delay .


Circuit Separation Group 1 (Bus NB01)

TE: 53359 S-1502 Relief Valve Bench Testing The audits /surveillances were thorough and identified deficiences were corrected with actions implemented in a timely manner. The NRC inspector determined that ADM 02-300 established formal methods and assigns responsibilities for: review and evaluation of test and calibration data; reporting deficiencies, failures, malfunctions, et cetera; verification that limiting conditions for operation (LCO) requirements were satisfie This procedure assigned to the surveillance coordinator the responsibility of assuring that all TS required tests and surveillances were scheduled to meet their requirements. ADM 02-311 provided further guidance for reviews and authorizations in this are The NRC inspector followed up on the concern raised in NRC Inspection Report (IR) 50-482/86-26. A more detailed review of the surveillance STS MT-019, completed October 16, 1985, revealed three minor discrepancies in the conduct of the procedure. The discrepancies were incorrect average specific gravities (SG) for two batteries as calculated, failure of a test performer to properly sign in Section 1 of the surveillance test routing sheet (STRS) as directed by step 6.4.2 of ADM 02-300, and a typographical error within the procedure in repeating a TS requirement. The major concern involved the failure of the post-test review to identify the out-of-specification value of the average SG for battery NK-1 Step 5.11 of STS MT-019 and WCGS TS required that the average SG of all connected cells be greater than 1.205 (>1.205). If the value falls between 1.205 and 1.195, the licensee has seven days to get the average

e .* , ,

-5-SG >1.205 or declare the battery inoperable. WCGS ADM 02-300, Revision 8,

" Surveillance Testing," required in step 5.6.2 that each test reviewer shall ensure that, " Test data shall be compared to the Acceptance Criteria to determine test acceptability." The listed value of.the average SG for NK-11 was 1.2004; therefore, contrary to the above, the post-test review should have noted the "as listed" out-of-specification value and taken appropriate corrective actio Procedure ADM 02-300, Revision 8, was required through Section 8.b of Appendix A to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.33 which specifies that specific procedures for surveillance tests, inspections, and calibrations are to be provided. Wolf Creek Generating Station TS 6.8.1 required that, " Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering . . . The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix A of RG 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978." This is a violation (482/8632-01).

Calibration Control Program This activity was described in ADM 08-806, Revision The below listed information was delineated in the procedure: calibration required for components associated with safety-related systems or functions but not listed in the TS (requirements were scheduled as surveillance non-technical specifications (STN) and were usually scheduled to support TS surveillances); a master schedule listed the calibration frequency, I&C group responsible, and calibration date; responsibility assigned for ensuring calibration dates were met and for maintaining an up-to-date master schedule. The STNs had formal procedures for performing component and/or loop calibration . Complex Surveillance The NRC inspector had intended to observe the conduct of surveillance


technical specificatie- (STS) KJ-001A, Revision 3, " Integrated D/G and i Safeguards Activiation Test-Train A," and/or KJ-0018, Revision 3, i " Integrated D/G and Safeguards Activation Test-Train B;" however, the STSs

were begun but were not completed due to emergency diesel generator (EDG)

troubles. On December 1, 1986, the NRC inspector and a consultant to the


licensee, who was conducting the test, completed a preliminary control l room walkdown for KJ-001B. Test KJ-001B began on Tuesday morning i (December 2,1986) but was interrupted to repair a fuel oil leak. The l test was restarted that day, but it was again interrupted. The EDG was l

declared inoperable to repair a thrust bearing lube oil leak on the

, injector pump and to prevent the seal between the engine and the generator

from slipping. Due to the troubles with the B EDG, a decision to conduct
KJ-001A was made. Test KJ-001A began at approximately 11
00 a.m. (CST) on l December 3, 1986. While the A EDG was in the 20th hour of its 24-hour l

run, an operator identified a fuel oil leak. The A EDG was shutdown and

declared inoperable. A meeting was held on December 5, 1986, with the





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  • . . ,

-6-license The licensee committed to completing the 24-hour test run on both the A and B EDG, including the initial run for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 110 percent of desig No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with the personnel identified in paragraph 1 on December 5, 1986, to discuss the scope of the inspection and the findings identified in this repor .