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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000416/1987004]]
| number = ML20205N145
| issue date = 03/18/1987
| title = Insp Rept 50-416/87-04 on 870223-0312.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Liquid & Gaseous Effluent Releases & Process Sys & Radiochemistry Qa,Including Results of Split Samples Analyzed by Licensee & Region II Mobile Lab
| author name = Harris J, Kahle J
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000416
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-416-87-04, 50-416-87-4, NUDOCS 8704020603
| package number = ML20205N132
| page count = 10
See also: [[see also::IR 05000416/1987004]]
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        ,  A [fr                                      UNITED STATES
  .                                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
        [                                                  REGION ll
        $            j                      101 MARIETTA STREET, N.W.
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                                                        Mg 2 3 MB7
        Report No.: 50-416/87-04
l        Licensee: System Energy Resources, Inc.
                      Jackson, MS 39205
        Docket No.: 50-416                                    License No.: NPF-29-
          Facility Name: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station                                                              l
          Inspection Conducted:.. ebruary 23-March 12,1987
                                                                                        3// f/87
          Inspector:          '
                                      dL-              Icl,[i                                                  l
                        J. D. Hafr                                                    (Date Signed)              l
        Accompanying'Perso      1:  R. R. M'arston
                                      G. L. Froemsdorf
        Approved by:                        M](c b                                    3//J/g7
                          J.B.-    hle, Section Chief                                (Date Signed)
l                        Divis n of Radiation Safety and Safeguards
,        Scope:    This routine, unannounced inspection involved onsite and in-office                          l
l        inspection in the areas of liquid and gaseous effluent releases and process                            !
          systems, and radiochemistry quality control, including the results of split
          samples analyzed by the licensee and NRC Region II Mobile Laboratory,
          Results: No violations or deviations were identified.
    8704020603 870323 6
    PDR    ADOCK 0500
                                            .      1    _                  ,  _.
                                      REPORT DETAILS
    1.  Persons Contacted
        Licensee Employees
      *J. D. Bailey, Compliance Coordinator
      *S. M. Feith, Director, Quality Assurance
      *W.  E. Edge, Programs Manager, Quality Assurance
      *J. L. Robertson, Superintendent, Plant Licensing
      *R. F. Rogers, III, Project Manager, Unit 1
      *R. D. Mooman, Technical Assistant to the Manager, Plant Maintenance
      *A. McCurdy, Manager Operations
      *W.  C. Eiff, Principal Quality Engineer, Nuclear Plant Engineering
      *J. M. Lassetter, Count Room Specialist, Chemistry
      *T. L. Williamson, Chemistry Supervisor
      *G. O. Smith, Plant Chemist
      *F. W. Rosser, Radiation Control Supervisor                                  j
      *R. Hutchinson, General Manager
      *R. S. Lewis, Nuclear Plant Engineering
      *G. W. Vining, PM&C
      *A. J. Malone, IST Coordinator                                                i
        B. Lee, Supervisor, Quality Assurance Audits
        J. Holmes, PASS Specialist
        J. B. Edwards, Engineer, Maintenance
        J. V. Parrish, Chemistry / Radiation Control Superintendent                  !
        C. Elisaesser, Technical Assistant, Operations                              '
        R. Sorrels, Engineer, Technical Support
        Other Organizations
        J. R. Hunt, Vice President, Nuclear Containment Systems
        NRC Resident Inspector
        R. C. Butcher                                                                l
      * Attended exit interview
  2.  Exit Interview
        The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 27, 1987,      ,
        with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. Discussions were also
        held by telephone on March 12, 1987, concerning tritium analysis and
        Post-Accident Sampling.    Licensee management representatives acknowledged
        the inspectors' comments and expressed no dissenting opinions.          The
        licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to
        or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.
                                              .                              .
                _    _      .          __ -.                                      -          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            3. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters
              This subject was not addressed in the inspection.
            4. Audits (80721,84723,84724,84725)
              Technical Specification defines the requirements for the audits
              that are to be performed under the cognizance of the Safety Review
              Committee. The inspector reviewed the most recent audits of; Offsite Dose
              Calculation Manual, Chlorine Detection System (Control Room Ventilation),
              Chemical Control Program, Qualification and Training of Chemistry
              Personnel, Process Control Program, Radiological Environmental Monitoring
              Program, and Implementation of Regulatory Guide 4.15. " Quality Assurance
              for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent
              Streams and the Environment."
              The audits addressed the overall program content in addition to technical
              specification content.          The audits appeared very thorough and deeply
              probing. Most of the findings were resolved during the audit period. In
              discussions with cognizant licensee personnel, the inspector concluded
              that there was a high level of management commitment to fully address all
              No violations or deviations were identified.
            5. RadioactiveLiquidWaste(84723)
              Technical        Specification 3/4.11.1 establishes upper limits for
              concentrations of radioactive materials in liquid effluents.
              The inspector reviewed selected release records from November 1986 to
              February 1987.        All releases reviewed were within technical specification
              limits.        The licensee has had good operational performance from the liquid
              radwaste system since the last inspection in this area (50-416/86-09).
              No violations or deviations were identified.
            6. Radioactive Gaseous Waste and Gaseous Effluent Treatment Systems (84724)
              Technical        Specification 3/4.11.2 establishes upper limits for
              concentrations of radioactive material in gaseous effluents.
              The inspector selectively reviewed release records for the Radwaste
              Building, Turbine Building and Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Systems from
              October 1986 to February 1987. All releases reviewed were within
              regulatory limits.
              Technical Specifications and 4.7.2 give surveillance requirements
              for the Standby Gas Treatment System and the Control Room Emergency
              Filtration System, respectively.
      _ _              ____      __        _  _ - _ . _ .                              _.
    _-                - _ _ - .          ..- -      .        --                                                                                      . . - -  .- -      -                                                      - . _ - - . - - -
:      -
                                The inspector selectively reviewed Operations and Maintenance records for
                                December 1986 ~ to February 1987. During discussions of the Surveillance -
:                                Program, the inspector noted that it is conservatively implemented, with
l                                most surveillance scheduled well within regulatory requirements.                                                                                                                                                              j
{                                The inspector selectively observed inspections and in-place leakage tests                                                                                                                                                      .
                                of HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers associated with the Standby Gas                                                                                                                                                        ;
;                                Treatment System,- the Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems,
:                                Containment Building Purge System, and the Containment Bu1_lding
;                              Recirculation System performed by the licensee and contractor personnel.
                                Activities observed were evaluated against the criteria of ANSI 510-1975,
i                                " Testing of Nuclear Air-cleaning Systems," and Regulatory Guide 1.52-1978,                                                                                                                                            -
i                                " Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Post-Accident Engineered
:                                Safety-Feature Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption
                                Units of . Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants.                                                                                    The licensee
                                demonstrated Technical Specification compliance and good utilization of
                                contracts. During the . review of filter systems, the inspector noted
i                              several differential pressure and flow indicators that at times were.
                                offscale. The inspector discussed this finding with licensee personnel.
]                              Cognizant licensee personnel acknowledged the . inspectors comments and
,                              stated that a design change request had been made for the differential
:                                pressure indicators and agreed to evaluate _ the flow indicator by
l                              initiating a material nonconformance report. Other instances of offscale
l                                instrumentation had been brought to the attention of the licensee by the                                                                                                                                                      l
j                                resident inspector.
j                                No violations or deviations were identified.
j                            7.  Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (92717, 84723, 84724)
]                                Technical Specification 3/ establishes the minimum operability and                                                                                                                                                      i
j                                surveillance for radioactive liquid and gaseous process and effluent
;                                stream monitoring instrumentation.
j                                The inspector selectively reviewed surveillance records for channel
                                functional tests and channel calibrations including associated
                                isolation / actuation signal circuits.                                                                                  During the inspection, the
i                                licensee's liquid effluent monitor was out of service in order to modify
l                              its flush water line in an attempt to reduce the background radiation for                                                                                                                                                  <~
!                              that monitor. The inspector discussed the problem with cognizant licensee
i                                personnel in regard to similar problems at other licensed facilities.
,                                The inspector discussed IE Infonnation Notice 86-42, " Improper Maintenance
!                              of Radiation Monitoring Systems," with cognizant licensee personnel. The
                                licensee has an independent verification program that addresses the types
L                              of occurrences as described in the. information notice. The inspector                                                                                                                                                    -
!                              reviewed Procedure 01-S-06-29. " Independent Verification Program," Rev.1,
  :                              September-25,-1986. Procedural implementation should prevent similar
j                                occurrences.
        , - - _ - _ .                                            _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - - _ . . . - - . _ - - _ _ - - _                        _ - _ . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - - - . _ _ - - - - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ .
          No violations or deviations were identified.
      8.  Post-AccidentSamplingSystem(PASS)(92701,84723,84724,84725)
          The inspector observed portions of a PASS Training Module being conducted
;        during the inspection.    Hands-on activities observed included Hot Lab
          Set-up, grab sampling, and sample analysis. Training activities were
          evaluated against established procedures, analytical techniques, and
          general good practices.      The training appeared to be effectively
          implemented. The inspector noted that the Plant Chemist and an auditor
          from Quality Assurance was in attendance.
          The inspector reviewed modifications made on the PASS during the recent
          refueling outage. The licensee installed flow instrumentation for air
          sampling streams and upgraded heat tracing near the sampling statior.
          Currently the licensee PASS capability is dependent on grab sampling. The
          licensee plans to upgrade and reinstate online monitoring for chemistry
          parameters when the required design / modifications can be made.    Future
          modifications are also planned for obtaining grab samples for isotopic
          analysis. After reviewing the licensee capabilities to obtain samples
          under accident conditions in regard to General Electric's technical
          evaluations and the licensee procedures for core damage estimates, tie
e        inspector concluded that the licensee is fully capable of implementing the
          requirements of NUREG-0737.
          Any modifications to the PASS will be reviewed during routine inspections.
          (Closed)InspectorFollowupItem 50-416/86-09-01: Review and verification
          testing of PASS engineering design changes.
;        No violations or deviations were identified.
      9. Radiochemical Quality Assurance Program (84725)
          The inspector reviewed the licensee's radiochemical quality assurance
                                                                Guide 4.15, " Quality
          Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programsprogram against the criteria giv
          Effluent Streams and the Environment."                                      i
          The inspector reviewed daily logs and calibration records for the            ,
          proportional counter, liquid scintillation system and gamma spectroscopy    I
          systems.    The inspector also reviewed the results of laboratory            l
          intercomparisons of radioactive material measurements made between the
          licensee and a reputable vendor laboratory. A high level of agreement
          between the labs were noted.
i        No violations or deviations were identified,
    10. Confirmatory Measurements (84725)
        Selected liquid and gaseous process streams were sampled with the
        resultant samples analyzed by both the licensee's and NRC's RII Mobile
        Laboratory gamma spectroscopy systems. The inspector provided a spiked
        charcoal cartridge and a spiked particulate filter to the licensee to
        ensure sufficient activity for valid comparisons for these geometries.
        Other licensee geometries utilized in the comparison included a
        4,300 milliliter gas marinelli, a one-liter liquid marinelli, and
        14 milliliter gas vial. Comparisons of licensee and NRC results are given
        in Table 1. The acceptance criteria is given in Attachment 1. All
        measurements were in agreement. The inspector noted the relatively low
        activity in plant systems reduced the overall number of comparisons. The
        inspector also split a water sample spiked with' tritium with the licensee
        to validate their ability to measure. The results are also given in Table
        1 and show agreement.
        No violations or deviations were identified.
- - - .
                                              ATTACHMENT 1
            This attachment provides criteria for comparing results of capability tests and
            verification measurements. The criteria are based on an empirical relationship
            which combines prior experience and the accuracy needs of this program.
            In these criteria, the judgement limits are variable in relation to the
            comparison of the NRC's value to its associated uncertainty. As that ratio,
            referred to in this program as " Resolution," increases, the acceptability of a
            licensee's measurements should be more selective. Conversely, poorer agreement-
            must be considered acceptable as the resolution decreases.                      )
                                                      RATIO =  LICENSEE VALUE
                                                              NRC REFERENCE VALUE
                            Resolution                          Agreement
                            >4                                  0.4 - 2.5
                              4-7                                0.5 - 2.0
                              8 - 15                            0.6 - 1.66                  ,
                            16 - 50                            0.75    1.33                l
                            51 - 200                            0.80 - 1.25
                          ( 200                                  0.85 - 1.18
  _ ..                      -        --                        --    . .-            .  - _ . . .. , _ _ .                . -    _ - - - --. ._            -. . _ _ - .-              - _ . ._- .        . .
                                                                                                                          TABLE 1
                                                                                          RESULTS OF CONFERMATORY MEASUREMENTS CONDUCTED AT
                                                                                                                CRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION
                                                                                                              CONCENTRATION                                                      RATIO
                            SAMPLE                                ISOTOPE                            LICENSEE                  NAC                  RESOLUTION              LICENSEE /NRC      COMPARISON
                            Cha rcoa l Ca rt ridge              cd-109                              1.60    E-0      1.83  i .01  E-0            183                          .87          Ag reemen t
                              (spiked)                          Co-57                              3.53    E-2      3.89  i .04  E-2            97                          .91          Ag reement
                            Detsctor 1                          Ce-139                              3.47    E-2      3.84  i .07  E-2            55                          .90          Ag reemen t
                                                                Hg-203                              8.27    E-2      7.93  i .57  E-2            14                        1.04          Ag reement
                                                                Sn-113                              7.15    E-2      7.80  i  .57  E-2            49                          .92          Ag reemen t
                                                                Cs-137                              5.70    E-2      5.79  i .07  E-2            83                          .98          Ag reement
                                                                Y-88                                9.54    E-2      1.03  i  .02  E-1              52                          .93          Ag reement
                                                                Co-60                              4.65    E-2      5.04  i .08  E-2            63                          .92          Ag reement
                            Cha rcoa l Ca rt r i dge            cd-109                              1.72    E-0      1.832 1 .01 E-0              183                          .94          Ag reement
                              (spiked)                          Co-57                              3.81    E-2      3.89  i .04  E-2            97                          .97          Ag reemen t
                            Detsctor 2                          Ce-139                              3.70    E-2      3.84  i .07  E-2              55                          .96          Ag reement          ;
                                                                                                                                                                                  .97          Ag reemen t
                                                                Hg-203                              7.73    E-2      7.93  i .57  E-2            14
                                                                Sn-113                              7.45    E-2      7.80  i  .16  E-2            49                          .96          Ag reement
                                                                Cs-137                              5.58    E-2      5.79  i  .07  E-2            83                          .96          Ag reement
                                                                Y-88                              9.30      E-2      1.03  i  .02  E-1              52                          .90          Agreement
                                                                Co-60                              4.88    E-2      5.04  i  .08  E-2            63                          .97          Agreement
                            Charcoal Ca rtridge                  Cd-109                              1.52    E-0      1.83  i .01  E-0            183                          .83            Agreement
                              (spiked)                          Co-57                              3.51    E-2      3.89  i  .04  E-2              97                          .90          Ag reement -
                            Detsctor 3                          Ce-139                              3.51    E-2      3.84  i .07  E-2              55                          .91          Ag reement
                                                                Hg-203                            8.11      E-2      7.93  i  .57  E-2              14                        1.02          Ag reemen t
                                                                Sn-113                              7.23    E-2      7.80  i  .16  E-2            49                          .93          Ag reement
                                                                Cs-137                              5.45    E-2      5.79  i  .07  E-2            83                          .94            Ag reement
                                                                Y-88                              8.62      E-2      1.03  i  .02  E-1              52                          .84          Ag reemen t
                                                                Co-60                              4.68    E-2      5.04  i  .08  E-2            63                          .93            Agreement
                            Charcoal Cartridge                  Cd-109                              1.76 E-0          1.83  i .01.E-0              183                          .96            Ag reement
                              (spiked)                          Co-57                              3.72 E-2          3.89  i .04 E-2              97                          .96            Ag reemen t
                            Detsctor 4                          Ce-139                              3.66 E-2          3.84  i .07 E-2              55                          .95            Ag reemen t
                                                                Hg-203                            6.47 E-2            7.93  i  .57 E-2              14                          .81            Ag reement
                                                                Sn-113                            7.16 E-2            7.80  i  .16 E-2              49                          .92          Agreement
                                                                Cs-137                              5.81 E-2          5.79  i  .07 E-2              83                        1.00            Agreement
                                                                Y-88                              8.98 E-2            1.03  i .02 E-1              52                          .87            Ag reement
                                                                Co-60                              4.95 E-2            5.04  i  .08 E-2              63                          .98            Agreement
                            Particulate Filter                  Am-241                              4.47 E-3          4.83 i .18 E-3                27                          .93            Ag reement
                              (spiked)                          Cs-137                              1.24 E-2          1.24 i .02 E-2                62                        1.00            Ag reement
                            Detector 1                          Co-60                              8.74 E-3          8.07 i .24 E-3                34                        1.08            Ag reement
                            Particulate Filter                  Am-241                              5.94 E-3          4.83 i .18 E-3                27                        1.22            Ag reement
                              (spiked)                          Cs-137                              1.30 E-2          1.24 i .02 E-2                62                        1.04            Ag reement          i
                                                                Co-60                              8.91 E-3            8.07 i .24 E-3                34                        1.10            Ag reement
                            Detsctor 2
                            Particulate Filter                  Am-241                              6.02 E-3          4.83 i .18 E-3                27                        1.24            Ag reement
                              (spiked)                          Cs-137                              1.28 E-2          1.24 i .02 E-2                62                        1.03            Ag reement
                                                                Co-60                              8.89 E-3            8.07 i .24 E-3                34                        1.10            Ag reement
                            Detector 3
_ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ _                          - - - _ _ -            - _ _ _ _-
                                                                                              -              .  .
                                                                                                TABLE 1 (cont'd)
                                                                            RESULTS OF CONFlRMATORY MEASUREMENTS CONDUCTED AT
                                                                                        CRANC GULF NUCLEAR STATION
                                                                                    CONCENTRATION                                RATIO
SAMPLE                                                                          LICENSEE            LEC          RESOLUTION LICENSEE /NRC COMPARISON
Particulate Filter                              Am-241                        4.07 E-3        4.83 i .18 E-3        27            .84    Ag reement
  (spiked)                                      Cs-137                        1.30 E-2        1.24 i .02 E-2        62          1.05    Ag reement
Detector 4                                      Co-60                          9.17 E-3        8.07  .24 E-3        34          1.13    Ag reemen t
One Li te r Ma ri ne l l i                      C r-51                        2.88 E-2        2.74 i .05 E-2        55          1.05    Agreement
( resctor coolant)                              As-76                          9.29 E-4        7.18 i .75 E-4        10          1.29    Ag reemen t
Detector 1
One Liter Marinelli                              C r-51                        2.87 E-2        2.74  .05 E-2        55          1.05    Agreement
( retctor coolant)                              As-76                          9.72 E-4        7.18 i .75 E-4        10          1.35    Ag reement
Dettctor 2
One Liter Marinelli                              C r-51                        2.82 E-2        2.74 i .05 E-2        55          1.03    Agreement
( reretor coolant)                              As-76                          9.26 E-4        7.18 i .75 E-4        10          1.29    Ag reement
Detector 3
One Liter Marinelli                              C r-51                        2.89 E-2        2.74 i .05 E-2        55          1.05    Ag reement
                                                                                                                      10          1.37    Ag reement
( resctor coolant)                              As-76                          9.85 E-4        7.18 i .75 E-4
Dettctor 4
G1s Vial (ortgas)                                Kr-85m                        4.05 E-3        4.42 i .30 E-3        15            .92    Ag reemen t
Det:ctor i                                        Kr-88                        1.30 E-2        1.39 i .13 E-2        11            .94    Ag reemen t
                                                Xe-135                        1.22 E-2        1.38 i .05 E-2        28            .88    Ag reemen t
                                                Xe-138                        3.18 E-1        3.10 i .09 E-1        34          1.03    Agreement
                                                  Kr-87                        2.60 E-2        2.60 t .12 E-2        22          1.00    Ag reemen t
                                                Xe-135m                        7.46 E-2        7.20 i .23 E-2        31          1.04    Agreement
Css Vial (offgas)                                K r-85m                      4.00 E-3        4.42 i .30 E-3        15            .90    Ag reemen t
Detector 2                                        Kr-88                        1.22 E-2        1.39 i .13 E-2        11            .88    Agreement
                                                Xe-135                        1.24 E-2        1.38 i .05 E-2        28            .90    Agreement
                                                Xe-138                        2.80 E-1        3.10 i .09 E-1        34            .90    Ag reement
                                                  K r-87                        2.12 E-2        2.60  .12 E-2        22            .82    Ag reemen t    .
                                                Xe-135m                        6.45 E-2        7.20 i .23 E-2        31            .90    Ag reement
C2s Vial (offgas)                                K r-85m                      3.69 E-3        4.42 i .30 E-3        15            .83    Agreement
Dettctor 4                                        K r-88                        1.23 E-2        1.39 i .13 E-2        11            .88    Ag reemen t
                                                Xe-135                        1.22 E-2        1.38 i .05 E-2        28            .88    Ag  reement
                                                Xc-138                        2.82 E-1        3.10 i .09 E-1        34            .91    Ag  reement
                                                  K r-87                        2.19 E-2        2.60 i .12 E-2        22            .84    Ag  reement
                                                Xe-135m                        8.25 E-2        7.20 i .23 E-2        31          1.15    Ag  reement
                          ___________ _______________________ - __________
                        - __
                                                                                A        1 (cont'd)
                                                          RESULTS of CONflRMATORY MEASUREMENTS CONDUCTED AT
                                                                      CRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION
                                                                    CONCENTRATION                                                          RATIO'-                                                        -
      SAMF?J                          J SOTO PE              LICENSEE                NRC                    de 30Lt3110N              LICENSEff_NHg                  C0bpQJiGP(
      4300 ml Ma r s ne l l i          Vr-85m                2.92 r.-4        3.09 i .',2 E-4                    10                          .95                    Ag reemen t          --
      Offgas Detector 4                Xo-1 M                8.60  E-4        9.04 i .50 r-h                      18                          .95                    Ag ree ment
y                                      Xe-136                2.04  E-2        2.0? i . 08    t,- 2              2'2-                      1.01                      Agreement
                                                                                                                                                                        Ag reemen t
                                        K r-87                1.63  F-3        1.82 1 .12 E-3                      15 '                        .90
                                        Xe-135m                5.99  T-3        4.81 i .26 E-3                      19                      .1.25                      Ag reemen t
      4300 ml Ma ri ew i l l          K r- 85c.            2.86  E-b        3.09  i .32 E-4                    10                          .93                    Agreement
      Of fes . Le6ector 2              Xe-135-              8.36  E-4        7,04  i .50 E-4                    18                          .92                    Ag reement
      (spikod)                        Xe-138                2.04  E-2        # 02  i .08 E-2                    25                        1.01                      Ag reemen t                                ,
                                        K r-8 7                1.73  E-3        1.52  i .12 E-?                    15                          .95                    Ag reemant
                                        Xe-115*.              5.00  E-3        4.81 i .26 E ,                      19                        1.04                      Ag reemen t
      4300 mi % rinelli                e:r-05m              2.93 E-4          3.09 i .37      -4                10                          .95                    Ag reec.en t
      Offgas Detector 3                X t,'- 13 5          9.05 E.'t        9.04 i .'      E-4                  18                        1.00                  ' Alj reemen t
                                                                                                                    25                          .73
      (spiked)                        Xe-138                1.48 E-2        E..'t      38  E-2                                *                              D i sac reement
                                        kr-87                  1.55 F-3        <''*        12 E-3                  15                          .85                    Ag reemen t
s                                      Xe-135m              5.46 E-3          ..d*    .26  E-3                  19                        1.1 t;    s              Ag reement
                                                                                                                                                                                                              . ('
      T ri t e 99 Sp i f,e  .
                                        H-3                  1.90 E-2        2.1 i i .01 E-2                  213                            . 89 '                  r.greement                  ,
                                                                                                                                                                *    '
k                                                                                                                                                          8                              l
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Latest revision as of 01:54, 20 December 2021

Insp Rept 50-416/87-04 on 870223-0312.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Liquid & Gaseous Effluent Releases & Process Sys & Radiochemistry Qa,Including Results of Split Samples Analyzed by Licensee & Region II Mobile Lab
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1987
From: Harris J, Kahle J
Shared Package
ML20205N132 List:
50-416-87-04, 50-416-87-4, NUDOCS 8704020603
Download: ML20205N145 (10)

See also: IR 05000416/1987004


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  • t ATLANTA, GEORGI A 30323

%,..../ -

Mg 2 3 MB7

Report No.: 50-416/87-04

l Licensee: System Energy Resources, Inc.

Jackson, MS 39205

Docket No.: 50-416 License No.: NPF-29-

Facility Name: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station l

Inspection Conducted:.. ebruary 23-March 12,1987

3// f/87


Inspector: '

dL- Icl,[i l

J. D. Hafr (Date Signed) l

Accompanying'Perso 1: R. R. M'arston

G. L. Froemsdorf

Approved by: M](c b 3//J/g7

J.B.- hle, Section Chief (Date Signed)

l Divis n of Radiation Safety and Safeguards





, Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection involved onsite and in-office l

l inspection in the areas of liquid and gaseous effluent releases and process  !

systems, and radiochemistry quality control, including the results of split

samples analyzed by the licensee and NRC Region II Mobile Laboratory,


Results: No violations or deviations were identified.








8704020603 870323 6



. 1 _ , _.




1. Persons Contacted

Licensee Employees

  • J. D. Bailey, Compliance Coordinator
  • S. M. Feith, Director, Quality Assurance
  • W. E. Edge, Programs Manager, Quality Assurance
  • J. L. Robertson, Superintendent, Plant Licensing
  • R. F. Rogers, III, Project Manager, Unit 1
  • R. D. Mooman, Technical Assistant to the Manager, Plant Maintenance
  • A. McCurdy, Manager Operations
  • W. C. Eiff, Principal Quality Engineer, Nuclear Plant Engineering
  • J. M. Lassetter, Count Room Specialist, Chemistry
  • T. L. Williamson, Chemistry Supervisor
  • G. O. Smith, Plant Chemist
  • F. W. Rosser, Radiation Control Supervisor j
  • R. Hutchinson, General Manager
  • R. S. Lewis, Nuclear Plant Engineering
  • G. W. Vining, PM&C
  • A. J. Malone, IST Coordinator i

B. Lee, Supervisor, Quality Assurance Audits

J. Holmes, PASS Specialist

J. B. Edwards, Engineer, Maintenance

J. V. Parrish, Chemistry / Radiation Control Superintendent  !

C. Elisaesser, Technical Assistant, Operations '

R. Sorrels, Engineer, Technical Support

Other Organizations

J. R. Hunt, Vice President, Nuclear Containment Systems

NRC Resident Inspector

R. C. Butcher l

  • Attended exit interview

2. Exit Interview

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 27, 1987, ,

with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. Discussions were also

held by telephone on March 12, 1987, concerning tritium analysis and

Post-Accident Sampling. Licensee management representatives acknowledged

the inspectors' comments and expressed no dissenting opinions. The

licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to

or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.

. .

_ _ . __ -. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





3. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters

This subject was not addressed in the inspection.

4. Audits (80721,84723,84724,84725)

Technical Specification defines the requirements for the audits

that are to be performed under the cognizance of the Safety Review

Committee. The inspector reviewed the most recent audits of; Offsite Dose

Calculation Manual, Chlorine Detection System (Control Room Ventilation),

Chemical Control Program, Qualification and Training of Chemistry

Personnel, Process Control Program, Radiological Environmental Monitoring

Program, and Implementation of Regulatory Guide 4.15. " Quality Assurance

for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent

Streams and the Environment."

The audits addressed the overall program content in addition to technical


specification content. The audits appeared very thorough and deeply

probing. Most of the findings were resolved during the audit period. In

discussions with cognizant licensee personnel, the inspector concluded

that there was a high level of management commitment to fully address all


No violations or deviations were identified.

5. RadioactiveLiquidWaste(84723)

Technical Specification 3/4.11.1 establishes upper limits for

concentrations of radioactive materials in liquid effluents.

The inspector reviewed selected release records from November 1986 to

February 1987. All releases reviewed were within technical specification

limits. The licensee has had good operational performance from the liquid

radwaste system since the last inspection in this area (50-416/86-09).

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Radioactive Gaseous Waste and Gaseous Effluent Treatment Systems (84724)

Technical Specification 3/4.11.2 establishes upper limits for

concentrations of radioactive material in gaseous effluents.

The inspector selectively reviewed release records for the Radwaste


Building, Turbine Building and Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Systems from


October 1986 to February 1987. All releases reviewed were within

regulatory limits.

Technical Specifications and 4.7.2 give surveillance requirements

for the Standby Gas Treatment System and the Control Room Emergency

Filtration System, respectively.

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The inspector selectively reviewed Operations and Maintenance records for

December 1986 ~ to February 1987. During discussions of the Surveillance -

Program, the inspector noted that it is conservatively implemented, with

l most surveillance scheduled well within regulatory requirements. j

{ The inspector selectively observed inspections and in-place leakage tests .


of HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers associated with the Standby Gas  ;

Treatment System,- the Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems,
Containment Building Purge System, and the Containment Bu1_lding
Recirculation System performed by the licensee and contractor personnel.



Activities observed were evaluated against the criteria of ANSI 510-1975,

i " Testing of Nuclear Air-cleaning Systems," and Regulatory Guide 1.52-1978, -

i " Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Post-Accident Engineered

Safety-Feature Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption

Units of . Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants. The licensee

demonstrated Technical Specification compliance and good utilization of


contracts. During the . review of filter systems, the inspector noted

i several differential pressure and flow indicators that at times were.


offscale. The inspector discussed this finding with licensee personnel.

] Cognizant licensee personnel acknowledged the . inspectors comments and

, stated that a design change request had been made for the differential

pressure indicators and agreed to evaluate _ the flow indicator by

l initiating a material nonconformance report. Other instances of offscale

l instrumentation had been brought to the attention of the licensee by the l

j resident inspector.

j No violations or deviations were identified.


j 7. Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (92717, 84723, 84724)

] Technical Specification 3/ establishes the minimum operability and i

j surveillance for radioactive liquid and gaseous process and effluent

stream monitoring instrumentation.

j The inspector selectively reviewed surveillance records for channel


functional tests and channel calibrations including associated


isolation / actuation signal circuits. During the inspection, the

i licensee's liquid effluent monitor was out of service in order to modify

l its flush water line in an attempt to reduce the background radiation for <~

! that monitor. The inspector discussed the problem with cognizant licensee

i personnel in regard to similar problems at other licensed facilities.

, The inspector discussed IE Infonnation Notice 86-42, " Improper Maintenance

! of Radiation Monitoring Systems," with cognizant licensee personnel. The

licensee has an independent verification program that addresses the types


L of occurrences as described in the. information notice. The inspector -

! reviewed Procedure 01-S-06-29. " Independent Verification Program," Rev.1,

September-25,-1986. Procedural implementation should prevent similar

j occurrences.




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No violations or deviations were identified.

8. Post-AccidentSamplingSystem(PASS)(92701,84723,84724,84725)

The inspector observed portions of a PASS Training Module being conducted

during the inspection. Hands-on activities observed included Hot Lab

Set-up, grab sampling, and sample analysis. Training activities were

evaluated against established procedures, analytical techniques, and

general good practices. The training appeared to be effectively

implemented. The inspector noted that the Plant Chemist and an auditor

from Quality Assurance was in attendance.

The inspector reviewed modifications made on the PASS during the recent

refueling outage. The licensee installed flow instrumentation for air

sampling streams and upgraded heat tracing near the sampling statior.

Currently the licensee PASS capability is dependent on grab sampling. The

licensee plans to upgrade and reinstate online monitoring for chemistry

parameters when the required design / modifications can be made. Future


modifications are also planned for obtaining grab samples for isotopic


analysis. After reviewing the licensee capabilities to obtain samples

under accident conditions in regard to General Electric's technical

evaluations and the licensee procedures for core damage estimates, tie

e inspector concluded that the licensee is fully capable of implementing the

requirements of NUREG-0737.

Any modifications to the PASS will be reviewed during routine inspections.

(Closed)InspectorFollowupItem 50-416/86-09-01: Review and verification

testing of PASS engineering design changes.

No violations or deviations were identified.

9. Radiochemical Quality Assurance Program (84725)


The inspector reviewed the licensee's radiochemical quality assurance

Guide 4.15, " Quality


Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programsprogram against the criteria giv


Effluent Streams and the Environment." i

The inspector reviewed daily logs and calibration records for the ,

proportional counter, liquid scintillation system and gamma spectroscopy I

systems. The inspector also reviewed the results of laboratory l

intercomparisons of radioactive material measurements made between the

licensee and a reputable vendor laboratory. A high level of agreement

between the labs were noted.


i No violations or deviations were identified,









10. Confirmatory Measurements (84725)

Selected liquid and gaseous process streams were sampled with the

resultant samples analyzed by both the licensee's and NRC's RII Mobile

Laboratory gamma spectroscopy systems. The inspector provided a spiked

charcoal cartridge and a spiked particulate filter to the licensee to

ensure sufficient activity for valid comparisons for these geometries.

Other licensee geometries utilized in the comparison included a

4,300 milliliter gas marinelli, a one-liter liquid marinelli, and

14 milliliter gas vial. Comparisons of licensee and NRC results are given

in Table 1. The acceptance criteria is given in Attachment 1. All

measurements were in agreement. The inspector noted the relatively low

activity in plant systems reduced the overall number of comparisons. The

inspector also split a water sample spiked with' tritium with the licensee

to validate their ability to measure. The results are also given in Table

1 and show agreement.

No violations or deviations were identified.






- - - .





This attachment provides criteria for comparing results of capability tests and

verification measurements. The criteria are based on an empirical relationship

which combines prior experience and the accuracy needs of this program.

In these criteria, the judgement limits are variable in relation to the

comparison of the NRC's value to its associated uncertainty. As that ratio,

referred to in this program as " Resolution," increases, the acceptability of a

licensee's measurements should be more selective. Conversely, poorer agreement-

must be considered acceptable as the resolution decreases. )




Resolution Agreement

>4 0.4 - 2.5

4-7 0.5 - 2.0

8 - 15 0.6 - 1.66 ,

16 - 50 0.75 1.33 l

51 - 200 0.80 - 1.25

( 200 0.85 - 1.18




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Cha rcoa l Ca rt ridge cd-109 1.60 E-0 1.83 i .01 E-0 183 .87 Ag reemen t

(spiked) Co-57 3.53 E-2 3.89 i .04 E-2 97 .91 Ag reement

Detsctor 1 Ce-139 3.47 E-2 3.84 i .07 E-2 55 .90 Ag reemen t

Hg-203 8.27 E-2 7.93 i .57 E-2 14 1.04 Ag reement

Sn-113 7.15 E-2 7.80 i .57 E-2 49 .92 Ag reemen t

Cs-137 5.70 E-2 5.79 i .07 E-2 83 .98 Ag reement

Y-88 9.54 E-2 1.03 i .02 E-1 52 .93 Ag reement

Co-60 4.65 E-2 5.04 i .08 E-2 63 .92 Ag reement

Cha rcoa l Ca rt r i dge cd-109 1.72 E-0 1.832 1 .01 E-0 183 .94 Ag reement

(spiked) Co-57 3.81 E-2 3.89 i .04 E-2 97 .97 Ag reemen t

Detsctor 2 Ce-139 3.70 E-2 3.84 i .07 E-2 55 .96 Ag reement  ;

.97 Ag reemen t


Hg-203 7.73 E-2 7.93 i .57 E-2 14

Sn-113 7.45 E-2 7.80 i .16 E-2 49 .96 Ag reement

Cs-137 5.58 E-2 5.79 i .07 E-2 83 .96 Ag reement

Y-88 9.30 E-2 1.03 i .02 E-1 52 .90 Agreement

Co-60 4.88 E-2 5.04 i .08 E-2 63 .97 Agreement

Charcoal Ca rtridge Cd-109 1.52 E-0 1.83 i .01 E-0 183 .83 Agreement

(spiked) Co-57 3.51 E-2 3.89 i .04 E-2 97 .90 Ag reement -

Detsctor 3 Ce-139 3.51 E-2 3.84 i .07 E-2 55 .91 Ag reement

Hg-203 8.11 E-2 7.93 i .57 E-2 14 1.02 Ag reemen t

Sn-113 7.23 E-2 7.80 i .16 E-2 49 .93 Ag reement

Cs-137 5.45 E-2 5.79 i .07 E-2 83 .94 Ag reement

Y-88 8.62 E-2 1.03 i .02 E-1 52 .84 Ag reemen t

Co-60 4.68 E-2 5.04 i .08 E-2 63 .93 Agreement

Charcoal Cartridge Cd-109 1.76 E-0 1.83 i .01.E-0 183 .96 Ag reement

(spiked) Co-57 3.72 E-2 3.89 i .04 E-2 97 .96 Ag reemen t

Detsctor 4 Ce-139 3.66 E-2 3.84 i .07 E-2 55 .95 Ag reemen t

Hg-203 6.47 E-2 7.93 i .57 E-2 14 .81 Ag reement

Sn-113 7.16 E-2 7.80 i .16 E-2 49 .92 Agreement

Cs-137 5.81 E-2 5.79 i .07 E-2 83 1.00 Agreement

Y-88 8.98 E-2 1.03 i .02 E-1 52 .87 Ag reement

Co-60 4.95 E-2 5.04 i .08 E-2 63 .98 Agreement

Particulate Filter Am-241 4.47 E-3 4.83 i .18 E-3 27 .93 Ag reement

(spiked) Cs-137 1.24 E-2 1.24 i .02 E-2 62 1.00 Ag reement

Detector 1 Co-60 8.74 E-3 8.07 i .24 E-3 34 1.08 Ag reement

Particulate Filter Am-241 5.94 E-3 4.83 i .18 E-3 27 1.22 Ag reement

(spiked) Cs-137 1.30 E-2 1.24 i .02 E-2 62 1.04 Ag reement i

Co-60 8.91 E-3 8.07 i .24 E-3 34 1.10 Ag reement

Detsctor 2

Particulate Filter Am-241 6.02 E-3 4.83 i .18 E-3 27 1.24 Ag reement

(spiked) Cs-137 1.28 E-2 1.24 i .02 E-2 62 1.03 Ag reement

Co-60 8.89 E-3 8.07 i .24 E-3 34 1.10 Ag reement

Detector 3

_ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _-

- . .



TABLE 1 (cont'd)






Particulate Filter Am-241 4.07 E-3 4.83 i .18 E-3 27 .84 Ag reement

(spiked) Cs-137 1.30 E-2 1.24 i .02 E-2 62 1.05 Ag reement

Detector 4 Co-60 9.17 E-3 8.07 .24 E-3 34 1.13 Ag reemen t

One Li te r Ma ri ne l l i C r-51 2.88 E-2 2.74 i .05 E-2 55 1.05 Agreement

( resctor coolant) As-76 9.29 E-4 7.18 i .75 E-4 10 1.29 Ag reemen t

Detector 1

One Liter Marinelli C r-51 2.87 E-2 2.74 .05 E-2 55 1.05 Agreement

( retctor coolant) As-76 9.72 E-4 7.18 i .75 E-4 10 1.35 Ag reement

Dettctor 2

One Liter Marinelli C r-51 2.82 E-2 2.74 i .05 E-2 55 1.03 Agreement

( reretor coolant) As-76 9.26 E-4 7.18 i .75 E-4 10 1.29 Ag reement

Detector 3

One Liter Marinelli C r-51 2.89 E-2 2.74 i .05 E-2 55 1.05 Ag reement

10 1.37 Ag reement

( resctor coolant) As-76 9.85 E-4 7.18 i .75 E-4

Dettctor 4

G1s Vial (ortgas) Kr-85m 4.05 E-3 4.42 i .30 E-3 15 .92 Ag reemen t

Det:ctor i Kr-88 1.30 E-2 1.39 i .13 E-2 11 .94 Ag reemen t

Xe-135 1.22 E-2 1.38 i .05 E-2 28 .88 Ag reemen t

Xe-138 3.18 E-1 3.10 i .09 E-1 34 1.03 Agreement

Kr-87 2.60 E-2 2.60 t .12 E-2 22 1.00 Ag reemen t

Xe-135m 7.46 E-2 7.20 i .23 E-2 31 1.04 Agreement

Css Vial (offgas) K r-85m 4.00 E-3 4.42 i .30 E-3 15 .90 Ag reemen t

Detector 2 Kr-88 1.22 E-2 1.39 i .13 E-2 11 .88 Agreement

Xe-135 1.24 E-2 1.38 i .05 E-2 28 .90 Agreement

Xe-138 2.80 E-1 3.10 i .09 E-1 34 .90 Ag reement

K r-87 2.12 E-2 2.60 .12 E-2 22 .82 Ag reemen t .

Xe-135m 6.45 E-2 7.20 i .23 E-2 31 .90 Ag reement

C2s Vial (offgas) K r-85m 3.69 E-3 4.42 i .30 E-3 15 .83 Agreement

Dettctor 4 K r-88 1.23 E-2 1.39 i .13 E-2 11 .88 Ag reemen t

Xe-135 1.22 E-2 1.38 i .05 E-2 28 .88 Ag reement

Xc-138 2.82 E-1 3.10 i .09 E-1 34 .91 Ag reement

K r-87 2.19 E-2 2.60 i .12 E-2 22 .84 Ag reement

Xe-135m 8.25 E-2 7.20 i .23 E-2 31 1.15 Ag reement

___________ _______________________ - __________

- __




A 1 (cont'd)






4300 ml Ma r s ne l l i Vr-85m 2.92 r.-4 3.09 i .',2 E-4 10 .95 Ag reemen t --

Offgas Detector 4 Xo-1 M 8.60 E-4 9.04 i .50 r-h 18 .95 Ag ree ment

y Xe-136 2.04 E-2 2.0? i . 08 t,- 2 2'2- 1.01 Agreement

Ag reemen t

K r-87 1.63 F-3 1.82 1 .12 E-3 15 ' .90

Xe-135m 5.99 T-3 4.81 i .26 E-3 19 .1.25 Ag reemen t


4300 ml Ma ri ew i l l K r- 85c. 2.86 E-b 3.09 i .32 E-4 10 .93 Agreement

Of fes . Le6ector 2 Xe-135- 8.36 E-4 7,04 i .50 E-4 18 .92 Ag reement

(spikod) Xe-138 2.04 E-2 # 02 i .08 E-2 25 1.01 Ag reemen t ,

K r-8 7 1.73 E-3 1.52 i .12 E-? 15 .95 Ag reemant

Xe-115*. 5.00 E-3 4.81 i .26 E , 19 1.04 Ag reemen t

4300 mi % rinelli e:r-05m 2.93 E-4 3.09 i .37 -4 10 .95 Ag reec.en t

Offgas Detector 3 X t,'- 13 5 9.05 E.'t 9.04 i .' E-4 18 1.00 ' Alj reemen t

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kr-87 1.55 F-3 <* 12 E-3 15 .85 Ag reemen t

s Xe-135m 5.46 E-3 ..d* .26 E-3 19 1.1 t; s Ag reement

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H-3 1.90 E-2 2.1 i i .01 E-2 213 . 89 ' r.greement ,


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