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Submits Info Documenting Addl Considerations of Projected Phased Improvement in Fire Protection & Mitigating Factors for Areas Unmodified During Extended Implementation Period. Tentative Completion Dates for App R Mods Encl
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/1984
From: Beckham J
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NED-84-035, NED-84-35, TAC-43754, TAC-43755, TAC-47143, TAC-48071, TAC-48072, TAC-48748, TAC-48749, NUDOCS 8401310315
Download: ML20079P712 (5)


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Georgta Power Cepany y * , ( ,f 333 Piedmont &enav f e ,J Atlanta. Georpa 30308 *k Telepnone 404 S&7020 Mashng AddressI ,. ,

4 ,

Post O'1 *e Box #4 . '



< Georgia Power J. T. Beckham, n. '

8 ## <

Wee Presdent and Genara! Manager a NED 84-035 4 4; '

Nuctear Generation V

, January 24, 1984

, , 1

- 1 t, .

I k 4 '-

Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation <

f Attention: Mr. John F. Stolz, 011ef  ; /'#' y/

Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 ,

Division of Licensing -


'e U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cannission * 'q ,

Washington, D. C. 20555 6, i

. , .: < *) .

- NRC DOCKEPS 50-321, 50-366 i '





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Gentlencn: q A


%e Georgia Power Canpany Response to 10CFR50.48 and, Appendix R" "

N r. '.

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subnitted to the: NRC by letter 6tsted July 1, il982 ~ contained ?the propcred-modifications and' exenption requests for Plant? Hatch Units lj and 2. ; As 'a 4 result of tii,e' draft Dafety Evaluation Peport (SSR) dated Jaguary 20,1983 and meetingsiwith,thal'NBC 'str.ff on March 30; 1983 and Noveneber .30,1983, ,

the original' ~subnittal was revised on May 2*d $983, Novenber 130, 1933,-and Decenber 20, 1983l to provide additional intocaatioti to address ths NRC ,

staff's concerns with the requests for exemption. Infosaation., to support -

1 the modification schedule exenption request was'subnitted, to the NRC staff ~

by letter dated June 14, ? 1983. %is Ietter documents' the' additional considerations +of the prcjected " phased improveneat" in. fits protection and ~

mitigating factors for . areas unnodified during the extended implenentation period. Y-

/- -

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%e present/ implementation schedule, "dch was presNnted inIhe NJvenber 'g 30, 1983 meetinrA calls for :the canplet on 'of 411f Appendix R exlifications v by Septenber ,1986. ;, %ese "modificatic.d include ' rerouting 1 of ~ required ' '

circuits, cable l wrapping with a one-hou- Rire rated material,Linstallation of additianaksprinkler ' ~ systens; an'. installation of' additional fire-detector systans. Se installat.ici. of cable; wrapping ~ is Eieduled after M conpleting; a13[other wrk in an ~ area' to prevent damage. to the wrap ' ' '

material. In! addition, to the Amerdix R-related modificatione, an Analog [

Transnitter Trip System-(A'ITS) cijiplied by GE,is be'.ng installed as part of 2 our responseto I & E Bulletin 79-013. %is installation involves the '

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8401310315 840124 PDR ADOCK 05000321, ., j F PDR .f 0g.

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1 Georgia Power 1 1

! Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 January 24, 1984 Page 2 replacenent of over 170 instr ments per unit with cable routing and instrmentation location designed to meet the requirements of 10CFR50.48 and Appendix R. The ATIS modifications are scheduled to be cmpleted in 1984 and will affect a large portion of the instrmentation used by the operators to bring the plant to cold shutdown.

%e empletion of the Appendix R and ATIS modifications represent approximately 30% of the plant modification workforce, including engineering, at the present time with the remainder of the workforce cemitted to 'IMI-related modifications, recirculation piping replaceaent, and other plant modifications. All plant modifications involving Appendix R shutdown pathway equipnent are designed to meet the reluirenents of 10CFR50.48 and Appendix R. As other modifications are cmpleted, additional manpower can be ccanitted to the Appendix R modification effort as necessary to meet the present schedule.

The tentative cmpletion dates for the Appendix R modifications are shown in Enclosure 1. It should be noted that these dates represent the present planning effort and that individual cmpletion dates for various itens may change between now and Septenber 1986. Appendix R-related modifications that have been conpleted include the upgrading of the energency lighting and the inerting of the Unt' 2 containment. Plant Hatch presently has a renote shutdown systen installed and operational to allow safe shutdown of the plant outside of the control rom.

As stated in the July 1,1982 sinittal, the previous Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for the Hatch Nuclear Plant concluded that the fire protection modifications related to Appendix A to BTP/APCSB 9.5.1 resulted in a high degree of fire protection safety. These fire protection features are described in Chapter 4 of the July 1,1982 sutmittal. The areas requiring modifications with the exception of the LPCI Inverter Rom (scheduled for early implenentation) and the reactor buildings presently have fire detection and either manual or autmatic suppression capability. % e Unit 1 Reactor Building has fire detection systens installed on elevations 130 ft, 164 ft HVAC Rom, and the 87 ft HPCI Roan. W e Unit 2 Reactor Building has partial fire detection on elevation 130 ft and full fire detection in the elevation 164 ft HVAC Roan. Sprinkler systens are installed in the HVAC and HPCI roons. The other areas in the reactor buildings are high traffic areas due to the large neber of plant modifications being installed at the present time. The presently installed fire protection capabilities uns

Georgia Powerd Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 January 24, 1984 Page 3 described in Chapter 4 of " Response to 10CFR50.48 and Appendix R" demonstrated that the areas requiring modification as a result of Appendix R are not without a degree of protection during the implementation of the modifications. In addition, the new Bnergency Operating Procedures developed by the GE/BWR Owners Group, which are scheduled to be implenented by 1986, provide the operators with recm nended actions to bring the plant to cold shutdown under abnormal conditions, including loss of equipnent due to any reason. Therefore, the proposed schedule will adequately address fire protection safety while allowing a phased implenentation of Appendix R.

Should you have any questions concerning this information, please contact this office.

Very truly yours,

'h J. T. Beckhan, Jr.

JAE/RLK/nw Enclosure xc: L. T. Gucwa H. C. Nix, Jr.

J. P. O'Reilly (NRC-Region II)

Senior Resident Inspector a


1 GeorgiaPower1 ENCIDSURE 1 Appendix R modifications scheduled to be ccupleted by end of indicated quarter:

_Second Quarter 1984 Unit 2 Partial Sprinkler Header Syste Unit 2 Control Building el.130 ft and Annunciator Electrical Reroute Unit 1 and 2 Ir*ake Structure Cable Wrap Unit 1 and 2 LPCI Inverter Room Sinoke Detection System

'Ihird Quarter 1984 l Unit 1 Partial Sprinkler Header Systen Unit 1 and 2 RPS Room Fire Door ,

Unit 2 East Cableway Wrap Fourth Quarter 1984 Unit 2 Electrical Muipnent Water Spray Protection Unit 2 Shutdown Panel 2C82 - P001B Barrier and Halon System Unit 1 Electrical M uipnent Water Spray Protection First Quarter 1985 Unit 1 Major Circuit Rerouting Unit 1 and 2 Sprinkler Systens for Control Building el.130 'ft and Reactor Building el. 158 ft Second Quarter 1985 i Unit 1 Reactor Building el.185 ft East and West Sprinkler Systen Unit 2 Reactor Building el. 87 ft East and West Sprinkler System Unit 1 East Cableway Wrap

Unit 1 and 2 Snoke Detection System'for Reactor Building el. 87 ft-and 158 ft-and Control Building el. 130 ft rmns ,_ ._. _ _ . _ , - - . . -. ._ _ - . _ . . _ - . . . _ _ _ .

Georgia Powerkh ENCIOSURE 1 (Continued)

% ird Quarter 1985 Unit 1 Reactor Building el. 130 ft Northwest and Southwest Sprinkler System Unit 2 Reactor Building el. 130 ft Northwest Sprinkler Systen Unit 1 and 2 Multiplex Syste Main Panel Functional Test Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Building el. 130 ft East Sprinkler Systen Fourth Quarter-1985 Unit 2 Reactor Building el. 185 ft East and West Sprinkler Systen i First Quartec-1986 Unit 1 Reactor Building el. 87 ft East and West Sprinkler Systems Unit 1 Control Building el.112 ft, Reactor Building el.158 ft, and 600V Switchgear Rom Cable Wrap Unit 1 and 2 control Building el. 130 ft Cable Wrap Second Quarter 1986 Unit 1 Renote Shutdown Panel Modifications Unit 1 RPS Rom, Annunciator Roan, and 4160/600V Trancfotoer Roan Cable Wrap Unit 2 Diesel Generator Building Cable Wrap

% ird Quarter 1986 Unit 1 and 2 Hi/Iow Interface Modifications Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Building el. 87 ft and 130 ft Cable Wrap 700775 8