W3P84-2792, Forwards MSS-NA3-P (Proprietary) & MSS-NA3 (Nonproprietary), Verification of Cecor Coefficient Methodology for Application to PWRs of Middle South Utils Sys. Proprietary Version Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)

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Forwards MSS-NA3-P (Proprietary) & MSS-NA3 (Nonproprietary), Verification of Cecor Coefficient Methodology for Application to PWRs of Middle South Utils Sys. Proprietary Version Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear, Waterford, 05000000
Issue date: 10/24/1984
From: Cook K
To: Knighton G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19269A686 List:
W3P84-2792, NUDOCS 8410290122
Download: ML20106E250 (4)




  • NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA 70174 * (504) 366-2345 UiluTIES SYSTEM october 24, 1984 W3P84-2792 3-A1.01.04 3-J2 3-J10 3-J31 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. G. W. Knighton, Chief Licensing Branch #3 Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit No. 3 Docket No. 50-382 CECOR Coefficient Methodology


Arkansas Power & Light Letter No. 2CAN088407 from J. R. Marshall to J. R. Miller on this subject dated August 15, 1984

Dear Sir:

Enclosed are 5 copies of MSS-NA3-P (proprietary) copy numbers 16 through 20, and 5 copies of MSS-NA3 (non-proprietary),

" Verification of CECOR Coefficient Methodology for Application to Pressurized Water Reactors of the Middle South Utilities System." The report demonstrates the capability of Middle South Services, Inc. methodology for generating cycle-dependent data library updates for the CECOR computer program.

This report references Waterford - Unit 3 and ANO - Unit 2.

The referenced letter requested approval of this repcrt only for ANO - Unit 2, therefore, LP&L requests approval of this report for Waterford - Unit 3.

Due to the proprietary information contained in MSS-NA3-P, LP&L requests this report to be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR2.790. The reasons for the proprietary classification of this report is delineated in the enclosed affidavit.

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8410290122 841024 05 PDR ADOCK 05000382 A

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, ... Mr. G.W.'Knighton, Chief Page 2 Please address any questions concerning the proprietary nature of this-report to:

Middle South Services, Inc.

T.W. Schnatz Director, Nuclear Engineering Department

.P.O. Box 61000 New Orleans, Louisiana 70161 Please address all oth'er questions to LP&L.

Very truly yours, K.W. Cook Nuclear Support and Licensing Manager

.KWC/THA/cgw Enclosure cc to the NRC: E.L. Blake, W.M. Stevenson, J.T. Collins, D.M.

Crutchfield, J. Wilson, G.L. Constable l




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AFFIDAVIT PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 2.790 Middle South Services, Inc.

P. O. Box 61000 New Orleans, Louisiana 70161 I, Jack F. Fager, depose and say that I am a Senior Vice President of Engi-neering and Operations of Middle South Services, Inc. (" MSS"), duly authorized to make this affidavit, and have reviewed or caused to have reviewed the informa-tion which is identified as proprietary. I am submitting this affidavit in con-formance with the applicable regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

(" Commission"),10 CFR 2.790 in connection with applications for withholding information from public disclosure.

The information for which proprietary treatment is sought is contained in Verification of CECOR Coefficient Methodology for Application to Pressurized Water Reactors of the Middle South Utilities System, MSS-NA3-P.

Pursuant to the provisions of sub-paragraph 10 CFR 2.790(b)(4), the follow-ing is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure and included in the above referenced document, should be withheld.

1. MSS is the owner and developer of the information contained in the hereinabove referenced document.
2. The material contained in this transmittal has considerable com-mercial value to MSS and its release would seriously affect the competitive position of said company.
3. The material contained in this transmittal is of the type cus-tomarily held in confidence and not customarily disclosed to the public and has, in fact, been held in confidence and not dis-closed to the public by MSS.
4. This information is being transmitted to the Commission in con-fidence under the provisions of 10 CFR 2.790 with the understand-ing that it is to be received in confidence by the Commission.
5. The information contained in the document hereinabove referenced has been developed at considerable expense and effort by MSS and is not availabic to the general public.
6. This information is being submitted for commission internal use only and should not be released to persons or organizations out-side of the Commission, including, the Directorate of Regulation

-,, 2- .

4 and the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety, without the prior approval of MSS. Should it become necessary to release this in-formation to any person other than an employee of the Commission,

.as part of the review procedure, it is respectfully requested that MSS be contacted in order that the necessary arrangements may be made in order to protect the proprietary interests of MSS.

Respectfully submitted, By _

c c egh Name ek F. Fager Senior Vice-President, Title Engineering and Operations Date h 3 1 / f L/

I Sworn to before me thisl 3 day of blN

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Osleans Parish, Louisiana My Commission is fot ufe.


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