1CAN069005, Submits Addl Info on Tech Spec Change Request for Seismic Instrumentation,Per 890809 Request.Licensee Concurs W/Nrc Recommendation Re Editorial Change

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Submits Addl Info on Tech Spec Change Request for Seismic Instrumentation,Per 890809 Request.Licensee Concurs W/Nrc Recommendation Re Editorial Change
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/1990
From: James Fisicaro
Shared Package
ML20043F333 List:
RTR-NUREG-0800, RTR-NUREG-800, RTR-REGGD-01.012, RTR-REGGD-1.012 1CAN069005, 1CAN69005, NUDOCS 9006140387
Download: ML20043F332 (2)







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Arunsis Pow:r & Light C:mp:ny


'Yes$$E" '


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e Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

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Tel 501377 4000 '

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June 15, 1990i



y ICANp69995 j


LU.E S. _ Nuclear Regulatory Comission

! Document Control Desk Mail-Station P1-137 Washington, DC::20555



Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-313 License No. DPR-51 Additional Information on Technical Specification-Change Request for Seismic Instrumentation

. Gentlemen: -

p In.our letter of August 9,-.1989 (ICAN088992) Arkansas Nuclear One

. requested a' change to the AN0-Unit 1_ Technical Specifications '(TS)(ANO) for

Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation. As discussed with the ANO-1 NRR
Project Manager, further explanation of this change is appropriate.

4 Inlthe surveillance frequency the abbreviation "SA" is used as a-J N

surveillance ~ interval. Although SA is a standard abbreviation, the term is.

not defined in the abbreviation list on page 72d of the ANO-1 Technical


pSpecifications. The changed page 72d to add this definition is provided as-1

. an. attachment to this letter.

l y


Further clarification of-the surveillance frequencies is also. appropriate.

m The' Triaxial Time-History Accelerographs were included in the the' ANO-1 TS'

>s M 'm prior to the change. The original specification required'a " check" on aL gm m.

quarterly: basis, a " test" as not applicable, and a " calibration" on'a; P

2 frequency of once per-quarter.

>r The: proposed change provides for a " check" of the instrumentation on a-


monthly frequency.

This is more stringent than the current time interval o.f

quarterly. ';This also is being changed to ensure consistency:with the-4 s

requirements 1of the Standard Review Plan (SRP) (NUREG-0800), Table 3.7.4-2.

' _The-: proposed change provides for a " test" of the instrumentation on a sem'i.


annual' frequency. The original specification provided for no test and was m

. annotated with NA__(Not Applicable). AN0 feels that the test should be.

1 4:

performed on a semi annual frequency consistent with the SRP Table 3.7.4-2.

s y

, " ~ ?

!TheLproposed change provides for a " calibration" of the instrumentation on a u

frequency of every 18 months. This is a change from the original -


requirement of _ quarterly. _This change is consistent with the SRP Table 3.7.462t recommendation of an'18 month frequency and the current frequency

,for ANO Unit 2. - Additionally the vendor of the equipment (Engdahl h

'9006140387 900615 9q 6 -

PIL ADOCK 05000313 y


P PDC i l An Entergy Company NN


>m L,


-J U.'S.lNRC Page'2 May 4, 1990 Enterprise) verbally stated that the quarterly frequency is detrimental to

_the reliability of the equipment as this instrument is of a passive nature, and should be calibrated on an 18 month frequency only.

Additionally, the original Technical Specification Change Request stated that the ANO-2 Technical Specifications were written in accordance with Regulatory Guide _1.12 and that the proposed change would upgrade the ANO-1 Specifications to Regulatory Guide 1.12.

This is an incorrect statement.

AN0-2 Technical-Specifications were written in accordance with Safety 1

Guide 12 and AN0-1 Specifications are being upgraded to comply with Safety Guide 12.

The ANO-1 TS Basis correctly lists the appropriate Safety Guide revision.

While reviewing this TS change the NRC recommended annotating the instrumentation _ located in ANO-2. ANO concurs with this editorial change.

i The attached pages 45 di and 72b annotate the instrumentation as to location in Unit 2.

Very truly yours, y { c)Lw James

. Fisicaro Manager, Licensing-JJF/lw Attachment-l cc:

Mr. Robert Martin L

U. S.: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza-Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011 L

-NRC Senior Resident Inspector Arkansas Nuclear One - ANO-1 & 2 l

. Number 1, Nuclear Plant Road Russellville, AR 72801 Mr. Thomas W. Alexion NRR Project Manager, Region IV/ANO-1 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Mail Stop 11-B-19 One White Flint North

~11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Mr. Chester Poslusny NRR Project Manager, Region IV/ANO-2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Mail Stop 11-B-19 One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 3

