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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-263/98-05 on 980403
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/1998
From: Grobe J
To: Wadley M
50-263-98-05, 50-263-98-5, NUDOCS 9807220268
Download: ML20236R779 (2)

See also: IR 05000263/1998005


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                                                                                                July 17, 1998
                   Mr. M. Wadley
                 Vice President
                   Nuclear Generation
                   Northern States Power Company                                                                                                                                                  l
                  414 Nicollet Mall
                   Minneapolis, MN 55401                                                                                                                                                          <
                   SUBJECT:        NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-263/98005(DRS))
                   Dear Mr. Wadley:
                         This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 30,1998, in response to our letter                                                                              I
                 dated April 3,1998, transmitting a Notice of Violation associated with Inspection Report No. 50-                                                                                 l
                 263/98005(DRS). We have reviewed your corrective actions and have no further questions at
                 this time. These corrective actions will be examined during future inspections.
                                                                                          original /s/ J. A. Grobe
                                                                                             John A. Grobe, Director                                                                              )
                                                                                             Division of Reactor Safety                                                                          .l
                 Docket No. 50-263
                 License No. DPR-22                                                                                                                                                                ,
                 Enclosure:       Ltr dtd 4/30/98 M. Hammer
                                    Monticello to USNRC
                cc w/ encl:       Plant Manager, Monticello
                                   State Liaison Officer, State
                                    of Minnesota






                vo e .. . ., w.      -                                   . i. w : v . c o .n w - *,.o , r . c m - n.n.enm.nv e r.            w. mew
                    OFFICErfg                                                           l Rilln [./            Rill                            AI Rlli         ,A                          l      ,
                    NAME Q4 P'/tle:sd                                                     JCr@t(              JMcCormick-B c,oDJGrob65C
                    DATE %V7/998
                                                                                          0746/98              07/l198                            07/@8
                                                                                           OFRCIAL RECORD COPY
                   9907220268 980717
                   PDR    ADOCK 05000263

l. G PDR ! { l I

                                   . _ _ ._     . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
        M. Wadley                           -2-
        Distnbution-                                                                                              i
        CAC (E-Mail)
        Project Mgr., NRR w/ encl
        C. Paperiello, Rlll w/enci
       - J. Caldwell, Rill w/enct
        B. Clayton, Rlli w/enci                                                                                   l
        SRI Monticello w/ encl                                                                                    I
        DRP w/enci
        TSS w/enci
        DRS (2) w/ encl
        Rlli PRR w/enct
        PUBLIC IE-01 w/enci                                                                                       !
        Docket File w/enci                                                                                        )
         LEO (E-Mail)
        DOCDESK (E-Mail)


                   _ _ _ _ _
                                     __.-_cmu                                            oum uwe sausewasou                                   tr. 9 3
                                                                                                            Northern States Power company
                                                                                                            Monticello Nuclear Generatlng Plant
                                                                                                            2007 West County nomd 75
                                                                                                            Monticello, MN 55362
       April 30,1998
                                                                                                                                 10 CFR Part 2
                                                                                                                                  Section 2.201
       US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
       Attn.: Document Control Desk
       Washington, DC 20555
                                    MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT
                                                       Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22
                                                      Reply to Notice of Violation Contained in
                                                      NRC Inspection Report No. 50-263/98005
       Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR Part 2, Section 2.201, our reply to the notice of
       violation contained in your letter of April 3,1998, is provided in Attachment A.
       Attachment A, Reply to Notico of Violation, contains the following new NRC commitments:
       1.        4 f.WI - 02.11.01, Classification, Handling, and Protection of Safeguards Information, willbe
                 revised to add the following requirement. The last security staff member to leave the security                                         I
                 department area is responsible for verifying that all safeguards information has been retumed
                 to the safeguards information security storage containers and that all safeguards Information
                 security storage containers are locked.
       2.        4 AWI- 02.11.01, Cl ossification, Handling, and Protection of Safeguards Information, willbe
                 revised to clarity the following requirement. When non-security safeguards information users
                 request safeguards information and have completed their use, the safeguards Information is
                 retumed to a security department member who will retum the safeguards information to the
                 security storage container and lock the security storage container.
       Please contact Sam Shiroy Sr. Licensing Engineer, (612)-295-1449 if you require further
                                                                                               ..                                                 . . .
                                                                           Post-it' Fax Note               7871     N' y/f/9g lp* ayes > if._
       Michael F. Hammer                                                    Som 9 Ak.-                            "*"' Ged/kenen
       Plant Manager                                                       "> * % s p ac_.                                  4,4% %Io. P_                ,
                                                                                                                     Phorie #
       Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                                  Phone #
                                                                            '*"          (,3c. 67f t249 /"'                   t,.tb 2Y en
       drJW99 tow JWCWRCWfB&$RSP. DOC

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                                       ._ _ _ . - _ -        ._, _ mesewoeou            ro ws
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             USNRG                                        NERTHERN CTATES POWER COMPANY
             April 30,1998 -

i Page 2 1

             c:       Regional Administrator- 111, NRC
                      NRR Project Manager, NRC

l Sr Resident inspector, NRC

                     ' State of Minnesota
                             Attn: Kris Sanda

I ,

                      J Silberg
             Attachments A - Reply to Notice of Violation

l l 1



  .   __      __ _ _ __ _.                _ _ _ _                       _ _      __mm,                       ueu
             REPLY TO N AlCE OF VIOLATION                                                          Attachm:nt A
                                                                                                  April 30,1998
           During an NRC inspection conducted from March 9,1998, through March 13,1998, a
           violation of NRC requirements was identified. In accordance with the * General
           Statement of Polley and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," NUREG-1600, the
           violations are listed below:
                           Part 73, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulation at Section 73.21(d)(2) requires
                           safeguards information that is left unattended to be stored in a locked security
                           storage container.
           1.              Contrary to the above;
                           On October 9,1997, a security contaInerholding safeguards information was left
                           unlocked and unattended for three minutes. On October 22,1997, a security
                           container holding safeguards information was left unlocked and unattended for
                           thirty minutes. On February 16,1998, severalcassette tapes containing
                           safeguards information were left unattended on top of a safeguards information
                           security container for approximately 17 hours. The security containers for all
                           three occasions were located within a locked room in the security department.
            Violation Resnonse:
           NSP Response to Violation
           NSP acknowledges the above Notice of Violation.
           Reason For Violation:
           The primary cause of this violation is failure to perform self checking when handling
           safeguards information.
           A contributing cause of the event on 10/06/97 was that the individuals involved were in                                         {
           a rush to review safeguards information. They were also late for a drl!! briefing and
           became distracted by the time elements.

[ A contributing cause of the event on 10/22/97 was that the Operational Safeguards l

           Response Evaluation and trouble shooting of the ecurity computer system resulted in
           many openings and closing of the safeguards information security storage containers.
           A contributing cause of the event on 02/16/98 was the misunderstanding between the
           user and the security department regarding who would return the safeguards
           information to the security storage container and lock the container. Non-safeguards
           material being stored in the safeguards information security storage container room
           also contributed to the safeguards material being overlookod. When the files were
           verified locked and the room was locked at the end of the day the safeguards material
           was overlooked.

e - - . - -

                                                                                                                 - - . - - - - - - - - - -
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                                 ___                              u- - mssewawau                       r. ec
 ,       REPLY TO NOTICE OF VIOLATION                                                       Attachm*.nt A
                                                                                                   Pzga 2
                                                                                            April 30,1998


    Corrective Action Taken end Results' Achieved:
    Upon discovery of each event, the safeguards infonnation was immediately controlled
    and secured in a safeguards information security storage container.
    After each event, an evaluation of the incident was conducted to determine if the
    safeguards information could have been compromised. No compromise of safeguards
    information occurred.
    After the 10/06/g7 event, the security staff personnel were reminded to use NSP's
    STAR (Stop Think Act Review) process when handling safeguards information.
    After the 10/22/97 event, a second check of the locked security storage containers was
    instituted as the last Individual leaves the security area and documented on the
    checkout log. - An additional sign was installed at the exit of the security area reminding
    individuals to perform the second check.
    After the 02/16/98 event, all non-safeguards infom)ation items except a personal
    computer, computer printer and plotter were removed from the safeguards Information
    security storage container room.
    Corrective Action to be Taken to Avoid Further Violations:
    To preclude this same or a similar event occurring, two new commitments have been
    made and will be implemented by July 15,1998. These commitments are described
    1.          4 AWI - 02.11.01, Classification, Handling, and Protection of Safeguards
                Information, will be revised to add the following requirement. The last security


                staff member to leave the security department area is responsible for verifying

I '

                that all safeguards information has been retumed to the safeguards information
                security storage containers and that all safeguards information security storage
                containers are locked.
    2.         4 AWI 02.11.01, Classification, Handling, and Protection of Safeguards
               information, will be revised to clarify the following requirement. When non-


                security safeguards information users request safeguards information and have
               completed their use, the safeguards information is retumed to a security
               department member who will retum the safeguards information to the security
              storage container and lock the security storage container.
    Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved
    Full compliance has been achieved.

l L . -

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