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Forwards Index to Testimony of Witnesses,List of Corrections to Prefiled Testimony & Corrected Copy of Testimony.Fema Response to Motion for Suspension of Hearings Also Encl. Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1987
From: Flynn H
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20235K809 List:
CON-#487-4514 OL, NUDOCS 8710050238
Download: ML20235K806 (2)


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V5/ y gMfD CORREWOMM jfpU p Federal Emergency Management Agenc,ym UWC Washington, D.C. 20472

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'87 OCT -2 A9.'25 September 30, 1987

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BDCKbittui 4 Dvici, ERANLH Ivan W. Smith, Esq., Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission k:ast West Towers Building l l

4350 East West Highway Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Re: Public Service of New Hampshire Seabrook Station, Units 1 & 2 i Docket Nos. 50-443 OL, 50-444 OL i

Dear Judge Smith:

In keeping with the discussion held during the Pretrial Conference of September 17, 1987, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hereby provides the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board and the parties with an index to the testimony of its witnesses, a list of corrections to their Prefiled Testimony to be made at the time of direct examination, and a corrected copy of that testimony. For the further convenience of the Board and the parties, we have added global page numbering which appears in parentheses in the lower l right hand corner of each page of the testimony. {

Also enclosed is FEMA's Responce to NECNP'S, SAPL'S, Towr. of Hampton's, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Motion for Suspension of Hearings with Respect to Contentions Involving Transportation Availability, Reception Centers, and Response Personnel Adequacy, dated September 28, 1987. This  ;

response takes no position on the Motion, but offers information about the status of FEMA's review of newly submitteo information and written materials.

I A third package of materials which we are providing is a set of FEMA's Guidance Memoranda which have potential applicability to the pending hearings. The subject of this guidance came up at the meeting of the parties in Boston on September 21, and FEMA offered at that time to ,oake copies .

available. )

i Judge Helen Hoyt had recently suggested that FEMA had failed to respond to )

her letter of July 6, 1987. To clear up this hiatus in the record, we now l provide the Board and serve the parties wit.h a copy of materiel submitted on July 21, 1987 by Edward A. Thomas of FEMA's Region I.

8710050238 870930 PDR AD90K 05000443 O PDR 0@


The Boards Order of September 22, 1987, required the identification and furnishing or exhibits by September 25. FEMA refers repeatedly in its prefiled Testimony to a Regional Assistance Committee Review dated December 15, 1?86. This will be FEMA's Exhibit 1. It was served on the parties at the time it was issued. Additional copies will be made available at the hearing.

Attachment A to the Prefiled Testimony was originally Appendix A to FEMA's responses to interrogatories from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In it there is a reference to an Appendix B, a memorandum by Richard Krimm on the subject of monitoring of evacutes, which does not appear in the Prefiled Testimony. FEMA does not pr0 pose to offer this as an exhibit, but does include it amGng the enclosures to this letter for the sake of clarity.

We appreciate the guidan's and leadership the Board has offered and look forward to the hearings ir <'oncord.


't .

H. oph ynn, Assistant General Counsel i

Enclosures t


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