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ML20059K2887 September 1990Forwards ERCI-R/88-76, Seabrook Station Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification
ML20059B87222 August 1990Forwards Affidavits & FEMA Rept Concluding That State of Nh Emergency Response Capability Adequate,Per 900803 Request
ML20055G75419 July 1990Responds to 900626 Request for Assistance in Verifying Completion of Emergency Planning Items in CLI-90-03
ML20059E62619 June 1990Forwards State of Nh Describing Training for Decisionmaking Strategy for Emergency Response Planning Area a & Elsewhere.Fema Believes That State of Nh Training Program Adequate
ML20042E1369 February 1990Forwards Review & Evaluation of State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Seabrook Station & Rept on Status of Corrective Actions First Exercise & Drill Cycle 1988-1994 of States of Me & Nh & New Hampshire Yankee....
ML20006B77012 January 1990Provides Addl Response to NRC 891117 Request for Status Rept from FEMA on Readiness of Plant Public ANS
ML20005D97621 December 1989Updates 891211 Response to NRC 891206 Request for Assistance in Verifying Resolution of Items in ASLB Partial Initial Decision LBP-89-32,issued 891113,in Connection W/Spmc & 1988 FEMA Graded Exercise
ML20005E01018 December 1989Responds to 891117 Request for Status Rept on Readiness of Plant Alert & Notification Sys,Including Vehicular Alert & Notification Sys for Commonwealth of Ma Portion of Plume Epz.Sys Design for State of Nh Portion Acceptable
ML19332G13111 December 1989Responds to 891206 Request That FEMA Assist NRC to Verify Satisfactory Resolution of Emergency Planning Items Specified by Seabrook ASLB Partial Initial Decision LBP-89-32.FEMA Status Rept Encl
ML19332G09011 December 1989Updated Response to 890905 Ltr Re Request That FEMA Assist NRC in Verifying Fulfillment of Conditions Specified by ASLB in Connection W/Offsite Plans & Preparedness for Util Portion of Plant EPZ
ML19332C40017 November 1989Responds to 890905 Request for Assistance in Verification of Fulfillment of Certain Conditions Specified by Plant Aslb,In Connection W/Offsite Plans & Preparedness for State of Nh Portion of Plant Epz.Status Rept Re State of Nh Encl
ML20247J08325 August 1989Forwards Constituent to Gj Humphrey Re Nuclear Reactor Technology
ML20248F9603 April 1989Forwards Gc Peterson to V Stello Re Requirement That Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans Provide Capacity to Monitor 20% of Population of EPZ within 12 H.W/ Certificate of Svc
ML20247C71416 March 1989Approves State of Me Ingestion Pathway Plan for Plant in Accordance w/44CFR350.12 of FEMA Rule
ML20236A5097 March 1989Forwards Lh Mcpheters Notice of Appearance for Plant Offsite Planning Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20245E93423 January 1989Forwards Preliminary Draft Rept Assessing Adequacy of Siren Coverage as Presented in Plant Alert & Notification Rept. Alerting Coverage Determined as Adequate.W/O Encl
ML20155H42014 October 1988Forwards Review & Evaluation of Seabrook Plan for Commonwealth of Ma Communities, Dtd Oct 1988.Certificate of Svc EnclTone Alert Radio
ML20207N83214 October 1988Forwards Review & Evaluation of Seabrook Plan for Commonwealth of Ma Communities. NRC Will Be Provided W/ Consolidated Finding on Offsite Plans for Entire EPZ on 881118
ML20247N58526 September 1988Discusses American Red Cross Participation in Offsite Planning for Plant.Fema Finds Commission Ruling Applicable to Plant.Requests to Be Informed NRC Find Commission Ruling Acceptable to Apply in Review
ML20154D62912 September 1988Forwards RW Krimm 880902 Memo to NRC & RW Donovan to Rh Strome of State of Nh,Served on Svc List for Hearing. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20154C5152 September 1988Forwards Exercise Rept Fo 880628-29 Joint Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans for Plant.Draft Ltr to Rj Harrision,Public Svc Co of New Hampshire,Encl
ML20154A0671 September 1988Requests That RR Donovan Be Added to & EA Thomas Be Deleted from Plant Litigation Svc List.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20155F70610 June 1988Forwards Amended Testimony of WR Cumming & Jh Keller on Behalf of FEMA on Sheltering/Beach Population Issues, Reflecting Typo & Editorial Corrections.Changes Listed. Related Correspondence
ML20154E92112 May 1988Forwards Agenda from Fema/Nrc 880119 Meeting & marked-up Talking Points for Stello Meeting,Per Executive Privilege Asserted on 880415.No Notes Taken at FEMA 880119 Meeting. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20150D06817 March 1988Forwards Transcript of FEMA 880229 Meeting of Regional Assistance Committee.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceEarthquake
ML20148A1568 March 1988Confirms 880218 Telcon W/Nrc Re Encl Inadequacies in Plan for State of Ma Communities.Expresses Serious Concerns About Advisability of Continuing on Current Schedule for Plan Review & Exercise Due to Nature of Inadequacies
ML20155E65011 January 1988Forwards SB Comley Re Allegation of Wrongdoing for Appropriate Investigation
ML20237C31015 December 1987Discusses FEMA Positions Re Facility Emergency Plan for State of Ma Communities,Including Giving Opportunity for Util to Conform Various Plan Vols to New 10CFR50.47 Criteria
ML20235K89130 September 1987Forwards Index to Testimony of Witnesses,Corrections to Prefiled Testimony & Corrected Testimony Per 870917 Pretrial Conference Discussion.Fema Response to Intervenors Motion for Suspension of Hearings Also Encl
ML20235K80630 September 1987Forwards Index to Testimony of Witnesses,List of Corrections to Prefiled Testimony & Corrected Copy of Testimony.Fema Response to Motion for Suspension of Hearings Also Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20236U09723 September 1987Forwards Facility Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Commonwealth of Ma,For Disposition.Plan Delivered to FEMA by Util .Meeting Scheduled on 870930 to Discuss Issues Mentioned in Author .W/O Encl
ML20235F25018 September 1987Advises That Author Required to Travel to Houston,Tx on 871008 & Appear in Court on 871009 as Defendant for Actions Taken as Atty for Fema.Notice of Appearance for WR Cumming Encl as Substitute Atty for Fema.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20235L4332 September 1987Informs That FEMA Would Appreciate Opportunity to Discuss Parameters,Time Frames & Other Matters Prior to NRC Making Formal Request for Fema/Regional Assistance Committee Review of Proposed Onsite Emergency Preparedness Plan for Plant
ML20236N9775 August 1987Provides Notice of 870812 Meeting in Concord,Nh to Discuss State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20238F21224 April 1987Forwards Seabrook Station Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Commonwealth of Massachusetts,For Disposition.W/O Encl
ML20210M66022 December 1986Forwards,For Filing,Fema/Regional Assistance Committee Review of Rev 2 to New Hampshire State & Local Radiological Response Plans for Seabrook Nuclear Power Station. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20202G4641 July 1986Responds to Request for Advice Re Purchase by Eua Power Co of Ownership Interest in Facility.Antitrust Hearing Unnecessary
ML20203G7681 July 1986Advises That Based on Review of Util 730330 Amend 57 to License Application,Requesting Partial Transfer of CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,proposed Participation by Eua Power Co Would Not Be Inconsistent W/Antitrust Laws
ML20203G4071 July 1986Advises That Proposed Participation by Eua Power Co in Facility Would Not Be Inconsistent W/Antitrust Laws of Section 105c of Atomic Energy Act of 1954,per Request
ML20206P61530 June 1986Forwards Motion for Continuation of Hearing on Emergency Planning Contentions.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20199B4615 June 1986Forwards Joint New Hampshire State & Local Radiological Emergency Response Exercise for Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant, Final Exercise Assessment on 860226.Rept of Deficiencies Identified Will Be Provided to State
ML20155B0383 April 1986Responds to 860319 Memo Forwarding Hs Moyer Ltr Re Emergency Planning Issues.Response to Moyer Forthcoming.Response to Moyer Re Offsite Planning Encl
ML20154Q08112 March 1986Responds to 860224 Memo Referring Hs Moyer (State of Nh) Correspondence Re FEMA Area of Responsibility Concerning Facility Emergency Planning Issues
ML20086T74529 February 1984Forwards Supplemental Responses to Atty General Belloti Interrogatories.Related Correspondence
ML20082N5181 December 1983Forwards Memorandum Opposing Atty General Bellotti Motion to Compel Answers to Interrogatories.Related Correspondence
ML20082D62916 November 1983Advises That Author Will Be Unavailable on 840116,27 & 0213-24 for Prehearing Conference.Conference Should Be Rescheduled
ML20080L46021 September 1983Forwards FERC to Senator Tsongas,For Further Response Re Constituent C Nord Ltr
ML20080F25815 September 1983Advises That New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution 830811 Contentions on New Hampshire Emergency Response Procedures Are Not Ripe for Adjudication.Procedures Not Yet Submitted to Fema.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20073J62111 April 1983Forwards Notice of Appearance in Proceeding
ML20064J32513 January 1983Comments on Fes.Supports Issuance of OL for Startup & Operation of Facilities