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Notifies That Util Accumulated More Time than Originally Anticipated for Insp Interval & Intends to Perform Insp of Spool as Soon as Possible
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook, 05000000
Issue date: 09/18/1986
From: Devincentis J
To: Starostecki R
Shared Package
ML20213F044 List:
FOIA-87-271 SBN-1198, NUDOCS 8706080187
Download: ML20214R529 (1)


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l SEASROOK STATION Engin7ering 9ffice


September 18, 1986 PutWie service of New Hompshire I SBN- 1198 l T.F. Q2.2.2 NEW HAMPSHIRE YANrIE LIVISION United States Nuclear Regulatury Commission Region I 631 Pa rk Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19400 Attnention: Mr. Richard W. Starostecki, Director Division of Project and Resident Programs Refernces: (a) Const ruct ion Permi ts CPPR-135 and CPPR-136, Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444 (b) PSNH Let ter (SBN-1001), dated April 10, 198o,

" Final 10CFR50.55(e) Report: Service Water System Spool Linings, Pipe Insert s, and Valve Liner / Seat s (CDR-85-00-13),' J. DeVincentis to R. W. St a ros t e c ki Subj ect : Service Water System Lining Inspection

Dear Sir:

In the referenced letter, we reported on out actions to correct lining deficiencies in the Service Water System. It was also reported that after three month's service, the condition of the corrected areas and the bilance of the linings, indicated that the lini ngs were pe r fo rm-ing excellently.

' tot We al so s t at ed that we plan to remove at least one piping spool inspection each ref ueling outage until experience dictates a more appropriate cuc se of action.

Finally, we reported that we planned to inspect one spool between hot operations and criticality. This inspection interval was based on the anticipated licensing schedule at that time. The inspection interval was set to obtain the maximum amount of operating time on the spool, prior to reactor operation.

We have now accumulated more time than the originally anticipated inspection interval and intend to perform the inspection of the spool as soon as possible.

Very trul yours,

/ / -

ft. , W.

pr John Devincentis Director of Engineering c:: At omic Saf ety and Licensing Board Service Lis t Director, of fice of Inspect ion and Enforcement United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wa s hi ng t on , DC 20555 8706080187 670602 PDR FOIA -- --- - - -