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Provides Bases for Recommendation That Low Power OL for Plant Be Issued & Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Initial OL Readiness Assessment
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Shoreham
Issue date: 12/06/1984
From: Murley T
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20213F044 List:
FOIA-87-271 NUDOCS 8706080199
Download: ML20214R564 (3)


DEC 8 884 Docket No. 50-322 MEMORANDUM FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor i Regulation 1 FROM: Thomas E. Murley, Regional Administrator


SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION LOW POWER LICENSE RECOMMENDATION I and the NRC Region I staff recommend the issuance of a Low Power Operating License for Shoreham.

The bases for this recommendation are contained in an extensive Readiness Assessment Report, which is attached. The results of that evaluation are summarized below and form the the basis for our recommendation.

1. The construction and preoperational test inspection programs have been completed, and our staff has determined that LILCo has met license commitments and the as-butit Shoreham design is in accordance with NRC regulations.


2. A comprehensive Region I staff evaluation has. concluded that Long Island Lighting Company is ready for fuel load and capable of safe low power operation of Shoreham.
3. Each Region I professional was requested by memoranda dated December 14, 1983; March 29, 1984, and November 2, 1984, to identify concerns beyond those already addressed by either inspection reports or staff testimony. No concerns were expressed by anyone in Region I relative to the issuance of a low power operating Itcense for Shoreham.

Highlights of the evaluation include:

In excess of 22,000 inspection hours have been devoted to the Shoreham site since issuance of a Construction Permit in Aprf) 1973.

All 131 preoperational tests required prior to fuel load have been completed, and all test results have been inspected and approved. There art no outstanding test exceptions which require resolution prior to fuel load.

A special team inspection was conducted in January 1983 to assess the status of plant readiness for fuel load. The inspection focused on the areas of construction, preoperational testing, and plant operational staffing. The conclusions from the inspection were that the plant would 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY SHOREHAMNTOL MEMO - 0001.0.0 8706080199 870602 " 12/04/84 >


Harold R. Denton 2 not be ready for fuel loading until the summer of 1983. Subsequently, those activities necessary to prepare the plant for fuel load were completed and the SALP report for the period ending February 29, 1984 found the plant and personnel ready for fuel load and low power operation.

An independent NDE inspection was conducted by Region I during August 1982 to verify the adequacy of the welding quality control program. The results of the inspection indicated that the quality of the welding was acceptable.

Based on our inspections and reviews, Region I has concluded that the quality assurance program at Shoreham has resulted in a high quality of construction and will support safe facility operation. The ASLB confirmed the acceptability of the QA program in its finding.

Plant construction was essentially completed in 1982, and Region I has verified through continuing inspections that the as-built plant has been maintained in an appropriate state of readiness.

Extensive, continuing reviews of the proposed Technical Specifications and the surveillance test program, as part of NRC preoperational inspections, have provided reasonable assurance that the TS are compatible with and accurately reflect as-built plant status.

Approximately 100 allegations have been received and addressed since early 1980 regarding Shoreham activities. All of these allegations have been addressed and satisfactorily resolved.

In addition, we plan to continue our inspections and evaluations to monitor LILCO's preparation and the plant's suitability for subsequent power escalation. During the next several months, we plan to include the following in our efforts:

An evaluation of the requalification program for licensed operators and Shift Advisor plant familiarity (December 1984). It should be noted that the licenses for the operators are shortly due for renewal and LILCO has had a requalification program in effect for the past 2 years.

A SALP Board is scheduled for first quarter 1985 to review licensee performance through February 1985.

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An operational assessment team inspection will be performed towards the end of the Startup Test Program to assure that the licensee has properly considered test results, and to evaluate LILCO's readiness for Shoreham full power operation.

We will monitor the ASLB hearings and work with FEMA to assure that the licensee has a well developed and maintained off-site emergency response capability. LILCO has proposed the conduct of a graded emergency plan exercise, during the week of February 11, 1985.


Harold R. Dent:n 3 We will monitor the activities of LILCO, the Industry Owners Group, and NRC Task Force relative to the resolution of the emergency diesel generator issue and provide required Regional inspections and reviews where necessary.

In conclusion, I find that Shoreham has been constructed substantially in accord with Construction Permit CPPR-95, with the FSAR, and with NRC regula-tions, and that the Long Island Lighting Company is ready to assume the safe low power operation of the facility.

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Thomas E. Murley Regional Administrator Attachments:

) 1. Region I Readiness Assessment Report

2. October 19, 1984 Region I Memorandum cc (w/ attachments):

W. J. Otrcks, EDO R. C. DeYoung, IE '

J. Davis, NMSS

0. Eisenhut, NRR T. Novak, NRR A. Schwencer, NRR R. Caruso, NRR R. Starostecki T. Martin H. Kister P. Eselgroth j[ ~


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