MONTHYEARML20212L2081999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance ML20212K1241999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to Chairman Jackson,Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performace of Millstone to Ensure That Public Health & Safety,Adequately Protected ML20212L1831999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to Wd Travers Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Millstone to Ensure Adequate Protection to Public Health ML20212L2171999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners,Wd Travers & Ferc,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island ML20212L1971999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to Chairman Jackson & Commissioners Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance to Ensure Public Health & Safety ML20212J9991999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to President Clinton,H Clinton, Chairman Jackson &/Or Wd Travers Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Plant to Ensure That Public Health & Safety Adequately Protected ML20112E8911996-05-24024 May 1996 FOIA Request to Inspect & Copy Original OL Issued by Aec/Nrc for Util & EPP Issued as App B to Plant OL SNRC-2192, Forwards Both Copies,Signed by Util President Cv Giacomazzo, of Amend 7 to Indemnity Agreement B-87.Util Returning Copies Because Effective Date Left Blank1995-05-15015 May 1995 Forwards Both Copies,Signed by Util President Cv Giacomazzo, of Amend 7 to Indemnity Agreement B-87.Util Returning Copies Because Effective Date Left Blank ML20082B9131995-03-13013 March 1995 Submits Corrected Page for Insertion Into Final Rept Re Confirmatory Survey of RB & Phase 4 Systems at Plant ML20081A6531995-03-0707 March 1995 Forwards Final Rept Orise 95/B-80, Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg,Suppression Pool,Phase 2 Phase 3 Sys,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A9321995-03-0707 March 1995 Forwards Final Rept Orise 95/B-81, Confirmatory Survey of Reactor Bldg & Phase 4 Sys Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny ML20081B5801995-02-21021 February 1995 Forwards Final Rept Confirmatory Survey of Reactor Bldg & Phase 4 Sys Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A6841995-02-21021 February 1995 Forwards Final Rept Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg, Suppression Pool,Phase 2 & Phase 3 Sys,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A7001995-01-30030 January 1995 Forwards Rev 1 to Draft Rept Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg,Suppression Pool,Phase 2 & Phase 3 Sys, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A7111995-01-30030 January 1995 Forwards Rev 1 to Draft Rept Confirmatory Survey of Reactor Bldg & Phase 4 Sys,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Brookhaven,Ny SNRC-2188, Responds to NRC Request for Addl Info Re Certain Elevated Levels Found During Phase 4 Confirmatory Survey1995-01-20020 January 1995 Responds to NRC Request for Addl Info Re Certain Elevated Levels Found During Phase 4 Confirmatory Survey SNRC-2189, Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program,Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept, Jan-June 19941995-01-20020 January 1995 Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program,Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept, Jan-June 1994 SNRC-2187, Forwards Snps Annual Man-Rem Rept, Including Individuals for Whom Personnel Monitoring Provided During CY94,per 10CFR20.407(a) & (B).Rept Also Includes Individuals Identified in 10CFR20.202(a),who Require Monioring1995-01-11011 January 1995 Forwards Snps Annual Man-Rem Rept, Including Individuals for Whom Personnel Monitoring Provided During CY94,per 10CFR20.407(a) & (B).Rept Also Includes Individuals Identified in 10CFR20.202(a),who Require Monioring SNRC-2182, Forwards Final Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Cy 1994, Including Last Revised Copies of ODCM & Pcp.Rept Prepared for Closeout Purposes as Part of Completion of Plant Decommissioning1994-11-0101 November 1994 Forwards Final Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Cy 1994, Including Last Revised Copies of ODCM & Pcp.Rept Prepared for Closeout Purposes as Part of Completion of Plant Decommissioning ML20077L3331994-10-25025 October 1994 Forwards Revised Proposed Confirmatory Survey Plan for Reactor Bldg Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny ML20077M8351994-10-20020 October 1994 Forwards Draft Rept, Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg, Suppression Pool & Phase 2 Systems,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny ML20076K3881994-10-20020 October 1994 Forwards Proposed Confirmatory Survey Plan for Reactor Bldg, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny,For Review & Comment SNRC-2184, Forwards Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 4. Portions Withheld1994-10-12012 October 1994 Forwards Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 4. Portions Withheld SNRC-2185, Summarizes Results from Revised Exposure Pathway Analysis Using Corrected Dcf for External Exposure for Cs-137.Rev 1 to Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl1994-10-0404 October 1994 Summarizes Results from Revised Exposure Pathway Analysis Using Corrected Dcf for External Exposure for Cs-137.Rev 1 to Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl ML20076F9251994-09-26026 September 1994 Forwards Final Rept Orise 94/I-80, Confirmatory Survey of Turbine Bldg,Site Grounds & Site Exteriors Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny SNRC-2183, Forwards Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-871994-09-23023 September 1994 Forwards Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-87 SNRC-2181, Notifies of Equipment Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Rept on Phase I Final Survey Status,Provided in Util .Equipment Changes Described in Encl Table 11994-09-14014 September 1994 Notifies of Equipment Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Rept on Phase I Final Survey Status,Provided in Util .Equipment Changes Described in Encl Table 1 SNRC-2179, Proposes That Release Criterion for Soil Be Applied to Certain Other Bulk Matls Which Will Remain at Plant Upon Completion of Decommissioning.Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl1994-09-0101 September 1994 Proposes That Release Criterion for Soil Be Applied to Certain Other Bulk Matls Which Will Remain at Plant Upon Completion of Decommissioning.Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl SNRC-2180, Forwards 940829 Memo Entitled, Technical Evaluation of Dusting from Concrete Blocks, Addressing Issue Discussed in Insp Rept 50-332/94-021994-09-0101 September 1994 Forwards 940829 Memo Entitled, Technical Evaluation of Dusting from Concrete Blocks, Addressing Issue Discussed in Insp Rept 50-332/94-02 ML20072P1591994-08-17017 August 1994 Forwards Revised, Confirmatory Survey Plan for Radwaste Bldg & Suppression Pool for Plant SNRC-2178, Forwards Proprietary Response to NRC Concerns Re Survey Instruments Used for Termination Survey.Extensive Discussion Provided in Interest of Rapidly Bringing Outstanding Concerns to Close.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(a)(4))1994-08-17017 August 1994 Forwards Proprietary Response to NRC Concerns Re Survey Instruments Used for Termination Survey.Extensive Discussion Provided in Interest of Rapidly Bringing Outstanding Concerns to Close.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(a)(4)) SNRC-2177, Forwards Rev 3 to Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan. Portions of Rept Withheld1994-08-0404 August 1994 Forwards Rev 3 to Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan. Portions of Rept Withheld SNRC-2176, Informs of near-term Completion of Decommissioning of Shoreham Nuclear Power Station & Hereby Respectfully Requests Support in Achieving Timely Termination of Facility possession-only License NPF-821994-08-0404 August 1994 Informs of near-term Completion of Decommissioning of Shoreham Nuclear Power Station & Hereby Respectfully Requests Support in Achieving Timely Termination of Facility possession-only License NPF-82 ML20071L8741994-07-29029 July 1994 Forwards Confirmatory Survey Plan for Radwaste Building & Suppression Pool for Review & Comment SNRC-2175, Provides Notification of Survey Location Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Repts on Phases 1,2 & 3 Final Survey Status Provided in Refs 1,2 & 3 Respectively1994-07-18018 July 1994 Provides Notification of Survey Location Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Repts on Phases 1,2 & 3 Final Survey Status Provided in Refs 1,2 & 3 Respectively SNRC-2173, Forwards Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 3. Proprietary Pages to Rept Also Encl.Proprietary Pages Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)1994-06-14014 June 1994 Forwards Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 3. Proprietary Pages to Rept Also Encl.Proprietary Pages Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) SNRC-2172, Certifies That All SNM as Irradiated Fuel Permanently Removed from Site & That Decommissioning/Decontamination Work on Biological Shield Wall Complete,In Accordance W/Nrc Approving Amend 11 to Pol NPF-821994-06-0707 June 1994 Certifies That All SNM as Irradiated Fuel Permanently Removed from Site & That Decommissioning/Decontamination Work on Biological Shield Wall Complete,In Accordance W/Nrc Approving Amend 11 to Pol NPF-82 SNRC-2171, Submits Resolution of Items Identified by NRC Region I Project Inspector,Pertaining to Planned Final Draindown & Discharge of Spent Fuel Storage Pool,Following Complete Removal of Irradiated Fuel1994-06-0202 June 1994 Submits Resolution of Items Identified by NRC Region I Project Inspector,Pertaining to Planned Final Draindown & Discharge of Spent Fuel Storage Pool,Following Complete Removal of Irradiated Fuel SNRC-2170, Requests Approval of Proposed Change to Shoreham Decommissioning Plan for Addl Remedial Decontamination of Shoreham Spent Fuel Storage Pool Beyond That Originally Specified in Decommissioning Plan1994-05-20020 May 1994 Requests Approval of Proposed Change to Shoreham Decommissioning Plan for Addl Remedial Decontamination of Shoreham Spent Fuel Storage Pool Beyond That Originally Specified in Decommissioning Plan SNRC-2168, Notification to NRC of Transfer of Device Containing 30 Uci Cs-137 Source.Device Transferred to JW Merkel,Terra Analytics,Inc1994-05-13013 May 1994 Notification to NRC of Transfer of Device Containing 30 Uci Cs-137 Source.Device Transferred to JW Merkel,Terra Analytics,Inc SNRC-2169, Advises of Listed Clarification to Util Re Resignation of Jc Brons from Position of Executive Vice President of Shoreham Decommissioning Project1994-05-11011 May 1994 Advises of Listed Clarification to Util Re Resignation of Jc Brons from Position of Executive Vice President of Shoreham Decommissioning Project SNRC-2169, Informs That Based on Recent Discussions Between Officials, Licensee Decided to Retain Organizational Position at Least Until Fuel Removed from Site1994-05-11011 May 1994 Informs That Based on Recent Discussions Between Officials, Licensee Decided to Retain Organizational Position at Least Until Fuel Removed from Site ML20029D1991994-04-29029 April 1994 Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 1993. SNRC-2167, Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 19931994-04-29029 April 1994 Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 1993 ML20029D2571994-04-28028 April 1994 Advises That Jc Brons Resigned to Pursue Employment W/ Another Util Co,Effective 940429 SNRC-2165, Submits Technical Info on Biological Shield Wall Blocks to Be Surveyed1994-04-22022 April 1994 Submits Technical Info on Biological Shield Wall Blocks to Be Surveyed ML20029C7111994-04-22022 April 1994 Submits Technical Info on Biological Shield Wall Blocks to Be Surveyed SNRC-2163, Provides Notification of Equipment Changes to Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Report on Phase I Final Survey Status Provided in Util1994-04-21021 April 1994 Provides Notification of Equipment Changes to Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Report on Phase I Final Survey Status Provided in Util ML20065M3701994-04-20020 April 1994 Responds to NRC Verbal Request for Info Re Estimated Cost for Decommissioning SNRC-2161, Forwards 1994 Internal Cash Flow Projection for Shoreham Nuclear Power Station1994-03-30030 March 1994 Forwards 1994 Internal Cash Flow Projection for Shoreham Nuclear Power Station 1999-10-01
[Table view] Category:NRC TO U.S. CONGRESS
MONTHYEARML20042F0781990-04-25025 April 1990 Responds to Forwarding C Monaco Request for Licenses for All Nuclear Plants in State of New York ML20042D6491990-02-28028 February 1990 Responds to Urging NRC to Act Expeditiously on Pending Applications for License Amends & Fr Exemptions Submitted by Util.Nrc Expects to Complete Reviews of Most Requests by Apr 1990 ML20006E5141990-02-16016 February 1990 Responds to Re Status of Plant.Plant Currently Defueled & Util Requested Amends to OL to Eliminate Offsite Emergency Organization & to Relinquish Operating Authority ML20246M4281989-08-31031 August 1989 Responds to Statements Re Settlement Agreement Between State of Ny & Lilco Concerning Decommissioning of Plant.Nrc Directly Involved in Ensuring That Transfer of Ownership & Subsequent Decommissioning Conducted Per NRC Regulations ML20246B6591989-08-18018 August 1989 Forwards 40th Quarterly Status Rept on Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Power Plants from Apr-June 1989. Lilco Shareholders Voted to Accept Terms That Provide for Sale of Plant to State of Ny ML20246M0981989-08-11011 August 1989 Forwards Transcript of 890728 Meeting Between NRC & Lilco & Es Dennis to B Hayes Re SA White,Per H Myers Request ML20247C0111989-05-12012 May 1989 Forwards NRC Quarterly Status Rept to Congress Covering First Quarter 1989.On 890303,NRC Dismissed Shoreham Intervenors from Licensing Proceeding for Misconduct During Proceeding.W/O Encl ML20246L4851989-05-0909 May 1989 Advises That NRC Confident of Decision to Authorize Issuance of Full Power License.Issues Extensively Litigated in Licensing Proceeding.No Basis Given to Withdraw License ML20236D4761989-03-0909 March 1989 Forwards NRC 38th Quarterly Status Rept on Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Power Plants for Oct-Dec 1988 ML20196C3681988-12-0505 December 1988 Ack Re Plant Licensing Proceeding.Commission Discussion of License Application Not Appropriate ML20195G8521988-11-10010 November 1988 Forwards Quarterly Status Rept on Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Power Plants for Jul-Sept 1988.Inability of Commission to Forecast Licensing Schedule for Shoreham & Seabrook Noted ML20245D5811988-08-22022 August 1988 Forwards 36th Quarterly Status Rept on Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Power Plants Covering Apr-June 1988.Licensing Schedule Cannot Be Realistically Forecast Due to Unresolved Emergency Preparedness Issues ML20207F9571988-08-18018 August 1988 Responds to Urging NRC to Discontinue Licensing Process for Plant.Under Administrative Procedure Act, Section 558,NRC Has Obligation to Continue Licensing Proceedings & Work to Reach Reasonable Decision ML20207G7211988-08-10010 August 1988 Responds to Re Possible Decommissioning of Plant. Detailed Cost Estimate for Decommissioning of Plant Not Performed by Nrc.Results of Study Performed by Bnwl Encl Estimating Decommissioning Costs for Ref 1,100 Mw(E) BWR ML20195G6681988-06-10010 June 1988 Provides Info in Response to Rl Spaulding Re Problems Associated W/Full Power Operation Authorization & Plant Shutdown.Plants Must Demonstrate Satisfactory Solutions to Issues Before Restart or Full Power Operation ML20148S3341988-04-11011 April 1988 Responds to 880216 Referral Re Inquiry from B Lohmiller Concerning Problems Associated W/Licensing of Plant. Lohmiller Statement That on 880203 NRC Denied Util License to Operate Incorrect.Nrc Licensing Review Continuing ML20196G9691988-02-29029 February 1988 Forwards 34th Quarterly Status Rept on Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Power Plants for Oct-Dec 1987. Commission Unable to Forecast Licensing Schedule for Shoreham & Seabrook Because of Unresolved Issues ML20148E0961988-02-29029 February 1988 Forwards Quarterly Rept Covering Fourth Quarter of 1987,in Response to House Rept 97-850 ML20236G1831987-10-27027 October 1987 Responds to Re Proposed Rule 10CFR50 & Congressional Ltrs Received on Morning of 871022 Meeting. Commission Stands Behind Declaring Process for Proposed Rule Open ML20215K5981987-06-10010 June 1987 Responds to 870508 Request for Testimony at 870514 Hearing on External Influence on NRC Adjudicatory Procedures in Shoreham Proceeding.Index of Pertinent Documents Encl ML20214P8401987-05-15015 May 1987 Responds to Rj Mrazek Re Util Request to Operate Facility at 25% Power.Commission Will Not Make Decision on Merits of Request Until All Parties Have Opportunity to Have Views Considered ML20207T0691987-02-27027 February 1987 Ack Receipt of 870209 Comments on Proposed Rule Re Change in Commission Emergency Planning Rules.Commission Determined on 870226 to Issue Proposed Rule for Public Comment ML20207K0641987-01-0505 January 1987 Responds to to L Zech Requesting Status Rept on Facility,Timetable for Facility Licensing & Info on NRC Actions to Ensure Safe Facility Functioning.Licensing History,Nrc Safety Reviews & Facility Status Discussed ML20212F3361986-12-12012 December 1986 Forwards Nj Palladino & Three D Schweller 840213 Affidavits in Response to 861204 Request for Info on Connections of L Nofziger or Present or Past DOE Employees W/Shoreham ML20214P7871986-11-20020 November 1986 Responds to Recipient Expressing Concerns Re Bp Cotter Decision to Appoint New Licensing Board to Conduct Hearing on 860213 Shoreham Emergency Planning Exercise. Bp Cotter 861107 Decision & a Damato Encl ML20214H1941986-11-19019 November 1986 Forwards NRC Quarterly Status Rept on Emergency Preparedness for Nuclear Power Plants for Jul-Sept 1986.Licensing Schedule for Shoreham & Seabrook Cannot Be Forecast Realistically Due to Emergency Preparedness Issues ML20211H4731986-10-31031 October 1986 Responds to Re Reconstitution of Board on Narrow Issue of Emergency Exercise.Decision to Reconstitute Board Was Purely Administrative & Made for Sole Purpose of Eliminating Workload Conflicts.Served on 861103 ML20209G4081986-09-10010 September 1986 Forwards Notice of 860923,25 & 26 Hearings,In Hauppauge, Riverhead & Mineola,Ny,Respectively,In Response to 860902 Request to Make Limited Appearance Statements on Emergency Preparedness Exercise.Served on 860911 ML20209E6291986-08-26026 August 1986 Responds to 860731 Request to Be Kept Informed of Proceedings Re Facilities ML20206R3831986-08-22022 August 1986 Responds to 860730 Concerns Re NRC 860724 Ruling Permitting Util Demonstration That Protection of Public in Emergency Assured,Despite Lack of State & Local Cooperation in Preplaning.Decision Based on Adjudicatory Record ML20206Q5191986-08-22022 August 1986 Responds to Re 860724 Ruling in Facility Proceeding.As Part of Formal Adjudication Conducted Under Administrative Procedure Act,Decision Must Be Based on Consideration of Only Matls in Adjudicatory Record ML20033E6741986-07-31031 July 1986 Ack Receipt of Re NRC Decision CLI-86-13 on Facility ML20199J2321986-06-27027 June 1986 Responds to 860605 Request for Info Re Constituent Request for Support in Preventing NRC from Allowing Start of Operations.License for Full Power Operations Will Not Be Issued Until Offsite Emergency Planning Issue Resolved ML20215L2051986-06-16016 June 1986 Responds to to NRC Requesting That FEMA Conduct Public Meeting Re FEMA Assessment of 861213 Emergency Planning Exercise.Commission Addressed Similar Response in 860606 Memorandum & Order ML20141M8781986-02-11011 February 1986 Discusses Concerns in & 860205 Declaration Re 860213 Emergency Planning Exercise.Exercise Will Not Usurp Traditional & Legitimate State & Local Authority ML20137R9821986-02-0606 February 1986 Advises That Review of SECY-86-23, Emergency Preparedness Excercise for Shoreham, Complete,Per Request.Document Will Be Placed in PDR ML20138N7601985-10-30030 October 1985 Responds to 851007 Request for Reply to Encl Aw Nadler Re Plant Licensing.Licensing Delayed Due to State of Ny Determination That Util Prohibited from Implementing Offsite Emergency Plan ML20033E6401985-10-21021 October 1985 Forwards Aslab Decision That Affirms Earlier ASLB Conclusion That Util Lacks Legal Authority to Implement Matl Portions of Emergency Response Plan.W/O Encl ML20132G2741985-09-17017 September 1985 Responds to 850805 Request for Explanation of Basis of Commission Position Change Re Conduct of Emergency Exercise at Facility.Commission Position Has Not Changed During Course of Facility Licensing Review ML20132G3261985-09-17017 September 1985 Responds to 850805 Request for Explanation of Basis of Commission Position Change Re Conduct of Emergency Exercise at Facility.Commission Position Has Not Changed During Course of Facility Licensing Review ML20132G3601985-09-17017 September 1985 Responds to 850805 Request for Explanation of Basis of Commission Position Change Re Conduct of Emergency Exercise at Facility.Commission Position Has Not Changed During Course of Facility Licensing Review ML20132G2461985-09-16016 September 1985 Forwards Insert of Page 39,Line 827 of 850417 Hearing Record on NRC Budget.Insert Provides Addl Views on Estimate of Crude Cumulative Probability of Core Melt Accident ML20033E6251985-09-16016 September 1985 Forwards Announcement That Aslab Will Hear Oral Argument on 850926 in Bethesda,Md Re Plant.W/O Encl ML20033E6241985-08-27027 August 1985 Forwards ASLB Concluding Partial Initial Decision on Emergency Planning Around Facility.W/O Encl ML20132B8341985-07-18018 July 1985 Forwards Quarterly Status Rept for Second Quarter CY85. Licensing Delay for Limerick 1 Projected to Be 5 Months. Delay Cannot Be Quantified for Shoreham Due to Litigation. Full Power OL Issued for Palo Verde 1 on 850601 ML20128Q9471985-05-28028 May 1985 Responds to 850415 Request for Info Re Constituent Concerns Based on 850324 60 Minutes Program Concerning Plant Const. Synopsis of Region I Review of Info Contained in Program Encl.No New Technical Issues Identified ML20128L4091985-05-20020 May 1985 Responds to P Crenshaw Re View That Local Politics in Suffolk County,Ny Preventing Facility from Going on-line.One Emergency Planning Issue Remains to Be Litigated ML20033E6081985-02-11011 February 1985 Forwards NRC Order Releasing Previously Withheld Info on Physical Security Issues at Plant.W/O Encl ML20033E5891984-10-30030 October 1984 Forwards ASLB Order Authorizing Issuance of License Permitting Low Power Testing at Facility.W/O Encl ML20033E5711984-09-24024 September 1984 Forwards Chairman Palladino Memo Denying Requests for Recusal from Plant Proceedings.W/O Encl 1990-04-25
MONTHYEARML20212L1831999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to Wd Travers Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Millstone to Ensure Adequate Protection to Public Health ML20212J9991999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to President Clinton,H Clinton, Chairman Jackson &/Or Wd Travers Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Plant to Ensure That Public Health & Safety Adequately Protected ML20212L1971999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to Chairman Jackson & Commissioners Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance to Ensure Public Health & Safety ML20212K1241999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to Chairman Jackson,Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performace of Millstone to Ensure That Public Health & Safety,Adequately Protected ML20212L2171999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners,Wd Travers & Ferc,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island ML20212L2081999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance ML19348B1751994-03-17017 March 1994 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Proposals Recommending Removal of Licensing Conditions Imposed as Part of Technical Resolution to Address Concerns Re Reliability of Tdi EDGs Following Crankshaft Failure at Plant in Aug 1983 ML20059J8101994-01-26026 January 1994 Responds to 930701 & 16 Ltrs Re Changes to Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Revised Security Plan for Long Term Defueled Condition,Fuel Storage in Spent Fuel Identified as Rev 2. Changes Acceptable ML20058P2831993-12-0808 December 1993 Advises That Rev 2 to Security Plan for Long Term Defueled Condition,Fuel Storage in Spent Fuel Pool Consistent W/ Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable for Inclusion Into Plan W/Encl Exceptions.Exceptions Withheld Per 10CFR73.21 ML20058D1971993-11-22022 November 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/93-03 on 930801-1008.No Violations Noted.Weaknesses Were Identified in Initial Fuel Shipment at Shoreham Station ML20058K7301993-11-16016 November 1993 Informs That Case 93-4269,State of Nj Vs Long Island Power Authority Filed on 930921,seeking to Prevent Barge Shipments of Slightly Spent Fuel from Defunct Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant to Limerick Plant Dismissed on 931021 ML20062J7981993-11-0505 November 1993 Forwards EA & Finding of No Significant Impact in Response to 930706 Request for Exemption from Revised Requirements of 10CFR20 for Unit 1.Schedular Exemption Granted ML20059B2231993-10-22022 October 1993 Ack Receipt of 931008 Petition Filed W/Edo,Requesting That Commission Take Immediate Action to Halt Ongoing Shipments of Fuel ML20057F2071993-09-30030 September 1993 Forwards Exemption from Emergency Preparedness Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q),per 930126 Request & SER ML20057B7201993-09-14014 September 1993 Forwards EA & Finding of No Significant Impact in Response to 930126 Request for Exemption from Emergency Preparedness Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q).Informs That After EA & Fonsi Published in Fr,Exemption Can Be Granted ML20057D8981993-09-13013 September 1993 Forwards Enclosure (8) to SECY-93-166 Re Proposed Characteristics of Design Basis Vehicle.W/O Encl ML20056H1991993-08-26026 August 1993 Responds to Re Changes to Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Guard Training & Qualification Plan Identified as Rev 6.Rev Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable for Inclusion Into Plan ML20056H5131993-08-26026 August 1993 Accepts Changes to Safeguards Contingency Plan Identified as Rev 6.Changes Consistent w/10CFR50.54(p) IR 05000322/19930021993-08-16016 August 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-322/93-02 ML20056C7151993-07-14014 July 1993 Forwards Amend 10 to License NPF-82 & Se.Amend Revises Defueled TS by Deleting Requirement That Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Be Submitted on Semiannual Basis & Eliminates Requirements for Ac Sources ML20045G5161993-07-0707 July 1993 Forwards Details of Info Received by NRC Re Activities at Plant,Which Are Exempt from Public Disclosure Under 10CFR73.21,to Be Reviewed & Requestes That Results of Review & Disposition Be Submitted within 30 Days of Ltr Date ML20045G1011993-07-0101 July 1993 Discusses Review of Draft, Confirmatory Survey of Turbine Internal Components... & Requests Update to Include Ref to Fe-55 Correction Factor ML20056G0041993-06-25025 June 1993 Submits Info Re Implementation of Training Rule 10CFR50.120 for Licensees of Plant in Decommissioning Process ML20045E7701993-06-25025 June 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/93-01 on 930101-0507.No Violations Noted ML20045C5151993-06-18018 June 1993 Informs That Licensee Revised Security Plan,Rev 1,acceptable for Meeting Requirements of 10CFR73.67 ML20045C4271993-06-16016 June 1993 Forwards Enforcement Conference Rept 50-322/93-02 on 930609 & Notice of Violation.Conference Held to Discuss Violations Noted During Insp on 930506-07 in Response to 930429 Event ML20044H1821993-06-0101 June 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/93-02 on 930506-07.Violations & Weaknesses Noted & Will Be Discussed During 930609 Enforcement Conference ML20044G5911993-05-26026 May 1993 Approves Use of Salt Water Drain tank,G-11-TK-190,as Alternative Method to Drain Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water ML20044D6291993-05-12012 May 1993 Confirmatory Action Ltr I-93-06 Delineating NRC Understandings of Util Actions to Address 930429 Incident Involving Jib Crane Used on Refuel Floor,Failure of Lifting Device & Topping of Jib Crane Onto Refuel Floor ML20035G1701993-04-16016 April 1993 Approves Rev 0 to Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan, Per 921202,930108 & 0415 Ltrs ML20035F0941993-04-15015 April 1993 Informs That Licensee 930326 Submittal of Plant Security Plan for Shipment of Slightly Irradiated Fuel Acceptable ML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20035B4371993-03-19019 March 1993 Forwards PECO OL Change Request Re Receipt of Shoreham Fuel for Use in Limerick Nuclear Power Station.Nrc Understands That Transnuclear,Inc Will Formally Withdraw Pending Export License Application After Fuel Removed from Shoreham Plant ML20045C8201993-03-0808 March 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records Listed in App G Which Are Being Made Available in Pdr.Records Listed in Apps H & I Are Partially & Totally Withheld,Respectively (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5 & 6) ML20044B8611993-03-0303 March 1993 Submits Results of Review of & 930211 Telcon Request for Approval for Phased Decommissioning of Existing Liquid Radwaste Sys & Installation of Temporary Liquid Sys as Part of Decommissioning Plan ML20128G6271993-02-0202 February 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/92-05 on 921013-1231.No Violations Noted.One Unresolved Item Described.Decommissioning Activities Generally Well Managed ML20128H2951993-01-29029 January 1993 Informs That NRC Has Reviewed & Approved Licensees Ltr LSNRC-2019 Dtd 921230,requesting Change to Shoreham Decommissioning Plan in Accordance W/Condition 4 for Decommissioning Order ML20126G9351992-12-22022 December 1992 Submits Results of Review of 921204 & 14 Requests for Approval of Changes to Decommissioning Plan Covering Decommissioning of Existing Liquid Radwaste Redundant Sys. Removal of Redundant Sys Approved ML20126G9231992-12-16016 December 1992 Forwards Comments Per Review of Rev 0 to Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan,Submitted Via . Addl Info Needed to Complete Review of Proposal to Exclude Fe-55 from Consideration W/Surface Contamination Limits ML20126F9431992-12-16016 December 1992 Provides Interim Response to Re Transnuclear Inc Application for License to Export Irradiated Fuel from Facility in New York to Cogema in France ML20128E1061992-12-0202 December 1992 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/92-04 on 920627-1012 & Notice of Violation ML20133N0981991-08-27027 August 1991 Forwards Viewgraphs Used by Long Island Lighting Power Assoc During Meeting W/Nrc on 910816 ML20029B3701990-12-20020 December 1990 Responds to 890804 Petition Filed on Behalf of Long Island Assoc.No Adequate Basis for Taking Requested Action Found in Petition ML20058J0591990-11-19019 November 1990 Forwards NRC Public Notice of 901108 License Amend Request Re Shipment of Fuel Support Pieces to Low Level Radwaste Disposal Repository at Barnwell,Sc ML20058H8091990-11-14014 November 1990 Responds to Indicating Desire to Ship 137 Fuel Support Castings & 12 Peripheral Pieces to Low Level Radwaste Repository ML20062F4301990-11-0808 November 1990 Advises That Ofc of General Counsel Designated to Review & Resolve Six Petitions Filed by Scientists & Engineers for Secure Energy & Stated School District Re Amends to Ol. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 901109 ML20062C1901990-10-24024 October 1990 Advises That Commissioner Jr Curtiss Will Visit Plant on 901113 to Tour Facility & Meet W/Lilco Mgt & Operating Personnel to Review General Status of Activities at Plant. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 901024 ML20058G4471990-10-18018 October 1990 Forwards Sept 1990 Rept to Commission on Implementation of TMI Action Plan Items,Per 900320 Commitment.W/O Encl.Review Concluded for All But Two Units ML20062B6631990-10-12012 October 1990 Extends Invitation to Attend 910220-21 Util Symposium/ Workshop in King of Prussia,Pa Re Engineering Role in Plant Support ML20059M7901990-09-27027 September 1990 Advises That 880708 Response to NRC Bulletin 88-004 Re Potential safety-related Pump Loss Acceptable 1999-10-01
[Table view] |
\\o, hk UNITED STATES p'
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December 12, 1986 CHAIRMAN The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Senate Washington, D. C.
Dear Senator Moynihan:
In a December 4, 1986 letter, you requested all records of contacts, since 1980, with NRC adjudicatory employees by "Mr. [ Lyn] Nofziger or his associates...by present or former White House staff or employees of the Executive Office of the President, including Mr. Edward Rollins, or present or former members of the Department of Energy," concerning the Shoreham nuclear plant.
Reviews of Shoreham docket files, files of the current Commissioners, of the current Appeal Panel, of the current Licensing Board Panel, and of the Office of General Counsel produced four documents which appear to be within tha scope of your request, copies of which are enclosed.
They are:
A letter dated July 13, 1984 from Nunzio J.
Palladino to Honorable Edward Markey, placed in the public record on July 16, 1984 Enclosures 1 & 2 of the letter are also included.
(Enclosures 3-9 are voluminous and not within the scope of your request.)
Three affidavits of D. Schweller, 00E, filed with the Shoreham Licensing Roard and served on the parties on or about Februacy 13, 1984.
(Voluminous attachment does not appear to be within the scope of your request and is not provided.)
Sincerely, M w.2uA LandoW.Ze[1, Jr
As Stated 8701090664 861212 ptIR,~~CoM45 N Rc6 glcs?oNDeNcc M
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- July 13,1984 pUSUO Cocuyr97 peg 3 b JL 26 MO:05 The Honorable Edward J. Markey, Chairman Subcomittee on Oversight and Investigations Tit? Frogr~- ~
Comittee on Interior and Insular Affairs United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515
Dear Mr. Chairman:
In further response to your letters of March 28 April 12. April 24, May 4, and May 10, 1984 regarding the Shoreham proceeding, we want to take this opportunity to address previously unanswered matters raised in that correspondence.
In your letter of March 28, 1984, you expressed your inability to understand the Comission's decision of June 30, 1983 with regard to i
emergency planning and low-power operation of Shoreham, and you requested clarification. That order, CLI-83-17, 17 NRC 1032, simply said that 10 C.F.R. 50.47(d), which authorizes grant of a low-power license notwithstanding the absence of an approved emergency plan, is premised on the low risks associated with low-power operation. For a full-power license to be granted, the emergency planning requirements for full power must be met. The Comission's order said that in this respect, emergency planning is no different from any safety issue which requires resolution prior to full-power operation but not prior to low-power operation. The order made clear that a finding that a par-ticular issue need not be resolved prior to low-power operation, and the grant of a low-power license, in no way assure that the applicant will receive a full-power license.
Comissioner Asselstine adds:
l I disagreed with the Comission's June 30, 1983 order regarding emergency planning and low-power operation at Shoreham. At the time, I expressed the view that the legal and policy issues involved were not nearly as simple or clear cut as the majority had l
indicated, and that the Comission should have obtained the. views of.the parties before reaching a decision on this matter. Apart from this defect in the majority's approach to decision-making, I believe that it would be unwise to allow low-power operation at Shoreham prior to the issuance of an initial decision by the 1
licensing board on the emergency planning and preparedness contentions, i
The emergency planning contentions in the Shoreham case differ from most contentions in nuclear plant operating license proceedings, t
Most such contentions, if decided in favor of the intervenor, are l
correctable through additional inspections, license conditions or hardware or procedural changes to the plant. However, the l'
O The Honorable Edward J. Markey 2
emergency planning contentions in Shoreham, if decided in favor of the intervenors, would likely prevent full-power operation of the plant.
In such circumstances, it makes little sense to allow low-power operation of the plant--operation that would contaminate the facility and complicate subsequent maintenance--until the emergency planning contentions are resolved.
In your April 12 letter, you strongly criticized the Licensing Board's ruling of April 6, stating that "the board did not (a) specifically resolve or even respond to the arguments of intervenors that an expedited schedule would prejudice their right to a full and fair
hearing; and (b) state why it apparently believes an expedited hearing is necessary." You added, "I respectfully request that the Commission formally ask the board to respond to these two issues." Since that time, the Comission's action vacating the Board's schedule has mooted the two issues. Moreover, we do not believe that such a request should be made lest the Subcomittee be perceived as intending to affect the outcome of the adjudicatory process.
In your April 24, 1984 letter, you asked for a more complete explanation "that resolves all known facts" concerning the events preceding the Licensing Board's order in an expedited hear.ing. This explanation was furnished both orally and in my prepared written testimony delivered at the May 19, 1984 hearing before the Subcomittee on Energy and the Environment.
In your May 4,1984 letter you requested a record of all my comunica-tions with Executive Branch and federal agencies that relate to emer-gency planning or the Shoreham proceeding. On April 12, 1984, I met with Secretary Hodel of the Department of Energy and discussed a number of topics, including emergency planning.
On April 20, 1984, I attended a luncheon with Louis Guiffrida, Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The discussions addressed the question of how to improve the NRC/ FEMA working relationship and a discussion of how to improve public understanding of FEMA's emergency, preparedness evaluation a.ctivities. No pending licensing cases or issues were discussed.
FinCly, on April 26, 1984, I received a call from Secretary Hodel I
concerning the U.S. District Court's decision in the Shoreham case.
Documents relating to these contacts are enclosed (Enclosure 1).
j l
Some members of my staff have also had communications with DOE and FEMA relating to emergency planning or Shoreham. A sumary of recollections of such comunications is presented in Enclosure 2.
In the interest of thoroughness and to supplement our responses to your letters of April 12 and May 4,1984, my fellow Comissioners have further examined their records.
I also requested that relevant Comission and staff offices do the same. As a result, the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel provided the documents in Enclosure 3, and the NRC staff developed the list and furnished documents in Enclosure 4.
Comissioner Asselstine provided a memorandum dated May 14,1984 (Enclosure 5); no x :
0 l
The Honorable Edward J. Markey 3
other Comissioners responded.
Based on discussions with your staff, this NRC staff list includes all comunications regarding the Shoreham facility and other comunications of a general nature concerning emer-gency planning but does not include routine comunications regarding other specific facilities (ea, routine correspondence to and from FEMA regarding FEMA findings, transmittals to FEMA of proposed and admitted contentions, transcripts of hearings, requests for responses to inter-l rogatories (and corresponding FEMA responses) and similar comunica-tions). These documents include notes of oral comunications where they exist or could be recreated. Nevertheless, as you must be aware, infonnal comunications with such agencies routinely occur in the ordinary discharge of this agency's functions and often, in the absence of notes of a particular discussion, the nature of such comunications simply cannot be reconstructed.
In your May 10, 1984 letter you state that you believe that I must explain fully why I should not recuse myself from any future decision-making role in this proceeding. On June 6, 1984, I received a formal 3
request for recusal filed by Suffolk County and the State of New York.
A copy is enclosed for your information (Enclosure 6).
In addition, on June 18, 1984 I received coments (see Enclosure 7) from LILCO on the fonnal recusal request from Suffolk County and-the State of New York.
On June 21,1984 (per Enclosure 8) I asked for coments from the NRC staff, the third party to this proceeding before I respond to the recusal request; in that document I indicated that until I respond to this request I do not plan to participate in any further Shoreham proceedings. [ Staff coments provided July 5,1984; see Enclosure 9]
Therefore, it would be inappropriate for me to coment on this matter while it is pending before me. My decision on this subject will be a matter of record in the proceeding and will be made available to you.
Sincerely, M
j Nunzio J a ladino
Documents re DOE & FEMA I
contacts 2.
Sumary of Recollections of Comunications i
ASLBP documents 4.
NRC staff list & documents t
l S.
Memo, 5/14/84, Comissioner Asselstine to Comission 6.
Ltr, 6/6/84, Suffolk County
& NY to Palladino 7.
LILCO's Response, 6/18/84 1
The Honorable Edward J. Markey 4
Memorandum to Parties, 6/21/84 9.
NRC Staff Response to Suffolk County
& State of NY Request for Recusal of Chairman Palladino cc: The Honorable Ron Marlenee S
'h c.
wasmwovo,,,0. e. noses E
April 17, 1984 cwnuu MEMORANDUM FOR:
Commissioner Gilinsky Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Asselstine Commissioner Bernthal FROM:
Hunzio J. Palladino
MEETING k'ITH SECRETARY HODEL Last ihursday April 12, 1984, I met with Secretary Hodel.
The principal purpose was to follow up on my earlier testimony to our oversight committees regarding initiatives to clean up Three Mile Island Unit 2.
The Secretary indicated that there was a relue'tance on the part of Congress for a government " bail-out."
I pointed out that I' do not view as a " bail-out" a government initiative to get the cleanup done first, and worry later about how the money is reimbursed to the government.
It likely would be from GPU, but it may also be that: the entire U.S. nuc1'ett induitry..contribugs.
The Secretary said he.,would have his people look into the matter f rom this perspective.
j j
I tiso met on Monday, April 16, 1984, with Concerned Mothe'rs of Middletown.
They also expressed concern about the slow pace of cl ea nup.
To follow up on both of these, meetings, I am asking Bernie Snyder to put.together a summary of cost data and available w3th special emphasis on the impact of funding for cleanup,ings on the availability of GPU funds.
Pennsylvania PUC rul By copy, I would like the EDO to forward thi,s" data to the Com:ission with.in about two weeks.-
Another topic that would be of general interest to the Com:ission was my discussion with Secretary Hodel concerning the general malaise of the nuclear industry, and the confidence of investors The point here was that even those plants not in nuclear power.
in trouble could be affected by loss of confidence.'
Two issues in particular were raised by the Secretary:
(a) corrstruction quality assurance; and (b) emergency planning.
lY l
On construction quality assurance, the Secretary expressed interest i n our CAT program of visits to various sites..
By copy I would like the EDO to. provide a listing of both past CAT visits as well as those planned for the future.
On emergency planning, the Secretary indicated that DOE was working with FEMA about specific ways the government may be able to provide police powers when state or local governments do not participate in emergency planning.
The Executive Branch may have more to say on this general subject later.
EDO OGC Secretary Model I
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April 27.1984 MEMbRAliDUM FOR:
Commissiener Gilinsky Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Asselstine Commissioner Bernthal FROM:
Hunzio J. Palladino SUSJECT:
I received a telephone call from Secretary Hodel on April 26, 1984 in which he said his. General Counsel was going to call my General Counsel to offer to help in responding to Judge Johnson's decision on Shoreham.
I said I did not see how he could help but that I'.d leave that to our General Counsel to,-
, respond if S'ecretary Hodel's General Counsel calls him.
' ' ' ~ ' '
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Early 1984 (estimated); one or two conversations with an individual in DOE about news article suggesting DOE was considering approaches for federal assistance in emergency prepa, redness in conjunction with FEMA; DOE's commitment seemed less than the article indicated.
o April /May, 1984; communications involving:
call from DOE requesting information about a Commission meeting on Shoreham (DOE requestor was referred to General Counsel's Office) f a returned call to DOE individual who said he had learned what he wanted about Shoreham and no longer needed to talk cail from DOE on a matter not related to emergency planning or Shoreham, but during which caller was referred to a Washington
Post article on Shoreham; DOE individual then mentioned but did not discuss a recent letter from Secretary Hodel to Governor Cuomo ca.11 informing Secretary Hodel's office that Congressman Markey's staff had indicated l
that he would release to the public Chairman Palladino's April. 27,1984 memorendum concerning the Secretary's April 26, 1984 call (copy of memorandum'sent to DOE at that time)
Technical Assistant o
February, 1984; contact with DOE representatives at the Full Field Exercise at St. Lucie about DOE emergency response facilities demonstrated during the exercise.
j l
o May, 1984; contacted by DOE about Commission's position on Transamerica Delaval, Inc. diesel generators (most of discussion related to specific problems at Grand Gulf; DOE individual sought verification that Shoreham diesel generator failure first highlighted problems) l
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2 immediately forms a RAF Team of 5 6 tadividuals from a pre-established list of members of the radiological staff of the Brookhaven Nations 1 Laboratory Befety and Envireemental Protection Davisica.
Other ME. specialists la the fields of medicine, public informatism, and moeurity may he he tacluded as necessary to deal with the nature of a specific incident.
The Team also includes a Coordinator from the Department of Es.
ergy's Brookhaves area effice.
1 subscribed med sworn te hef e.== mi. J.Zg any.e h
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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION E : fore the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In 'the Matter of
Docket No. 50-322-OL-3
(Emergency Planning (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, )
Unit 1)
David Schweller, duly sworn, deposes and says as fol-lows:
l My name is David Schws11er.
I am Manager of the Depart-l i
ment of Energy Brookhaven Area Office.
- 1. to this affidavit, entitled "The U.S.
Dot Radiological Assistance Program:
Personnel, Equipment and Resources," by Andrew P. mall, Alan V. Keuhner, and Leigh F.
Phillips, is a description of the Radiological Assistance Pro-gram (RAF) of the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Brookhaven Area Office, drawing upon the re-j sources of Brookhaven National Laboratory for persor.nel, is prepared to provide a sustained response to a radiological emergency over a period of several days, or even longer if 1
circumstances required.
Also, as Attachment I at page 20 1
" resources from other DOE contractor facilities such as
- states, 3
personnel, equipment, materials and services are available for emergency operations.
The DOE-RAF team have shown their capability for an e". tended response during the Three Mile Island emergency, where their presence was needed for several days.
b f
I David sphweAler S
scribed and sworn to before me this M day of h
My commission expires: 3/Je[3r 4totar$FubI1c_
SA Wtg J.LA3-en 3en., e m State et 4*w h
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UNITED STATES W AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N Before the Atomic Safety and Lfeensing Board In the Matter of 1
LONG ISLAND LIGHTING CGtPANY Docket No. 50-322-0L-3 (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station.
p (Emergenc'y Planning Unit 1)
J Proceeding)
David Schwe11er. duty sworn, deposes and says as follow My name is David Schwe11er. I as Manager of the Depart.
neat of Energy Brookhaven Area Office.
00E, at its Brookhaven National Laboratory has dedicat Emergency Equipment Kits and ' state of the art" equipment fo t
detection and measurssents of radiation releases.
Brookhaven National Laboratory and DOE have personnel with expertise in dose calculation do could be called upon in the an incident at Shoreham.
The close proximity of shoreham to the SNL facility is expected to minimize comunications problems with respect to transats of relevant data necessary to calculate dose assessments.
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4 00E, through its RAP team was able to perform dose assessment activit'tes at Three Mile Island with current dose models, and sistlar resources are available for asststance in the event of a radtological emergency at Shoreham, l
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Daytd Schdller
- hket, Subscribed and sworn to before se this 1983.
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