IR 05000482/1986026

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Insp Rept 50-482/86-26 on 861014-16 & 1117-21.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Complex Surveillance Tests & Surveillance Test Procedures & Records
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1986
From: Hunnicutt D, Greg Pick
Shared Package
ML20207L642 List:
50-482-86-26, NUDOCS 8701120297
Download: ML20207L657 (6)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/86-26 License: NPF-42 Docket: 50-482 Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company P. O. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Inspection At: Burlington Kansas Inspection Conducted: October 14-16 and November 17-21, 1986 Inspector: WW Reactor Engineer, Operations


hM"M Date l'l3b G.A.Pf;tk(#eactorSafetyBranch Sectihn, Approved: $// k ~u n u d ~ /J-/30/5'd D. M. Hunnicutt, Chief, Operations Section Date '

Reactor Safety Branch Inspection Summar Inspection Conducted October 14-16 and November 17-21, 1986 (Report 50-482/86-26)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of complex surveillance tests and surveillance test procedures and record Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified, bb K $hhe2 PDR



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Persons Contacted Kansas Gas and Electric Company
  • G. J. Per.dergrass, Licensing Engineer



  • R. Logsdon, Site Chemist
  • J. A. Zell, Manager, Nuclear Training
  • F. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager


  • G. Boyer, Deputy Plant Manager
  • C, E. Parry, Superintendent, Quality Engineer
  • H. Megehee, Compliance Engineering
  • J. L. Blackwell, Fire Protection Coordinator
  • M. Thrall, Sr. Engineering Supervisor
  • M. Estes, Superintendent of Operations

+* M. Lindsay, Supervisor Quality System

*J. A. Bailey, Interium Site Director
  • A. A. Freitag, Manager, NPR-WC
  • M. Nichols, Plant Superintendent
  • J. Ives, Site Health Physicist
  • K. R. Peterson, Lead Engineer, Licensing

+* G. Williams, Superintendent of Regulatory, Quality, and Administrative

, Services

+ H. K. Chernoff, Licensing Engineer NRC

+*J. E. Cummins, Senior Resident Inspector

+* A. Pick, Reactor Engineer

  • P. Mullikin, Project Inspector

+* L. Bartlett, Resident Inspector

+ Attended exit interview on October 16, 198 * Attended exit interview on November 21, 198 . Surveillance The NRC inspector verified that the Surveillance Technical Specification (STS) test procedures listec' below were properly approved in accordance with Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Administrative Procedure ADM 07-100, Revision 28, " Preparation, Review, Approval and Distribution of WCGS Procedures," dated January 16, 1986:

STS Number Revision Title Date l BG-001 01 Doron Injection Flow Path Verification 05-23-85


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-3-SF-001 04 Control and Shutdown Rod Operability 05-29-86 Verification

WL-001 07 Weekly Surveillance Logs 06-03-86 i RE-012 01 QPTR Determination 11-12-85 CR-001 04 Shift Log For Modes 1, 2 & 3 05-16-86 IC-230 06 Analog Channel Operational Test of the Balance of Plant Engineered 10-07-86 Safety Features Actuation System

PE-022 02 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 10-07-86


ML-001 06 Monthly Surveillance Log 07-08-86 EP-001 00 Safety Injection Accumulator 05-10-85 j Discharge Valva Test i

BG-002 05 ECCS Valve Check And System Vent 09-30-86


MT-044 04 Containment Tendon Inspection 06-18-85

I EN-001 03 Containment Spray System Valve 07-16-85 Verification AL-103 04 Turbine Driven AUX FW Pump Inservice 02-04-86 Pump Test ADM 04-020 10 Chemistry Surveillance Program 09-30-86


MT-019 04 125 VOC Class IE Quarterly Battery 06-25-85 i Inspection


NB-005 03 Breaker Alignment Verification 04-22-85 FP-602 04 Electric Motor Driven Fire Pump 02-24-86 1FP01PA Monthly Operation IC-818 02 Protectowire Trip Actuating Device 08-15-85

Operational Test For Zones 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 215, 216, 217, 218, and 220 t

. The NRC inspector examined the technical content of the procedures listed

! below and verified that testing of systems and components ensured compliance with the requirements specified in Technical Specifications (TS).

] The procedures included: prerequisites, precautions and limitations for i the surveillance specified, acceptance criteria, and instructions to assure


systems and components were restored to operation.




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-4-BG-001 01 Boron Injection Flow Path Verification 05-23-85 SF-001 04 Control and Shutdown Rod Operability 05-29-86 Verification WL-001 07 Weekly Surveillance Logs 06-03-86 RE-012 01 QPTR Determination 11-12-85 CR-001 04 Shift Log For Modes 1, 2 & 3 05-16-86 IC-230 06 Analog Channel Operational Test 10-07-86 Of The Balance Of Plant Engineered Safety Features Actuation System PE-022 02 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 10-07-86 ML-001 06 Monthly Surveillance Log 07-08-86 EP-001 00 Safety Injection Accumulator Discharge 05-10-85 Valve Test BG-002 05 ECCS Valve Check And System Vent 09-30-86 EN-001 03 Containment Spray System Valve 07-16-35 Verification

.AL-103 04 Turbine Driven AUX FW Pump Inservice 02-04-86 Pump Test MT-019 04 125 VOC Class 1E Quarterly Battery 06-25-85 Inspection FP-602 04 Electric Motor Driven Fire Pump 02-24-86 1FP01PA Monthly Operation IC-818 02 Protectowire Trip Actuating Device 08-15-85 Operational Test For Zones 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 215, 216, 217, 218, and 220 The NRC inspector reviewed completed test data for the listed procedures on the dates specified. The tests were in conformancq with TS and rocedural requirements, the test reviews were conducted per ADM 02-300, p' Surveillance Testing," and tests were performed within specified TS frequencie _-

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-5-STS Surveillance Number Title Dates SF-001 Control and Shutdown Rod Operability 04-07-86 Verificatio RE-012 QPTR Determination 09-10-86 09-17-86 09-24-86 10-01-86 10-08-86 10-21-86 EP-001 Safety Injection Accumulator Discharge 05-24-86 Valve Test 06-24-86 07-25-86 8-25-86 9-25-86 BG-002 ECCS Valve Check And System Vent 05-23-86 06-23-86 C7-23-86 08-23-86 09-23-86 AL-103 Turbine Driven AUX FW Pump Inservice 05-29-86 Pump 06-29-86 07-28-86 08-29-86 09-28-86 MT-019 125 VDC Class IE Quarterly Battery 07-10-85 Inspection 10-16-85 01-15-86 04-13-86 07-23-86 IC-230 Analog Channel Operational Test of the 01-27-86 Balance of Plant Engineered Safety 02-25-86 04-01-86 05-02-86 05-30-86 07-07-86 08-04-86 09-04-86 10-10-86 11-10-86 k

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While reviewing the completed STS MT-019, dated October 16, 1985, the NRC inspector observed that the value of the average specific gravity (SG) for battery NK-11 was out-of-specification per the procedure. The NRC inspector expressed some concerns, in that, according to the Surveillance Test Routing Sheet (STRS) the post-test review had, apparently, failed to identify any problem. This is an Unresolved Item (482/8626-01) awaiting a


safety significance determination of this information in a subsequent inspectio . Complex Surveillance Test The NRC frcpector verified that STS KJ-001A, Revision 3, " Integrated DG and Safeguards Actuation Test-Train A" provided: a specific title and revision number with each page clearly identified as to revision number and page number; a purpose including what TS the procedures completion would satisfy; means for coordinating various group activities and verification and sign-off of actions; independent verification on critical steps; short, concise and clear instructions with ample space for recording of data on data sheets; acceptance criteria specified as ranges that were compatible with TS requirements; for alignment of individual equipment (valves, breakers, relays, etc.) with unique nomenclature; information regarding the correct direction of activation, and the means for system restoratio The NRC inspector verified that some of the intended items validated within STS KJ-001A and/or KJ-0018 were emergency diesel generator; capability to reject its largest load while maintaining voltage and frequency; load shedding and sequencing during loss of offsite power and/or safety-injection; ability to operate for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 110 percent of design loading; and full load time, voltage and frequency requirement No violations or deviations were identifie . Unresolved Item An unresolved item is one about which nore information is required to determine whether the item is acceptatle or is a violation. One unresolved item is identified in paragraph . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with those persons as indicated in paragraph 1, on October 16, 1986, and November 21, 198 At this meeting, the scope of the inspection and the findings were summarized.