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Informs Commonwealth Edison Co of NRC Plans to Conduct Design Insp of Braidwood Station.Insp Scheduled for 980316- 20,0330-0410 & 0420-24
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/23/1998
From: Stewart Bailey
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Kinsley O
NUDOCS 9803030205
Download: ML20203H360 (5)



AYfS v




UNmD STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION wAsmuovow, o.c. sesso.esot February 23, 1998 Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, President Nuclear Generation Group Commonwealth Edison Company Exeastive Towers West lll 1400 Opus Piece, Suite 500 Downers Grove,IL 60515



The purpose of this letter is to inform Commonwealth Edison Company (Comed) of the NRC's plans to conduct a design inspection of Braidwood Station. The 4-week on-site portion of the inspection is scheduled for March 16-20,1998, March 30 through April 10,1998, and April 20-24, t

1998. Comed has indicated that there are no major conflicts with onsite activities during this period. The team leader and two team members of the inspection team visited the site on February 18 and 19,1998, to collect docurr.antation necessary for irwoffee review and on-site inspection. The in-office review will commence on March 2,1998 '

Recent NRC inspections at nuclear power reactor facilities have identified numerous findings where the actual plant configuration or gerations were inconsistent with the design basis, licensing basis, or the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR). Therefore, the NRC has decided to perform design inspections at nuclear power reactor facilities utilizing Inspection Procedure (IP) 93801, " Safety System Functional Inspection." The auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system and the safety injection (SI) system have been selected for inspection and documents pertaining to these systems were obtained duing the February 18-19,1998, visit.

Mr. S.K. Malur, Team Leader, NRC, will interface with Comed regarding all matters related to this inspection. The inspection will be peiformed by a team of five engineers from Stone &

Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) who have been contracted by the NRC for this -

purpose. Mr. Robert Bradbury of SWEC, who is part of the five person team, will be the lead contractor engineer.



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O. Kingsley We will be in contact with Comed staff regarding additional details for the inspection. Should I

there be any questions, please contact Mr. Malur at (301) 415 2963 or me at (301) 4151321.

Sincerely, i

Stewart N. Bailey, nacer Project Directorate ill-2 i

Division of Reactor Projects - lil/IV Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. STN 50-456, STN 50-457 cc: see next page i



-- e -

O. Kingsley February 23, 1998 Wo will be in contact with Comed staff regarding additional details for the inspection. Should l

there be any questions, please contact Mr. Malur at (301) 415-2g63 or me at (301) 4151321.


Sincerely, -

Orig, signed by Stewart N. Bailey, Project Manager

- Project Directorate 111-2

.j Division of Reactor Projects lil/lV Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l

l Dockat Nos. STN 50-456, STN 50-457 cc: see next page t


Socket Fliee PUBLIC PDil! 2 r/f E. Adensam, EGA1

. R. Capra C. Moore

- S. Bailey l.

S. Malur--

O. Norkin OGC,015818 ACRS T2E26


M. Jordan, Rill g

C. Phill:ps, Rlli -

- DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\CMNTSP\\ BRAID \\BRANNOUNCE.LTR Ts veceive e copy of this document, indeeO ben: "C" = Copy without enclosures *E* = Copy with enclosures *N* = No copy 0FFICE-PM:PDIll-2 e_,

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s e O. Kingsley Braidwood Station Commonwealth Edison Company Units 1 and 2 cc:

Michael Miller, Esquire Ms. Lorraine Creek Sidley and Austin RR 1, Box 182


One First National Plazs Manteno, Illinois 60950 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Mr. Ron Stephens Regional Administrator Illinois Emergency Services & Disaster Agency U.S. NRC, Region 111 110 E. Adams Street

's01 Warrenville Rokd Springfield, Illinois 62706 Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351


Chairman lilinois Department of Nuclear Safety Will County Bosni of Supervisors Office of Nuclear Facility Safety Will County Board Courthouse 1035 Outer Park Drive Joliet, Illinois 60434 Springfield, 62704 Attomey General Document Control Desk Licensing 600 0, Second Street Commonwealth Edisoa Company Springfield, Illinois 62701 1400 Opus Place, Suite 400 Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 George L. C*;ar Morgan, Lewis and Bochlus Mr. William P. Poirier 1800 M Street. N.W.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation Washington, DC 20036 Energy Systems Business Unit Post Office Box 355, Bay 236 W.

Commonwoulth Edison Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Braldwood Station Manager RR 1, Box 84 Joseph Gallo Braceville, Illinois 60407 Gallo & Ross 1250 Eye St., N.W., Suite 302 Commonwealth Edison Company Washington, DC 20005 Site Vice President - Braidwood RR 1, Box E4 Ms. Bridget Little Rorem Braceville,IL 60407 Appleseed Coordinator 117 N. Linden Street Mr. David Helwig Essex, Illinois 60935 Senior Vice President Commonwealth Edison Company Howard A. Leamer Executivo Towers West 111 Environmental Law and Policy 1400 Opus Place, Suite 900 Center of the Midwest Downers Grove,IL 60515 203 N. LaSalle Street, Ste 1390 Chicago,!!,aois 60601 Mr. Gene H. Stanley PWR's Vice President U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commonwealth Edison Company Braldwood Resident inspectors Office Executive Towers West lil RR 1, Box 79 1400 Opus Place, Suite 900 Braceville, Illinois 60407 Downers Grove,IL 60515

4 w.

O. Kingsley Braidwood Station Commonwealth Edison Company Units 1 and 2 Commonwealth Edison Company Mr. Michael J. Wallace Reg. Assurance Supervisor-Braidwood Senior Vice President l

RR 1, Box 79 Commonwealth Edison Company Braceville, Illinois 60407 Executive Towers West lil 1400 Opus Place, Suite 900 Mr. Steve Perry Downers Gmve,IL 60515 BWR's Vice President Commonwealth Edison Company Executive Towers West lil 1400 Opus Place, Laite 900 Downers Grove,IL 60515 Mr. Dennis Farrar Regulatory Services Manager Commonwealth Edison Company Executive Towers West 111 1400 Opus Place, Suite 500 Downers Grove,IL 60515 i

Ms, Irene Johnson, Licensing Director Nuclear Regulatory St,rvices Commonwealth Edison Company Executive Towers West lli 1400 Opus Place, Suite 500 Downers Grove,IL 00515
