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Insp Rept 50-313/86-01 on 860106-31.Eleven Potential Enforcement Findings Identified as Unresolved & Five Open Items Will Be Followed Up by Nrc.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Readiness of Emergency Feedwater Sys
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/14/1986
From: Dyer J, Falconer D, Horbuck C, Martin T, Mckee P, Morris G, Mullikin R, Murphy M, Overbeck G, Sharkey J, Danielle Sullivan, Walenga C, Larry Wheeler
Shared Package
ML20141F141 List:
50-313-86-01, 50-313-86-1, TAC-61519, TAC-61520, NUDOCS 8604220488
Download: ML20141F203 (38)

See also: IR 05000313/1986001


. . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .



Report No.: 50-313/86-01

Licensee: Arkansas Power & Light Company

P. O. Box 551

Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

Docket No.: 50-313 License No.: DPR-51

Facility Name: Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1

Inspection Conducted: January 6 - 31, 1986


Inspectors: [OM

T. O. Mhrtin, Inspection Specialist



Team Leader, IE

$ORlw FCt?

J. E. Dyer', Inspection Specialist, IE






Falconer, Reactor Inspector, Region II



n O A d poA

C. C. Hafb~u':R, ANO Resident Inspector


Dete' ~

foA& na

G. W. Morri's, NRC Consultant, Westec




R. P. Mullik


n, Reactor Inspector, Region IV



fO k/d fen

M. E. Mufphy, Reactor Inspector, Region IV


Da~te '


G. J. Oter

1 r-ca

>eck, NRC Consultant, Westec



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J. M4 5 arkey, Ins on Specialist, I Dbte

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D. J. Sul iv'anf Jr., InspFction Spec /glfst, IE


Date7 '




8604220488 860331

PDR ADOCK 05000313






'l - -

L. L. Wh'eeldr, Inspection Specialist, IE






G. W&lenga, Inspection Specialist, IE


Date '




Accompanying Personnel: *J. Auchland, Westec

  • L. J. Callan IE


  • A. T. Howell, IE
  • G. Vissing, NRR


Approved by:- -


! Phillip F. McNee, Chief Date

l Operating Reactor Programs Branch, IE

i *Present during the exit interview on January 31, 1986



l SCOPE: This special, announced team inspection involved 756 inspection hours

to perform an in-depth assessment of the operational readiness of the

emergency feedwater system.

RESULTS: The licensee's operational readiness and management controls were

reviewed in six functional areas, primarily as they related to the

emergency feedwater system. The functional areas reviewed were:

Design Changes and Modifications

l Maintenance


Surveillance Testing


! Quality-Assurance



Training is not addressed separately in this report; rather, it

is incorporated within the other functional areas as appropriate.

1 Eleven potential enforcement findings, identified in this report as

l Unresolved Items, and five Open Items will be followed up by the

NRC Region IV.




- _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -


The objective of the team inspection at Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit I

was to assess the operational readiness of the emergency feedwater

(EFW) system by determining whether:

o The system was capable of performing the safety functions required

by its design basis.

o Testing was adequate to demonstrate that the system would perform

all of the safety functions required.

O System maintenance (with emphasis on pumps and valves) was adequate

to ensure system operability under postulated accident conditions.

o Operator and maintenance technician training was adequate to ensure

proper operations and maintenance of the system.

o Human factors considerations relating to the EFW system (e.g., acces- '

sibility and labelling of valves) and the system's supporting proced-

ures were adequate to ensure proper system operation under normal and

accident conditions.






_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -


This section summarizes the safety effects of the more significant findings on

the operational readiness of Arkansas Nuclear One (AN0)-Unit 1 emergency

feedwater system.Section III provides the detailed findings pertaining to the

major functional areas evaluated.

A. Safety Effects on the Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System

1. The inspection team identified design concerns regarding the ability of

the EFW system to perform its safety function during abnomal events,

a. For steam line break accident scenirios, given a single active

failure within the electrical power system (i.e., vital power), the

emergency feedwater initiation and control (EFIC) subsystem did not

have the capability to isolate the affected steam generator (SG) from

the unaffected SG. It appeared that this could result in the loss of

all EFW flow to both SGs. For a nonisolable steam line break in SG A

with a concurrent loss of offsite power, the EFW system and EFIC sub-

system rely on onsite power sources. If the loss of " red" ac power is

assumed as the single active failure (i.e., failure of " red" diesel to

start, fault on bus, etc.), the EFW motor-driven pump is unavailable

and motive power is lost to operate CV-2667 (the isolation valve

between SG A and the EFW turbine-driven pump). As a consequence,

CV-2667 could not be closed and EFIC would have unsuccessfully attempt-

ed to isolate SG A from SG B. Instead, the unaffected SG B would have

been cross-connected to the affected SG A through CV-2667 and CV-2617.

As a consequence, both SGs could have depressurized through the nonisol-

able break, and the steam supply to the turbine-driven EFW pump may

have been insufficient, causing a complete loss of EFW. In addition,

the blowdown of two SGs through a nonisolable break inside the contain-

ment building was outside the design basis for the containment build-

ing (See figure 1, page 6).

Subse.quent to the inspection, the licensee provided information indi-

cating that, for the main steam line break accident postulated above,

sufficient steam would have been available to the EFW turbine until

SG pressure dropped to approximately 80 psia.

b. No design analysis was found evalcating the consequences of

high-energy line breaks (such as a main steam line break within the

penthouse area) on the EFW system concurrent with a single active

failure even though the steam supply piping and valve arrangement was

modified. Likewise, the team found no design analysis performed to

assess the impact of high-energy breaks within the EFW steam supply

piping on other safety-related equipment.

The team found that the EFW system will function properly in response to

anticipated transients such as loss of offsite power concurrent with a

turbine trip and loss of main feedwater events. However, as evidenced by

the deficiencies identified above, the team found that the system may not

have been adequately protected from abnormal events such as high-energy

line breaks and earthquakes (see observation II.B.2).


- . - . .. .



2. The team identified the following safety concerns with the licensee's

program for maintenance and testing of EFW system motor-operated valves


a. Licensee personnel were generally unaware that EFW M0V torque

switches for ANO-Unit I were only bypassed during initial valve

movement and that, as a consequence, improper torque switch operation

could prevent the EFW system from completing its safety function.

This lack of understanding was apparently due to a design difference

in MOVs between Unit I and Unit 2. In ANO-Unit 2, M0V torque switches

are typically bypassed for full valve travel,

b. Torque switch settings were made without reference to the minimum



recomended values provided by the vendor. The team reviewed

selected M0V. torque switch settings and found them to be set low; in

one case, the setting was below the minimum value used for

manufacturer testing.

c. MOV limit switches appeared to be set to bypass torque switches for

an insufficient amount of initial valve travel. The purpose of these <

limit switches was to bypass the torque switch until the valve was

fully off its shut seat, thereby providing some assurance that the

torque switch would not prematurely stop valve motion.

d. EFW system M0Vs located in the pump discharge piping were not teste!

under flow conditions to ensure that they would operate as expected

in emergency situations.


e. Several discrepancies in the MOV maintenance procedures were

l identified. These discrepancies could cause confusion among

! . personnel performing maintenance.

! In summary, the licensee could not verify, by test results, engineering

evaluation or venir input that current torque switch and limit switch

settings were adequate to permit proper MOV operation under expected flow


conditions for all operating scenarios. Most EFW system M0Vs are not

required to reposition under nonnal circumstances for EFW initiation.

However, EFW system MOVs would be expected to operate against design

differential pressure if a steam generator isolation signal was received

during EFW operation, if EFW water supply sources were required to be

shifted from the condensate storage tank to service water, or if EFW

initiation occured during system flow testing.

3. In addition to tne concerns described above relating to the testing of

! motor-operated valves, the inspection team identified other electrical and

l mechanical equipment in the EFW system that had not been tested.


I a. The condensate storage tank (CST) level indication transmitter,


LIT-4203, had apparently not been calibrated after installation

during the 1984 refueling outage. The licensee also had no routine

surveillance procedure to ensure that this instrument is periodically

< 3 i




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calibrated. This instrument is used by operators to make the

determination to manually shift EFW pump suction from the

non-safety-related CST to the safety-related service water backup,

b. Eight valves in the EFW system that required routine in-service

testing were not periodically tested. These valves included four

check valves in the EFW pump suction line from the CST, one check

valve in each EFW pump minimum recirculation line, and one 3-way

valve downstream of each EFW pump that allows recirculation flow when

the EFW pump is discharging at high pressure. The proper operation

of these valves apparently cannot be verified without the

installation of additional instrumentation.

B. Effects on Other Safety Systems

In addition to the specific concerns discussed above that relate directly to

the operational readiness of the EFW system, the team also identified several

general concerr.s that have the potential to affect the proper operation of

other safety systems. ,

1. Problems were noted in the ANO-1 mechanical design-change process. The

team identified instances where modifications were done without significant

mechanical design activities being performed, completed, or documented.

The team believes that these oversights should have been corrected during

the design verification and supervisory reviews. The fact that these omis-

sions were not detected indicated an apparent lack of design experience

and/or a lack of supervisory attention.

2. ANO-Unit I did not routinely consider the effect of equipment that is not

designed to meet maximum design basis earthquake requirements (seismic

Class 2) on equipment that is designed to meet maximum design basis earth-

quake requirements (seismic Class 1). The team detemined that evaluations

of potential seismic interaction, seismic Class 2 over Class I situations,

were not being routinely considered when preparing the civil portions of

design-change packages. The lack of consideration for seismic interaction

could have a significant effect on the operability of all safety systems

at AN0-Unit 1 during a seismic event. Seismic Class 1/ Class 2 interaction

is apparently fully considered at AN0-Unit 2.

3. The team found several samples of controlled design documents with incor-

rect or misleading information. Based on the number and types of discrep-

ancies, the team believes that the implementation of configuration control

activities was weak.


A. Design Changes and Modifications

The inspection team examined design aspects of design-change package (DCP)

82-D-1050. This design change was to replace the EFW pump 7A turbine driver,



to add new steam admissicn valves, to reroute the turbine steam supply piping,

and to modify the turbine pump suction and discharge piping. In addition, DCP

80-10838 was examined. This modification was to replace the discharge piping

of the EFW pumps, and to add modulating control valves, automatic recirculation

control features, and a full flow test leop, and to change selected valve

actuators from ac to dc power. The following observations were made:

1. The team determined that the implementation of DCP 82-D-1050 failed

to ensure that it met the single-failure criterion. Specifically, for

stean line break scenarios, given a single failure within the electrical

power system (vital power), the emergency feedwater initiation and control

system (EFIC) would not have the capability to isolate the affected steam

generator (SG) from the unaffected SG. It appeared that this could result

in the loss of all EFW flow to both SGs.

Figure 1 on page 6 illustrates the main steam system supply configuration

to the EFW turbine pump at the time of the inspection. The steam supply

to EFW pump 7A is supplied from both SGs through normally open ac motor-

operated control valves CV-2617 (SG B) and CV-2667 (SG A). Like the motor-

driven pump, the EFW turbine pump supplies feedwater to either or both SGs

depending on the EFIC vector signals. For a steam line break, the EFIC

system will isolate the depressurized SG in order to isolate that affected

SG from its associated main steam and main feedwater lines. If isolation

of the affected SG does not isolate the break, the EFIC system will provide

EFW only to the intact SG. For a nonisolable steam line break in SG A with

a concurrent loss of offsite power, the EFW system relies on onsite power

sources. If the loss of " red" ac power is assumed as the single active

failure (i.e. , failure of " red" emergency diesel to start, fault on bus,

etc.), the EFW motor-driven pump is unavailable and motive power is lost

to CV-2667. As a consequence, EFIC would have unsuccessfully attempted to

close CV-2667, and therefore the unaffected SG B would have been cross-

connected to the affected SG through CV-2G67 and CV-2617. Both SGs would

have then depressurized through the nonisolable break and the steam supply

to the turbine-driven EFW pump could have been insufficient, causing a

complete loss of EFW.

Subsequent to the inspection, the licensee provided infonnation indicating

that, for the main steam line break accident postulated above, sufficient

steam would have been available to the EFW turbine until SG pressure dropped

to approximately 80 psia.

Review of DCP 82-1050 (the design change to install the new EFW turbine,

new dc steam admission valves, and to modify EFW suction and discharge

piping) indicated that a single-failure analysis was not performed.

Specifically, question 15 of the DCP asked, "How was the impact of failure

of the systems, components, and structures considered in the design?" In

response, the Project Engineer indicated that the question was not

applicable by answering "NA." This response was checked and approved

without comment. Procedure 1032.01, " Design Control," Pevision 7,

required an independent reviewer to verify that responses to the Design

Evaluation Questions had been properly addressed and that the discipline

portion of the design change was complete and technically accurate.





CV 2676 CV 2668 CV 2618 CV 2619



OR  ;;

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1 RAIN 8MSLh 8





Cv 2692





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CV 26C6

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f g

CV2613h)( )(@cV 2663












_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


The team noted that the final design of the EFW system upgrade was submit-

ted to the NRC for approval by an AP&L letter dated December 1,1981. The

design described in that letter and subsequently approved by the NRC

contained check valves to prevent blowdown of the unaffected SG through

the affected SG. However, because a similar application of steam check

valves had not proven reliable, the licensee subsequently decided to

eliminate the check valves from the design and did not perform an adequate

10 CFR 50.59 review to determine if an unreviewed safety question existed.

At the completion of the onsite inspection activities, the licensee was in

the process of installing check valves in the steam supply lines to the

EFW turbine to correct this deficiency.

Contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, General Design

Criterion 34, the EFW system did not have suitable redundancy in

components and features and isolation capabilities. Assuming a single

failure, no assurance was provided for proper safety system function for

onsite electric power system operation (assuming offsite power is not

available) and for offsite power system operation (assuming onsite power

is not available). In addition, contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR

50.59, the licensee failed to perfom an adequate analysis to determine

the existence of an unreviewed safety question.

This item was discussed with the licensee and will remain unresolved

pending followup by NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-01).

2. The licensee had not routinely considered the effect of equipment that is

not designed to meet maximum design basis earthquake requirements (seismic

Class 2) on equipment that is designed to meet maximum design basis earth-

quake requirements (seismic Class 1) at ANO-Unit I whe. preparing the

civil portions of design change packages. The team was inforrud by the

licensee's engineering personnel that no requirements existed to perform

seismic Class 2-over-1 evaluations, either as part of the ANO-Unit I

design change process or original design. In scope, ifcensee Procedure

CEQN-00002-0 indicated that all ANO-Unit 2 OCPs are evaluated f or poten-

tially hazardous seismic Class 2-over-1 interactions but that Unit I

design changes are evaluated only at the direction of the lead engineer.

This approach appears to be contrary to FSAR commitments. The FSAR states

in a description concerning the design of seismic Class 1 piping systems


"Where Class I seismic structures are directly connected to or in

close proximity to Class 2 seismic equipment and piping systems, the

failure or excessive movement of the Class 2 seismic systss are

restrained in such a way as not to cause a failure of Class I



i The licensee had interpreted this statement to mean that seismic Class 2

equipment and piping systems will not interfere with seismic Class 1

structures. The licensee did not consider safety-related seismic Class 1

( systems and components to fall under the domain of seismic Class I

structures; therefore the licensee did not routinely consider seismic

Class 2-over-1 interaction.



The team observed no documentation of instances where seismic Class 1/

Class 2 interactions were evaluated, with the exception of minor statements

in response to DCP Design Evaluation Questions and redesign of the support

system for the EFW pump room chiller (DCP 80-10838). The inspection t en

considered a seismic Class 1/ Class 2 evaluation of service water piping '

located in the EFW r. ump room to be inadequate because it appeared to assume

that the initiating event was a pipe break and not a seismic event. The

potential for pipe movement (i.e., seismic shake space) or hanger pullout

considering dead weight and seismic accelerations was not addressed. The

analysis concluded, without documented justification, that two hangers

provided at both ends were adequate to support the weight of the pipe.

The lack of consideration for seismic interaction will remain unresolved

pending clarification of the requirements for ANO-Unit 1 (50-313/86-01-02).

3. Civil design calculations of structures with multiple degrees of freedom

did not always consider the effects of seismic forces acting simultaneously.

Specifically, the team found that the seismic support design of the EFW

pump room chiller was a structure with two degrees of freedom in the horiz-

ontal direction but, in the analysis (Calculation 80-D-1083B-01), it was

assumed that seismic movement can only occur in one direction at a time.

The following discrepancies and errors also were noted:

a. The calculation did not combine the maximum values of responses for

each of the two applicable orthogonal spatial components of an earth-

quake to obtain a combined representative maximum value. In addition,

a nonconservative section modulus was used because of an assumption

to consider seismic movement in only one degree at a time. The

analysis used a section modulus of 1.07 from the AISC Steel Construc-

tion Manual for the angle f ron used the support design; however, trans-

formation about the principal axis was apparently not considered to

evaluate bending stress. The team determined that the correct section

modulus would be approximately 0.714, indicating a less conservative


b. The analysis did not include a design evi.luation of the connection

between the angle f ron and the frame of the chiller. The team was

informed that the connection was welded and that the design adequacy

of the connection was performed by inspection without documentation.

c. In conducting the design verification of the calculation, the checker

performed an alternate calculation which applied inappropriate design

equations. The checker used AISC Steel Construction Manual equation which dealt with struts in compression and not angles in

compression and/or tension.

d. Design input was incorrectly stated and, in one instance, an incorrect

reference was identified. A critical damping value of 2 percent was

used in the calculation instead of 0.5 percent as indicated. Addition-

ally, the reference identified as the source of the maximum peak vert-

ical acceleration was incorrect because it referred to a seis..;ic

response spectrum for horizontal accelerations.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Although the team found the design of the EFW pump room chiller

seismic supports to be adequate when the two horizontal degrees of

freedom were considered, the team was concerned that similar seismic


calculation errors may exist for the design of other seismic

supports. This item will remain open pending further NRC review of

the licensee's method for performing seismic calculations


4. Post-modification testing in the form of an adequate service test was not

performed on the recently replaced station batteries to conclude that these

batteries had sufficient capacity under design conditions to perform their

safety function. The following observations pertain:

a. DCP 83-1032 was issued to replace the Class IE station batteries.

As part of this replacement, the design change included the require-

ment to perform a 2-hour service test using the duty cycle from

calculation GE-830-1032-01. In response to this requirement, a

service test was performed for battery 007 under ANO Job Order 058396

on March 24, 1984. The team reviewed the test data and determined

that this initial service test did not include all the necessary

design requirements, such as corrections for minimum design tempera-

ture. In addition, it did not appear that the test discharge current

was corrected for the average cell electrolyte temperature at the

start of the test. Temperature affects the response of the battery

so that test temperature must be accounted for in order to have a

common reference point. Additionally, the team could not confirm

what the actual test current was because the test data sheet did not

record the actual test current but instead referred to a specific

sheet of the battery sizing calculation for the test profile. The

calculation sheet that was referenced for both the 007 and 006 bat-

teries did not contain any test profile.

Another problem with the test currents was that the licensee measured

battery voltage at half-hour increments, completely missing the

critical discharge period at I minute into the test where the battery

sizing calculation indicated the voltage would be most limiting. The

test results indicated less than one-half volt difference in battery

, voltage during the test. A discharge voltage profile calculation


for the latest duty cycle (which was similar to the original duty

cycle for the first 30 minutes) indicated voltages should be 5 to 12

volts below what the test results showed.

b. DCP-83-119 was issued to modify the dc system components, including



removal of two cells from each of the station batteries to reduce

the de system voltage. The newly configured battery was then tested

per Special Work Plan 1409.29 using a performance discharge test to


meet the Technical Specifications requirements for battery testing.


During the performance of this test, the average battery temperature

was determined to be 82 F. To determine the actual test discharge

current, the battery current for an 8-hour discharge was corrected

for temperature. However, the team had the following concerns:




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(1) The temperature correction factor used was not for 82*F.

The procedure permits the use of battery room temperature

if many hours have passed since the average electrolyte

temperature was determined. The data sheet did not record

if room temperature was used or what that value was.

(2) The temperature correction factor that was used was incor-

rectly applied by multiplying the rated discharge current

by this factor to give, in this case, a lower test current.

This method was in disagreement with industry standard IEEE 450-1980, which was included as a referenced document.

IEEE 450-1980, Section 5.3, states that the rated discharge

current should be divided by the temperature correction

factor. This would have increased the required discharge

current instead of decreasing the current, resulting in a

lower capacity in the battery than what was determined in

the perfomance test.

ANSI N18.7-1976, " Administrative Control and Quality Assurance for the

Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants," Section, requires l

that modifications that affect functioning of safety-related systems or

components be inspected and tested to confirm that the modifications or

changes reasonably produced expected results and that the change does not

reduce safety of operations. Contrary to the above, the modification

acceptance tests for the station batteries did not confim the expected

results because the tests included incorrect discharge currents and the )

service test did not have an appropriate acceptance criteria (i.e., it j

failed to measure the voltage at the critical period). This issue was

discussed with the licensee and will remain unresolved pending followup

by NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-03).

5. In some cases, mechanical design change packages were found to be reviewed

and approved without completion of all design calculations or design

evaluations for critical design attributes. The following examples pertain:

a. No design analysis was performed to evaluate the consequences of

high-energy line breaks when DCP 82-D-1050 was reviewed and

approved. Although this design package modified and extended ,

the boundary between high- and low-energy conditions, the

consequences of high-energy line breaks (such as a main steam

line break within the penthouse area) on the EFW system con-

current with a single active failure were not analyzed. Similarly,

the team found no design analysis performed to assess the impact

on other safety-related equipment of high-energy line breaks within

the EFW steam piping. In response to this observation, the licensee

showed the team a March 12, 1981, letter to the NRC, written before

the design package was prepared. Without apparent design analysis,

this letter concluded that a break in the steam supply piping for

the turbine-driven EFW pump would not adversely affect other critical

10 l

_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ .

EFW components and that once the break is isolated, the plant could

be brought to a safe shutdown condition, assuming a concurrent

failure of the motor-driven EFW pump by using the normal feedwater

system or the high-pressure injection system. The team concluded

that the design configuration being assessed by the licensee in the

March 1981 letter was not the same as that described in the actual

design package (i.e., check valves not installed, see observation 1

of this section). The single failure postulated by the licensee may

not have been the most severe (i.e., loss of bus resulting in loss

of motive power to isolate the break and loss of the motor-driven

pump). The team also concluded that the assessment did not address

the consequences to EFW piping and components of other high-energy

line breaks.

b. .Although the EFW system was upgraded to be safety-related by the

design change packages reviewed, design analysis was not performed

nor was an engineering review of original architect engineering

analysis performed to determine if safety-related room cooling was

required while both EFW pumps were operating. In response to the

team's concern, the licensee provided design analysis used to

establish the environmental equipment qualification pressure and

temperatures. Review of these analyses indicated that they are for

three high-energy line breaks outside containment. These breaks

are two letdown line breaks and a main feedwater line break. Although

the consequences of high- energy line breaks outside of containment

need to be considered in developing equipment environmental conditions

for qualification purposes, those consequences may not be the most

, severe condition under which safety-related EFW equipment must operate.

The lack of design analysis in the cases cited above appears to be contrary

to the requirements of ANSI N45.2.11, Sections 4.1 and 4.2, which require

that design analysis be performed in a planned, controlled, and correct

manner and that there exist traceability from design input through to

design output. This item was discussed with the licensee and will remain

unresolved pending followup by the NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-04).

6. Numerous calculations and design analyses reviewed failed to meet the design

control requirements of ANSI N45.2.11 by not documenting inputs and assumptions,

by not ensuring a correct methodology was used, and by not ensuring that the

calculations were sufficiently completed to permit verification without recourse

to the originator. The following examples pertain:

a. Calculation GE-83D-1032-01, dated January 25, 1984, established

an emergency duty cycle for the station batteries and determined

the battery size required to replace the existing batteries.

This calculation referenced industry standard IEEE 485 for


sizing large lead storage batteries; however, it only included a

correction factor for aging and neglected any correction factors


for operation at minimum temperature. Procedure 1307.006, "007



! 11


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _

Quarterly Surveillance," monitors cell electrolyte temperature

and contained an acceptance criteria of 60 F as the minimum

battery temperature. Manufacturers normally rate their batteries

at 77*F. This 17'F temperature difference would result in a loss

of capacity of approximately 11% according to the industry

standard referenced in the calculation. This calculation

concluded that the battery was sufficient for an 8-hour

discharge. The following additional weaknesses were observed in

this calculation:

(1) No justification was included in the calculation to

permit the reduction of the safety-related inverter loads

from 75 amperes to 10 amperes after 30 minutes into the

design discharge.

(2) NOV starting currents had not been considered as part

of the first minute discharge loads.

The team reviewed the battery sizing performed by the

manufacturer on March 17, 1984, and noted:

(1) The manufacturer's sizing calculation used cell discharge

current capabilities that were substantially lower than

those for the same size battery cell used by the licensee

in both the 1983 or 1984 calculations.

(2) The manufacturer's calculations were based on a different

4-hour profile than what was used by the licensee.

(3) The manufacturer's calculation noted that no correction

factors were included for temperature compensation because

no minimum operating temperature requirement was specified

by AP&L.

b. Calculation 830-1032-05, dated July 9,1985, revised the battery

sizing calculation (discussed in observation 6.a) to include a

de power panel load study, a revised inverter de load demand

based on actual measured inverter loads, and MOV motor inrush

currents. The calculation again concluded that the batteries

would adequately supply an 8-hour duty cycle. The team noted

that temperature correction again was not included in the calcu-

lation of the required cell size. The following weaknesses were

noted with the determination of the new inverter loads:

(1) These loads were based on a measured inverter loading

during normal plant operation and did not appear to

consider maximum design values.

(2) The de loads were not measured but calculated from the

inverter output ac load using assumed inverter efficiencies.

These calculated dc loads were 20 to 30 amperes less than

the values the team read from the inverter dc input current

anneters while the plant was in a normal shutdown mode. The

licensee initially stated that the team's readings were in

error because of the inaccuracies of the inverter de meter



12  ;



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_ . . - . -. _ -. .-. _. . -- . - _ _ . _ . _ - -

but then agreed that the assumed inverter efficiencies were in


c. Battery. sizing calculation 83-1032-06, dated January 24, 1986, was

developed in response to the team's concerns and was performed to

verify that the A50 batteries would meet the Unit-1 FSAR minimum

requirement for a 2-hour discharge.



The team noted that a new manufacturer's cell discharge charac-

teristic curve (D-699-1A, 6/84) was attached to this calculation


to justify the latest cell discharge capability. These new cell

capabilities were greater than those used by the manufacturer in

the 1984 calculation but less than those used by AP&L in its -

1983, 1984, and 1985 calculations. This n.ost recent calculation

also included the correction factors for aging and minimum

i operating temperature. The inverter load values used were based

j on a measurement taken during plant shutdown without justification

, as to why a margin should not be used for meter inaccuracy or


increased load during a design-basis event.

4 d. Calculation 80-1083A-02, dated January 14, 1986, was developed

to detemine the voltage at the terminals of newly installed dc

, -motor-operated valves. This calculation assumed that the

voltage available for operating the valve motor was solely a

, function of the capacity removed from the battery; no consideration

was given to any loss of the battery's capability because of aging


or minimum acceptable operating temperature. This calculation was

superseded by Calculations 80-1083A-04 and 83D-1032-07, both dated

, January 24, 1986, and prepared in response to the concerns of the


inspection team. These calculations correctly developed a battery

voltage profile based on the corrected rate of discharge and the

actual capacity removed from the battery. The voltage drop from

the batteries to the motor control centers had also been factored

into the calculation of motor terminal voltage. New feeder lengths,

based on the cable pull slips from the motor control centers to

the valves (longer than those used in the original calculation,

80-1083A-02) were also included.


The original M0V terminal voltage calculation acceptance criteria

was based on a telecon between AP&L and the valve actuator manufac-

turer. These latest calculations (80-1083A-04 and 830-1032-07) did

not reference any new acceptance criteria but concluded that the

resulting lower torque developed was still sufficient even with the

lower voltage at the valve motors. The team noted that these latest

calculations showed the torque developed at valve CV-2870 was

7.32 ft-lbs and that the acceptance criteria used in the original

calculation for this valve was 10 ft-1bs. The team requested con- i


firmation that the acceptance criteria referenced in the original

calculation was sufficient to operate the ANO valves under design

requireme.nts. AP&L was not able to produce a valve-actuator

sizing analysis during the inspection to confirm the required

motor starting torque.



.- -. . ,. . -- . - - . _ . - . , . . . - - - - - - _ - - _ .

. - _ - . ~-. , . . - . -.-

e. Calculation 83D-1032-02, dated February 17, 1984, was prepared

to show the acceptable short circuit withstand capability of the

existing de distribution system components with the new larger

batteries. This calculation justified a potential problem that

the power panels that were rated only for 10,000 amperes could


potentially experience a short circuit slightly higher than

rating. The team identified other de components, such as the

battery chargers, that were not included in the analysis but

could add to.the short circuit. The licensee noted that the

calculation did not include consideration of the existing fuses

or additional cabling to the new battery disconnect switches

that would ensure that current would remain below the panel


f. Calculation 84E-0083-12, dated November 19, 1985, included a

protective relay study for breaker A311 feeding the EFW pump

motor. This calculation failed to document the source of the

safe stall time, starting time, or locked rotor current used in

the calculation,

g. No calculations were perfonned by the ifcensee to determine

motor-operated valve overload heater sizing. The team noted

that the heaters that were installed for the dc motor-operated

valves were selected by the motor control center vendor,

apparently based upon a continuous duty motor. The de motors

used on the AN0-1 valve actuators are short-duty-rated motors.

The team estimated that heaters selected in accordance with the

valve actuator manufacturer's recommendations could be

approximately five sizes smaller than those presently installed

' at ANO. These smaller heater sizes would still permit a valve

stroke time approximately twice the acceptance time required by


the valve surveillance procedures.

Calculations did not consistently identify inputs and assumptions or

provide sufficient detail to permit technical review and verification

without recourse to the originator. These calculation deficiencies,

j as discussed in subparagraphs 6.a through 6.g, above, appear to be


contrary to the design control requirements of ANSI N45.2.11, Section

4.2. Similarly, contrary to the design control requirements of


Section 6.2, the verification process did not consistently confirm

that inputs were correctly selected, that assumptions were reasonable

and appropriate, and that an appropriate design method was used.

This item will remain unresolved pending followup by NRC Region IV


7. A large number of controlled design documents and drawings contained

errors and omissions. Based on the number and type of discrepancies i

identified, the implementation of configuration control activitics

were considered weak. The following examples pertain:

a. Piping and instrumentation diagrams were found to have incorrect

valve positions, incomplete locked positions indicated, and


missing instrumentation bubbles.


- -. . . - - - _ . - . - _ - - . , - _ _ - - , . - _ . _- -- - 2

The following deficiencies pertain to drawing M-204, Sheet 3 of

4, " Piping & Instrument Diagram, Emergency Feedwater," Revision



(1) Manual valve CS-2802C was indicated as normally open;

however, the valve was actually normally closed.

(2) Manual valves FW-11A and FW-118 in the pump recirculation

lines to EFW pumps 7A and 78 were shown as nomally open

valves; however, these valves were actually locked open


The following deficiencies pertain to drawing M-206, Sheet I of


2, " Piping & Instrument Diagram Steam Generator Secondary

System," Revision 45:

(1) EFW turbine steam supply valves CV-2617 and CV-2667 were


indicated as normally closed; however, these valves were

actually normally open.


(2) CV-2619 and CV-2676, block valves for atmospheric dump


valves associated with steam generators 8 and A,


respectively, were indicated as normally open; however, the

valves were actually nomally closed.

(3) When CV-2617 and CV-2667 were changed from normally closed

to nomally open valves, Note 4 of the P&ID was not revised

or deleted. Note 4 states, with respect to the bypass

valve around CV-2667, that a " single failure analysis

requires only one bypass valve. A bypass around CV-2617 is

not required."

The following deficiencies pertain to AP&L Drawing M-202,

" Piping & Instrument Diagram, Main Steam," Revision 33:

(1) Instrument bubbles were not shown for the handswitch and

selector switch for CV-2613 and CV-2663 (EFW turbine steam

admission valves).


(2) CV-2613 and CV-2663 were shown as nomally open valves;

however these valves are actually normally closed.  ;



The following deficiencies pertain to AP&L Drawing M-212, Sheet


I of 2 " Piping & Instrument Diagram, Plant Makeup Domestic

! Water Systems," Revision 29:

l (1) Condensate storage tank supply isolation valve CS-19 was

j shown as a normally open valve; however it was actually a

l locked-open valve.

(2) CV-4201, the heating steam supply valve to the condensate

storage tank, was shown as normally open when it was

actually normally closed.



b. The piping design specification for AN0-Unit 1, M-84, " Piping

Class Drawing," Revision 22, contained errors and was not

adequately controlled. The following deficiencies pertain:

(1) DCP-80-10838 identified that a revision to the piping

design specification was required to add a new piping

classification identified as Class DBD. Drawing control

records did not indicate that a change was in progress as

would be indicated by assignment of a modified drawing

revision number for the affected pages as required by AP&L

Design Document Control Procedure 1032.11.

(2) Pages 1 and la, the list of effective pages, of the pipe

design specification M-84 were compared with the Document

Control copy of M-84. Eight errors were identified

corresponding to missing pages or incorrect revision

numbers. The team also found an uncontrolled copy of M-84

in use which differed from the controlled copy by one page,

c. The Instrument Index, a controlled design document, contained

errors and omissions. In particular, the document omits

approximately 22 safety-related EFW instruments and does not

identify 30 other items as safety-related. The following

safety-related EFW instruments were not listed in the Instrument


CV 2869, CV 2870, F0 2800, F0 2801, HS 2869, HS 2870, I/P

2618 I/P 2668, SS 2613, SS 2617, SS 2619, SS 2620, SS 2626,

SS 2627, SS 2663, SS 2667, SS 2670, SS 2676, ZS 2613-1, ZS

2663-a, ZS 2869, and ZS 2870.

The following safety-related EFW instruments were in the

Instrument Index but were not Identified as safety-related:

CV 2613, CV 2619, CV 2626, CV 2627, CV 2663, CV 2666, CV

2676, CV 3850, CV 3851, HS 2619, HS 2676, HS 2800, HS 2802,

HS 2805, HS 3850, HS 3851, SV 2613, SV 2663, ZS 2617, ZS

2619, ZS 2626, ZS 2627, ZS 2667, ZS 2676, ZS 2800, ZS 2802,

ZS 2803, ZS 2806, ZS 3850, and ZS 3851.

The team noted that the licensee was currently in the process of

identifying all safety-related plant equipment on a component

level basis to create a new Q-list. This effort appeared to be

extensive and should resolve any future concerns of safety-

related component classification.

d. The following draf ting errors or incorrect information were noted

on controlled drawings.

(1) On drawing M-2C6, Sheet I of 2, " Piping & Instrumenta-

tion Diagram, Steam Generator Secondary System," revision

45, a cloud around a portion of the drawing that was

previously revised was not removed (see H-7 of the

drawing) . The licensee used clouds on drawings to indicate

the area of the drawing that was last changed.



. - . . . .. - -- . -




(2) Drawing M-402, Sheet 3 of 4, " Functional Description &

Logic Diagram Condensate Feedwater System," Revision 14,

contained the following incorrect statement: " Suction

lines are furnished with 5 motor-operated valves, CV-2800,

l CV-2801, CV-2802, CV-2803, and CV-2806, and a solenoid

l operated valve CV-2804." However, CV-2801 and CV-2804 did

! not exist in the current system configuration.


(3) The logic diagram for CV-2869 was described as " Emergency

F.W. Pump 7A Auto Recirc Valves" when in fact it was-the .

EFW pump 78 full-flow test isolation valve. Auto '

recirculation valves were FW-10A (pump 7A) and FW-108 (pump

l 78).

(4) Drawing M-402, Sheet 3, " Logic Diagram Condensate Feedwater

System," Revision 15, showed a seal-in feature for EFW

valves CV-2620 and CV-2627. This-did not agree with

- schematic E-293, Sheet 1, Revision 8, which showed this

seal-in feature deleted.

(5) Drawing M-402, Sheet 3, " Circuit for EFW Pump Suction

Valves," incorrectly showed the indicating light at the

full travel position in disagreement with all other

circuits and the schenatic E-296. This drawing also did

not include a seal-in circuit around the momentary switches

! in disagreement with the schematic E-296.

(6) Drawing M-404, Sheet 3, "MS ATMOS Dump Valre Logic,"

Revision 3, showed seal-in around manual switch HS 2676

which did not agree with schematic E-442. Revision 5. This

drawing also incorrectly showed a high closing torque

switch shown ic opening circuit.

(7) Drawing E-442, "MS ATMOS Dump Valve Schematic," Revision

5, incorrectly references drawing E-84, Scheme A, which was

for a 480-Vac reversing starter with no engineering

safeguards relays.

(8) Drawing E-86, Sheet 1, " Schematic Diagram EFIC Trip Relay

Assembly," Revision 0, incorrectly identified the right

scheme as a IE to IE trip module assembly, it should be IE

to non-1E.

(9) Drawing E-293, Sheet 1, " Schematic Diagram EFW Steam

Generator Isolating Valves (DC)," Revision 0, referenced l

E-96 for internal wiring of the de reversing starter. The

wire numbers shown did not agree between the drawings for

the negative leads for the series winding or the remote

indicating lights so that one cannot determine if the

remote lights will indicate an open thennal overload relay

contact (device 49). The hand switch contact development I

did not indicate the reference circuit for the switch .

contacts. This was typical of most circuits reviewed by

the team.



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(10) Drawing E-293, Sheet 2, " Schematic Diagram EFW Steam

Generator Isolation Valves (AC)," Revision 1, incorrectly

referenced drawing E-96 for internal wiring of this ac

reversing starter. Drawing E-96 was for dc starters.

(11) Drawing E-294, " Schematic Diagram Emergency FW Motor

Driven Pumps," Revision 10, did not indicate an immediate

start signal if the.offsite power is available through

breaker A-309, as indicated in the logic diagram on M-402,

. Sheet 3. The alam circuits for this drawing included a

pump low-discharge-pressure alarm but not the

high-discharge-pressure alarm indicated on logic diagram

M-402. Additionally, the setting of the time delay of

relay 174-311 of 65 seconds disagrees with the setting of

110 seconds indicated on logic diagram M-402.

(12) Drawing E-295, Sheet 1, " Schematic Diagram EFW Turbine

MOVs," Revision 21, referenced motor starter internal

wiring scheme A on drawing E-84. Scheme A2 on drawing E-84

referred to this circuit.

(13) Drawing E-295, Sheet 3, " Schematic Diagram EFW Turbine

M0V's," Revision 1, included a pump low-discharge-pressure

alann but not the high-discharge-pressure alarm indicated

on logic diagram M-402.

(14) Diagram E-295, Sheet 4, " Schematic Diagram EFW Turbine

MOVs," Revision I, was found to be in error. An interlock

in the valve open circuit from the 42R auxiliary contact

was shown to use terminals 8 and 9. According to drawing

E-96, these terminals are actually wired to the 42F

auxiliary contact.

(15) Drawing E-295, Sheet 4A, "EFW Turbine M0V's," Revision 0,

l incorrectly referenced a " green" power supply panel for a

" red" circuit. Howeter, the circuit was actually wired

correctly. The adapter table for this drawing did not

identify the power supplies, and the contact development

for relay 42X-M084 failed to identify the applicable

circuit for contact IH-lG.

(16) Drawing E-315, Sheet I, " Schematic Diagram Steam Genera-

tor Isolation Control," Revision 15, had the following

errors: The contact for relay 63X1/1 was incorrectly shown

as relay 63X/1. The coil for relay 62-3 was incorrectly

labeled 63-3. The time delay for relay 62-3 was shown as

two different valves on the same sheet. The time delay for

relay 62-2 conflicted with the time delay for same relay

shown on drawing E-317-3.

l (17) Drawing E-318, Sheet 1, " Schematic Diagram EFW Recircuit

l Test Isolation Valve," Revision 22, 3/5/85, indicated that

l valve CV-2870 had a 1/3 hp motor. The valve data sheet

i indicated that CV-2870 had a 0.72 hp motor.




. _ _ - _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _

(18) Drawing E-331, Sheet 31, " Schematic Diagram," Revision 1,

1/3/85, incorrectly identifies power panel RS2 as a 120-Vdc

power source. This power panel was actually an ac supply.

The team was concerned that inaccurate design drawings could cause

design engineers to perform design activities incorrectly. For

example, the incorrect depiction of valve position and the lack of

correct locked indication can cause a design engineer to perform

single failure analyses and safety evaluations incorrectly. In at

least one instance, the team noted that drawing errors appeared to

have an adverse effect of safety-related activities performed by an

AP&L contractor. Specifically, a contractor perfoming Q-List

determinations did not identify instruments SS 2619 and SS 2663 as

safety-related apparently because the piping and instrumentation

diagram had those instrument bubbles missing from the drawing.

ANSI N45.2.11, Section 7.1, requires that personnel be made aware of

and use proper and current instructions, procedures, drawings and

design inputs. Design documents and changes to them are to be

controlled to ensure that correct and appropriate documents are

available for use. Contrary to this requirement, drawings affected

by design change packages had not been consistently revised to

accurately reflect the as-installed condition. The drawing

deficiencies identified above will remain an unresolved item pending

followup by NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-06).

8. The licensee considered the FSAR to be a design document and a

suitable source of design input; however, the FSAR was not maintained

as a design document and was found to contain errors. Energy Supply

Department Procedure 202, " Design Process Procedure," contained a

form to be used to ensure that all appropriate design documents were

revised to reflect design changes. This fom identified the FSAR as

a controlled design input document. The team was informed that the

FSAR was considered to be a design document suitable as a source of

design input for calculations. However, the team determined that the

FSAR was only updated yearly and that engineering ano design

personnel were not in a position to readily know what t' sign changes

were pending incorporation between updates.

The team identified the following errors in the FSAR:

a. FSAR Section 7.2.3 described the integrated control system (ICS)

and stated in subsection, "...upon loss of all reactor

coolant pumps, and/or both main feedwater pumps, the ICS starts

the emergency feedwater pump and positions control valves to

control flow to the emergency feedwater header." This incorrect

statement should have been revised when the EFIC system was

installed as indicated in Amendment 3 of the FSAR.

b. FSAR Section 9.9 described the compressed air system and states,

" Tables 9-27 and 9-28 list all the air-operated seismic Category

1 valves and ventilation system dampers." However, Table 9-27

did not include the atmospheric dump valves CV-2618 and CV-2668.

These valves were seismic Category 1 and received air from the

instrument air header or instrument air accumulators.


c. FSAR Section A.7.2 "MS To Emergency Feedwater Pump Turbine

Driver," described the evaluation perfomed to determine the

effects of a high-energy line break in the steam supply to the

EFW turbine pump. The piping and valve arrangement described

did not acccunt for the modification perfomed for the EFW

system upgrade. Specifically, the arrangement described

indicated that CV-2667 and CV-2617 were normally closed

isolation valves such that high energy (conditions above 275

psig and 200 F) did not exist downstream. When DCP 82-D-1050

was issued, this arrangement was changed so that CV-2667 and

CV-2617 were made normally open causing high-energy line

conditions to exist downstream of these valves,

d. FSAR Table 1-1 described design parameters for various

components at AN0-Unit 1. In describing the EFW pumps, the

design head was listed as 1100 psi and the corresponding design

flow was 760 gpm. However, Technical Specification 4.8.1.a

indicated that the pumps must produce 500 gpm at 1200 psi

discharge head. Design conditions based on Calculation

80-D-10838-102 indicated that the operating point for EFW pump

7A was 720 gpm at 1295 psi discharge pressure and for EFW pump

7B it was 610 gpm at 1250 psi discharge pressure.

Although the team observed that the FSAR was not nomally used as a

source of design input, the team was concerned that it was apparently

procedurally pemitted. The team found one instance where the FSAR

was used as a reference for design input instead of appropriate

design documents like drawings and design calculations. Calculation

MB-1-22, " Emergency Feedwater Pump Switchover To Other Water

Sources," Revision 0, referenced the FSAR Section 10 instead of

appropriate design analyses or vendor drawings as its source to

obtain the condensate storage tank depth when 107,000 gallons are

remaining in the tank.

The use of the FSAR as a design document and a source of design input

was considered a weakness. The errors in the FSAR identified above

were discussed with the licensee. This issue will remain open

pending the correction of these errors in the next routine FSAR

revision (5s-313/86-01-02).

B. Maintenance

1. Several weaknesses were noted with the licensee's program for conducting

maintenance and testing on motor operated valves (MOVs) in the emergency

feedwater(EFW) system. These weaknesses included:

Licensee personnel were generally unaware that MOV torque

switches for ANO-Unit I were only bypassed during initial

valve movement and that improper torque switch settings could

prevent the EFW system from completing its safety function.

This lack of understanding was apparently due to a design

difference in M0Vs between Unit-1 and Unit-2. In AN0-Unit 2,

M0V torque switches are bypassed for full valve travel.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Torque switch settings were made by licensee personnel without

reference to the minimum recommended values provided by the

vendor. The team reviewed selected MOV torque switch settings

and found them to be set low; in one case, the setting was

below the value used for manufacturer testing.

MOV limit switches appeared to be set to bypass torque switches

for an insufficient amount of initial valve travel. The purpose

of these limit switches was to bypass the torque switch until the

valve was fully off its shut seat, thereby providing some assur-

ance that the torque switch would not prematurely stop valve motion.

EFW system M0Vs located in the pump discharge piping were not

tested under flow conditions to ensure that they would operate

as expected in emergency situations.

Five MOVs were found to be missing valve stem housing end caps

and a significant amount of debris was found in the stem

cavities. This increases the potential for valve binding that

could result in premature torque switch actuation to stop valve



Several discrepancies were identified with the M0V maintenance

procedures that could confuse personnel performing maintenance.

Details regarding these weaknesses are provided below:

a. Interviews with licensee personnel revealed that they were

generally unaware that torque switches were only bypassed

during initial valve movement in an automatic initiation of

the EFW system. This is significant because torque switches

improperly set with low values could actuate prematurely,

causing the MOV to stop in mid-stroke during an automatic

initiation. The AN0-Unit 2 auxiliary feedwater system valves

appear to have their torque switches bypassed through full valve

l stem travel during an automatic initiation to ensure that MOVs

l complete their safety function. However, this was not the case

for the ANO-Unit 1 EFW system. Discussions with training instruc-

tors, operating personnel, electricians, maintenance engineers

and supervisors indicated that this difference was not widely

known. This issue was of particular concern because of the

other weaknesses discussed below regarding the setting, testing,

l and bypassing of MOV torque switches.


b. Interviews with licensee personnel revealed that torque

switches initially were set by electricians and field engineers

l during M0V installation and later were adjusted by electricians

I during valve maintenance. These interviews also revealed that

engineering judgement was the basis used to initially set the

torque switches and then actual valve operation under no-flow

conditions typically became the basis to readjust the settings.

Limiter plates were installed to prevent setting torque switches

too high and M0V maintenance procedures specifically cautioned

against setting torque switches above the upper limit. However,

MOV maintenance procedures did not address lower torque switch




limits and vendor reconmendations for minimum set points were

not referenced when the torque switches were set. The torque

switch settings were recorded on Job Order (J0) data sheets and

reviewed as part of the normal J0 closeout, but lower limits for

torque switches settings were not available for the reviewing

parties to compare to the actual settings.

The team reviewed actual torque switch settings for eight EFW

system MOVs. The significant data from this review is provided


Actual Torque

Valve No. Description Operator Switch Settings

10 en Close

CV-2613 P7A Stm Admission SMB-000 1.5 1.5

CV-2617 OTSG B Stm Supply SMB-000 3.5 3.0

CV-2620 P7A to S/G B Isol. SMB-000 2.0 2.0

CV-2626 P78 to S/G B Isol. SMB-00 1.5 1.5

CV-2627 P7A to S/G A Isol. SMB-000 1.5 2.5

CV-2869 P78 Test Recirc Isol. SMB-00 1.5 1.5

CV-2870 P7A Test Recirc Isol. SMB-00 1.5 1.5

CV-3851 Loop II SW Supply SMB-000 2.0 2.0


.,. The torque switch adjustment scale ranged from a minimum of 1.0

to a maximum of 5.0. As illustrated by the data in the above

table, the torque switch settings were typically set at the low

end of the scale for the EFW system valves. This was a particular

, concern for the EFW discharge valves (CV-2620, CV-2626, CV-2627

CV-2670,CV-2869,CV-2870). During the onsite inspection, the

licensee was unable to provide recommended minimum torque switch

settings for these M0Vs.

After completion of the onsite inspection, the licensee provided

the folicwing manufacturer test data for the selected valves:

Manufacturer's Torque

Valve No. Test Press Switch Setting


1en Close

' 1100 psig

i CV-2613 1.5 1.5

, , ;; CV-2617 1050 psid 2.0 2.0

CV-2620 1792 psig 2.0 2.0


1 CV-2626 1792 psig 1.25 1.25

CV-2627 1792 psig 2.0 2.0

c' CV-2869 1792 psig 1.5 1.5

It is not clear that all the manufacturer's test data was

' -

obtained under flow conditions because the test pressure was

recorded in psig for several valves and the motor run current

measurements were inconsistent with licensee test data obtained

., when the valves were installed. However, it does appear from

these data that the CV-2627 torque switcq open setting was set






- __ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___ _ _ -




below the manufacturers testing set points. Addit.ionally, no

manufacturer test results were available for CV4870 and CV4351 1

because the operators and valves were connected by the 11ccroce

without vendor recommendations for minimum and maximum torque

switch set points. The apparent failure of the licensee to v


translate the vendor-supplied M0V de:ign basis data into


applicable controlling documents appeared to be contrary to

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III. This 3ssue will remain '


an unresolved item pending followup by NRC Region IV

(50-313/86-01-07). .

IE Infonnation Notice 84-10. "Moter-Operated Valve Torque

Switches Set Below The Manufacturic's' Recommended Value," raised -

issues that were similar to the findinos outlined above. The

inspection team reviewed the licensee's internal memorandum ' ^

regarding this notice. It stated J. hat 4his issue was not a ,.

problem at ANO because torque limiter plates were usedt < .,

additionally, any changes to torque switch settings were ,- )

reviewed in the J0 closeout process. This reasoning appears - c;


inadequate because the limiter plates d10 not prevent setting L

torque switches too low and the licensee did not maintain a * '

list of reconnended minimum torque switch set point values for

comparison at JO closeout.

- 4

c. Interviews with licensee personnel'and a review of the MOV 'e'

maintenance procedures revealed that limit switches were

set to bypass torque switches for only a minimal amqunt of

initial valve travel. Licensee procedures for opyrator models '


SMB-00 and SMB-000 directed thatethedimit switches should he set ,,

1-2 turns off the fully open or closed position. This minimi -



amount does not appear to be adequate to compensate for the ' '

effects of coast or backlash in the operator. This could result -



in excessive valve backseating or the limit switch acteting 7~ "

before the initial starting torque is fully removed fecm the 4

operator, which could cause the torque switch to premturdly s

stop the valve motion. The licentde stated that this issue

was currently under review as part of their respon59 to IC "



Bulletin 85-03, " Motor Operated. Valve Common Mode Failures'

During Plant Transients Due To ' Improper Switch Settings," but' )!

no short-term actions had been< initiated to correct this ' '


potential deficiency. ~


, ~


d. Interviews with licensee personnel, reviewr. of, maintenance and - .


. .,

periodic testing procedures, and inspection ~of post-modification ~


test packages revealed that not all EFW system MOVs have been . -l

tested to ensure they will operate prope-ly under flow conditkns. i

During the 1984 outage, new steam admissing and pump discharge , Q

MOVs were installed as part of DCP 80-1083. It appeared'that no -

tests were conducted to verify proper M0'i operation during flow

conditions nor were any engineeripg evalu~ations - &


Verify that torque and lir'it switch settings were adequate-

An exception to this was the EFW turbine steem admission',v41ves

. , I

(CV-2613, CV-2663) which were tested routineiy'under system flow .


conditions during both manual and automatic EFW system initiation.



g ,






a" . - _ _ . .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _

However, the EFW pump discharge valves (CV-2620, CV-2626, CV-2627,

CV-2670, CV-2869, CV-2870) had apparently never been fully tested

under system flow conditions either by post-modification tests,

pcst-maintenance tests, periodic surveillance checks, or by

actual system initiation. The EFW steam generator isolation

valves (CV-2620, CV-2626, CV-2627, CV-2670) and the full-flow test

isolation valves (CV-2869, CV-2870) are not normally repositioned

for EFW system initiation. These valves are expected to operate

against full-flow conditions only when an EFW initiation occurs

during system flow testing or if a steam generator isolation

signal is received during EFW system operation.

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XI, requires that components be

) tested to demonstrate that they will perform satisfactorily in

service. This testing shall include proof tests prior to

installation, pre-operational tests, and operational tests, as

appropriate. The apparent failure to adequately test the EFW

system discharge piping M0Vs under flow conditions either by I

pre-installation, post-modification, periodic surveillance, or

post-maintenance tests was considered to be contrary to 10 CFR

50, Appendix B, Criterion XI. This issue will remain an unresolved

3 item pending followup by NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-08).

e. During the walkdown of the EFW system, the team identified five

MOVs that were missing stem housing end caps. Three valves


(CV-2617, CV-2667, CV-2870) appeared to be missing the screw cap,

and two valves (CV-2800, CV-2802) had their end caps sheared off.

A significant amount of dirt and foreign material was observed

in the stem cavities of these valves. Debris in the stem cavity

could work down into the operator and foul gears or affect bearings,

preventing proper valve operation.

f. The team reviewed three M0V maintenance procedures: Procedure

1402.160, "Limitorque Motor Operated Valve SMB-000 Maintenance,"

Revision 3; Procedure 1402.161, "Limitorque Motor Operated Valve

SM8-00 Maintenance," Revision 1; and Procedure 1402.71, "EIM

Motor Operated Valve Maintenance," Revision 2. The following

inaccuracies were noted with these procedures:

(1) All three procedures referenced drawing E-195 for a des-

cription of the M0V limit switch (LS) operation. This

drawing did not show the Limitorque LS contact scheme and

the EIM LS scheme incorrectly showed contact "LSO/G" as

being closed continuously throughout valve travel.


(2) The procedures failed to identify CV-2663, CV-2620,

and CV-2870 as dc-powered MOVs. Further, the procedures

failed to include CV-2663, CV-3850, CV-3851, CV-2627,

CV-2626, CV-2869 and CV-2870 as Q-listed valves. (See

Design Changes, observation 7.c for further discussion

of the licensee's Q-list.)

(3) Procedures 1402.160 and 1402.161 had an incorrect drawing

showing a reversed position of the open and closed

adjustments for torque switches.





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(4) Procedure 1402.161 incorrectly listed CV-385. and CV-2620

as model SM8-00 operators when they were actually model


(5) All three procedures incorrectly stated that closed

limit switches should be set to operate off the shut seat

to allow for coastdown. This was incorrect because in the

closing direction the motor is stopped by the torque switch

and the limit switch should be set to provide adequate bypass

of the torque switch when unseating the valve or to indicate

valve position.

(6) Procedure 1402.71 incorrectly stated that CV-3850 can

be modulated when the valve was actually designed with a

seal-in feature to prevent throttling.

(7) Pro;edure 1402.71 had no requirement for independent

verification of removal of a test jumper. The test fumner,

when installed, bypassed the seal-in feature of tb JV and

would interfere with nonnal valve operations.

At the exit meeting the licensee stated that these procedures were

in the process of being corrected. This item will remain open pending

inspector review of the licensee's corrective action (50-313/86-01-03).

Collectively, the weaknesses described in observations 1.a through 1.f

were evidence of an inadequate program for maintenance and testing of

MOVs. Based on the information available to the team during the

inspection, the licensee could not verify by testing or engineering

evaluaticn that the current limit and torque switch set points for

MOVs in the EFW system were adequate to permit proper valve operation

under flow conditions.

2. The team reviewed mechanical and electrical maintenance training and

on-the-job training (0JT) for technicians who worked on EFW/EFIC com-

ponents. The emphasis of this review was on M0V training. Mechanical

maintenance training consisted of generic pump and valve training with

no special emphasis on EFW components. Electrical maintenance training i

was conducted in a laboratory where hands-on motor control center and

M0V work could be accomplished. The electrical maintenance laboratory

had eight MOV actuators installed (Limitorque, Rotork, and Electrodyne), I

six of which were wired and operable. Technicians were able to gain '

hands-on practice in setting limit and torque switches and in making

other actuator adjustments and settings. Maintenance training was i

considered good overall; the presence of operable actuators in the .

electrical maintenance laboratory was considered a strength. I

The licensee was in the process of initiating a new OJT program for

maintenance technicians. At the time of the inspection first-line

supervisors in the electrical maintenance shop were using the records '

from the old 0JT program to record and determine technician qualifica-

tions for assignment to a maintenance task. Both the old and the new

OJT program appeared adequate for this purpose.

25 l


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3. The team noted weaknesses with the maintenance and testing of EFW system

pump P7A conducted at the conclusion of the 1984 cutage. During a 1-month

period the pump was disassembled and reassembled three times as follows:

December 23, 1984 - Pump P7A was reassembled after outage maintenance

and testing (JO 76916).

l January 7-8,1985 - Pump P7A thrust bearing was replaced after overheating

during surveillance testing (JO 81212).

January 11, 1985 - Pump P7A balance drum shims were replaced at

the direction of the mechanical naintenance

superintendent (JO 75648).

The following deficiencies were noted with the maintenance and testing

of EFW pump P7A during this sequence:

l a. . A new thrust bearing and balance drum shims were installed as

l part of JO 76916; however, the steps of Section 7.2 of Procedure

1402.09, " Emergency Feedwater Pump Maintenance," Revision 1,

l which described this process, were marked N/A by the maintenance

I technician. It appeared that the prescribed maintenance proce-

l dure was not followed for this involved maintenance activity.


I b. The post-maintenance testing conducted on pump P7A during this

l period appeared incomplete. Procedure 1402.09 provided detailed

guidance for taking post-maintenance vibration readings in the

, horizontal, vertical, and axial directions and required that

L they be compared to a set of pre-maintenance vibration results,

r Despite this detailed guidance, the following post-maintenance

l testing deficiencies were identified:


(1) The testing documented for the December 1984 maintenance

(JO 76916) was not conducted until January 17, 1985.

These data were not representative of the pump configura-

tion after JO 76916 since the thrust bearings- and balance


drum shims were replaced again before testing was conducted.

(2) The testing documented on JO 81212 was missing some axial

measurements and there were no pre-maintenance data for

l comparison. A note at the end of the test data sheet

stated that operations personnel had conducted the test

as a surveillance test and axial readings were omitted

because they were not required for the surveillance test.

(3) There were no post-maintenance test data recorded on

JO 75648 for maintenance conducted on January 11, 1985.

Interviews with licensee maintenance persr.nnel revealed that there may be


inadequate coordination of post-maintenance and surveillance tests. The

l- surveillance tests were conducted in all cases to determine operability;

but post-maintenance tests apparently were not always performed in accordance

with procedural guidance. The team was concerned that post-maintenance testing <




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requirements may not always be satisfied by surveillance tests and that

i both test programs should be accomplished to ensure equipment reliability.

The apparent failure by the licensee to follow procedures for the main-

. tenance and testing of EFW pump P7A will remain an unresolved item pending

followup by NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-09).

4. The inspection team conducted a detailed walkdown of the EFW system

to verify that the system layout was as depicted in the system arawings

(P& ids), that the system was aligned as required by licensee procedures,

and to evaluate the material condition and cleanliness of the system. The

following references were used:


System Drawings (P& ids):

M-202, " Main Steam," Revision 33

M-206, " Steam Generator Secondary System," Revision 45


M-204, " Emergency Feedwater," Revision 2

Procedures: i

1106.06, " Emergency Feedwater Pump Operation," Revision 25

1102.01, " Plant Preheatup and Precritical," Revision 32


The team found that the system layout was as depicted in the system  ;

- drawings and that the system was aligned as required by the proce-

du res. The team considered plant cleanliness and material condition

to be generally acceptable. However, several weaknesses were noted

during the walkdown: ,

a. Inconsistencies were found between the system drawings

and Procedure 1106.06 concerning the position c.f four



! Position Per Position Per

Valve No. Procedure 1106.06 P& ids M-202, M-206

CV-2613 Shut Open

CV-2663 Shut Open


CV-2617 Open Shut

CV-2667 Open Shut


The valves were found in their correct positions as specified

in Procedure 1106.06. Additionally, the system drawing (M-202)

i identified one steam trap as "ST-75" instead of "ST-60" as

identified by the component label plate and the valve lineup




j b. The team noted the following as related to material condition

4 and cleanliness:

i (1) A significant amount of dirt and foreign material was i

! noted in the steam cavity of several MOVs as discussed in

maintenance observation 1.e.



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(2) Valves CS-2803 and CS-28048 had missing operator handwheels.

(3) Numerous vent and drain valves had no pipe caps.

(4) Valves MS-6886, MS-6872, and MS-1053 had no label plate


(5) Valve HV-166 was mislabeled as HV-160.

(6) Valve MS-1053 had a body-to-bonnet steam leak. This

condition was not previously documented by the licensee.

(7) The cleanliness of the penthouse room containing the

EFW system main steam piping was poor in comparison to the

generally good appearance of other spaces containing EFW

system components.

c. Several of the concrete expansion anchor bolts associated with these

seismic pipe supports in the EFW system were noted to be nonperpendicular

to the surface into which they were installed. Additionally, the washer

on an installed concrete expansion anchor on pipe support 3-EFW-116-H20

was noted to be so loose that it would rotate easily by hand. A later

review of this pipe support installation by the licensee revealed that

seven of the concrete expansion anchors had less than the required

imbedment depth. The details of these issues regarding concrete

expansion anchors will be followed up by NRC Region IV and documented

in NRC inspection report 50-313/86-02.

C. Surveillance Testing

1. The licensee was unable to provide the team with calibration data docu-

menting the initial post-installation calibrations and functional checkout

of condensate storage tank (CST) level indication transmitter LIT-4203.

A determination of the set point and set point accuracies for the CST low

level annunciation function of CST level indicator switch LIS 4203 also

was not available. Additionally, surveillance procedures were not

developed to periodically calibrate condensate storage tank (CST) level

instrumentation. This instrumentation is used by the licensee to verify

that greater than 16.3 feet of water is available in the CST as required

by Technical Specification (TS) It also provides indication that

alerts the control room operators to manusily switch-over the EFW water

supply from the CST to the service water system, if necessary. The

CST level instruments were instclled by DCP 80-1083 and DCP 84-1045 as

part of recent EFW upgrade modifications and were considered by the

licensee to be functional following the 1984 refueling outage.

Subsequent to these findings, the licensee conducted calibrations on all

CST 1evel instrurients and initiated Plant Engineering Assistance Request

86-301 to determine set point and set point accuracies for LIS-4203. The

apparent failure to calibrate the CST 1evel indicator after installation

is contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XI, which requires that

testing be performed to demonstrate that components will perform satis-


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factorily in service. This issue was discussed with the licensee and

will remain an unresolved item pending followup by NRC Region IV


2. Several components were identified by the inspection team for which 18-

month test requirements were not incorporated into surveillance test pro-

cedures. However, in all examples (except for the CST level instrumen-

tation discussed in observation 1, above) post-installation functional

testing performed at the completion of the 1984 refueling outage and

before restart constituted sufficient initial surveillance testing. The

licensee had no apparent administrative controls to ensure the incorpora-

tion of these surveillance requirenants. The team considered that the

licensee's failure to maintain administrative tracking of omitted

18-month surveillance requirements constituted a programatic weakness

that could result in the incomplete surveillance testing of EFW components

during the next refueling outage. Specifi weaknesses with EFW component

surveillance procedures were found in the following areas:

a. Surveillance procedures were not developed to functionally verify

that the steam admission valves (CV-2667 and CV-2617) to the turbine-

driven EFW pump actuate to the required position on an emergency

feedwater initiation and control (EFIC) vector logic valve comand.

These vector logic valve comands function to isolate a faulted steam

generator and to align EFW to the good steam generator. Adequate

testing of this function was conducted by Special Work Plan (SWP)

1409.44 during post-modification testing of the EFW system upgrades;

however, the licensee had not written a surveillance procedure to

periodically perform this functional demonstration as part of the

surveillance test program.

b. Surveillance procedures were not developed to functionally demonstrate

the adequacy of steam generator isolation valve responses to an EFIC

main steam line isolation signal. An EFIC generated main steam line

isolation signal results in closure of the main steam line isolation

valves and the main feedwater isolation valves. Testing of these

responses at least once every 18 months is required to demonstrate j

component operability pursuant to TS A review of approved

periodic surveillance procedures revealed that the response of these

valves to an EFIC isolation signal was not tested. Post-installation

functional testing of the EFIC system perfonned in accordance with )

SWP 1409.44 before unit restart following the 1984 refueling outage

provided a sufficient initial demonstration of these functions.

Retesting of these functions was not required until the next refueling


The weaknesses in the surveillance testing program discussed in this

observation will remain open pending followup by NRC Region IV



3. Additional instrumentation testing and calibration weaknesses were noted

in regard to EFW system components. The following items pertain:

a. Instrumentation and Control Periodic Test, 1304.05 " Emergency

Feedwater Pressure and Flow Instrumentation," Revision 3, did not


. . , _ _ _


verify that control room annunciators PAL-2811 and PAL-2812 (EFW

discharge pressure low) annunciate when EFW discharge pressure

indication switches PIS-2811 and PIS-2812, respectively, are

actuated at the low pressure set point. The test procedure

instructed the technician to remove the pressure indication

switch from service before calibrating the indicator; as a result,

the annunciator was not verified to respond when the switch low-

pressure contacts change state during the calibration,

b. The licensee had not developed a procedure to routinely functionally

test HS-2646, the Appendix 'R' disconnect switch. HS-2646 is located

in the lower south electrical penetration room and provides a method

for operators to remove de power from CV-2646 and CV-2648. This

ensures that a method is available to remove power from CV-2646 and

CV-2648, when required for an alternate shutdown, thereby failing

these valves to the open position to ensure an EFW flowpath to the

steam generators,

c. The monthly and the 18-month calibration surveillances.of EFIC use

an internal, hardwired self-test to demonstrate proper operation of

the following control module functions:

Steam generator pressure of 1020 psig

running (forced flow)

  • 312-inch full range level with no RCPs running (natural


' 378-inch full range level for reflux boiling

generator pressure

The team considered that this self-test constituted an appropriate

monthly functional verification of control module operability.

However, there was no provision for periodic validation of self-

test adequacy. Although the self-test was hardwired into the

individual control module, the circuit was composed of components

that may be subject to instrument drift or incorrect setting.

Because this internal test circuitry represents measuring and test

equipment, the ifcensee must provide a means to periodically validate

the test results.

Additionally, the team did not consider the self-test to be an

adequate 18-month channel calibration of the EFIC control module.

In response to this concern, the licensee committed to develop a

more conventional 18-month calibration procedure that will input

test signals to the EFIC control module and verify appropriate

control module responses. Furthennore, after this calibration method

has been completed, the self-test will be performed to validate its

acceptability for continued use as a monthly functional verification

of control module operability.

The weaknesses discussed in observations 3.a 3.b and 3.c will remain

an open item pending followup by NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-05).


4. Weaknesses were identified in the in-service testing program for mechanical

equipment associated with the EFW system. Specifically, certain check

valves listed in Attachment 2 to Procedure 1022.06, "ASME Code Section XI

Inservice Testing Program," Revision 4, as requiring in-service testing

were not identified in the supplements to Procedure 1106.06, " Emergency

Feedwater Pump Operation," Revision 24. Therefore, these check valves

were not documented as having been routinely tested. The following

deficiencies were noted:

a. Valves CS-98, CS-99, CS-261, and CS-262 are check valves in the EFW

pump suction line from the condensate storage tank (CST). These

valves exist two each in parallel lines coming from the CST.

Adequate flow has been demonstrated through these valves in routine

pump flow tests. However, since these two lines are in parallel,

the operability and full stroke response of each individual valve

has apparently not been demonstrated.

b. Valves FW-55A, FW-558, FW-56A, and FW-56B are check valves in the

EFW pump discharge headers. Adequate flow has been demonstrated

through these valves during routine pump flow tests. However, routine

testing of these valves was not documented.

c. Valves FW-10A, FW-108, FW-61, and FW-62 are in the EFW pump minimum

recirculation flow paths. FW-10A and FW-10B are three-way recircu-

lation control check valves that function to provide a recirculation

flow path when steam generator pressure exceeds pump discharge

pressure. Valves FW-61 and FW-62 are check valves installed down-

stream of FW-10A and FW-108. Flow and stroke for these valve

combinations is not routinely demonstrated.

The licensee agreed that Procedure 1106.06 will be revised to identify

specific testing and documentation for these valves. The failure to

provide adequate testing for these valves will remain unresolved pending

followup by NRC Region IV (50-313/86-01-11).


1. The procedures and drawings related to the normal and abnormal operation

of the EFW system were reviewed. The following weaknesses were noted:

a. Procedure 1106.06, " Emergency Feedwater Pump Operation," Revision

24, contained inaccurate guidance regarding the operation of

motor-operated valves for steam admission to the P7A pump turbine.

Specifically, step 9.3.2 stated that operation of those valves was

". . . the same as the EFW isolation valves." When operating in the

manual mode, momentary actuation of the switch in the control room

will cause the EFW isolation valves to travel momentarily, but

momentary actuation of steam admission valve control switch will

cause that valve to operate to full travel as a result of a seal-in

feature designed into the motor control circuitry.

I b. During a review and walkdown of Procedure 1203.02, " Alternate Shutdown,"

Revision 12, nothing was identified that would clearly prevent

achieving reactor shutdown, but it was noted that substantial




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difficulty would probably be encountered by the operator attempting

to control the atmospheric dumps valves (ADVs) for decay heat removal.

In some cases comunications facilities were located significant

distances away from the alternate shutdown components, such as the

EFW flow control valves and the ADV station. Additionally, the

battery-powered lighting system at the ADV station failed to operate

when the test button was pushed. The licensee had corrective action

in progress, initiated before and during the inspection, to correct

these communications and lighting deficiencies.

2. Procedure 1000.27, " Hold and Caution Card Control," Revision 5, and

associated equipment control logs were reviewed. One deficiency was

identified: there was no record of an independent verification of

equipment status for the initial hanging of tag 11 (breaker 5116) for

tagout 86-1-043 (emergency diesel generator). This was found to be an

isolated instance and the licensee took prompt corrective action to verify

the status of the equipment.

3. During daily tours of the control room, operations crew personnel were

observed to be maintaining plant parameters within specified limits

according to approved procedures. The overall level of professionalism

displayed by the operators was satisfactory, with the exception of relaxed

control of nonessential personnel in the control room. On several occasions,

non-operations personnel were observed to either remain in the control room

after completing official work-related business or were allowed to enter

the control room with no apparent work-related reason for being there.

This condition was observed with the plant both operating and shutdown.

Although no cases were observed of on-watch operators being distracted

from their duties, the potential for such distraction was clearly present.

4. Operator training for the EFW system and the EFIC subsystem was combined

into one module which comprised the lesson plan (AA-21002-040, Rev. 2), a

handout, viewgraphs, a slide presentation and a short video tape explaining

operation of the turbine-driven EFW pump. This material was reviewed

for adequacy and technical accuracy. Minor weaknesses were noted:

a. Page 22 of the handout showed a tabular summary of the EFIC vector

valve commands which was incorrect. However, an identical table on

page 82 was correct,

b. Figure 66.1 of the handout contained several errors. Valves CV-2646

and CV-2645 were not labeled, CV-2648 was mislabeled as CV-2621, and

CV-2647 was mislabeled as CV-2672.

5. The team examined the effectiveness of operator training for alternate

shutdown. This training had most recently been conducted as part of

operator requalification and initial qualification training in October

1985. The training consisted of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of classroom instruction, a

walk-through of operator actions at each station, and a simulated shutdown

with shift operators working at the appropriate stations. Overall, the

training for this activity appeared satisfactory. Interviews with operators

revealed operational difficulties at some stations (see paragraph 1.b of

this section).


6. The team examined shift technical advisor (STA) training. The present

STA training program appeared to meet only the minimum requirements.

One member of the plant engineering staff was assigned to be STA for both

units on a rotating basis. This individual would usually conduct his

normal job assignments and respond to control room activities on an

en-call basis.

AN0 plans to implement a new STA policy and procedure in mid-1986. The

new program will consist of trained, dedicated STAS on shift rotation

assigned specifically to Unit 1 or Unit 2. The licensee intends for the

STA to have a senior reactor operator license on either Unit 1 or 2. At

the time of this inspection, there were 12 engineers in training for these

STA positions. A review of the new STA program and training material

revealed that it met the NRC requirements for such training. This new

STA program is expected to be a significant improvement over the existing


E. Quality Assurance

The QA audit program was considered weak in determining the effectiveness

of the ANO-Unit 1 QA program. Similar weaknesses to those found in this

inspection report were not identified during a review of the more recent

licensee audits conducted in the areas of training, operations, surveillance

test, design control, corrective action, quality control, and engineering

services. Also included in this review were two overview audits of the ANO-1

plant staff and the AN0-1 QA program conducted by Middle South Services.

The following observations were made relative to the QA audit program:

1. Current guidance in the QA audit / activity plan limits the scope of all

audits to a review of audit areas for regu'atory compliance and program

implementation. This guidance appeared to be interpreted by QA through

the conduct of the audits to mean program and procedural compliance without

emphasis on assessing the quality of the end product.

2. The last two design control audits and an audit of the licensee's ccrporate

engineering staff in Little Rock provided no technical assessments to

evaluate the effectiveness of the licensee's design control program. No

significant findings were identified by these audits.

3. The training audits consisted of programmatic reviews with specific

observations, such as the following, highlighted in the audit reports:

a. Lesson plans were found to be consistent in format.

b. Lesson plans are being maintained in locked storage.

c. The HP Supervisor reviews general employee radiation protection

training quarterly.

No assessments, such as determining the adequacy of the training plans,

the effectiveness of any training acccmplished, or the capability of the

instructors presenting the training, were made.


4. The quality control document management system audit did not provide

technical assessments of the QC group's performance.

5. The corrective action audits appeared to have been a superficial review

of the adequacy of the actions taken by the plant in response to identified

deficiencies. It was not apparent that any assessment of the root causes

for the significant deficiencies adverse to quality were perfonned. The

auditors appeared to have focused on the timeliness of the corrective

action taken and the ability of the plant to close a backlog of noncon-

formance reports.

6. Recent staff increases through contractor hirings and permanent staff

additions have provided the QA group with important technical and

operational expertise that could serve as a foundation for future

performance-oriented assessments.

7. The QA staff lackd technical design expertise.

8. The QA manager and QA supervisor exhibited an understanding of the

need for performance-oriented as'iessments and stated that consideration

is being given to conducting more performance-oriented assessments.

In sumary, the ANO-Unit 1 QA audit program had not provided technical and

operational reviews of site quality activities; thus it had not provided plant

and corporate management with important feedback on the quality of the

activities performed that affect the safe operation of the plant.


An exit meeting was conducted on January 31, 1986, at Arkansas Nuclear One.

The licensee's representatives are identified in the Appendix. In addition,

Mr. James G. Partlow, Director, Division of Inspection Programs, IE, and Mr.

James E. Gagliardo, Branch Chief, NRC Region IV, attended the exit meeting.

The scope of the inspection was discussed, and the licensee was informed that

the inspection would continue with further in-office data review e.od analysis

by team members. The licensee was informed that some of the observations could

become potential enforcement findings. The team members presented their

observations for each area inspected and responded to questions from licensee's



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Persons Contacted

The following is a list of persons contacted during this inspection. There

were other technical and administrative personnel who also were contacted.

  • J. D. Vandergift. Training Manager
  • R. Tucker, Electrical Maintenance
  • H. Carpenter, Instrumentation and Control Maintenance
  • D. Jones, Instrumentation and Control Maintenance
  • W. H. Jones, Modification Manager
  • J. T. Enos, Manager Nuclear Engineering and Licensing
  • D. G. Horton, QA Manager
  • G. D. Provencher, QC Supervisor
  • A. J. Wrape, Electrical Engineering Supervisor
  • D. Howard, Special Projects Manager
  • J. Levine, Site Director
  • T. Cogburn, General Manager Nuclear Services
  • D. B. Lomax, Plant Licensing Supervisor
  • C. N. Shively, Plant Engineering Superintendent
  • P. Campbell, Plant Licensing Engineer
  • B. A. Baker, Operations Manager {
  • M. Drost, QC Engineering Supervisor
  • J. McWilliams, Operations Superintendent
  • V. Pettus, Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent {
  • E. L. - Sanders, Maintenance Manager
  • R. P. Wewers, Work Control Center Manager
  • D. R. Sikes, Engineering Services General Manager
  • J. G. Dobbs, Engineering Services Electrical Engineer
  • W. Cottingham, I&C Engineer
  • V. Bardwaj, Electrical Engineer
  • R. W. Howerton, Civil Engineering Manager
  • W. Greeson, Civil Engineering Supervisor i
  • D. Williams, Mechanical Engineering Supervisor l
  • R. Lane, Mechanical Engineering Manager
  • W. M. Cawthon, Electrical Engineering

C. Cole, Surveillance Testing Coordinator

W. Garrison, Operations Technical Staff

S. Burris, Staff Administrative Assistant

S. Capehart, Shift Operator

J. Clement, Shift Operations Supervisor

S. Fullen, Shift Operator

M. Goad, Training Department instructor

C. Zimmerman, Operations Technical Support

  • Attended exit meeting on January 31, 1986.




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Arkansas Power & Light Company -3-


Distribution (w/ report):




ORPB reading

DI reading

i W. . J. Dircks, EDO

H. R. Denton, NRR

C. J. Heltemes, AEOD

J. M. Taylor, IE

R. H. Vollmer, IE

J. G. Partlow, IE

R. L. Spessard, IE

B. K. Grimes, IE

J. A. Axelrad,.IE

All NRC Regional Administratoi's


J. E. Gagliardo, RV

D. M. Hunnicutt, RIV

W. D. Johnson, RIV

G. S. Vissing, NRR '

H. R. Booher, NRR

E. H. Johnson, RIV //5

All licensees (Distribution CF)













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