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Responds to Encl 860211 Request for Intervenor Status in Offsite Emergency Planning Hearing.Request Not Received by Docketing & Svcs Branch.Specific Statement Required on Scope of Interests & Issues.Served on 860224
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/1986
From: Hoyt H
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
To: Katner N
Shared Package
ML20141E396 List:
82-471-02-OL, 82-471-2-OL, OL, NUDOCS 8602250245
Download: ML20141E400 (3)


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T6 FE4 24 A10:30 February 20, 1986

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Superintendent Norman C. Katner School Administrative Unit No. 21 Alumni Drive Hampton, New Hampshire 03842 RE: Public Service Co. of New Hampshire, et al.

(Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2)

Docket Nos. 50-443, 50-444 OL ASLBP No. 82-471-02-OL Offsite Emergency Planning

Dear Sir:

Your letter of February 11, 1986 requesting "Intervenor Status" in the above referenced matter has been received by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board hearing this case.

I note that in your letter of February 11, 1986 you have indicated that a copy went to "NRC Docketing Service." A search by the Docketing Section failed to find that a copy had in fact been received. Documents filed with this Comission must be filed agd served in accordance with

  • the provisions of'10 CFR % 2.701(a)(b)(c). In order to expedite this I 5 2.701 Filing of documents.

(a) Documents shall be filed with the Comission in adjudications subject to this part either: (1) By delivery to the Public Document Room at 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., or (2) by mail or telegram addressed to the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Chief, Docketing and Service Section.

(b) All documents offered for filing shall be accompanied by proof of service upon all parties to the proceeding or their attorneys of -

record as required by law or by rule or order of the Comission. The staff of the Comission shall be deemed to be a party.

(c) Filing by mail or telegram will be deemed to be ccmplete as of the time of deposit in the mail or with a telegraph company.

9602250245 060221 3 DR ADOCK O

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Superintendent Katne- 2 February 20, 1986 matter, I am attaching your letter to this reply. However, if you elect to supply the statement discussed below, it will be necessary for you to file the response in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.

The provision of 10 CFR 2.715(c)2 does permit the Board to afford a loct.1 agency a reasonable opportunity to participate in hearings.

However, the Board . . . "mcy require such representative to indicate with reasonable specificity, in advance of hearings, the subject matters on which he desires to participate."

The Board will require a statement from you of those matters on which you will participate in this proceeding with as much specificity as will identify to the parties and to this Board the scope of your interests and the issues you will raise. When this statement from you is received, the Board will issue an appropriate order determining your status as an intervenor.

The Board notes that the Towns of Hampton, Hampton F. alls, Seabrook, North Hampton and South Hampton in your administrative unit have been admitted in this proceeding under the provisions of 10 CFR 9 2.715(c).

In drafting your statement of subject matters on which you wish to participate, the degree to which your interests are not already represented by other parties should be given careful consideration. In multi-party cases, such as this proceeding, joinder of parties and 2

6 2.715 Participation by a person not a party.

(c) The presiding officer will afford representatives of an interested State, county, municipality, and/or agencies thereof, a reasonable opportunity to participate and to introduce evidence, interrogate witnesses, and advise the Commission without requiring the Representative to take a position with respect to the issue. Such participants may also file proposed findings and exceptions pursuant to 95 2.754 and 2.762 and petitions for review by the Commission pursuant to 9 2.786. The presiding officer may require such representative to indicate with reasonable specificity, in advance of the hearing, the ~ ~

subject matters on which he desires to participate.

Superintendent Katner 3 February 20, 1986 assignment of lead counsel for those with similar interests is necessary to ensure fair and complete litigation of an issue while eliminating repetition and delays. The obvious costly repetition expends resources and time as well as materially contributing to a lengthy proceeding without corresponding benefit to the evidentiary record.


Helen F. Hoyt, Chairperso J.  :


, Attachment As Stated l

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