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Advises That Due to Licensing Hearings Before Commission, Comments on Issues Raised in Recipients Inappropriate.Concerns on Proposed Rule Re Emergency Planning Regulations Also Noted.Served on 870421
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/1987
From: Carr K
To: Atkinson G, Atkinson T
Shared Package
ML20215L299 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8706260010
Download: ML20215L316 (1)



/.g ar a fq UNITE D sTATFs


. { .. . , 'i W ASHINGTON, D C. 20555 30M[yr

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Ty w.s April 20, 1987

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' BRANCH Mr. Theodore and Mrs. Gabriele Atkinson 10 Chain Bridge Drive SERVED APR 211987 Newburyport, Massachusetts01950

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson:

Thank ~you .for.your recent letter concerning the Seabrook Nuclear Station.

Since the Seabrook Station is currently the subject of licensing hearings before the Commission. it is inappropriate for me to comment on the merits of'the issues'. You may be assured, however, that protection of the public .

health and. safety will be the paramount consideration in decisions I may make on the hearing record.

Your letter also expressed concern about the Commission's proposed changes to its emergency planning regulations. The proposed rule (copy enclosed) J has been published for.public comment, and the Commission will decide 1 whether to' adopt the proposed rule after evaluating the public comments we. ,

receive. Should you have more specific comments on the rule, please send them to the address listed in the notice.

I appreciate and welcome your views on the Commission's responsibilities. 3 1


3. n Kenneth M. Carr Commissioner cc: Seabrook Service list 8706260010'B70420 PDR COMMS NRCC CORRESPONDENCE PDR u

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Qg J~LA pwo fMarch 23, 1987 e EMrslKenneth;Carr-Nuclear Regulatory-Commissioner L1717?H; Street.NW.

cWashington, D. C. 20555



We are strongly opposed to your current: proposed rule change that was handed to you'by owners of a certain. power plant, which:wouldLallow public

'L utilities to submitLevacuation plans for communities withinothe cEPZ's of nuclear power plants,1when state- <

O Land'1ocallgoverments refuseito participate in such.

planning. This proposal-does not consider the safety of'the people! .Or dont you care!

We a'e' r'. limiting state'andilocal' input on.

=evacuationiplans..In light of.the, evidence suffacing g-

, LiromiThree MileEIsland and beyond; fifty mile circum .

ference,JweDfind'these-proposalsifrightening:and very-


L unamerican! fit is abundantly clear what is motivating L

fsuch a ruling. Tou, as a supposedly--select group of t,

' individuals,sare not sincere in protecting'the public, Onej has to: question if you are' on a secret payroll of certainfutilities1 and owners of-nuclear power. plants!

'Sendrook should-not be licensed'for various reasons:

L It is. constructed on. unsafe' salt marsh.-

h 'Its construction'was faulted by well-documented n- drug and alcohol abuse by construction workers.

Evacuation is impossible'in.that'particular area may there be a one, ten or fifty mile limit.

4 +

Future mismanagement by men and . women! Or are you feu en snug to.believe mistakes and error judgements j are not possible by members of the human race?

. Qualified engineers foretell o:! almost 100%  ;

chance by the year 2010, occurrence of strong earthgakes in the East.

i listening?

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V No ' place to store nuclear . waste! I Perhaps we could store some in each of'your- j

' backyards, very american to share, dont you think!-

.Boes'the.present NRC board repudiate. President Reagan's

. position that - this- adminis tration does not f avor Lthe.

imposition of federal authority'over the objections. ' !.

of: state and local goverments in matters regarding the adequacy'of-an emergency evacuation plan for a nuclear.

power plant.

.The; Federal Emergency Management-Agency states' clearly a that~any plans-developed without state participation.

cannot meet their safety standards.

According to Worldwatch Institute polls, 78% of all .j Americans oppose any further nuclear power plants. 1 There is still' time to convert Seabrook, Shoreham,N.T.

Shearon-Harris N.C. to other types of fuels, but the .[

NRC prefers to stay on their present course and license l

, at'any cost tc public health and' safety._Perhaps it is  ;

time for,the resignations of-Chairman Lando Zech and- I

'Mr.~Yictor Stello,'a cleansing is needed!

The pt.ople will turn to Congress to.have;their voices

. heard.:We believe we r.till have a democratic form of-goverment in this country and. intent to keep it that way.We ..ars deeply disturbed. at the present tretidl.

'WeLare to progress, not regress! And destroy mankind!

i The'American people can an_d will conserve, will look for alternate resources, lets :not panic and 'be a handful'of greedy, selfish and cestructive-species of the human race.

Wishing you insight and clear visions for the future, Sincerely,


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