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Forwards Memo & Order ,by ASLB Re Facility,For Info.Notice of Hearing on Amend of Ol, Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/25/1975
From: Ziemann D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Lawson W
Shared Package
ML20127P509 List:
NUDOCS 9212020237
Download: ML20127P503 (2)


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M '2 51375 ORB #2 Reading j BBuckley NRC PDR Local PDR CMiles, OIS l Docket No. 50-265 8.6 % Mb t

Dr. Warren R. Lawson Secretary and Lxecutive Officer State Departtaent of Health University Canpus Minneapolis, Minutesota $5440

Dear Dr. Lawson:

A copy of a Memorandum and Order dated March 11, 1975, by the Cor.:nission's Atomic Safety and Licensing board (ASLB) is enclosed for your inforation. The document relates to the 1bnticello i

Nuclear Generating Plant [htit I (the facility) located in Wright County, Minnesota, and operated by the Northern States Power Company (NSP). Attachnient A (Notice of Hearing on Anendnient of racility Operating License dated March 11) to the Memorandum and Order provides notice that a hearing will be held before the ASLD on NSP's application dated January 23, 1974, for approval to operate the facility using a Prompt Relief Trip System. "Ihe Cocunission's proposed action on the applications was sent to you as a carbon copy addressee on our July 17, 1974 letter to HSP.

When the date and place of the hearing is sot by tho .A6M/ you will be notified. The new location of the local public document room where

doctuacnts relating to the facility are maintained and may be inspected by the general public is the Environmental Conservation Library, Minnenpolis Public Library, 500 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Sincerely, I

Osiginal slanedler Dennis !.YJername:

Dennis L. Zion; ann, Chlef l Operating Reactors Branch f 2 j Division of Reactor Licensint i


becorandum and Order w/ Attachment A o, ,,c . , RL: dl 2 RL:0Rg #24 ORB #2 _. A ii .g. . RM iggs:aw BBt c ley DLZiemann _

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PDR ADOCK 05000263 P PDR .

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. W I6 M Dr. Warren R. Lawson - 2-cc w'/ enclosures:

lir. D. S. Douglas, Auditor Wright County Board of Comissioners Buffalo, hiinnesota 55313 Nort) tem States Power Corepany ATTN: Mr. L. O. Itayer Director of Nuclear Support Services 414 Nicollet f.all Minneapolis Minnesota 55401 i

Len Dzugan, Director City of St. Paul Pollution Control Services 100 10th Street St. Paul, !!1nnesota 55108 Ar. Gary W1111ats Pedoral Activities Branch Lnvironmental Protection Agency 230 South Deartiorn Strcot Chicago, 1111 noir 60004 The Environmental Conservation Library 1:inneapolis Public Library 300 Nico11ot .all f.tinneapolis , hinnesota 55401 Derse s >

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i Form AEC 318 (Rev. 9 53) AECM 0140 W u. e. eovsanuswr ensurs== orrecei esta eae.ies