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Informs That Review of Recent Submittals Re Reevaluation of ECCS Performance Indicates That Addl Info Required in Order to Complete NRC Evaluation
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1975
From: Ziemann D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Mayer L
NUDOCS 9211180536
Download: ML20127H527 (2)



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APR 2 41975 DISTRi strTION NRC PDR ACRS (14) c.j o f enet. toca1 rDR focLet te Sr- F bd dDq[([ Docket ORB #2 Reading ,fj4 S IC,' KRGoller r torthern States lower ce rcoy TJCarter

/07 :  ! r. 1. C. hever OELD Direct vr of L t.cles t durrort OI6E (3)

Eervices DLZiemann 4 14 tieollet he11 BBuckley Miene6pelit, tireesote 5 'a. M Rb!Diggs JRBuchanan

(.er t ler er : TBAbernathy SVarga ter review of reccet schit t r i s reccrdire the reevaluetion of emereency core coolir- s y s t e- (ICC1) terformanct in accordance vitt li cn 50.4C incieetes t h i. t ce rt ein ahitional in ion ur receired in order for es te esrrlete our evalurtt i o' . . bis letter it to infern you of orc pcrt of 16. evoluatier.s that hEve t eet subn it t ed thpt hat recuireu additional intorretion.

lu rerternier the evaluet ion of sintle failures of FCCS couipment recuired

! - v y .e rwenCi> Y to 10 CH So, Sectico 1.7.1., the effects et s sirrle failure or ope rr.t or er ror that causes ar.y ranvally-centrolle , ri cc t r i ca l l y--operat ed v n i v, to rave te e position that coulo u?.versely af f ect t he I CCL raubt te con s irie r er' . 7herefere, pletse reviev your ruloit t als recardinr ECCf; and if t t it coriside rct ior he< not beer specifically reported ir t r.e past, your erro~ine Fuh it t r.1 ruc t eddreer ti.t r considertt ion. Incloce any proposed rlort ioditicetiert e n- chtnres to the Technical Specificatiers t hat ripbt ht recuired te trotect .: cite t acy lorr et sciet y turct ior caused by this t y tv of failure. A c o rv c! 1 ranch Technical Pe$ition 1:1Ci t li f rw the 1: 's , heleer l erulet ory Carr i s a i on ' s 5tsedard feview iltr is rt t e ctmd to provide you w i t h, P oi4r ct .

iris regeer.t for peneric in10tnatier vu cpproved by 6M uncer c bi clerrocce nunber F-lle!?R (I M7:); this elecrence atire! July 31, 1977.

Sincerely, Original signed by Ikanis 1. Ziemana Denn i s L. Ziemann , Chief Operat ine Reactors . f. ranch (2 -

rivie-ion of Feactor Licent.irr n c l o r u r.. :

tranch Techricci l or it ien LICEi li

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PDR ADOCK 05000263 p PDR ,:


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llorthern States Power Company APL 'J 0 Tdia s cc w/ enclosures:

Arthur Kenquist, Esquire The Environmental Conservation Vice President - Law Library Northern States Power Company t!inneapolis Public Library 414 Nicollet ::all 300 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Gerald Charnoff cti M 3(iY b IXi Shaw, Pittman, Pot ts , Trowbridge }

and Madden .

910 - 17th Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 Howard J. Vogel, Esquire Legal Counsel 2750 Dean Parkway Minnea;iolis, Minnesota 55416 Steve Cadler, P. E.

2120 Carter Avenue

lir. Daniel L. ricker Assistant City Attorney 638 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Ken Dzugan, Director-City'of St. Paul Pollution Control Services 100 East 10th Street St. Paul,-Minnesota 55108 Sandra S. Gardebring Special Assistant. Attorney General Counsel for Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1935 W. County Boad B2 Roseville,-111nnesota 55113 Anthony Z. Roisman, Esquire

-Berlin, Roisman-and Kessler 1712 N Street, N. W. -

. Washington, D. C. 20036 r

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