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Special Rept:On 840912 - 850116,fire Protection Audit Revealed Lack of Suitable Fire Barriers in Duct Work Between Control Room HVAC Equipment Room,Cable Tray Mezzanine & Process Instrument/Rod Position Room
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 04/02/1985
From: Lacey W
To: Murley T
ND1SS1:2400, NUDOCS 8504290149
Download: ML20116C763 (2)


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Telephone (412) 393 6000 Nuclear Group

$;,"i, ,po,,, p4 ,5a77.noo4 1 985 Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No.1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 Special Report Dr. Thomas E. Murley Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reigon I Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19046 Gentlemen:

In accordance with Beaver Valley Technical Specification 3.7.15, " Fire Rated Assemblies," the following Special Report is submitted. This report is required when the conditions specified in Technical Specification 3.7.15.a are not satis-fled.

On September 12, 1984, through January 16, 1985, Bsaver Valley's Quality Assurance Unit conducted Fire Protection Audit BV-1-84-36. As a result of this audit, QA found the apparent lack of suitable fire barriers in the duct work between the Control Room HVAC Equipment Room, the Cable Tray Mezzanine and the Process Instrument / Rod Position Room. A roving fire watch was immediately estab-lished in this area. This area had been previously analyzed to insure adequate fire protection by Stone & Webster for Technical Specification Amendment Number

18. At that time, fire wrap was to be installed in the duct work to provide a fire barrier between these rooms. However, subsequent to this analysis, Beaver 268-449-0EG to in-Valley stall fireEngineering damper VS-D-119A] [ generated instead Engineering Change of the fire Notice wrapping. (ECN)

Under this design, the fire damper was to provide a fire barrier between the three rooms. Following the QA audit finding, Beaver Valley Engineering detemined on February 25, 1985, that this damper provided inadequate separation between the Cable Tray Mezzanine and the other two rooms. ECN 268-1018-NED was generated to correct this deficien-cy by installing fire wrapping in the duct.

Additionally, following the inspection conducted by the Station in response to NRC IE Notice 83-69, six (6) fire dampers were discovered which had their actuation-on-C02-discharge mechanisms disconnected. These fire dampers were lo-cated in the Cable Tray Mezzanine. A review of Station documents detemined these mechanisms had been disconnected as part of Design Change Package (DCP) 268.

At that time, the one and one-half hour fire dampers were replaced with three-hour fire dampers. The new dampers would still actuate upon high local temperature via fusable links. Engineering detemined on 3/15/85 that the actuation-on-C02-discharge mechanisms should be reconnected. ECN-589-4-NED was initiated to do so.

A continuous fire watch was established in the Cable Tray Mezzanine.

8504290149 850402 PDR ADOCK 05000334 s PDR

'\ 12 2 3. ;


.. -tr Dr. T. E. Murley NDISS1:2400 April 2,1985 <

Page two It has been detemined that the root cause of these incidents was a breakdown in the Engineering evaluation process involving fire protection concerns. Both these events were the result of plant modifications made as part of DCP 268 (ECN 268-449-0EG was an Engineering Change Notice made for DCP 268). At the time that DCP 268 was reviewed, a specific review considering 10 CFR 50, Appendix R concerns was not required. Beaver Valley Engineering has since incorporated into their pro-cedures, the requirement of a 10 CFR 50 Appendix R review of all Design Change Pack-age or Engineering Change Noti::es. Thorough investigations / inspections of the Station's fire protection system have recently been completed and discovered no further design problems. Both fire watches will be maintained until these problems are corrected, ace Plant Manager DC/md