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Forwards Public Version of Rev 4 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPP-277, Personnel Safety Team Phone List. W/841217 Release Memo
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/28/1984
From: Daltroff S
To: Murley T, Schwencer A
NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE REGION I), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20101D156 List:
CON-#185-427 OL, NUDOCS 8412210307
Download: ML20101D150 (6)




  • 8
  • 2301 M ARKET STREET P.O. BOX 8699 PHILADELPHIA. PA.19101 SHIELDS L. D ALTRCFF j Lac'inic'"dENion ,

November 28, 1984 t

Re Docket Nos. 50-352 50-353

, Dr. Thomas E. Murley Region 1 l Offico of Inspection & Enforcement

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Enclosed are two ccpics of Limerict: Generating Station Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-277, Rev. 4. This procedure is submitted per regulations in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section V.

Pursuant to Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, it is hereby requested that the names and telephone numbers listed in procedure EP-277 Rev. 4; pages 2, 3, 4 and 5 be withheld from public disclosure. An affidavit setting forth the grounds in support of this rcquest is attached hereto.

Two copies have been sent under separate cover to the Document Control Desk.

8412210307 841128 Very truly yours, PDR ADOCK 05000332 F pyg

'agnal si aed 6 D2 Enclosure '3. c. DALTROEE cca Document Control Lesk ' f.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission o Washington, DC 20555 O O

Site Inspector - LGS I See Attached Service List

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,  : ss.


S. L. Daltroff, being first duly sworn, deposes and states as follows:

1. He is Vice President of Philadelphia Electric Company (hereinaf ter referred to as the " Company"); he is authorized to execute thic Affidavit on behalf of the Company; and he has reviewed:

EP-277, Rev. 4 (hereinafter referred to as "the Documents"), and knows the contents thereof.


2. The parts of the Documents which are sought to be withheld from public disclosure are the listings of the home telephone numbers of employees of the Cotapany, direct-line work telephone numbers of employees of the Company which are not listed in public telephone directories, names and home and work 4

numbers of emergency response support personnel and organizations.

3. To the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the names and telephone numbers set forth in the Documents have been treated as confidential information and have

_ been withheld from public disclosure by the Company.

-.._ . ._. ._ .._.._.._ _ .~ _ . . . _ . . . - . _ - - . _ . . - - - - . . - - .

t ,

f 5 4. The names and home telephone numbers in the 4

Documents should be considered by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as confidential and proprietary information and be 4

withheld from public disclosure on the grounds that disclosure of the names and home telephone numbers of the employees of the Company and emergency support personnel could constitute an

unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of the individuals involved, disclosure of the work telephone numbers of the Company's employees and of the emergency response personnel and 4
j. organizations could adversely affect the capability of prompt


notification in the event of an emergency; such disclosure is not required in the public interest; and such disclosure could

adversely affect the interests of the Company and its ability to effectively implement the notification requirements of the Emergency Plan Procedures.



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Subscribed and sworn to 4

before me this day of k . . . e e. r~ .

, 7. . ( i < 'j - k. _ O .

s .e Notary Public i

j JUDITH Y FRANKUN Notary Putfic. PNia., Phila. Co.

1 My uommiswn Expires July 28.1987 1


A_ y -.. ..

,cc: Judge Helen F. Hoyt Judge Jerry Harbour Judge Richard F. Cole, Judge Christine N. Kohl Judge Gary J. Edles Judge Reginald L. Gotchy

-Troy B. Connor, Jr., Esq.

Ann B. Hogdon, Esq.

Mr. Frank R.-Romano

'Mr. Robert L. Anthony Ms. Phyllis Zitzer Charles W. Elliott, Esq.

Zori G. Ferkin, Esq.

Mr. Thomas Gerusky Director, Penna. Emergency Management Agency Angus Love, Esq.

David Wersan, Esq.

Robert J. Sugarman, Esq.

Martha W. Bush, Esq.

Spence W. Perry, Esq.

Jay M. Gutierrez, Esq.

Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Panel Docket & Service Section James Wiggins Timothy R. S. Campbell e


! n g  ; wasHIN.3 TON, D. C. 20556 December 17, 1984 k,, * * . . ,o/ ,

50-352/353 Limerick MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Document Management Branch, TIDC ,

FROM: Director, Division of Rules and Records, ADM {


REVIEW 0F UTILITY EMERGENCY PLAN DOCUMENTATION The Division of Rules and Records has reviewed the attached document and has determined that it may now be made public1 available.


. M. Felton, Director ivision of Rules and Recor U Office of Administration


As stated 1

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