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Monthly Operating Rept for June 1966 for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1966
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280173
Download: ML20085H216 (7)


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E:":'J.!! !TA'L5AIf E :ERI1'??!TAL CORPOR*.TIpji Onerationa 3eport for June M;

1. RTETOR OERATIV!;b At the oeginning of- this report perioo the reactor uns being operated at ,

23.5 init in continuation of the test program to develop infomation concerning the utilization of plutoniun enriched fuel in pressurized water reactors. The No. 2 turbine-generator was unloaded and the reactor was shutdown as p:e-planned when the Penelo: 1B31 called a strike at midnight on June 3rd which lasted for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

The reactor rennined in a hot shutdown condition for minor maintenance on June 5 and 6.

Pcuer operation at 23 5 lalt was resumed at 4:55 FM on June 7th. Operation at 23.5 init continued until June 27th except for short periods on June 14th, 20th, and 21st when the reactor power level was reduced to approxinately 2 IMt and then

returned for the
urpose of making power coefficient measurements. On the morning of June 27th a scheduled hot shutdown was initiated.

On June 29th one SNEC employee was examined by an AEC examiner for an operating license. Following the emination the reactor was made critical for low power physics tests. The low power physics testing ccntinued for the remainder of the nonth.

2. E'O' ERD'E!'TAL PRMRAM A nain coolant pH versus reactivity test was conducted during the month.

The hot pH was reduced from 7.12 to 5.38 by decreasing the lithium concentration I from 2.37 ppm to less than 0.015 ppm by dmineralication. The reactivity effect of the pH change was det emined to be 0.118% Ak/k per pH unit.


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Measurements were made to detemine the effect of pH on doppler coefficient over a wide range of power levels.

A full core flux nap and themal and hydraulic measuremnts were made prior tc shutdown on June 27th to obtain flux partern data for comparing with that prevtously obtained.-

On June 29th an all rods out just critical boron measurcnent -was mace after l a xenon decay period of 55 hours6.365741e-4 days <br />0.0153 hours <br />9.093915e-5 weeks <br />2.09275e-5 months <br />. The main coolant boron concentration for these

! conditions was detemined to be 1564 ppm.

3, OPERATIO!!AL TESTS The radiation monitoring- system circuits were tested on June 3rd.


On June 15th a nomal test of the safety injection system was conducted. -

4. 1:AI!!TE!! alice The principal items of mechanical maintenance during the month included repairing the coupling on storage well system pump No. 1; replacing the fan bclt on tha supp]y air handler in the switchgear room; replacing the steam regulating valve on a etcan tracing system; cleaning the seating surfaces of three check valves in the RWDF radioactive gas estem; installing new absolute filters in the RWDF 9110280173 910424 7^~
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!!a:ntenance (continued) e;;haust air handler; cleaning EOF dir:harge tank Ro. 1; assembling the tecl fer inserting a flux thinble into a 3x3 fusi subassembly; replacing the fan belt on 9e air ni::ing fan in the contaircent vessel; acid cleaning the ElDF evaport. tor; repacking plungers No. 1 and 2 on No. I charging pump; cleaning the water coolert fer the two ElDF gas compressors; flushing the oil cooler for boiler feed pump No.1; repairing the fittings on the high prercure main cooltint sa.cple collector; cleaning ,

the check valves in the vents for the ChA building radioactive liquid drain linet; reansulating and painting the head on the L'DF evaporator; and cleaning the check valves in the liquid lines to EDF storage tank No. 2.

TM major items of electrical and instrunent naintenance included repit.cing the cables to the detector in nuclear instrumentation intemediate range channel A; repairing the connectors and remaking the housing seals for the detectors in nuclear instrunentation power range channel A and intemediat.e range channel J; repairing the chart drive mechanism on the electrical generator output recorder; installing new solenoid operated control air valves for the purification dominerali::er inkt, valve HIC-25 and the- storane well de.aineralizer outlet valve. V-18283 calibraunt the level indicator for EGF discharge tank No. 2; calibrating the main steam flew integrator; replacing the filter paper in radiatior monitoring channele RIO-1 and HIC 11; repairing the amplifier in the nuclear instrumentation system power range recorder; cleaning the conductivity celle on the water treatnent sample panel; repairing the speaker and the ecalor on the portable refueling neutron detecting channc2; and repla:ing the carbon vanes in the air pump for the alpha monitor in the chemistry laboratory.

5 CHD:ISTRY The main coolant system chemistry was maintained for power operating conditiens throughout the nonth. Tne lithium concentration was varied in the range 0.01 ppm to 1.44 p;n for pH versus reactivity tests and pH versus power coeffied ent

!- t est r . The boren concentration was varied over the range 1028 ppm ninimum tc 15c_

! p;n maxinum. A summary of the analyses made on main coolant samples taken during the month is contained in the following table:

1:adn Coolant System Minimum Maxing pH at 2500 5 25 6.40 Conductivity unhos 3.50 17.5 i Boron, pin 1028 156!.

! Chlorides, ppm <,.005 <,.005 i

Lithium, ppm (.01 1.4%

Oxygen, ppm (.005 <.005 Hydrogen, cc/kg H 2O -30.4 50.6 Crud, ppb 24.6 70.4 Gross Beta-Gamma (15 Min. degassed) uc/cc .777 5.20 Gross Iodine, ue/cc -.486 1.06 j Tritium,ue/cc .146 .199-The chlorides in the steam generator were maintained below 0.150 pra. The l

average activity of the steam generator during the month was lets than lx10J8 uc/cc.

SNLC Operation Report for y n 30th . . . . . . . iQ

6. ItADIATION A!D UASTE LISPOSAL Radiation surveying consisted of routine plant surveys, J.V. auring hot shutdown and naterials shipaents. The following maxi:aum radiation readings were takena Loention Putintion Readine

'hA Duildinn Uaste Drum (baling machine) 1.0 mrea/hr beta-cama Charging Pump (contact with chamber) 40 mren/hr Sample Room (door of sample panel) 6.0 mrem /hr beta-cam a Chmical Lib Hot Sink (1" from drain) 20 mren/hr beta-;;atr.a R'cDF Evaporator (under botton) 100 nren/hr beta-gamma Evaporator (contact outside upper level) 12 mren/hr beta gama C.V. (57 hours6.597222e-4 days <br />0.0158 hours <br />9.424603e-5 weeks <br />2.16885e-5 months <br /> after shutdown)

Pri'aary Compartment (general upper 1cvel) 40 mren/hr beta-gena Primary Compartment (contact !!.C. pump volute) 200 mren 'hr beta-grena-Primary Compartnent (S.G. bottom) 50 mrem /hr beta-gamma Prirtary Compartnent ( 50 mrea/hr beta-rena 24 mrec/hr beta-graa Primary Compartment regenerative H.X.) (pressurizer bottom) 80 mrem Prima

/hr beta-gama Prdnary Compartment (non-regenerative H.X.) 50 mrem /hr beta-gama Aax. Equip. Compartment (S.C.H.Z.) 15 mrem /hr beta-gena Aux. Equip. Compartnent (D.T. top) 19 mrem /hr teta-gena Aux. Equip. Compartment (D.T. bottom) 80 mrem /hr beta-gam-a Aux Equip. Compartment (general lower level) 8 mrem /hr beta-gammt ReactorDeck(waterlevelatgrating) 60 crem/hr beta-gamma Heactor Deck (instrument ports) 160 crem/hr bcta-ge::

Reactor reck (waist level) 20 mren/hr beta-gamma Reactor Deck (storage well railing) 20 mrem /hr beta-ga=.a Contamination surveying consisted of routine plant site surveys, surveye of materials shipped, tools, equipaent and C.V. during shutdown. The clean areas were within the " Clean Area" limits. The controlled areas were generally within the l " Clean Area" limits. The controlled area was. cleaned frequently to keep and/or te.

return it to the " Clean Area" limits. The exclusion areas were cleaned periodically to nininize the amount of smearable contamination. The follo.cing contanination levels were observed:

Location Contanination Reading C&A Buildinn Charging Pump Chamber 205000 d/m/ smear beta-gama Charging Pump Chamber (10 d/m/ smear alpha

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SNEC Operations Repcrt fcr ,

June 1966 . . . . . . . J /4 Radiation and Maste D1sposal (continued)

'ocation Contrtminat$ on Read'.nr C&A 3;ildine (continued)

Charging Roco Floor 4500 d/m/ smear beta.c=sa Sampic Roon Sink 3750 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Sample Room Sink (10 d/m/ smear alpha Sample Room Floor 1920d/n/emearbeta-grat Che .ical lab Hot Sink 470000 d/m/emear beta-gamma Chenical lab Hot Sink 4.10 d/m/ smear alpha RUDF 9

Pump Roon Floor 1570 d/m/ smear beta-gama Shipping Room Floor 507 d/m/snear beta-gama C.V.

Operating Deck 1835 d/m/ anear beta-ganma Operating Deck 4,10 d/m/ smear alpha Reactor Deck (head) 3600 d/m/ smear beta-gccma ,

Reactor Deck (head) <10 d/m/ smear alpha Reactor Deck (grating) 850000 d/m/ smear beta-ganma Reactor Deck (grating) <10 d/m/ smear alpha Primary Compartment (grating) 10000 d/n/cmear beta-gamma Primary Conpartment (grating) < 10 d/m/cmear alpha Liquid and gaseous effluents from the SNEC site for the month of June 1966 vere as follows:

(Curie) (Curie) (Curie)

Effluent Activity Activity Activity T'me This Month Year to Date. Iast Twelve Months Tritium 0.000447 5.188447 8.579447 Liquid

  • 0.000054 0.007853 0.011523 Air, Xe 21.112279 41 543591 65.822621 Air, I-131 0.041646 0.047611 0.055048 Air, M. F.P. 0.211123 0.415438 0.658229
  • Excluding Tritium Twe barrelo of waste were drummed for temporary storage. No drums were shipped from the site, i

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3:!;0 Operations Rep rt fcr dune N66 . . . . . . . d5 iladiaticn and '.laste Disposal (continued) ibdintion exposure for all StTC..personnel as nonsured by film bad eeC for the ncnth of May 1966 were a naximum of 695 nrem with an average of 39.0 nren.

Raddation exposure for all visiting personnel as neasured by film badges for the month of May 1966 were a maximum of 800 nrm with an average of 46.4 nren.

The average radiation exposure for all personnel as nensured by film bndges for the nonth of Iby 1966 was 41.6 nren.


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  • TIMES QCRAMMED (INADVERTANT) NO. 0 1 30 THERMAL POWER GENERATION HWH 12,657 21 74,925 08 284,174.90 AVERAGE BURNUP Core 11 Pu Region WDMTV 1,033 17 6,115 91 6,177 63 CONTROL ROD POSITI0tB AT DID OF MONTH AT QUILIBRIUM POWER OP O wt MAIN 0001 ANT BORON 767 PPM RODS OUT - INCHES NO. 1 40 NO. 2 0 NO. 3 40 NO. 4 40 NO. 5 16 No. 6 40 ELECTRICAL UNIT HONTH YEAR TO DATE GROSS GENERATION MWH 2,218.00 13,267.00 47,549.00 STATION SERVICE MWH 228.17 1,321.08 9,523.37 STATION SERVICE  % 10.29 9.96 20.05 AVG.PIANTEFFICIENCY-HWH(e)/MWH(t)  % 17.52 17.71 16.73 AVG. GENERATION RUNNIN3 (540.9 HRS) KW 4,100.57 3,967.06 3,224.32 PIANT IDAD FACTOR -



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