MONTHYEARML20209C0051998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20248D7181997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20141C6661996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20112C8451995-12-31031 December 1995 1995 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20086B8561994-12-31031 December 1994 Experimental Corp 1994 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Facility for 940101-1231 ML20070A3501993-12-31031 December 1993 SNEC 1993 Annual Rept Jan-Dec 1993 ML20045D7161992-12-31031 December 1992 1992 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp. W/ ML20101L3341991-12-31031 December 1991 Experimental Corp 1991 Annual Rept. W/ ML20091D7351990-12-31031 December 1990 Facility 1990 Annual Rept ML20043D7261989-12-31031 December 1989 Experimental Corp 1989 Annual Rept. W/ ML20247B2821988-12-31031 December 1988 SNEC 1988 Annual Rept ML20206G0211986-12-31031 December 1986 Experimental Corp 1986 Annual Rept. W/ ML20141N5621985-12-31031 December 1985 Experimental Corp,1985 Annual Rept ML20214J2871985-12-31031 December 1985 Corrected Tables 1,2,3,5 & 6 to Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp,1985 Annual Rept ML20099H6171984-12-31031 December 1984 Experimental Corp 1984 Annual Rept ML20086P2521983-12-31031 December 1983 Annual Rept,1983,Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp ML20073B5041983-04-0606 April 1983 Annual Rept for 1982 ML20041B8701982-02-16016 February 1982 Experimental Corp Annual Rept for Jan-Dec 1981 ML19337B6021980-09-25025 September 1980 Annual Rept for 1979. Describes Status of Decommissioning Facility ML19263C9051979-02-28028 February 1979 Annual Operating Rept 1978 ML20085H6801970-02-28028 February 1970 Experimental Corp Operating Experience Rept for Sept 1969 - Feb 1970 ML20085D2281963-04-30030 April 1963 Reactor Plant Operating Experience Rept Apr 1962-1963 1998-12-31
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20209C0051998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20236L3501998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 2 to Saxton Reactor Pressure Vessel & Internals Final Characterization. W/Two Oversize Drawings ML20236N9161998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 2 to Wmg 9801-7025, Saxton Reactor Pressure Vessel & Internals Final Characterization ML20217A9821998-04-20020 April 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 15 to License DPR-4 ML20236N9101998-03-31031 March 1998 Rev 1 to Wmg 9803-7025, Saxton SG & Pressurizer Characterization. W/Supporting Documentation from Reactor Vessel Package ML20202B2541998-02-0202 February 1998 Rev 1 to Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility Decommissioning QA Plan ML20248D7181997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20210Q2321997-08-31031 August 1997 Rev 1 to Updated SAR for Decommissioning SNEC Facility ML20141C6661996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20134L8231996-10-28028 October 1996 Rev 0 to Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan ML20149K8121996-02-29029 February 1996 Rev 0 of SNEC Facility Decommissioning Plan ML20112C8451995-12-31031 December 1995 1995 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20116A1101995-12-12012 December 1995 Facility Reactor Vessel,Internals,Ex-Vessel Lead, Structural Steel & Reactor Compartment Concrete Shield Wall Radionuclide Inventory ML20087J7781995-06-27027 June 1995 Human Performance Enhancement Sys Rept Inadvertent Penetration of Saxton Containment Vessel Liner During Site Characterization Activities ML20085A1141995-06-0808 June 1995 Ro:On 950525,ground Water Entered Containment at Rate of Approx One Gpm Until Approx 1300 Hs When Temporary Plug Was Installed Stopping in-leakage ML20115K0821995-05-11011 May 1995 1994 Saxton Soil Remediation Project Rept ML20086B8561994-12-31031 December 1994 Experimental Corp 1994 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Facility for 940101-1231 ML20070A3501993-12-31031 December 1993 SNEC 1993 Annual Rept Jan-Dec 1993 ML20056G8241993-08-31031 August 1993 Penelec/Gpu Internal Affairs Dept Williamsburg Incident Investigation 89-WM-2 ML20036A9061993-05-12012 May 1993 Corrected Williamsburg Incident Investigation Rept 89-WM-2. Study Undertaken to Investigate Former Penelec Employee Allegation That Matl Located in Saxton,Pa Buried in Penelec Williamsburg Ash Disposal Site in mid-1970 ML20035E2061993-04-0505 April 1993 Ro:Providing Followup to Telcon Notification of Failure to Perform Nuclear Radiation Monitoring Insp at Least Quarterly.Performance Span of Monitoring Exceeded 5 Months. Overdue Periodic Insp Completed on 930304 ML20045D7161992-12-31031 December 1992 1992 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp. W/ ML20101R2641992-03-31031 March 1992 Redacted Version of Penelec/Gpu Internal Affairs Dept Rept Williamsburg Incident Investigation 89-WM-2 ML20101L3341991-12-31031 December 1991 Experimental Corp 1991 Annual Rept. W/ ML20085C5901991-10-0404 October 1991 Rev 1 to Safeguards Rept for Saxton Core III ML20091D7351990-12-31031 December 1990 Facility 1990 Annual Rept ML20056A0181990-07-26026 July 1990 Trust Agreements ML20056A0091990-07-26026 July 1990 TMI-1 Trust Agreements ML20056A0021990-07-26026 July 1990 Trust Agreement Jcp&L Qualified Trust ML20043D7261989-12-31031 December 1989 Experimental Corp 1989 Annual Rept. W/ NRC-89-0042, Ro:On 890316,water Containing Radionuclide Concentrations in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits,Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Water Originated from Condensation on Inside of Containment Vessel.Water Will Be Properly Disposed of1989-05-16016 May 1989 Ro:On 890316,water Containing Radionuclide Concentrations in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits,Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Water Originated from Condensation on Inside of Containment Vessel.Water Will Be Properly Disposed of ML20247Q6891989-01-16016 January 1989 Rept on Drilling & Radiometric Analysis of Samples Collected at Sites of Spent Resin & Liquid Waste Tanks, Saxton Nuclear Facility,Saxton,Pa ML20247B2821988-12-31031 December 1988 SNEC 1988 Annual Rept ML20247Q6731988-12-20020 December 1988 Geologic,Chemical,Radiometric & Geotechnical Studies of Samples from Eleven Drill Holes in Surficial Matls,Saxton Nuclear Facility,Saxton,Pa. W/Seven Oversize Encls ML20151C6011988-04-0505 April 1988 Ro:On 880303,during First Quarterly Insp of 1988,water Noted to Have Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Radioisotopic Analysis of Water Revealed That Contamination Exceeded 10CFR20 Limits for Unrestricted Release ML20236N4111987-11-0606 November 1987 Ro:On 870915,during Third Quarterly Insp of 1987,collection of Water in Containment Vessel Sump Noted.Caused by Condensation from Inside Containment Vessel.Periodic Monitoring,Removal & Disposal of Water Planned ML20206G0211986-12-31031 December 1986 Experimental Corp 1986 Annual Rept. W/ ML20207Q5591986-12-22022 December 1986 Ro:During Internal Review of Records for First Quarter 1986, Discovered Failure to Provide Written 15-day Notification of 860207 Contaminated Water in Containment Vessel Sump.Caused by Oversight ML20207Q5571986-12-0202 December 1986 Ro:On 861107,during Fourth Quarterly Insp,Radioactive Water Discovered Collecting in Containment Vessel Sump.Caused by Condensation.Water Will Be Monitored,Removed & Disposed of as Necessary.Results of Analysis Encl ML20214J2871985-12-31031 December 1985 Corrected Tables 1,2,3,5 & 6 to Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp,1985 Annual Rept ML20141N5621985-12-31031 December 1985 Experimental Corp,1985 Annual Rept ML20099H6171984-12-31031 December 1984 Experimental Corp 1984 Annual Rept ML20086P2521983-12-31031 December 1983 Annual Rept,1983,Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp ML20079N5241983-12-30030 December 1983 Ro:On 831222,insp of Containment Vessel Sump Found 3.7 Cm of Water Below Elevation 765 ft-8 Inches.Caused by Condensation on Inside Walls of Containment Vessel Above Elevation 812 Ft.Sump Pumped Successfully ML20073B5041983-04-0606 April 1983 Annual Rept for 1982 ML20071D2351983-02-10010 February 1983 Ro:On 830118,4.5 Cm Water Found in Containment Vessel Sump, Below Elevation 765 ft,8 Inches Concentrations of Cs-134, Cs-137 & Sr-90 Confirmed.Pressure of Water Caused by Condensation on Inside Water.No Release to Environ ML20052D8161982-04-27027 April 1982 Ro:On 820319,during Quarterly Facility insp,3.5 Inches of Water Found in Containment Vessel Sump.Analysis of Sump Water Confirmed Concentrations of Cs-134,Cs-137 & Sr-90 Exceeded Limits of 10CFR20 ML20041B8701982-02-16016 February 1982 Experimental Corp Annual Rept for Jan-Dec 1981 ML19337B6021980-09-25025 September 1980 Annual Rept for 1979. Describes Status of Decommissioning Facility ML20027A6571980-01-25025 January 1980 Speech Entitled Infant Mortality Changes Following TMI Accident, Presented at 800125 Fifth World Congress of Engineers & Architects 1998-04-30
[Table view] |
. = - -,.
P t
l i
k t
i January 1, 1984 - December 31, 1984 g
f.0 t
i' 8503190432 841231
i jDR ADOCM 05000146
Annual Report in compliance with Paragraph B.S.b of the Technical Specifications B.S.b(1) "Information relating to changes in those staff positions that are designated as being responsible for the deactivated facility."
On January 25, 1984 the SNEC Board of Directors elected the following SNEC officers:
R. W. Heward, Jr. - President SNEC M. B. Roche
- V. P. SNEC J. G. Graham
- Treasurer SNEC W. B. Murray
- Secretary SNEC R. B. Heist
- Asst. Secretary SNEC A. Muchoney
- Comptroller SNEC B.5.b(2)
"A summary of entries into the Containment Vessel or Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility and reasons for entry."
Entries were made into the Containment Vessel (CV) and/or Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility (RWDF), as follows:
Buildings Date Purpose Entered
- 1) 03-07-84 Radiological survey mapping of buildings RWDF, CV, and First Quarterly Radiological and Environmental Survey
- 2) 03-15-84 Radwaste assessment survey CV, RWDF
- 3) 05-15-84 Board of Directors meeting and Second CV, RWDF Quarterly Radiological and Environmental Survey
- 4) 06-25-84 Maintenance of RWDF tank dike, RWDF to radiological maintenance of RWDF, 06-29-84 contractors meeting for painting of CV, and Second Quarterly TLD change
- 5) 07-20-84 CV Sump Maintenance CV, RWDF
- 6) 08-07-84 Annual grid survey and Third Quarterly CV, RWDF to Radiological and Environmental Survey 08-09-84
- 7) 10-30-84 Fourth Quarterly Radiological and CV, RWDF Environmental Survey, solidification of CY sump water stored on CV operating deck, and Mobile Maintenance meeting
- 8) 12-11-84 Maintenance inspection RWDF 0001S
i B.S.b(3)
"A summary of maintenance and design changes made to the deactivated facility."
On June 25-29, 1984, loose surface contamination was cleaned up from within the RWDF and the floor sealed to prevent further mobilization of fixed contamination. The RWDF tank dike was also covered with a tarp to prevent precipitation from entering and collecting within the dike.
In July 1984, weeds were cut down from the entire site, including the area around the CV, the Filled Drum Storage Bunker (FDSB), and the Exclusion Area (EA).
Also in July 1984, the CV sump was dried and lined with Herculite plastic. The condensate pipe leading to the sump was fitted with a plastic tube and routed into a six-gallon container.
In August 1984, the exterior of the CV was sandblasted and painted.
In December 1984, the C&A Building's double doors leading to the CV area were replaced and painted. The BWST access plate was sealed and painted.
B.S.b(4) "Results of surveys of radioactivity levels and of water sample analyses. "
Results of the 1984 quarterly inspections of the facility are as follows:
Analysis results of water samples from the CV sump, RWDF, and CV pipe tunnel are presented.in Tables 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The water samples from the CV sump were the only samples to yield radioisotopic concentrations in excess of 10 CFR 20, Table II, Column 2, Units for Unrestricted Areas.
Dose rates at the 20 permanently marked survey points in the CV ranged from
<0.1 mR/hr to 0.4 mR/hr. The results are presented in Table 4.
Smear. surveys from the same 20 points yielded a range of <1,000 to 4,000 dpm. The survey results are presented in Table 5.
i Dose rates measured every quarter at the EA fence, the CV HEPA filter and the CV operating deck above elevation 812' are presented in Table 6.
The l
levels are consistent with previous years.
"A summary of the performance of security and surveillance measures."
During late May and early June 1984, two break-ins occurred at the Saxton Line office adjacent to the SNEC facility. Malicious vandalism occurred on both occasions and 22 environmental TLD's were stolen or destroyed.
There were no attempted break-ins or vandalism at the SNEC facility.
Increased security has since been installed at the Line office and the r
i vandalized TLD stations (11) have been replaced. The above incidents were reported to the USNRC.
- 0001S I-4
i i
SNEC CV Sump Analysis Results 1984 (pCi/ml) l l
Radio-1st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.*
nuclides 03-07-84 05-15-84 08-09-84 10-30-84 i
f Cs-137 4.4E-3 4.1E-3 7.4E-3
'Cs-134 4.4E-5 4.1E-5 6.5E-5 Co-60
<4.9E-7 1.4E-5 e
Gr. Alpha
- <3.2E-7 Not Analyzed **
4 '
Gr. Beta 1.6E-2 3.9E-3 1.2E-2 t
H-3 1.1E-3 3.8E-4 1.0E-3 i
Sr-90 1.1E-5 1.7 E-4 6.6E-6 CV Sump was empty. No sample.
- Originally reported as 2.0E-6 + 7.2E-7 l
Recount result gave LLD value Tn table.
f l
l i
, 0001S
- - =
e TABLE 2 f
SNEC RWDF Analysis Results 1984 t
-1st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
i 03-07-84 05-15-84 08-09-84 10-30-84 Cs-137 2.7E-7 2.1E-7 2.1E-7 2.1E-7 Cs-134
<2.8E-8 Co-60
<3.6E-8 Gr. Alpha
<4.0E-9 Not Analyzed *
<3.3E-9 Gr. Beta 3.7E-7 2.7E-7 3.0E-7 2.5E-7 H-3
<3.6E-6 5.2E-6
<3.9E-6 Sr-90
<3.1E-6 Laboratory oversight a
d 0001S L
TABLE 3 SNEC Pipe Tunnel Analysis Results 1984 (uCi/ml) ist Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
03-07-84 05-15-84 08-09-84 10-30-84 Cs-137 2.3E-7 1.7E-7 3.1E-7 5.1E-7 Cs-134
< 1. 3E-7 Co-60
<1.9E-7 Gr. Alpha
< 3.7 E-9 Not Analyzed *
<3.3E-9 Gr. Beta 1.5E-7 1.4E-7 9.5E-7 4.0E-7 H-3'
<3.8E-6 Sr-90
<6.2E-7 1.5E-7
<3.4E-6 Laboratory oversight
< 0001S
t i*..
' t.
SNEC CV Dose Rates 1984-20 Permanent Survey Points (mR/hr) let Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Survey Point No.
03-07-84 05-15-84 08-09-84 10-30-84 1
< 1
<.1 2
< 1
< 1
<.1 4'
< 1
<.1 5
< 1-
<.1 6
< 1
<.1 7
< 1
<.1 8-1
<.1 9
< 1
< 1
<.1 11
<.1 12
<.1 13 -.
<.1 15
't 2 16
<.1 17
<. 1
' 18
<.1 r
o 19
' <.1
<.1-t 20
- p. 0001S q
?x TABLE 5 n
SNEC CV Smear Surveys 1984 20 Permanent Survey Points (dpm) ist Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Survey Point No.
03-07-84 05-15-84 08-09-84 10-30-84 1
<1,000 2
<1,000 3
<1,000 4
<1,000 1,20 0
<1,000 5
<1,000 6
<1,000 7
<1,000 8
<1,000 3,000 4,000
<1,000 9
<1,000 10
<1,000 11
<1,000 12 2,080 4,000 3,000
<1,000 13
<1,000 14 1,10 0
<1,0 0
<1,000 15
<1,000 16
<1,000 1,000
<1,000 17
<1,000 18
<1,000 2,600 19
<1,000 3,100 20
<1,000 0001S
TABLE 6 SNEC CV Dose Rate Surveys 1984 (mR/hr) ist Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
03-07-84 05-15-84 08-09-84 10-30-84 Exclusion Area Fence
<.1 CV 812'
<.1 (operating deck)
HEPA Filter
<.1 0001S
$SNE JEassy csNTnAL Powan a LieHT COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COM PANY METnePOLITAN E0130N couPANY O'.lLING ADDRES S TELEPH ONE i 100 INTERPACE PARKWAY 717-948-8741 PARStPPANY, N.J. 070 54 February 28, 1985 SNEC-85-0010 Mr. Cecil 0. Thomas Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation c/o S.S.P.B./D.L.
Mail Stop NO. 340 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20545 Docket NO. 50-146 License No. DPR-4
Dear Mr. Thomas:
The Saxton Technical Specifications require that Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation (SNEC) submit to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, on an annual basis, a written report covering the status of the decomissioned facility.
In compliance with Paragraph B.S.b of the Technical Specifications, SNEC herewith submits a report for the period January 1,1984 through December 31, 1984 Forty (40) copies of the report are enclosed.
Sincerely, R. W. Heward, Jr.
President qbS RWH:cis Enclosures cc:
R. Carter (NRC)
(w/ encl)
2412.5.1 M