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Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1966 for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1966
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280219
Download: ML20085H279 (6)


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Operat ions bmrt for }! arch Wi

1. REACTOR OPOLATIO!JS At the beginning of this report period the reactor was being operated at a power level of 17 Dit in continuation of the test program to dmonstrate the safe and stable operation of the partial plutonium core. Rod worths were detemined for control rod No. 2 over its full length of travel (0-40 f nches) on March 1st and 2nd. Da March 3ni the reactor power level was increased to 23. Wt.

Operation at 23.5 Wt continued until the morning of hrch 31st. Nuclear instrumentation power rance channel A developed a noise problem. Several high power alams due to epurious noise signals were experienced. The trouble could not be traced to the circuity located outside of the containment vessel.

On hrch 31st a schedului reactor plant ehutdown was initiated. The reacter was shutdown at 9:20 AM. Cooldown of the nain coolant system was commenced at 100 IL

2. EJFI:IUlfslTAL PRO'IRAlt The primary objective during the month was to increase the burn-up on the partial plutonium core.

The "at power" integrated rod worth for 40 inches of travel of control rod No. 2 was detemir.ed to be 3.59% 4 K/K for the control rod configuration in which all cf the other five rods are fully withdrawn.

Depletion fo11cwo nude during the month indicate that the depletion rate corresponds to a nain coolant average tenperature decrease of 1.05 F per day.

A total of 72 flux wire irradiations and 64 miniature detector passes were made during the r.onth.

3. OPDtATIO!!Al T3 E On Har:h 14th a nomal test of the safety injection system was conducted.

The radiatien nonitoring s,* stem circuits were tested on March 15th.

A. MAI!JTE!! alice Tne prin:1 pal itens of mechanical maintenance during the month included replacing the pre-filtern to the C4A building intake air handler; installing a temporary sump pump in the yard area to prevent ground water leakage into the pipe tunnel; cleaning

-the check valves in the lines to the BIDF liquid storage tanks; disassembling and cleaning the seatin(; surfaces on all of the diaphragm valves on the three RWDF cas decay tanks; replacing a section cf pipe in the condensate return line of the steam heating system for the miDF monitor tanks; installing new belts on the stack fan; insulating ,

and pt.inting the steam generator bottom blowdown line; replacing the carbon vanes in '

the vacuum pump for the site particulate monitor, radiation monitoring channel RIC-0; cicanir.g the nitrogen purge valve on ElDF spent resin storage tank No. 3; cleaning the E!DF oump pump and replacing the oil in it; cp aning and flushing the C&A building su v and discharge lines; draining the MIDF evaporator and mixing the bottoms with cement;-scaling penetrations and caulking' joints-in the concrete walls of the pipe tunnel to. decrease ground water in-leakage; and steam c1 caning the filters -

1 in the air conditiener for the control room. '

9110280219 910424 l


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SVEC Operations Report fc2 March 10% . . . . . @ ,

4. MAINTENANCE (Cont 'd)

The najor itma of electrien1 and instrument main + enance for the month included adjusting the vacuum regulating valves on the RUDF gas compressors; repairing the flow meter for an environmental air mnnitori calibrating the vacaun cage on the  ;

RWDF gas compressor manifold; replacing the class on the flowmeter in the water t treatment softened water line; calibratine, the temperature indicktor on the RUDP evaporator repairing the motor in an office area air conditioners repairing the fansion pt oduct monitor, radiation monitoring system channel RIC-101 neggering the nuclear instrumentation detector cables; adjusting the position indicators on the safety injection system air operated valves; repairing the energy cpectromee in the count room; replacing the 0-M tube in an area radiation monitors replac1* g the filter paper in the containment vessel and site radioactivo particulate monitors; replacing and calibrating the indicating noter en radiation nonitoring tyatm channel RIC-7; and chech'ng nuclear instrumentation power ranga channel A for the cause of spurious alarm signals.

5 CHD11STRY The nain ecolant system chemistry was maintained for power operating conditione throughout the month, lithium-7 was used for pH control. The boron concentration was varied over the range 1150 minimum up to 1550 maximum. A summary of the analyses made on anin coolant sanples taken during the nonth is contained in the following table Main Coolant Syst em Minimum Ma ximum pH at 25 C 6.01 6.72 Conductivity, umhos 10.2 26.8 Baron, p;n 1062 1512 Chloriacs, ppm 4.005 <.005 Lithiu.%. pga 0.67 2.08 Potaesium. p;n 4.01 r. 01 Sodtume ppn <. 01 (.01 0xygen, pga <.005 (.005 Hydrogen,ee/kgHO 2 29.5 45.8 Crud, ppb 17.8 106 Gross Leta (15 Min Degarsed) ue/cc .992 1.82 Gross Iodine, ue/cc .189 .369 The ateam generator chlorides were madntair.ed at Jess than .15 ppm throughout the month. The average activity of the blowdown continued to be less than 1x10-8ue/ec.

6. PADI ATION AND WASTE DISPOSAL Radiation surveying consisted of rot ne plant surveys, C.V. during shutdewn and materials shipnents. The fellowing maximin. raaiation readings were taken

{ Ircation Radiation Readinr.

C&A Baildine.


! Waste Drum (baling machine) 15mram/hrbeta-gamma Crarging Pump (contact with chamber) 30 mrem /hr beta-garna.


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heper* fcr S!!EC Op eration z.)-'

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DY"? TW Radiation hedine UlSTF DISPOD AL (Cont 'd)

0. hADIATION A!:D If m ien 11 r:rm/nr beta-gamn Chi.1$11C l) 9 5 mrm/hr betn-ca-na Sanple Ro:n (door of r.eple paneHot Sink (1" from drain)

Chenien1 lab

$5 cren/hr Leth-ga~na 12 mrm/hr beta-gre.a l$E2 16 mrem /hr beta-gtma Evt. port. tor (under botten) level)

Eva;crator (contact outnide ) upper Drum Storage Area (at HRA fence shutdcun) 50 mrem /hr beta-garna ,

f level) t ) 250 nrem/hr beta-grama G L honro after 90 mren/hr beta-camn Prinary Cennartment (general upper (conthet M.C. pump 70 mren/nr volu e beta-grena iM nary Cog artncnt ) 32 mren/h r beta-ganma Prinary Compartnent (5.G. botton tton) 4$ mren/hr beta-gama Prinnry Conparttent (prencurizer bo level) 45 mren/hr betn-gtma Prinar.'

Primry Conpnrtment Compartnent (genert.1 lowerfregenerative FDL) 10 mrem /hr beta-gttmmaHX Prinary Compartnant .non-regenerative 12 nran/hr beta-carra (b.C.H.I.)

(D.T. top) 9 mrem /hr beta-gamma

$ mram/hr beta-garna Auxiliary Tanipnent ConpartnentAum11ary Compartner.t (D.T. bottom)(general 70 Fqui;n lower nrem/hr beta-pma lev Aum11ary Llui;r.ent t g) 190 mren/hr betn-nanta 130 mrem /nr beta-garn Au/.iliary Equitnent) CompartrwnHencter 50 mren/hrDeck beta-gr (wat Reactor Dock (instrunent p'erto 40 trem/hr beta-gunt Dc K (uaint levelwell railing) iteactt:

Reactor be-h (t+oragetes reartl Lwrage Uen (at Mi s -eiinnocur was rumoved and 350 mrem /hr beta-ga The Purification Systm Fine Filter 90 mrera/hr beta-c (at cat.e tine) 350 mren/hr beta-ca determined to :et d at contact yn of The Purificatien 7te Storage Ucli System Cocree FilterProfilte within surveying consisted of rout n d C,V, during chutdown, The clean areastowereith the Cor.tamination materials shipped. equi;nent Tne controlled an areas weretogenerally d frequently keep and/or w to retu the " Clean Area" liritte, limits. Tbe controlled areas were The exclusion tion.

areas cleane were cleaned perThe follow Co h ,

" Clean Area" limits.

amount of oneurabic contamina Ic e ntien 867000 d/m/nmear beta CMi Bot h 451d/m/snearbeth Charging Pump Chanber 14910 d/m/snear b Cr arging Roas Floer Sanple Rpon Sirt

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S!!EC Operatiend Hepert fcr Ma r c h 3 0M . _ .__. . . .

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Im ntien Radiation Headinn CM Nildinn Sanple Roem (doer of sample panel) 11 nrm /hr beta-grama Cher.ical lab Hot Sink (l" from drain) 9.5 mrm/h2 acta-grena lLf Evaporator (under bottom) 55 mrem /hr beta-crena Evaporator (contact outside upper level) 12 trm/hr beta-garna Drum Storage Area (at HTtA fence) 14 mrom/hr beta-greca C.V. (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> after shutdown)

Prinary Conpartment (general upper invel) 50 mrem /hr beta-ganna himary Compartnent (contact M.C. 250 mrem /hr beta-grena Prinary vompartnent (S.G. bottom) pump volute) 90 mrum/hr beta-gamma Prinary Compartment (pressuriter bottom) 70 mrem /hr beta-gamna Prinar;r Compartnent (general lower level) 32 mrem /hr beta-garna Prinary Compartment regenerative HX) 45 mren/hr beta-ganna Priman Compartment .non-recenerative HI) 45 mrem /hr beta-garna Auxiliary Equircent Conpartnent (S.C.H.I.) 10 mrem /hr beta-garra Au:r.liary Fqui lr.ent Conpartnent (D.T. top) 12 nren/hr beta-gatan Au: ciliary Equipment Occpnriner.t (D.T. bottom) 9 nrem/hr beta-ganma Auxiliary Equipaent Compartnent (general lower level) 5 mrm/hr beta-garma

'leactor Dech (water level at grating) 70 nrem/hr beta-ganma haetor Dock (instrument ports) 190 mren/hr beta-gamma Heatter Deck (unist level 130 nren/hr beta..garna Reactor Dech (storace well railing) 50 mren/hr beta-garna L'.orage Well (at arms rea:t) 40 mrem /hr octa-gamma Misse1~;aneour I

i l The Purification System Fine Filter was removed and i determined to r rad at contact 350 mrem /hr beta-garna l The Purif:. cation System Coarse Filter (at same time) 90 mrem /hr beta-canna l The Storal;e Well Profi. iter (same time) 350 mrem /hr beta-garna l

l Conttnination t,urveying consisted of routine plant site surveys, surveys of mat erials shipped, equi}rtent and C.V. during shutdown. The elesn areas were within the " Clean Area" linite. Tne controlled areno were generally within the " Clean Area" 1 limits. The controlled areas were cleaned frequently to keep and/or to return to the l

" Clean Aren" limite. The exclusion areas were cleaned periodically to minimite the 1 amount of sneareble contamination. The following contamination levels were observedt i

_Ir c a t i c's Contanination Rendinn CM Ni.id_j,rg Charging Pump Chanber 867000 d/m/ smear beta-garna Charging Roan Ploor 451 d/m/ smear beta-gamma i

Sanple Rpom Sink 14910 d/m/snear beta-gamma l 0

l 1

S!EC erations Re Enreh 9% . . . .por.. L for




Incation Contar.inktion 1(eadinr.

C&A Ibilding (Cont'd)

Sample Room Floor 4040 d/m/tmear beta-gama Chenistry 1Ab !!ot Sink 106500 d/m/emear beta-gamma WDF L .p Roon Floor < 100 d/m/nmear beta-gama

$ hipping Ibom Floor 286 d/~t/emear beta gama


Operating Dock 2760 d/m/smaar beta-gama Reactor Dock (head) 21700 d/m/ smear Reactor Deck (grating) 20500 d/m/emear beta-gamma Primary Compartment (grating) 1$100 d/m/encar beta-garca Liquid and gasecun effluents from the SIEC site for the month of March 1966 were as follows:

(Curie) (Curie) (Curie)

Effluent Activity Activity Activity Tyra Ins _ Month Year to Dato Inst Twelve Montha Liquid 0.003265 0.005639 0.010574 Air, Xe ,

6.240555 7.179328 32.660878 Air, 1-131 0.004251 0.004368 0.005900 Air, H.F.P. 0.062407 0.71795 0.326612 One barrel of waste was drummed for tmporary storage. 14o drums were shipped from the site.

Radiation exposure for all SIEC personnel ao measured by film badges for the month of February 1966 were a naximum of 140 mrm with an average of 23.2 mre.

Radiation exposure for all visiting personnel as measured by film badges for the month of February 1966 were a =@m of 20 mrem with an average of 0 5 mrem.

The average radiation exposure for all personnel as measured by film badges for the month of February 1966 was 13.8 mrem.


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  • TIMTS SCRA W ED (INADVERTANT) NO. 0 0 29 TIUW.AL P0h'ER ODIEMTION }MI 16,607 38 41,960.62 251,210 45 AVERAGE DURNUP (Pu Rec, ion) WDM 1,355.6 3,425.5 3,407 2 CONTROL R0D PCBITICNS AT DlD OF HONTil AT BlUILIBRIUM PCMER OF 23,5 )Mt MAIN 0001 ANT BORON 1357 PIM RODS OUT - INCfD No. 1 _ M_ NO. 2 35 50 NO. 3 40 NO. 4 , 40 No. 5 40 NO. 6 40 EIECUICA! UNIT FONTH E TO DATE ORoss OENERATION }MH 2,972.0 7,370.0 11,652.0 STATION SERVICE FMH 225.64 671.86 8,874.15 STATION SERVICE  % 7.60 9.12 21.25 AVO. PIANT EF?ICID40Y - HWH(e)/)Ml(t)  % 17.88 17.55 16.63 AVO. ODIEMTION RUNNIN0 ( 72A.66 Ic) )N 4,078.71 3,809.59 3,122,98 l


(AVO. GEN.FORHONTH/ MAX.IDAD)  % 92.2 78.80 37.2

'UXILTARY STEAM SUPPLY - NUCIIAR STEM SUPPLIED :::t REACTOR HRS. 729.16 1,976.86 11,675.83 HWDF EVAPORAT0h OPERATION IUtS . 407.75 756.00 2,817 25

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