ML20091D735 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png |
Issue date: | 12/31/1990 |
References | |
C310-91-0009, C310-91-9, SNEC-91-0047, SNEC-91-47, NUDOCS 9110280341 | |
Download: ML20091D735 (13) | |
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.;C Metropohtan Edison Company MAluNG ADDRESS:
1 Upper Aond Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 October 15, 1991 C301-91-0009 SNEC-91-0047 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:
Document Control Desk Washington, DC 205E5
Dear Sir:
Saxton Nuclear facility Operating License No. DPR-4 Occket ho. 50-146 1990 Anr.ual Rnport The Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corpcration (SNEC) Technical Specification (TS), Section B.5.b, requires submittal, on an annual basis, of a written report covering the status of the SNEC facility.
Enclosed, in compliance with the ebove IS sect'.on, is the SNEC Annual Report covering the period January 1, 1990 inrough December 31, 1990.
fcsYcWHY J. E. Hildebrand President JEH/EP/plp Enclosures cc:
A. Adams - NRC (w/ encl)
R. tiores NRC (w/ encl)
J. Roth - NRC (w/ encl)
S. Weiss - NRC (w/ encl) 9110280341 901231 PDR ADOCK 0000 6
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t 1990 Annual Report l
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January 1,'1990 - Depenber 31, 1990' i
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During the report period January 1,
1990 to December 31, 1990, various activitics were conducted at the SNEC facility to further the decontamination and decommissioning efforts at the site while assuring continued protection of the health and safety of the public and SNEC staff.
The Final Release Survey of the Reactor Support Buildings was issued April, 1990 to the NRC.
Revision 1 was issued September, 1990.
A total of 13 entries were made into the Containment Vessel (CV).
These entries were made for Technical Specification quarterly surveys, routine housekeeping and related work, anu management tours.
All of the required Technical Specification quarterly radiation survnys were successfully conducted at the facility.
In addition, the supplemental environmental monitoring program maintained by GPU Nuclear at the site continued during 1990.
Results of these monitoring programs and surveys indicate that there has been no appreciable change in the radiological or environmental conditions at the facility when compared to previous years.
The facility currently poses no threat to the health and safety of the public.
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ANNUAL REPORT IN CCMPLIANCE WITM PARAGRAPH B.5.b OP-THE'8MEC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS JANUARY 1, 1990 - DECEMBER 31, 1990 Introduction T*;s; report is prepared in compliance with Section D.5.b of the Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation (SNEC)
Technical Specifications.
The reporting period! covers January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990.
Each section presented corresponds to the appropriate reporting requirement of the Technical Specifications.
Information Relatina to Chances in those Staff Positions that are Desianated an, beina - Responsible for the Deactivcted Facility.
(Section B.S.b(1))
The following changes occurred in staff positions responsible for the deactivated facility during 1990.
Name Nature of Changg K((cative Date R. W.-Howard
-Resigned as July 31, 1990 President, SNEC J. E. Hildebrand Elected July 31. 1990 President, St;EC D. A. Good Elected July 31, 1990 V.P.,
Egmmary of Entries into the ' Containment Vessel (CYJ or Radioactive Waste Disnosal Pacility (R.W.D.P.) and Reason for Each'Entryx - (Section B.S.b(2))
During the time frame of January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990, there were 336 entries into the RWDF.
Daily sign-in and sign-out logs are on file and available for inspection.
A list of entries into the SNEC containment Vessel and reason for each in-presented below.
01/24/90 NRC Tour of Site 2.
03/22/90 First Quarterly Surveillance 3.
05/24/90 GPU Inspection Tour 4.
06/28/90 Second Quarterly Survuillance.
'07/11/90 NRC-Inspection Tour 6.
-09/27/90 Third Quarterly Survell]ance & Radiological Assessment 7.
10/12/90 ORAU Survey Support 8.
10/22/90 ORAU Survey Team Tour 9.
10/22/90 Public Service of Colorado Tour 10.
10/30/90 ORAU Survey Support 11.
10/31/90 Fourth Quarterly Surveillance 12.
11/07/90 ORAU-Survey Support 13. ' 11/27/90 Nuclear Safety Compliance Committee Tour
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Summary of Maintenance and Desian Chances Made to the Deactivated Facilitiy_ - (Section B.S.b(3))
During 1990, there were no major maintenance or design changes inade at SNEC.
Some minor changes ralated to final radiological surveys in the RUDF and C&A Buildings were made
'i.e., surface decontamination).
Results of Radioactivity Levels and of Water Sample Analving (Section B.S.b(4))
Analysis results of water samples from the CV sump, RWDF sump and CV pipe tunnel are presented in Tables I,
- III, respectively.
Sample results from the CV sump contain the highest activity. is consistent with previous years data.
It is noted that the CV sump activity has had an apparent decrease since the first quarter of 1990.
This is Me to a new sampling tnchnique which restricts bottom sagling and should provide more censistent results.
The water in.the CV sump is completely contained and not in contact with the environment, therefore, there is no threat to the public health and safety.
CV sump water originates from small amounts of condensation that form on the inside of the CV walls and drain downward into the sump.
CV sump capacity is approximately 325 gallons.
It contains approximately 140 gallons ~of water.
Water levels are measured quartetly and t
have shown slight increases.
Table IV presents the highest contact dose rates on the CV Operating Lock and the highest waist level dose rates taken around the CV and Penolec perimeter fences during the quarterJy surveys.
Count rate information obtained from surveys of the CV High Efficiency Filter is presented in Table V.
Dose rates at the 20 permanent survey points in the CV, ranged from less than 0.2 mr/hr to 0.3 mr/hr.
The data are presented in Table VI.
Smear surveys from. the same 20 permanently marked points ranged from less than minimum detectable activity to 8000 dpm/100cm (Table VII).
All survey points 2
except 1 and 2 are located in a posted contaminated area.
Only. points' located along the walkway to the lower levels of the CV have. displeyed any movement of loose contamination.
This novement is due to survey crews traversing the area from the lower levels of the CV to the radiological control point.
. Smear results from the fourth quarter were counted using a portable pancake detector and ratemeter rather than laboratory counting equipment; consequently the results appear slightly higher.
The data from these surveys are generally consistent with past results and do not display any adverse trends.
Table VIII contains the results of composite water samples collected on the discharge of sump pumps that dewater groundwater inleakage from the RWDF and pipe tunnel.
Review of the Performance of Security and survelliance Measures.. - Section B.S.b(5))
During 1990 there wore no break-ins or no known attempted break-ins at tne SNEC facility.
No acjor changes were made to in-place security features.
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TABLE I SNEC Containment Vessel _ (CV) Sump Water AnalyR.is_Results 1990*
Radio-1st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
nuclidga 03/22/90 06/28/90 09/27/90 10/31/90 Gr-Alpha 4.7E-6 i 8.7E-a i
<3.0E-8 0.3E-6 4.7E-8 Gr-Beta 5.7E-3 1 2.2E-3 1 1.7E-4 i 2.2E-3 1 0.1E-3 0.1E-3 0.1E-4 0.1E-3 11 - 3 5.GE-4 1 5.7E-4 1 5.7E-4 1 6.7E-4 1 0.1E-4 0.1E-4 0.2E-4 0.1E-4 Sr-90 8.6E-6 i 9.4E-6 1 5.8E-6 i 7.1E-6 1 0.2E-6 0.2E-6 0.1E-6 0.1E-6 Co-60 1.09E-4 i 3.05E-6 t
<9.0E-7 0.11E-4 1.22E-6 Cs-134 7.34E-6 i 4.57E-6 1 3.58E-6 1 2.64E-6 i 1.49E-6 0.92E-6 0.88E-6 1.02E-6 Co-137 6.09E-1 1 2.95E-3 1 2.27E-3 1 2.24E-3 i 0.61E-3 0.29E-3 0.23E-3 0.22E-3 Analysis results from Telodyne Isotopes i
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TABLE II RMp_I_f_VRP_hILalysis Results 1990 (uCi/ml)
Radio-1st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
j nuclides 03/22/90 06/28/90 09/27/29 10/31/90 Gr-Alpha
<8.0E-9 Gr-Beta 6.5E-9 1 1.5E-8 i 8.7E-9 2 7,4E-9 i 2.5E-9 0.3E-8 3.1E-9 4.3E-9 H-3
<1.2E-7 Sr-90*
<1.0E-9 Co-60
<4.0E-9 Cs-134
<4.0E-9 Co-137
- Sr-90 analysis has been changed to "as needed".
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TABLE III CV PiDe Tunng_1 Analysis Results 199Q (uci/ml)
I Radio-1st Qtr..
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
nuclides 03/22/90 06/28/90 99/27/22 10/31/90 Gr-Alpha
<3.0E-9 Gr-Beta 3.0E-8 i 2.5E-8 1 3.7E-8 1 2.5E-8 i 0.3E-8 0.3E-8 0.4E-8 0.3E-8 H-3
<1.2E-7 Sr-90*
<1.0E-9 Co v0
<5.0E-9 C;-134.
- 4.0E-9
<6.0 9
<4.0E-9 Cs-137 1.9E-8 I 1.5E-5 i 2.8E-8 1.6E-8 2 0.3E-8 0.2E-8 0.5E-8 0.3E-8
-* Sr-90 analysis has been. changed to "as needed".
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I TABLE IV Genergi krea DosgJ1 gig _ggry_gy ' CV Qooratina Deck 199R 1.
03/22/90 0.2 mR/hr l
06/28/90 0.2 mR/hr 3.
09/27/90 0.2 mR/hr 4.
10/31/90 0.2 mR/hr l
P CV Perigeter Fence Dose-Rettt_lurvey 1990 1.
.03/22/90 32 uk/hr 2.-
06/28/90 25 uR/hr 2
- 36 uR/hr
- 4.
10/31/90 60 uR/hr Penelec Perimeter Fence Doss Rate Survev-1990 1.
. 14 uR/hr 2.
06/28/90 14 uR/hr 3.
09/27/90-18 uR/hr' 4.
10/31/90 17 uR/hr i
TABLE V Count Rate Survey.s CV Hich Efficiency Filter'1912 i
<100 ncpm u
<100 ncpm l
'3 09/27/90
<100 ncpm 4.
<100 nepm
s 1
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-n mo-=r 4
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TABLE VI SNEC CV Dose Rates 1990 20 Permanent Survey Pointa
.(Gross Beta - = mr/hrl survey 1st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Point No.
03/22/90 06/28/90 09/27/90 10/31/90 1
<0.2 2
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 3
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 4
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 5
<0.2 0.3
<0.2 6
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 7
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 8
0.2 0.2 0.2
<0.2 9
<0.2 0.3
<0.2 10
<0.2 0.2 0.2 11
<0.2 0.2 0.2 12
<0.2 0.3 0.2 13
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 14 c.O. 2
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 15
<. 0. 2
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 16
<. 0. 2 0.2
<0.2 17
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 18
<0.2 0.2 (0.2 19
<0.2 0.2
<0.2 20
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TABLE.VII SNEC CV Smear surveys 1990 20 Permanent Survey Points 2
(dpm/100cm) survey 1st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Point No.
03/22/90 Qs128/90 D9/27/90 10/31/90 1
<1000 2
<1000 3
<147 2000 4
505 363
<1000 5
<147 1000 6
<147 2000 7
<135 533
<147 1000 8
1185 113
<1000 9
<147 1000 10 255
<147 1000 11 145
<147 2000 12 1175 613 1050 8000 13 235 163
<147 1000 14 185 133
<1000 15
<135 243
<147 1000 16 225 113
<1000 18 295
<147 1000 19 235
<1000 20 885
<147 3000 1
TABLE VIII Analysis of Groundwater Dewatered from RWDF and Other Bubaurface Duildina Areas - 1990 (uci/ml)
Date Sr-90 co-137 Co-60 gr-Alpha Gr-Beta
, H-3
<7.0E-9 1.1E-8 1 6.2E-9 i
< 1. 5::~ 7 12/28/89 - 01/24/90 0.4E-8 2.6E-9
<5.0E-9 6.3E-9 i
<1.0E-7 01/24/9L - 02/26/90**
<1.6E-7 0?/26/90 - 03/28/90
<9.0E-9 6.5E-9 2.1E-9
<6.0E-9 6.2E-9 i 03/28/90 - 04/30/90 2.0E-9
<7.OE-9 7.6E-9
<1.5E-7 04/30/90 - 05/24/90 8.9E-9
1.7E-9 05/24/90 - 06/28/90
<6.0E-9 7.8E-9 i 2.7E-9
<9.0E-9 06/28/90 - 07/30/90 7.6E-9 1
<9.0E-9 07/30/90 - 08/22/90 7.4E-9 i 08/22/90 - 09/27/90
- 1'0 ~
<7.OE-9 1.1E-8
.3E-8 1.6E-7 09/27/90 - 10/31/90
<3.0E-9 3.5E-9 1.3E-7 i 10/31/90 - 11/27/90
<7.0E-9 7.5E-9 11/27/90 - 01/02/91***
<7.0E.9 3.5E-9
<1.8E-7 1.1E-8 0.2E-8
= Sr-90 composited quarterly
= collection start /stop date 2/17 - 2/26/90. This result represents the February, 1990 monthly composite from Station El-18.
The automatic water compositor was inoperative from 1/24 - 2/17/90.
- = Due to an automatic water compositor malfunction, this sample consisted of equal portions of two grab samples; one on 12/30/90 and the other on 01/02/91.
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