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1997 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1997
Shared Package
ML20248D701 List:
NUDOCS 9806030079
Download: ML20248D718 (11)




January 1,1997 - December 31,1997 f

i i

I 9so603oo79 9eosas PDR ADOCK 05000146 R

PH l

Attachment i Pace I of 10 EXECUTIVE


During the report period January 1,1997 through December 31,1997, various activities were conducted at the SNEC facility to prepare for future decontamination and decommissioning efforts. SNEC Facility staffcontinued to monitor radiological conditions at the site to assure protection of the health and safety of the genera' public and site personnel.

A total of 181 entry days into the Containment Vessel (CV) were recorded. These entries were made for Technical Specification auarterly surveys, routine maintenance and housekeeping, radiological / characterization surveys, completion of the asbestos removal project which began in 1996, removal of original plant electrical systems, removal oflead bricks, high density shield blocks and miscellaneous loose materials, cleanup and painting of the CV Sump, lead based paint stripping from the proposed CV to Decommissioning Suppon Facility (DSF) opening cut areas, decommissioning planning, and management oversight inspections. Entries were also made in support of NRC visits, lcrge component removal project bid and planning, and public (open house) tours of the facility. All required Technical Specification quarterly fecility inspections and radiation monitoring surveys were successfully conducted.

Also performed were offsite shipment of contaminated asbestos and miscellaneous loose materials removed from the CV for disposal, installation pre-op and efliciency testing of the CV Ventilation system, installation of T-beam stiffeners in the Materials Handling Bay at the future CV to DSF opening, and installation of the NRC/ Independent inspector c 3ce trailer.

In addition, GPU Nuclear maintained a Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for the SNEC Facility during 1997. Details of the 1997 SNEC Facility REMP are included in an attachment to this report. Results of the REMP indicate that there has been no appreciable change in the radiological or environmental conditions at the facility compared to previous years.

Based on the results of the REMP, SNEC operations in 1997 did not have any adverse effects on the health and safety of the public or on the environment.

1920-911-20239 Page 2 of 10 ANNUAL REPORT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PARAGRAPH B.6.b OF THE SNEC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS JANUARY 1,1997 - DECEMBER 31,1997 Introduction This report is prepared in compliance with Section B.6.b of the Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation (SNEC) Technical Specifications (Amendment 14). The reporting period covers January 1,1997 through December 31,1997. Each section presented corresponds to the appropriate requirements of the Technical Specifications.


Information Relating to Changes to those StafTPositions that are Designated as being Responsible for the Deactivated Facility. (Section B.6.b(1))

There were no changes made to SNEC management / supervisory staff positions responsible for the facility during 1997.


Summary of Entries in the Containment Vessel (CV) From January 1.1997 to December 31.1997. (Section B.6.b(2))

A summary of the 1997 entries into the Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Facility (SNEC) Containment Vessel is presented below.


Forty-nine (49) First Quarter Entry Days were performed for:


Quarterly inspections B.

Radiological surveys C.

Characterization surveys / inspections D.

SNEC management tour (s)/ inspection (s)


Routine maintenance and inspections F.

Decommissioning planning / engineering inspections G.

Asbestos abatement project completion H.

Original plant electrical systems removal I.

Loose material removal J.

Large Component Removal Project 3id Tour K.

NRC oversight tour / inspection L.

Nuclear Safety Assessment (NS A) group inspection M.

Independent Inspector Inspection Tour 2.

Fifty-one (51) Second Quarter Entry Days were performed for:


Quarterly inspections B.

Radiolog: cal surveys C.

Characterization surveys / inspections D.

SNEC management tour (s)/ inspection (s)


Routine maintenance and inspections F.

Decommissioning planning / engineering inspections i

1920-98-20239 Attaciunent 1 Page 3 of 10 G.

Original plant electrical systems removal H.

Loose material removal I.

CV Sump clean-up and painting 3.

Forty-eight (48) Third Quaner Entry days were performed for:


Quarterly inspections B.

Radiological surveys C.

Characterization surveys / inspections D.

SNEC management tour (s) & inspection (s)


Routine maintenance and inspections F.

Decommissioning planning / engineering inspections G.

Rad Safety Committee (RSC) tour / inspection H.

Loose material removal 1.

Paint stripping for CV/DSF hole cut J.

Independent Inspector Inspection Tour 4.

Thirty-three (33) Fourth Quarter Entry Days were performed for:


Quarterly inspections B.

Radiological surveys C.

Characterization surveys / inspections D.

SNEC management tour (s) & inspection (s)


Routine maintenance and inspections F.

Decommissioning planning / engineering inspe ctions G.

Communications dept. Public (Open House) Tour H.

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Personnel Tour I.

American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) Tour / Inspection C.

Summarv of Maintenance and Design Changes Made to the Deactivated Facility. -

(Section B.6.b(3))

Maintenance and design changes instituted during 1997 were as follows:


Removed all original plant electrical power, cables, conduits, suppons and races from the CV.


AccessibL ;bestos removal from plant piping and components, begun in 1996, was completed during the first quarter of 1997.


The CV Ventilation System was installed, pre-operationally checked and efliciency tested.

1920-98-20239 Page 4 of 10 4.

T-beam stiffeners were welded to the outside of the CV, adjacent to the proposed CV to DSF opening which will be used to remove equipment during the decommissioning project. Also, in preparation for cutting the proposed opening, lead based paint was removed from the affected areas.


The CV Sump was pumped out, cleaned and painted.


A new support trailer was installed to provide office space for the Independent Inspector and the NRC during the decommissioning project.


The stairwell from the CV 818' el. to the 812' el. was moved several feet north to allow installation of a 10 Ton monorail hoist which can be used to remove equipment from the CV into the DSF.


A temporary crane access hatch cover was constructed over the CV 812' el. crane (equipment) hatch opening to eliminate a potential fall hazard during preparations for cutting the CV to DSF opening.


The CV 818' el. floor (and walls to seven feet high) and ponions of the 812' el.

were decontaminated and painted.


A radiological controls check point, a personnel dress-out/ change area and a supply storage mezzanine were constructed in the Personnel Access Facility.


Results of Radioactivity Surveys and Water Sample Analyses -(Section B.6.b(4))

Analysis results of water samples from the CV sump and CV pipe tunnel are presented in Tables I and II respectively. Sample results from the CV sump contain the highest activity. This is consistent with previous data. Water in the CV sump is completely contained and is not in contact with the environment, therefore, there is no threat to the public health and safety. CV sump water originates from condensation on surfaces inside the CV which drains downward into the sump. Also, water generated during minor decontamination and maintenance activities is occasionally routed to the sump. This accounts for fluctuations in CV sump activity as seen in quarterly sample results. CV sump capacity is approximately 325 gallons. Water levels are measured at least quanerly and have shown slight increases due to the above activities. The sump contained approximately 15 gallons on 11/03/97.

Table GI presents dose rates taken at the various fence lines on the SNEC/GPU Energy property using portable survey instmmentation and is included in this annual report for historical data comparison. In January 1997, the current Environmental TLD Program, which provides a more accurate indication of the SNEC Facility exposure rates and bounds the portable dose rate survey readings, was established. Environmental TLD i

Program results are described in the Direct Radiation Monitoring section of the attached

1920-98-20239 i

Attaclunent 1 l

Page 5 of 10 l

1997 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) Report. As stated in i

Table 3 of the REMP Report, all TLD results were well below the allowable maximum exposure rate.

The CV " Breather" High Efficiency Filter was replaced during performance of each l

quanerly survey. Count rate information obtained from surveys of the filter is presented in l

Table IV.

l l

Dase rates at the 20 permanent survey points in the CV ranged from less than 0.1 to 2.6 l

mR/hr with normal variations due to work evolutions in the surveyed area (s). This data is presented in Table V. Smear surveys from the same 20 permanently marked points ranged 2

from less than detectable activity to 5940 dpm/100 cm and is presented in Tables VI and i

VII. The highest smearable contamination level was attributed to work related to the removal of miscellaneous loose equipment in a posted contamination area. After completion of this work and area clean-up, smearable contamination levels at the twenty fixed survey points during the third and fourth quarter surveillance were reduced to less than 1000 dpm/100cm'. In conclusion, data from these surveys, taking into account l

variations due to ongoing work activities in the surveyed areas, are generally consistent l

with past results and do not display any adverse trends.


Review of the performance of Access Control and Surveillance measures. - (Section B.6.b.(5))

All required access control and surveillance measures were satisfactorily completed.

There were no break-ins or known attempted break-ins at the SNEC Facility during 1997.

l l

l 1

l 1


1920-98-20239 Page 6 of 10 TABLEI i

l SNEC Containment Vessel (CV) Sump Water Analysis Results 1997 (uCi/ml) i 1" Qtr 2"dQtr 3'dQtr 4 Qtr th Radie Nuclides 03/10/97 06/02/97 08/l1/97 11/03/97 Gross Alpha 1.6 E-610.4 E-6

< l.4 E-6

< l.7 E-7

< 9.0 E-7 l

l Gross Beta 2.8 E-3 i 0.3 E-3 2.8 E-3 i 0.3 E-3 2.9 E-3 i 0.3 E-3 3.6 E-3 i 0.4 E-3 H-3 2.6 E-4 i 0.3E-4 2.5 E-4 i 0.3 E-4 1.5 E-4 i 0.1 E-4 1.5 E-410.2 E-4 Sr-90 7.2 E-5 i 0.7 E-5 6.8 E-5 i 0.7 E-5 3.2 E-5 i 0.3 E-5 4.3 E-310.4 E-5 Co-60

< l.8 E-6

< 3.0 E-6

< 3.0 E-6

< 2.0 E-6 i


< 4.0 E-6

< 4.0 E-6

< 5.0 E-6

< 4.0 E-6 Cs-137 2.7 E-3 i 0.3 E-3 2.6 E-3 i 0.3 E-3 3.2 E-3 i 0.3 E-3 3.7 E 310.4 E-3,

TABLE 11 i

l SNEC (CV) Pipe Tunnel Water Analysis Results 1997 (uCi/ml)

Radio-Nuclides l'Qtr 2"dQtr 3'dQtr 4 Qtr j

03/11/97 06/03/97 08/11/97 11/03/97 Gross Beta 3.7 E-810.4 E-8 3.0 E-8 i 0.5 E-8 3.8 E-8 i 0.5 E-8 2.0 E-8 i 0.5 E-8 l


< l.5 E-7

< l.5 E-7

< l.5 E-7

< l.4 E-7 Co-60

< 2.0 E-9

< l.5 E-9

< l.5 E-9

< 3.0 E-9 Cs-134

< l.6 E-9

< l.5 E-9

< l.3 E-9

< 2.0 E-9 Cs-137 6.2 E-9 i 1.8 E-9 5.2 E-9 i 1.4 E-9 9.5 E-9 i 2.0 E-9 7.5 E-9 i 2.3 E-9 j

i J

1920-98-20239 Page 7 of 10 TABLE Ill SNEC/GPlj FNERGY (Formerly Penelec) Perimeter Fence Highest Dose Rates 1997 SNEC Site Perimeter Fence Highest Dose Rates (micro-R/hr) *"*"'

03/11/97 60 06/03/97 12 08/11/97 10 11/03/97 12 SNEC CV Perimeter Fence Highest Dose Rates (micro-R/hr)"

03/11/97 22 06/03/97 20 08/11/97 10 11/03/97 8

GPU Energy Perimeter Fence Highest Dose Rates (micro-R/hr) ""

03/11/97 15 06/03/97 10 08/11/97 9

11/03/97 10 NOTE 1 see explanation in "Section D" of this report.


CV " Breather" High Efficiency Filter Count Rate Surveys 1997 03/10/97

< 100 nepm l


< 100 nepm 08/l1/97

< 100 nepm 11/03/97

< 100 ncpm f

1920-98-20239 Attachment i 0

TABLE V SNEC CV Dose Rates 1997 20 Permanent Survey Points (Gamma - mR/hr)

I" Qtr 2" Qtr 3 Qtr 4* Qtr d

Survey Point #

03/10/97 06/02/97 08/11/97 11/03/97 1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 2

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 3

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 4

0.2 0.1 0.1

< 0.1 5


< 0.1 0.1 0.2 6

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 7

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 8

< 0.1 0.1 0.1

< 0.1 9

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 10

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 11

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1

< 0.1 12

< 0.1 0.1


< 0,1 13

< 0.1 0.2 0.1

< 0.1 14 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.I 15 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.2 16 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.I 17 0.1 0.2 0.I

<0.I 18 1.4 1.5 2.6 2.6 19 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 20 0.1

< 0.1 0.1

< 0.1 1


1920-98-20239 Attachment i Page 9 of 10 TABLE VI SNEC CV Beta-Gamma Contamination Levels 1997 - 20 Permanent Survey Points (dpm/100cm')

1"Qtr 2" Qtr 3" Qtr 4* Qtr Survey Point #

03/10/97 06/02/97 08/l1/97 11/03/97 1

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 2

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 3

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 4

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 5

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 6

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 7

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 8

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 9

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 10 480

< 250

< 267

< 217 11

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 12 250

< 250 280 250 13

< 231 540 590 450-14 270 360 400

< 217 15

< 231 360 700 510 16

~370 5940 350 330 17

< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 18

< 231 440 900 690 19 380 280

< 267

< 217 I


< 231

< 250

< 267

< 217 l

l Y.


1920-98-20239 l

Page 10 of10 l



l SNEC CV Alpha Contamination Levels 1997 - 20 PermNect Survey Points (dpm/100cm2) 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Survey Point #

03/10/97 06/02/97 08/l1/97 11/03/97 1

< 10

< 10

< l2

< l3 2

< 10

< 10

< 12

< l3 3

< 10

< 10

< l2

< 13 4

< 10

< 10

< 12

< 13 5

< 10

< 10

< l2

< 13 6

< 10

< 10

< 12

< 13 7

< 10

< 10

< 12

< l3 8

< 10

< 10

< l2

< l3 9

< 10

< 10

< l2

< l3 10

< 10

< 10

< 12

< 13 11

< 10

< 10

< 12

< i3 12

< 10

< 10

< !2

< 13 13

< 10

< 10

< l2

< l3 14

< 10

< 10

< 12

< l3 15

< 10

< 10

< l2

< l3 16

< 10

< 10

< l2

< 13 17

< 10

< 10

< l2

< 13 18

< 10

< 10

< l2

< l3 19

< 10

< 10

< 12

< 13 1


< 10

< 10

< 12

< l3 I
