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Monthly Operating Rept for May 1969 for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1969
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280062
Download: ML20085G859 (6)


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1. GENERAL The scheduled plant outage which was begun on October 18, 1968, was continued throughout this report period. On May 7, the installation of the reactot vessel head bolts was completed and the head bolt insulation can was installed.

Five conoscals were instal 3cd on the instrumentation ports on the vessel head.

An irradiated fuel shipmcat cor taining the pli subassenbly, the pit subassembly support tube and two specimens removed during refueling was made to the Westinghouse Post Irradiation Facility on May 14.

The rod room leak was located near the reactor vessel skirt seal and underwater repairs made. At the end of the month the Icakage had been completely stopped.

A f ailed fuel detector system was installed during the month consisting of a flow control valve, a flow meter, a heat exchanger and stainless steel tubing.

The system is installed across the steam generator and utilizes the dif ferential pressure to obtain flow.

The primary coolant tubing was hydrostatically tested at 3800 psig and the component cooling piping at 235 psig. The system is entirely contained within the containment vessel.

follows: Three test subassemblies were roccived for insertion in Core llI as Subassembly No. 503-4-32 -

Low Pressure Creep T:st Subassemb]y No. 503-4-33 -

liigh Pressure Creep Test Subassembly No. 503-4-34 -

Materials Compatability Test

2. OPERATIONAL TESTS The SNEC fire and evacuation alarms were tested on May 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. .

May 2.

The monthly test of the radiation monitoring system was completed on

3. [1AINTENANCE The , principal items of mechanical maintenance during the month included f abricating a new af ter cooler for the instrument air dryer; installing reactor vessel head bolts; manually rotating the main coolant pump; tightening the-containment vessel rotary crane rails and lubricating the cranc cables; installing a spray nozzle on the pressurizer spray line; installing five conoscals on the reactor vessel instrument ports,; locating and repairing leaks in the reactor vessel skirt scal; repairing cracks in the storage well lining; repairing the adjusting screw threads on pressurizer safety valve, V-373; setting both pressurizer safety valve lift set points on a test stand; repairing leaks in the reactor vessel head bolt can; 9110280062 910424 PDR FOIA DEKOK?l-17 PDR.

SN1'C Operations Report for May 1969 . . .... #2 -

c1 caning the control room air conditioner filters and fabricating shock absorbers for the compressor; welding a new tubing fitting on a core outlet pitot tube; processing eight drums of evaporator bottoms; reinsulating the safety injection system d/p cell lines; and f abricating and installing a Indder to the roof of the control and auxiliary building, ,

The major items of electrical and instrument maintenance inclu'ded repairing the reactor vessel head bolt heaters; repairing the temperature monitor on the of f-site weather station; installing gaskets and replacing bolts in the containnent vessel junction boxes; installinE a new temperature regulating valve in the stear line to No. 2 discharge tank; repairing the flow alarm switches in site particulote monitors, RIC-8 and RIC-9; cicaning all electrical switchgcar and breakers; installing a new speaker on the entrance intercom system; rcplacing the BF3 neutron detector in source range channel A; checking the specific gravity on the station cervice batteries; replacing a bearing in the RLTDF supply fan motor; repairing the louvre operator and setting the thermostat on the RWDF drum shipping room air handler; replacing the carbon vanes on site particulate monitor vacuum pump, RIC-9; iastalling two battery operated emergency lights; checking,and replacing the vacuum tubes in the count room G-M scalers, the liquid scintillation counter and the containment vessel monitor; repairing the high range portable survey meter and a portable alpha survey meter; and repairing a paging phone in the offi,ce spaces.


The main coolant system was maintained for cold shutdown conditions throughout the entire month. A summary of the analyses performed on the primary coolant la contained in the following table:

Primary Coolant Samples Minimum Maximum pil at 25 C 5.22 5.51 Conductivity, umhos 5.49 7.63 Boron, ppm 1628 1639 Chlorides, ppm (0.005 <0.005 Gross Beta-Gamma (15 Min. Degassed) ue/cc 2.28x10-3 9.25x10-3 Tritium, ue/cc 7.40x10 7.85x10-3 A summary of the analyses performed on the component cooling system is as follows:

Date pH Conductivity (umhos) Cr04 (ppm) Activity (ue/cc) 5-19 8.89 1030 435 8.81x10-6 4


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SNEC Operations Report for pay 1969 . . . . . . . #3

5. RADIATION AND WASTE DJ SPOSAL Radiation surveying consisted of routine plant surveys, the containment vessel and material shipments. The following maximum radiation readings scre taken:

_ Loc a t i ot. .

Radiation Reading C6A Building Waste Drum (baling machine) 0.8 mrom/hr beta-gamma Charging Pump (contact with chamber) 27 mrem /hr beta-gamma Sample Room (door of sample panel)

  • 1.5 mrem /hr beta-gamma Chemical Lab Hot Sink (1" from drain) 13.5 mrem /hr beta-gamma RWDF Evaporator (under bottom) 17 mrem /hr. beta-gamma Evaporator (contact outside upper level) 11 mrem /hr beta-gamma Drum Storage Area (at HRA fence) 9.5 mrem /hr beta-gamma C.V.

Primary Compartment (general upper level) 75 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (contact M.C. pump volute) 475 mrem /hr beta-gamma e Primary Compartment (S.C. bottom), 175 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (pressurizer bottom) 150 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (general lower level) 55 mrem /hr beta-gamma l Primary Compartment (Regen. HX) 495 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (Non-Regen. HX) 40 crem/hr beta-gamma Auxiliary Equipment Compartment (S.C.H.X.) 10 mrem /hr beta-gamma Auxiliary Equipment Compartment (D.T. top) 8 mrem /hr beta-gamma l Auxiliary Equipment Compartment (D.T. bottom) 37 mrem /hr beta-gamma Auxilinry Equipment Compartment (general lower j level) 3 mrem /hr beta-gamma l Reactor Deck (water level at grating) 55 mrem /hr-beta-gamma Reactor Deck (instrument ports) 210 mrem /hr beta-gamma Reactor Deck (waist level) 100 mrem /hr beta-gamma Reactor Deck (storage well railing) 60 mrem /hr beta-ganma Contamination surveying consisted of routine plant site surveys, surveys of materials shipped, tools, equipment and the containment vessel. The clean areas were within the " Clean Area" limits. The controlled area was generally _within the " Clean Area" limits. The controlled area was cleaned frequently to keep and/or to return it to the "C1can Area" limits. The exclusion areas were cleaned periodically to minimize the amount of smearable contamination. The following contamination levels ware observed: _


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SHEC Operations Report for gyj 969 . . . . . . . _

/14 Location Contamination Readinn C&A Building Charging Puup Chamber 41490 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Charging Pump Chamber < 10 d/m/ smear alpha

  • Charging Room Floor ;590 d/n/ smear beta-gamma Sample Room Sink 39180 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Sample Room Sink < 10 d/m/ smear alpha Sample Room F]oor < 100 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Chemical Lab Hot Sink 4710 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Chemical Lab Hot Sink < 10 d/m/ smear alpha RWDF Pump Room Floor 1250 d/m/ swear beta-gamma Shipping Room Floor < 100 d/m/ smear beta-samma C.V.

Operating Deck 7450 d/m/ smear beta-samma Operating Deck < 10 d/m/ smear alpha Reactor Dcck (head) 54730 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Reactor Deck (head) < 10 d/m/ smear alpha

,, Reactor Deck (grating) 104550 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Reactor Deck (grating) *

< 10 d/m/ smear alpha Primary Compartment (grating) 3700 d/m/ smear beta-ganna Primary Compartment (grating) < 10 d/m/ smear alphe Liquid and gaseous effluents from the SNEC site for the month of May 1969 vere as follows:

(Curie) (Curic) (Curie) l Effluent Activity Activity Activity Type This Month Year to Date Latet Twelve Months I

Liquid 0.000404 0.003298 0.009210 Tritium 0.131100 0.453041 5.631301 1 Air, Xe 0.000080 0.040196 3.586236 Air, I-131 0.000000 0.000000 0.000173 Air, M. F.P. 0.000000 0.000401 0.035862 Five barrels of was'.e were drummed for temporary storage. Thirty-two (32) drums were shipped 'from the site. .

Radiation exposure for all SNEC personnel as measured by film badges for the month of April 1969 were a maximum of 700 mrem with an average of 105.8 mrem.

Radiation exposure for all visiting personnel as measured by film badges for l the month of April 1969 were a maximum of 0.0 mrem with an average of 0.0 mrem.

The average radiation exposure for all personnel as measured by film badges

, for the month.of April 1969 was 54.83 mrem.

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SAXTON 1:UCIFAR EXPEit3f t NTAL CO:!PO.*t4T10:l OPERAT11:0 STATIST)CS 1!0 NTH HA'l YEAR _1,969 HOCIE'd! .U,Up, }igy,TH , ]fq@ TO DATE TI1ES CPITICAL NO. 0 0 823 ll0URS CitITICAL HRS. 0 0 22,948.49 TIlZS SCR/TJ:ED (11A!!UAL) NO. 0 0 449

  • TIMES SCPJJ::ED (IllADVERTANT) NO. 0 0 42 TliUt!!AL PO*.?Dt GE!!ERt. TION FMH. 0 0 429,077.53


)MII C0011JIT BORON 3531 PPM RODS OUT - INCHES NO 1 0 110 . 2 0 NO. 3 0 NO. 4 0 NO. 3 O NO. 6 0 ELECTRICAL UITIT MONTH YEAR TO DATE GROSS GEh'ERATION 1MH 0 0 73,529.3 STATION SERVICE }ns 92.14 444.26 15,617.65 STATION SERVICE  % 0 0 21.24 AVG. PI1JIT EFFICID?CY - }MH(e)/ TMH (t)  % 0 0 17.14 AVG. GENERATION RUNUING ( 0 liRS) }37 0 0 3,461.11 PIANT LOAD FACTOR -


JMDF EVAPORATOR OPERATION HRS- 107.50 645.29 8,060.15

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