MONTHYEARML20085A1141995-06-0808 June 1995 Ro:On 950525,ground Water Entered Containment at Rate of Approx One Gpm Until Approx 1300 Hs When Temporary Plug Was Installed Stopping in-leakage ML20035E2061993-04-0505 April 1993 Ro:Providing Followup to Telcon Notification of Failure to Perform Nuclear Radiation Monitoring Insp at Least Quarterly.Performance Span of Monitoring Exceeded 5 Months. Overdue Periodic Insp Completed on 930304 NRC-89-0042, Ro:On 890316,water Containing Radionuclide Concentrations in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits,Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Water Originated from Condensation on Inside of Containment Vessel.Water Will Be Properly Disposed of1989-05-16016 May 1989 Ro:On 890316,water Containing Radionuclide Concentrations in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits,Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Water Originated from Condensation on Inside of Containment Vessel.Water Will Be Properly Disposed of ML20151C6011988-04-0505 April 1988 Ro:On 880303,during First Quarterly Insp of 1988,water Noted to Have Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Radioisotopic Analysis of Water Revealed That Contamination Exceeded 10CFR20 Limits for Unrestricted Release ML20236N4111987-11-0606 November 1987 Ro:On 870915,during Third Quarterly Insp of 1987,collection of Water in Containment Vessel Sump Noted.Caused by Condensation from Inside Containment Vessel.Periodic Monitoring,Removal & Disposal of Water Planned ML20207Q5591986-12-22022 December 1986 Ro:During Internal Review of Records for First Quarter 1986, Discovered Failure to Provide Written 15-day Notification of 860207 Contaminated Water in Containment Vessel Sump.Caused by Oversight ML20207Q5571986-12-0202 December 1986 Ro:On 861107,during Fourth Quarterly Insp,Radioactive Water Discovered Collecting in Containment Vessel Sump.Caused by Condensation.Water Will Be Monitored,Removed & Disposed of as Necessary.Results of Analysis Encl ML20079N5241983-12-30030 December 1983 Ro:On 831222,insp of Containment Vessel Sump Found 3.7 Cm of Water Below Elevation 765 ft-8 Inches.Caused by Condensation on Inside Walls of Containment Vessel Above Elevation 812 Ft.Sump Pumped Successfully ML20071D2351983-02-10010 February 1983 Ro:On 830118,4.5 Cm Water Found in Containment Vessel Sump, Below Elevation 765 ft,8 Inches Concentrations of Cs-134, Cs-137 & Sr-90 Confirmed.Pressure of Water Caused by Condensation on Inside Water.No Release to Environ ML20052D8161982-04-27027 April 1982 Ro:On 820319,during Quarterly Facility insp,3.5 Inches of Water Found in Containment Vessel Sump.Analysis of Sump Water Confirmed Concentrations of Cs-134,Cs-137 & Sr-90 Exceeded Limits of 10CFR20 ML20084N8061971-12-0909 December 1971 Ro:On 711129,while Operating Personnel Were Performing Primary Coolant Boron Dilution,Accidental Release of Radioactive Gases Occurred.Gases Released to Environ Via Plant Stack.No Overexposures Occurred ML20084N9571970-08-31031 August 1970 Ro:On 700826,accidental Release of Radioactive Gases Occurred During Switching of Gas Compressors to Locate & Isolate Minute Leak in Rwdf Sys.Cause Not Stated.Event Will Be Reviewed for Appropriate Corrective Action ML20084N9691970-05-18018 May 1970 Ro:On 700514,while Venting Gases from Primary Coolant Sys to Gas Compressor Sys,Accidental Release of Radioactive Gases Occurred.Caused by Rupture of Diaphragm in Gas Compressor Vacuum Regulating Valve ML20085H4851969-07-25025 July 1969 Ro:On 690725,upon Completion of Training Startup & Manually Tripping Reactor,Control Rod 6 Hung Up 36.6 Inches.Rod Removed Manually & Scrammed Into Fully Inserted Position ML20084P0041968-12-10010 December 1968 Ro:On 681126,while Transferring Water from Storage Well to Refueling Water Storage Tank,Approx 40 Gallons of Water Spilled on Floor of Safety Injection Sys Pump House.Caused by Personnel Error.Area Decontaminated by Washing ML20084P0111968-11-27027 November 1968 Ro:On 681004,following Completion of Operator Training, Erratic Instrument Response Observed on Steam Generator wide- & narrow-range Level Recorders & Pirmary Coolant Flow Recorder.Probably Caused by Instrumentation Problems ML20084P0221968-02-23023 February 1968 Ro:On 680122,control Rod 1 Did Not Drop to Normal Zero Position When Reactor Shut Down by Manual Scram of Control Rods.Probably Caused by Foreign Matl Lodged in Control Rod Drive Mechanism Dashpot ML20085D3621963-10-0909 October 1963 Ro:On 630809-19,three Unsuccessful Attempts Made to Pump Gas Into Gas Decay Tank 3.Caused by Small Hole Through Which Gas Was Escaping.Failure of Piping Caused by Impact of Tool or Falling Object 1995-06-08
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MONTHYEARML20209C0051998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20236L3501998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 2 to Saxton Reactor Pressure Vessel & Internals Final Characterization. W/Two Oversize Drawings ML20236N9161998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 2 to Wmg 9801-7025, Saxton Reactor Pressure Vessel & Internals Final Characterization ML20217A9821998-04-20020 April 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 15 to License DPR-4 ML20236N9101998-03-31031 March 1998 Rev 1 to Wmg 9803-7025, Saxton SG & Pressurizer Characterization. W/Supporting Documentation from Reactor Vessel Package ML20202B2541998-02-0202 February 1998 Rev 1 to Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility Decommissioning QA Plan ML20248D7181997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20210Q2321997-08-31031 August 1997 Rev 1 to Updated SAR for Decommissioning SNEC Facility ML20141C6661996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20134L8231996-10-28028 October 1996 Rev 0 to Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan ML20149K8121996-02-29029 February 1996 Rev 0 of SNEC Facility Decommissioning Plan ML20112C8451995-12-31031 December 1995 1995 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Facility ML20116A1101995-12-12012 December 1995 Facility Reactor Vessel,Internals,Ex-Vessel Lead, Structural Steel & Reactor Compartment Concrete Shield Wall Radionuclide Inventory ML20087J7781995-06-27027 June 1995 Human Performance Enhancement Sys Rept Inadvertent Penetration of Saxton Containment Vessel Liner During Site Characterization Activities ML20085A1141995-06-0808 June 1995 Ro:On 950525,ground Water Entered Containment at Rate of Approx One Gpm Until Approx 1300 Hs When Temporary Plug Was Installed Stopping in-leakage ML20115K0821995-05-11011 May 1995 1994 Saxton Soil Remediation Project Rept ML20086B8561994-12-31031 December 1994 Experimental Corp 1994 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Facility for 940101-1231 ML20070A3501993-12-31031 December 1993 SNEC 1993 Annual Rept Jan-Dec 1993 ML20056G8241993-08-31031 August 1993 Penelec/Gpu Internal Affairs Dept Williamsburg Incident Investigation 89-WM-2 ML20036A9061993-05-12012 May 1993 Corrected Williamsburg Incident Investigation Rept 89-WM-2. Study Undertaken to Investigate Former Penelec Employee Allegation That Matl Located in Saxton,Pa Buried in Penelec Williamsburg Ash Disposal Site in mid-1970 ML20035E2061993-04-0505 April 1993 Ro:Providing Followup to Telcon Notification of Failure to Perform Nuclear Radiation Monitoring Insp at Least Quarterly.Performance Span of Monitoring Exceeded 5 Months. Overdue Periodic Insp Completed on 930304 ML20045D7161992-12-31031 December 1992 1992 Annual Rept for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp. W/ ML20101R2641992-03-31031 March 1992 Redacted Version of Penelec/Gpu Internal Affairs Dept Rept Williamsburg Incident Investigation 89-WM-2 ML20101L3341991-12-31031 December 1991 Experimental Corp 1991 Annual Rept. W/ ML20085C5901991-10-0404 October 1991 Rev 1 to Safeguards Rept for Saxton Core III ML20091D7351990-12-31031 December 1990 Facility 1990 Annual Rept ML20056A0181990-07-26026 July 1990 Trust Agreements ML20056A0091990-07-26026 July 1990 TMI-1 Trust Agreements ML20056A0021990-07-26026 July 1990 Trust Agreement Jcp&L Qualified Trust ML20043D7261989-12-31031 December 1989 Experimental Corp 1989 Annual Rept. W/ NRC-89-0042, Ro:On 890316,water Containing Radionuclide Concentrations in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits,Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Water Originated from Condensation on Inside of Containment Vessel.Water Will Be Properly Disposed of1989-05-16016 May 1989 Ro:On 890316,water Containing Radionuclide Concentrations in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits,Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Water Originated from Condensation on Inside of Containment Vessel.Water Will Be Properly Disposed of ML20247Q6891989-01-16016 January 1989 Rept on Drilling & Radiometric Analysis of Samples Collected at Sites of Spent Resin & Liquid Waste Tanks, Saxton Nuclear Facility,Saxton,Pa ML20247B2821988-12-31031 December 1988 SNEC 1988 Annual Rept ML20247Q6731988-12-20020 December 1988 Geologic,Chemical,Radiometric & Geotechnical Studies of Samples from Eleven Drill Holes in Surficial Matls,Saxton Nuclear Facility,Saxton,Pa. W/Seven Oversize Encls ML20151C6011988-04-0505 April 1988 Ro:On 880303,during First Quarterly Insp of 1988,water Noted to Have Collected in Containment Vessel Sump.Radioisotopic Analysis of Water Revealed That Contamination Exceeded 10CFR20 Limits for Unrestricted Release ML20236N4111987-11-0606 November 1987 Ro:On 870915,during Third Quarterly Insp of 1987,collection of Water in Containment Vessel Sump Noted.Caused by Condensation from Inside Containment Vessel.Periodic Monitoring,Removal & Disposal of Water Planned ML20206G0211986-12-31031 December 1986 Experimental Corp 1986 Annual Rept. W/ ML20207Q5591986-12-22022 December 1986 Ro:During Internal Review of Records for First Quarter 1986, Discovered Failure to Provide Written 15-day Notification of 860207 Contaminated Water in Containment Vessel Sump.Caused by Oversight ML20207Q5571986-12-0202 December 1986 Ro:On 861107,during Fourth Quarterly Insp,Radioactive Water Discovered Collecting in Containment Vessel Sump.Caused by Condensation.Water Will Be Monitored,Removed & Disposed of as Necessary.Results of Analysis Encl ML20214J2871985-12-31031 December 1985 Corrected Tables 1,2,3,5 & 6 to Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp,1985 Annual Rept ML20141N5621985-12-31031 December 1985 Experimental Corp,1985 Annual Rept ML20099H6171984-12-31031 December 1984 Experimental Corp 1984 Annual Rept ML20086P2521983-12-31031 December 1983 Annual Rept,1983,Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp ML20079N5241983-12-30030 December 1983 Ro:On 831222,insp of Containment Vessel Sump Found 3.7 Cm of Water Below Elevation 765 ft-8 Inches.Caused by Condensation on Inside Walls of Containment Vessel Above Elevation 812 Ft.Sump Pumped Successfully ML20073B5041983-04-0606 April 1983 Annual Rept for 1982 ML20071D2351983-02-10010 February 1983 Ro:On 830118,4.5 Cm Water Found in Containment Vessel Sump, Below Elevation 765 ft,8 Inches Concentrations of Cs-134, Cs-137 & Sr-90 Confirmed.Pressure of Water Caused by Condensation on Inside Water.No Release to Environ ML20052D8161982-04-27027 April 1982 Ro:On 820319,during Quarterly Facility insp,3.5 Inches of Water Found in Containment Vessel Sump.Analysis of Sump Water Confirmed Concentrations of Cs-134,Cs-137 & Sr-90 Exceeded Limits of 10CFR20 ML20041B8701982-02-16016 February 1982 Experimental Corp Annual Rept for Jan-Dec 1981 ML19337B6021980-09-25025 September 1980 Annual Rept for 1979. Describes Status of Decommissioning Facility ML20027A6571980-01-25025 January 1980 Speech Entitled Infant Mortality Changes Following TMI Accident, Presented at 800125 Fifth World Congress of Engineers & Architects 1998-04-30
[Table view] |
Jersey Central Power & Light MAluNG ADDRESS:
General Pubre Utilities Nuclear Corporation One Upper Pond Road
/ [v N "A Metropolitan Edison Company Parsippeny, NJ 07054
W q$g Pennsylvania Electric Company
June 8, 1995 C301-95-2011 6575-952-388 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.
20555 Gentlemen,
Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Operating License No. DPR-4 Docket No. 50-146 15 Day Report Describing the Inadvertent P, reach of the SNEF Containment Vessel Liner The purpose of this letter is to submit the attached 15 Day Report.
The action is being taken in accordance with Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation (SNEC) Technical Specification section B.6.a.2 which requires submittal of a 15 day report when conditions arise from man-made events which affect the integrity of the containment vessel.
The event described in the report involved the inadvertent breach of the integrity of the containment vessel during core boring operations in support of vessel characterization.
The event did not adversely affect the health and safety of the public.
- ncerely, f
J. E. Hildebra President WGH Attachment cc: Administrator, Region I NRC Senior Project Manager NRR NRC Project Scientist, Region I 950614o061 950608 DR ADOCK 0500 6
Report C301-95-2011 Page 1 of 3 REPORT: Inadvertent Breach of the SNEF Containment Vessel Liner ABSTRACT:
At approximately 0900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br /> on May 25, 1995 while performing a core boring operation in the rod room sump in the basement of the Saxton Nuclear Experimental Facility (SNEF) Containment Vessel, contractor personnel bored through the containment liner. Ground water entered the containment at a rate of approximately one gallon per minute until approximately 1300 hours0.015 days <br />0.361 hours <br />0.00215 weeks <br />4.9465e-4 months <br /> when a temporary plug was installed stopping the in-leakage. Total in-leakage was approximately 200 gallons.
i i
PLANT CONDITIONS BEFORE THE EVENT The Saxton Nuclear Experimental Facility (SNEF) has been in a shutdown and defueled (SAFSTOR) condition since 1972.
Characterization activities in preparation for future dismantlement of the containment vessel were in progress.
i II.
START OF THE EVENT AND THAT CONTRIBUTED TO THE EVENT No plant systems, structures or components are in service and therefore were not contributors to the event.
III. EVENT DESCRIPTION At approximately 0900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br /> on May 25, 1995 Cutting Technologies j
Incorporated (the core boring contractor) personnel bored partially through the SNEF containment vessel liner below the rod room sump at the
765 foot elevation (approximately 47 feet below grade). They were in the l
process of making a three inch diameter, 18 inch deep bore into the rod room sump when water in excess of that being used to cool the coring bit wcs observed. The boring operation was secured and action to determine the source of the water was initiated.
l When the bit was retracted from the bore location, the core was removed with it. The lower end of the core was smooth and conformed with the curvature of the liner.
It was because of these observed characteristics and the water clarity and temperature that liner penetration, at least partially, is considered to be the cause of the in-leakage.
The water flowed from the rod room sump through a cross connect line to the larger containment vessel sump from which it was pumped into 55 gs11on drums.
At approximately 1300, a temporary plug was installed in the hole and the in-leakage was stopped.
l Report C301-95-2011 1
Page 2 of 3 The water was sampled and analyzed to verify that it was ground water in-leakage. The sample counted at 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> showed Cs'" at a level above that expected.
This was attributed to contamination of the sample by suspended particulates from the boring process and residual contamination in the rod room sump. This was later confirmed by a second, 1630 hour0.0189 days <br />0.453 hours <br />0.0027 weeks <br />6.20215e-4 months <br /> sample result which showed a reduced Cs'" level.
IV. ASSESSMENT OF THE SAFETY CONSEQUENCES AND IMPLICATIONS OF THE EVENT The event has been evaluated and it has been determined that there were no environmental consequences related to the event. This conclusion was drawn based on the knowledge that the liner penetration is sufficiently below grade, compared to the water table, that only containment vessel in-leakage could result. The construction of the containment vessel is such that in the area of the bore, the containment vessel liner is supported and enveloped by a concrete saddle. The bore cut is not at an area of the liner adjacent to soil but at one backed by the concrete saddle.
The water making its way to the bore cut is likely water seeping between the liner / saddle interface.
Samples taken at the ground water monitoring wells verified that there was no leakage of contaminated water into the ground water.
As previously discussed the core bore hole was temporarily plugged. A pneumatic plug was backed up with a mechanical device and in-leakage was verified to be stopped during inspections of the sump in the days that followed.
CAUSE OF THE EVENT The cause of the event was determined to be an inadequate review of design drawings to verify that the depth of concrete was sufficient to permit completion of the intended core bore without breaching containment integrity.
The Westinghouse drawing series D37792 to D37795 were used by TLG Engineering Inc. (TLG), the firm contracted to provide a characterization plan for SNEC, in determining the location and characteristics for the core bore to be made in the rod room sump as described in Exhibit 1-6 of the SNEC Site Characterization Plan.
Independent design review by TLG failed to identify the actual depth of the concrete.
Failure to verify the adequacy of the depth of the concrete persisted through the internal reviews of the Characterization Plan by GPUN.
During the internal reviews, GPUN requested of TLG a specific depth be identified for this core bore. As a result, a depth of 18" was specified by TLG. This depth was chosen to allow characterization of possible deep activation from postulated high energy neutron streaming from the control rod drive mechanisms.
Since the initial characterization plan drafted by TLG and the one ultimately utilized by GPUN to perform the characterization activities varied only in format, the original error was carried forward.
Report C301-95-2011 Page 3 of 3 plans were reviewed with the practical and technical emphasis on the adequacy of the characterization effort to provide meaningful data for the decommissioning of the SNEF containment vessel.
Before the boring began, an engineer utilizing Westinghouse drawing D37757, a suitable structural drawing for the location, misread the drawing during the walkdown to locate the specific core bore site. Work instruction procedure drafts were revised to include precautions and depth stops to prevent inadvertent breach of the liner. Although these actions were taken, the error was not prevented since the depth of concrete below the proposed bore location remained incorrectly identified.
CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN Immediate and interim corrective actions involved the following:
Basement floor core boring activities were postponed until the cause of the event could be determined.
Eliminated the in-leakage of ground water into the containment vessel with temporary plugs and inspected for leakage until assured that in-leakage has been stopped.
Sampled the ground water monitoring wells to assure that there was no leakage from the containment.
Utilize the results of the root cause determination to preclude the possibility of a recurrence of the event. This will include a review of the process for work instruction technical review, use of appropriate drawings and require an additional review of the remaining basement core bores to limit boring depths to preclude another breach of the containment vessel liner. This will be completed by June 30, 1995.
Increase the environmental surveillance on the ground water i
monitoring wells as follows: perform a second surveillance during the week of 6/12 for comparison with the results obtained on 5/30.
If there is no positive indication of ground water contamination, l
sampling will be performed monthly thereafter for the next six months.
If samples obtained on the monthly interval continue to show no positive activity, the once per quarter surveillance frequency
will be reinstated (after approximately 12/12/95).
Design and install a permanent plug or seal to fully restore containment vessel integrity.
This work will be completed by July 31, 1995.
l 1