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Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1966 for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1966
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280222
Download: ML20085H289 (6)


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  • 9 6./ 6 f f e d- .

i W rn+d one b rcri fer Februnn 19M T


1. TC'?TCit CiBATRE i

At the beginning of this report period the reactor was being operated at a powcr level of 17 Init in continuatien of the test procram to demonstrate the safe and  ;

etable operation er the partial plutoniun ecre. On February let, after a core flux map j was conpleted, the pcuer level was raised to 2210!t . Operations at 22 init continued  !

until February 7th.

On February 7tn the reactor power level was increased to 23 5 lNt, licenced  !

full power. for the first tino with the partini plutonium core. Full power operation  ;

uns continuta until the norning of February 21et when a scheduled het shutdown was initiated. ,

L Durir.c ine period February 21st to Fe braary 25th the reactor was used for operator trtdn!ra ard eperater exadnations. Seven persons were extcined by AT.C i exanir t re fer crern*it'n 11cer:sco. Tive of these ucre SHE0 mployees and two were '

q cnp1ge es of Jerse;. c:at ral Feuer and 1.ight Corpany. Twe of the SHEC enployees were ennined fe sc n cr oport.ter licenner. l

T4n tor operation nt power war reuuned on the afternoon of February 25th.

1 A power levni et 17 int was naintained throuchout the renninder of the month for flux ,

narring ud :xt t:1 r:d wort noncurenent s. -

2 EFmJ!!TTAL FTf0TtAl{

A ilux map war. modo en February lot with centrol rod ne s.1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 fully -

withdrawn ttnd red nc. f at 26 inchee. An analysis- of this flux map t.nd other data showed thm. the reae'.:t pcwer level could be increased to 23.5 iMt and not exceed a peak linear rower of 16 kv/ft.

714 toleflex flux rapping cyctem was repaired during the hot- shutdown February 21st  : P'th. Fin be ai current dote: tere werc installed in the nine thimble assembly.

A new rutantut e detectei was installed on ce of the teleflex drive unite.


Tu radiation mnitoring system careuit s were tested u February 17th.

Alt: en Februng 17tt' a cunevsful test of the safety injection system was conductes.

?!a #2 turbine overspeed trip was tested on February 24th. The trip functiened at 1950 p,Fl!.

Do February 25th the response tinee from initiation of scram signal te scra" breaker cpening was raeasured for all scram circuite. The raanual scram response time was 0.035 se:cnde,. The ninimum nutenatie scram response time was 0.100 seconds and the na:dmum was 0.249 secondo.

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I 9110280222 910424 PDR F01A .


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4. yMTDANq l

TL principtil Mer.c cf racchat.ien1 naintenance during the nonth included inttalling a new in the river utster line to the contairnent vernel air handleral repancing n valve in t.:n anti-fonn addition line to the E*DF evaporators replacing the diaphracns on the vneuun regulating vnhes of both luCF gas compressors replacing the wobble disc in the nietc generator blowdown neter; proteceing cicht drums of INDP evnpornter cencentrates; repIncing the shent pins on the %*DF nixert installing a heat cuchanger in the drain line of the IMDF evaporator-denistern ramoving a failed fuel chipping and storage un fron the fuel storage rack; replacing the filter enrtridger in the purification t:yeton pre-pont filter; fabricating a flange for testing the centnitrwnt verrtei vacuun brenhers; back fluching the control rod roce air httudler; clenning the centrol sind auxiliary building drains collecting sumps and cleaning the seats in the soleneid opernt ed drain valve on the INDF evaporator hotwell.

Th*: naf tr iters cf eledrical and instrunent maintenance for the month included adjusting +be pu'ifiention mysten letdown flow control valvel replacing the uncompensatM iord end en drebcr in nuclent inat mmentation power range channel A; replacing the coil en the preocure prr t ect vnive ir

  • he centairnent veosel radiation monitoring system; replarie.g the filt nr pnpor in the radiation monitoring particulate sanplern for the
entairewnt vtansci and eite ncnitors; rerlacing a capacitor in the paging phene in the evaperatcr ecr.eentratee replacing a G-!! tube in the charging roon arca radiation nenit er itIA-21 repinting the high voltage transforner in the health phynies office aron radiati:n nonitor; neggering the cables to the nuclent instrunentation detectors; terInting the batteries in the dosameter chargern repairing the conputer-indientor in the cenpenent :: cling radiation noniter channel; and adjusting the steam generator level centrelier.
5. CFD"STiu' W e nain coolant err: ten chmistr;' was maintained for power operating conditions

'Prougbett ' M nent). The boren cen:,entra'. ion was varied over the range 1594 pir.

niccin ra ' o 1023 prn rir.irien for rod worth neasurments. Idthium-7 uns used for pH cent r:1. A runnary cf the analyser rf staple: taken from the unin coolant systro durtrc the nenth are tabulated belew:

)Stn Cmlant Syst en }3ninu'n lb9ur; TH (2! C) 5.68 6.15 Conductiv1ty. unhoe 6.27 11.86 Beron, prn 1023 1591 Chlorides, pin .035 .0^$

Fetannium, ppr. .01 .01 lathium, prc .37 .75 Hydrcgen, cc/nc Hp0 29.0 44.0 Cru:1. pp 18 26.4 Grose Bota-Grona (15 Min. dacassed) ue/cc .499  % 48

'fre activi'.y cf the stenn generator blowdown was less tha. x 10-8 ue/ce.

l The st enr. generator enlorides rmainoa belew 0.225 pic throughcut the month.

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E!.TC Oreratiens lleport fer Febrvry in% . ,, . .  !


6. dig: ATIO!1 A!!D ilASTT DIDP00/.1.

1 Rad;nt '.on survering c?naisted of routine pinnt surveys, C.V. during chutdnen and rnntic shl;nente. The follwing rmimun radiatien readings were takent .

Ir ent ' cn .

Radiatien Rendinn C&A Pdidir.g Vaste Drun ( nachine) 3 0 nem/hr beta-ctm.a (contact with chanber) 6.0nren/hrbeta-canma Charginn Caaple Roen l W'(door of nample panel) 4.0 nren/hr beta-g u n Chenical Inb Hot Sink (1" fron drain) 1.1 nrem/nr beta-grena Teleflex Cable (contact) 3.0 nrem/hr beta-grenn ,

Samp3cs (contact) 50.0mren/hrbeta-garm


Failed fuel Can lhpty (centact) 15.0 nrm /tr beta-game IC."6 F Evnperate r (uncler botten) 130.0 nrm /hr betsgrena Evarornt a (contnet outtide) 50 0 nrem/hr bet.i-gtn a r

a u. t Frinary Conpartnant (general upper level) 70 mren/hr bet; .,;:een Prinarr Cenpartnent (contact 11.0. pum 250 nren/hr beta-cama hea:t er Dr.k (wat er level at grating)p volute) 47 rarem./hr bett2-gama Henetor Dech finstrunent perts) 70mren/hrbeta-ganna near.ter De:k (unist level) 13 nrem/hr beta-carna Sterage Ucil (at railing) .

13 mrem /hr beta-canna i

Cer.tamiratior, r ~veyirc concisted of tcutine plant site surveys, surveyn of snip;:ing nr tm cr!.

  • rcle, equilnent and C.V. during shutdown. Tuo cican arca? were within the "21ean Area" l' nite. The controlled areat were generally within the " Clean Area" lint *a. The controlled area was cleaned frequently to keep end/or to return i+.
t o the "Clecn Arca" linit s. The exclusion areas were cleaned periodically to mir.inize
the anaun'. c f sacarable contanination. The following contamination levels were observed

Ir?ntion Conte.ination Reading i ,

MA M 1dinn l

Charging Panp Chamber 81500 (t/n/ smear beta-camra Charging Rcon Floor --- - -7260d/m/ smear-teta-canna

, Sanple Room Sink 1800 d/n/ttncar beta-gaama Sterle Roon Phor 365 d/n/ smear beta gn=a Che c eal lab Hot Sinh 80500 d/m/enseat beta-cre:na m!DF i Pann Reen Flocr 865 'd/m/emear. beta-grena l Shipping Roon Floor (100 d/m/snear beta-gama 1.




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E!.EC Operatitme Report for l Fe M :n r 10 4 . . . . .JS '

iceat:en Cent sm%nt ien Readd nn i c.v.

P Operating Doch (son' 1L100 d/m/cmear beta-ganna i

f Daer lhndle (inside)h eterage well) 3500 d/n/ smear beta-gamma '

Pr nnry Compartnent Grating 22600 d/n ' smear beta-gama

! 22600 d/m/encar beta-gamtm  :

Conpenent Cooling invol '

Rchetor De:k Head 7500 d/m/ smear beta-gre a ,

Grating 55500 d/n/amear beta-gre.a j i

Liquid and rasoous effluente from the SNEC site for the month of February 1966 were as followe:

(Curie) (Curie) (Curie)

E fluent Activity Activity Activity Tyra Thie-Month Yent-to Dat* Ilat Twelve Monthe ,

Liquid C.000052 0.002374 0.000690 Air, Xe 0.202362 0.209533 25.69140/.

A1r I.131 0.000061 0.000117 0.001654 Air. M.F.P. 0.002024 0.002096 0.256916 f

Eigr.t barrels of waste were dru'1ned for temporan storage. No drums were shipped fr;" the s!,te.

P-"v.icn exposure for all SNEC personnel an neasured by film badges for -the nont b c ' san *

  • 29M n e a nn:cimr. c f 140 mrem with an average of 34.8 nrem.

adm icn capesure for all visiting personnel ao measured by film badges for tbc ntnf of J .nuary 1966 were a naximum cf 95 nrem with an average of 9.5 mrom.


  • he average radiation exposure for all personnel as measured by film badges for the ncnth of January 1966 was 26.0 nren.

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}l0Uls CRITICAL 1D13. 587 55 1,324 55 14,206.60 TIltES SCRAla!ED (MANUAL) NO. 8 9 271

  • TI12 SCRAla'ED (IllADVERTANT) NO. 0 0 29 TitETant PatrER GENERATION INN 12,328.49 25,353.24 234,603.C7 AVETMGE I.URNUP (Pu Region) FMDA(TU 1,006.3 2,069.9 2,131.6 CONTROL R0D P(EITIGIS AT DiD OF HONTl! AT IQUILIBRIUM POWER OF 16.68 Wt MAIN 0001AllT BORON _1,557 PIH RODS OUT - INCIE NO. I 40 NO. 2 25 NO. 3 40 NO. 4 40 No. 5 40 NO. 6 to EECTRICA L UNIT HONTH YFAR TO DATE GROSS GENERATION HWH 2,201.00 4,398.00 38,680.00 STATION SERVICE MWH 209.74 446.22 8,648.51 STATIOli SERVICE  % 9 53 10.15 22.45 AVG. PIldiT EFFICIENCY - 1NH(e)/Wll(t)  % 17,85 17.34 16.49 AVO. GENERATION JUNNING (565.03 111 6 ) KW 3,895.37 3,616.98 3,067.74 PIANT IDAD FACTOR -

(AVG. GEN. FOR HONTil/ MAX. ICAD)  % 75.64 7h73 25.85 AUXILIARY STFAM SUPPLY - HUCIEAR STEAM SUPPLIED M REACTOR 11!$ . 566.20 1,247.70 10,946.67 IMDF EVAPORATOR OPERATION }UG . 130.00 348.25 2,409,50

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