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Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1969 for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1969
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280309
Download: ML20085H553 (7)



SAXTON NUCLEA1; EXPERIMENTAL CORPORATION Operations Rep _ ort for Noven5cr 1969

1. GENERAL At the beginning of this report period the prinary coolant system was in a cold shutdown for repairs to the N-7 reactor vessel instrumentation port. The repair ucs completed on November 3.

On November 14, the pressur.  ? ster bundle was removed, new gaskets installed, and the bundle reinstalled o, avember 17. On November 18, the steam  !

generator inlet manway was removed for installation of a new specimen holder cad 1 corrosion specimen coupens. The old specimen holder was sawed of f, a wcld  ;

preparation made, and the new specimen holder velded in place. The manuay was l reinstalled on November 28.

During October, 1969, repairs were made to the level controller, RUST /LIC-2, which starts the recirculation system pumps on low level in the refueling uater storage tank. Following repairs, three functional tests of the system were conducted on November 6 to verify automatic start of the recirculation system pumps on a signal from KWST/LIC-2.

2. REACTCH OPERATIONS Filling and venting of the main coolant system was initiated on November 3 and heat-up was commenced on November 4. On Novamber 5 a hot leak test i at 2560 peig was performed to test the repairs to the H-7 ins rumentation port.

On November 10, five training startups ucre made by SNEC personnel. The period of November 12,13 and 14 was used ,for AEC administered reactor operator examinations for'five SNEC employees. Following completien of the startup portion of the examinations, a primary system cooldown was initiated for replacement of gaskets on the pressurizer and the steam generator nanways.

On November 28. filling and venting of the primary system was = initiated and heatup was started on November 29. A hot-leak test of the primary s' stem at


2335 psig was conducted on November 30.

3. EXPERDIE m L PROGRAM Corrosion specimen coupons were installed on- the steam generator it.let manway on Novenber 24.

- 4. OPERATIONAL TESTS The SNEC fire and evacuation alarms were tested on November 7, 14, 21 and 28.

The monthly = test of the safety injection and recirculation- system-was-conducted on November 30, 9110280309 910424 '


4 SNEC Operations Repcrt for Noven]wr 1969 . . . . . I' 2 The nonthly test of the radiation monitoring system was conduct ed on November 7. .


-The No. 2 turbine overspeed test was conducted on Novenber 20 with the I turbine t rippint- at 1925 RPM.

The semi-annual 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> level tests on the Decontamination Room Tank and Storage Tank Nos.1 and 2 were completed on November 29. November 26, and November 28 respectively.

  • The principal items of mechanical maintenance during the month included completing repairs on the reactor vessel instrumentation port, N-7; replacing thc fan belt on the RUDF exhauct fan; installing new gaskets on the prescurizer heater bur.dle flange; removal of the staam generator inlet manway; lapping the seat on the shutdown cooling system isolation valve, HIC-29V; lapping seat on shutdown cooling system isolation check valve, V-380; draining five drums of evaporator bottors for processing; and instclling carbon ,vancs in the charging room and sample room cipha monitor vacuum pumps.

The major items of electrical and instrument maintenance included replacing vacuur tiibes and resistors in monitor room labitron; repairing a " cutie pie" survey-meter; installing a speed changer on the reactor vessel cold leg temperature recorder; installing a new strip heater in the instrument air dryer; installing a new motor in the locher room exhaust -fan; replacing vacuum tubes in the counting room G-M scaler; replacing the heating tapes on the RWDF discharge tank level column lines; replacing vacuum tubes in nuclear instrumentation intermediate range B log microammeter; replacing vacuum tubes in- the computer indicator-circuitry of the fission product monitor, RIC-10, and the RWDF cffluent. monitor, RIC-6; checking the specific gravity of the station service batteries; repairing the instrument air solenoid valve on shutdown cooling isolation valve,- HlC-29V; installing an alarm unit in the control room foc the alternate. power supply;.

functional test of the control circuitry for the alternate power supply transfer; and installing a new temperature bulb in the containment-vessel supply air handler.


The primary system was maintained in a cold shutdown condition from November 1 to November 3. 10n November 4, hydrazine was added to the primary system and heatup commenced. The system was in a hot . pressurized condition through -

November 12 for training startups and then cooled.down for maintenance. On November 28, the primary system was again filled and vented and hydrazine added in preparation.for a heatup.


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SNEC 0}.cr.ations Rcport f or .

  • 1;ovember 1969 . . . . . #3

' A summary of analyses performed on prirnary coolant is contained in tbc i follouing table:

Primary Coolant Samples Maximun pli at 25 C 6.97 7.20 Conductivity, umhos 47.2 63.6 Boron, ppm 617 642 Chlorides, ppm (one determination) <0.005 0xygen, ppm <0.005 <0.005 Gross geta-Camua (15 !!in. Degassed) ue/cc 3.35x10-2 3.77x10-2 Tritium, ue/cc 4.02x10-3 5.93x10-3 Analysis of the RUST and Storage Well are as follows:

.pH Range Conductivity B (ppm) Activity (uc/cc)

RWST 5.02 - 5.38 4.78 - 5.15 1622-1628 3.68x10 4

- 4.92x10 3

Storace WeJ1 5.17 - 5.30 6.10 - 6.20 1906-1933 9.69x10 - 1.03x10

7. RADIATIO:; AND PASTE DISPOSAL Radiation surveying consisted of routine plant surveys, the containment vessel during r.aintenance opera'tions and material shipments. The follouing maxirnum radiation readinge vore taken:

L_ocation . Radiation Reading CEA Euilding Vaste Drum.-(baljng machine) .

1.2 mrem /hr beta-gamma Charging Pump (contact with chamber) 11.0 mrem /hr beta-gnema Sample Room (door of sample panel) 1.3 mrem /hr beta-gamma 1

Chemical Lab liot Sink (1" from drain) 1.25 mrem /br beta-gamma RWDF

, .Evaporetor (under' bottom) 15.5 mrem /hr beta-gamma l Evaporator _(contact.outside upper level) 4.5 mrem /hr beta-gamma Drum Storage ' Area (at lira fence) 1.75 mrem /hr beta-gamma I

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SNEC Operationc Report for Novetter 1909 . . . . . f4 Location Radiation Reading C.V.

Primary Compartment (general upper level) 90 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (contact M.C. pump volute) 375 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (S.G. bottom) 275 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (Pressurizer bottom) 120 mrem /hr beta-ganma Primary Compartment (generel lover level) 75 mrem /hr beta-gauma Primary Compartment (Regen. H.X.) 475 mrem /hr beta-gamma Primary Compartment (Non-Regen. H.X.) 45 mrem /hr beta-gamma Auxiliary Equipment Compartment (S.C.H.X.) 11 mrem /hr beta-gamma Auxiliary Equipment Compartment (D.T. top) 15 mrem /hr beta-gamma Auxiliary Equipment Compartment (D.T. bottom) 55 mrem /hr beta-gamma Auxiliary Equipment Compartment (general lower level) 2.0 mrem /hr beta-gamma Reactor Deck (uater level at grating) 35 mrem /hr beta-gamma Reactor Deck (instrument ports) 350 mrem /hr beta-gamma Reactor Deck (vaist level) 50 mrem /hr beta-gamma Reactor Deck (storage well railing-) 25 mrem /hr beta-gemma Steam Generator Inlet Manuay (removed) 3100 er m/hr beta-gamma Pressurizer Heater Bundle (removed) 1500 mrem /hr beta-gamma Contemination surveying consisted of routine plant site surveys, surveys of waste mnterial shipped, tool's, equipment and the centainment vessel. The clean areas were uithin the " Clean Area" limits. The controlled area was generally within the " Clean Area" limits. The controlled area was cleaned frequently to keep it within the " Clean Area" limits. The exclusion areas were c1 caned periodically to minimize the amount of smearable contamination. The following contamination levels were obcerved:

Location- Contamination Reading C&A Building Charging Pump Chamber 9600-d/m/ smear-beta-gamma Charging Pump Chamber - <10 d/m/amear cipha Charging Room Floor- 697 d/m/ smear icta-gamma Sample Room Sink 34910 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Sample Room Sink <10 d/m/ smear alpha-Sample Room Floor 954 4/m/ smear beta-gamma Chemical ' Lab not Sink - -22000 d/m/ smear-beta-gamma - 1)

Chemical Lab Hot Sink - <10 d/m/ smear alpha-

'RUDF Pump Room Floor 4630 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Shipping Room Floor <100 d/m/cmear beta-gamma 1

s u _- - -

S!LC Operations heport for November 1959 . . . . . 05 4

Location Contamination Reading C.V.

Operating Deck 3190 d/m/smeor beta-gamma Operating Deck <10 d/m/ smear alpha Reactor Deck (head) 31250 d/m/ smear beta-canna Reactor Deck (head) <10 d/m/ smear alpha Reactor Lach (grating) 25600 d/m/nmear beta-gamma Reactor Dock (grating) <10 d/m/ smear alpha Prin.ary Compartment (grating) 4820 d/m/stect beta-gauma Primary Compartment (grating) <10 d/m/ smear alpha Pressurizer Manway (flange area) 54800 d/m/ smear beta-gamma Liquid and gaseous effluents from the SNEC site for the }lonth of November,1969, vere as f ollows :

(Curie) (Curie) (Curie)

Effluent Activity . Activity Activity Type This Month Year to Date Last Twelve 11onths Liquid 0.002950 0.009668 0.009290 Tritium 0.038247 0.900350 1.656141 Air, Xe 0.000459 0.498961 0.498961 Air , 1-131 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Air, M.F.P. 0.000004 , 0.004989 0.004989 Eleven (11) barrela of waste were drummed for temporary storage.

Twenty (20) drurs were sh! 'ed f rom the site.

Radiation exposure for all SNEC personnel as measured by_ film bcdges for the month of October, 1969, were-a maximum of-1400 mrem with an average of 132.2 mrem.

Radiation exposure for all visiting personnel as measured by film badges for the month- of Octcher,1969, were a maximum of 0 mrem with an average of 0 mrem.

The average radiation exposure fbr all personnel as-measured by film badges for the month of October, 1969, was 98.4 mrem.

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  • TIMES SCRA1 DIED (INADVERTANT) NO. 0 4 46 TilEPJ AL POWER GENERATION FNH 0 0 429,077.53 AVERAGE BU.U;UP FND/MTF 0 0 20,323.13 Pu Loose Lattice Region MWD /MTF C 0 16,949.00 U Load Follow Region (ncu fuel) FND/MTF 0 0 0 U Peripheral Region FND/11TF 0 0 9,381.13 CONTROL ROD POSITIONS AT END OF !!ONTH AT EQUILIBRIUM POUER OF 0 FNt MAIN COOLANT LORON _629 PPli K0DS OUT - INCL!ES NO 1 0 ,

NO. 2 10 No. 3 0 No. 4 0__

No. 5 10 NO 6 0 ELECTRICAL GROSS GENERATION lNH 0 0 73,529 3 S'IATION SERVICE }NH 171.28 1,776.27 16,949.67-STATION SERVICE  % 0 0 23.05 AVG PLANT EPFICIENCY - INH (c)/IMH(t)  % 0 0 17.34 AVG. GENERATION RUNNING ( 0 HRS) RW 0 0 3,461.11 PLANT LOAD FACTOR -

(AVG. GEN. FOR l!ONTil/ MAX, LOAD)  % 0 0 17.44



  • REMAPIS: The total burn-up achieved at Saxton on Cores I and II is listed opposite

" AVERAGE BURNUP" under the "TO DATE" column. The TO Date Pu loose lattice burn-up number is the average Pu region' burn-up reported at Core II end of life. The U 1

peripheral region to date burnup is the cverage burnup number reported at Core 1 end of life.

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