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Ro:On 820319,during Quarterly Facility insp,3.5 Inches of Water Found in Containment Vessel Sump.Analysis of Sump Water Confirmed Concentrations of Cs-134,Cs-137 & Sr-90 Exceeded Limits of 10CFR20
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/1982
From: Cindy Montgomery
SNEC-103, NUDOCS 8205070234
Download: ML20052D816 (3)




GENERAL P U B LIC UTILITIES SYSTEM J ' a$e r ci a.v.a. evaan a uo-r co.. v i

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MAILING ADDRESS: 100 Interpace Parkway 201-263-6500 Parsippany,N.J.07054 File: SNEC-103 April 27, 1982 Docket:

50-146 License: DPR-4 3

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Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement k

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9,-

d 631 Park Avenue

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' / % g. g. 4 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19506

%*ls Gentlemen:

The quarterly facility inspection was conducted on March 19, 1982. As a result of this inspection, approximately 3.5 inches of water was found in the Containment Vessel sump (Elev. 765'-8").

Subsequent isotopic analysis of'the sump water confirmed that the concentrations of Cs-134, Cs-137 and Sr-90 exceed the limits of Table II, 10 CFR 20 for unrestricted releases (See Attachment 1).

In accordance with Paragraph 5.a. of the Technical Specifications, a telephone notification was made to the Office of Inspection and Enforcement on March 30, 1982. This letter provides the follow-up

' report to that telephone notification.

The water in the sump is the result of condensation on the inside walls of the Containment Vessel above Elev. 812'.

Condensation is a consequence of the breather pipe, which was installed during decommissioning to permit the vessel to breathe with changes in atmospheric temperature. The water drains to the sump from the operating floor level (Elev. 812') via the installed drain system. The water is contaminated from soluable radionuclides which were in the sump. Although the concentrations exceed 10 CFR 20 limits for unrestricted release, the water is contained in the sump, and observations in the Containment Vessel do not indicate any release path to the environment.

The floor of the Containment Vessel at Elev. 765'-8" is dry.



O205070234 820427 tjb-PDR ADOCK 05000146 S

PDR ptj 0

m-Director Office of Inspection an) Enforcement File:

SNEC-103 Docket:

50-146 License: DPR-4 Page 2 On March 19, 1982, the drain pipe carrying water to the sump was cut and capped with a pipe cap at the operating floor level. We consider this fix will stop the flow of water to the sump. The water in the sump will be removed, and packaged with vermiculite in 55 gallon drums and stored on-site in the Control and Auxiliary Building.

If you have any questions concerning this report, please call me at (201) 299-2238.

Very truly yours,f't Clayton R. Montg ry President CRM:mgt Attachment

.,.2. e.. 9 -ATTACHMENT-1 -CONTAINMENT VESSEL SUMP WATER ANALYSIS Date of 10 CFR 20 ' Analysis ' ISOTOPE - CONCENTRATION ' Appendix B Table II 3/29/82 Cs-134 1.3E-3 ACi/mi 9,0E-6 ACi/ml Cs-137 2.5E-5 x ci/ml 2.0E-5 A ci/ml Sr-90 (S) 5.9E-6 A ci/ml 3.0E-7Ac.Ci/ml (U) 1.9E-6 /tCi/ml 4.0E-5 A Ci/ml S = Soluble U = Unsoluble 9%}}