ML20085G890 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png |
Issue date: | 03/31/1969 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20083L048 | List:
References | |
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280070 | |
Download: ML20085G890 (6) | |
_.-_-- -
- - - -- -. - - - - . - - - . ~ . - - - - _ . -
!;AT.TO:' tt'U.): At: l'X Pr.n f !!! 1 r/.1. Co.'.PO"./ T10:!
, ,perntiono
( Heport for llorch 3%9 .
- 1. .G.r!:l:P ti.ll.
a l -.-
l 10, 3 900, uno .
( cont inuedflM nebeduled t hrog,hout tbJn pinnt report outperjod. o ,e which'Jhe vanoajor begua ef fon ortOct una6be;devot ed to complet Jnc '
the prc-refeel ing f uel han03 ]tip. (1a1 t c criv)ng Core 111 f uel osseeablics. The "L" e
m.t.emblJeu vere reuoved f rou the Corc 11 f uel cut eublico nnd instal. led on their
. rep)ncennntn. 9>.9 clun1.+ rerovt:ble rodu were inctciled in their locnt Jons in !
Cqre 111 air.cnblien. ,
'the irradiat ed f ue) thipplon cor.h urn received on 14crch 17 contnJning [
f our reconctit ut ed Core 111 !~uG2 '*002 fuel conetoblien. On fjorth 20, the enck ,
containing three irrcdict ed Core H 97.9 nm oblico and one irradinted Core I 9x0 .
, nnnembly uere returned t o the Ucstinghouse Pont Irrridintion Pacility. The cesh' var, rec eived canJn on 1::.rch 25 with the t hree remaining,reconst ituted P902-UO2 f uel coterb] Jes, t eo t. obc.ssenh)ico and tuo ningle rodo. On llarch 27 the tuo lood
- folla cosct b)1ro nnc' the 1;AM annembly were received on site. Seven non fuel '
tent rodo vere n)co recched for innt n))ntion in Core ID nos.emblics.
/m irrt dinted jenh r.hipment cont aining opbannenbly nupport tubc$ and Arradjation t.pcef wnt, vaa rade on !! arch 5.
.) '
heinnulat ion of the pritaary nynter. f omponent o una completed on thirch 5.
, The recircul..',jon nyct en notor.mtic btart f unctionn3 tcat van rua on llatch 6 and the retirculotion s.ynten purps were tet.t run for- tuo hourn on !!nrch D.
The dct a ncquir.i.tica synten and the Ucetinghouse Omrputer 1)at.a lbduction '
Syntem ucre podif j ed t o tanke thc.a cotapatib3 c. Shakedoun of the syst em has been
, ' couplet ed except for o rodification to be made to the teletype prjnter, The datu j ncquicition rynten uf13 inhc end store the thortocouple data, rod ponition, tunin ,
coolcut flou cud tempercture, and incore flux datne This v313 he reducc?d on nit e l to tionstor the thermal puuer and flux distribution.
l .
Rubber-rsbenton gar.hets ucro inclalled on ni) the prinary r.ysten -
inott umentation d/p cells and car.het c.
- 2. OPERATIO#L TESTS The SliEC fjre and evacuotion alarma ucre tested on 11 arch 7,14, 21 and 28,.
The uonthly test. of the radiation idnitoring cynten was completed on l!urch 7. ,
4 l .
d g
l DWOgpI-17
, PDR L .
r,--,,-y-.vy- .,v,,-, ,. - . , . - - - , ,. % .mr---,r,.,c__wy,,__,%,._._w...y.m.,,.w_.,_._,m, sr._,..,.r - - - - -ve'= w-r- ~r-e=-+e--vw
- s
- l Op. rnt ionn 1&part for * -
' b).d.L ?M .1.t .t .t .* ., A.d2 l i .
3- !.@l.!!> W'503 Tlw princ.f pn3 J t eus of inchnnical mintonnnee durjng the nant h included Inpping the rent of pictnuiJxer r,alety valve, V-372, and inctalling t he vnJve; 4
'; painting.tlp? icat t or vetrel chieJ d ringu; repniring crachn in ,the concrete un1]b i l of the f.torage vell; ennally rot atjug the sein coulant' puup; repiccing the -
roptere dite on pn decoy innh nun.twr tuo; repincing the belt s on the huur exhaust ,
- inn; t orgulna the nt em genna ntor primary coolant in)ct muwny; intan111ng a neu - -
l uutoi on the f.elt ch;f ar roon nir hendler louvers; inst,alling a new pin in the coritaine vencel crone ualvernel; inntal)ing a neu flange on the neut rn11xed unnte tenh drain .p .
line; and replacing a ccet J ea of pipe on the RUDF condenento pump dit.chnrce 31nc. M' . .
'Jhc najor item of ciectrien1 and inctrument unintenance included cJenning conthets and t Jug relays in the cont rol rod drive circuitsi installing n neu outdoor openher for the front door intercom cystem; repeirjng the connectors on the instrun:nt nir diyer henters; inntalling a neu DT3 det,ector in ocurce rnnte channel A; repincing the unfor henrinan and the enrhon pump vanen on the portabic alpha part iculate nonitor (A111-3); innt e13f nc n neu noter rc3ny on gIC-9 coniputer indicator; checking the specific gravity of the clation nervice botterlen! repairing ,
the cont ainnnt vennd alpha parciculatn snonitor noter rc)ny; repiccing _vncue.m t ubco in the f uel st orage rach DF3 ocaler; inctalling and chaching the. core londing nudent innt runentat ion; incialling n neu t ransfortar in the RWDp ef fluent inonitor pro-nup,100-6; ctrohing the letdoun stop valve,111C-23, the 3ct down flow control vn3ve, hhC-2]V, the charging nycton stop vn)ve, 1110-24, and the chou chim in3ct vol ve , 111 C-27. '
( .
- 4. Cl!UllS n v ,
The rain coolnnt system uns in a coJd shutdown condition throughout the~ '
entire unnth uith the core trannferred to the. fuel storage rach.
, The oycten uns opened .t o the storage ucil during thf u period. Doron concentration unn reduced to approxficat ely 3650 ppm at the end of the raonth in preparation for corc ^londing. A suninary of nanlyseo on the storage vell during the month is given in i
l the tabic helos ,
- , Sly 3rige Ucil,,S_njplen 111niinum Maximum l
pil at. 25"C $.30' $.60 Conductivity, unhos , 8.04 9.23 Doron, ppm l 1644 1996- '
Chlorides, ppm <0.005 0.005 CronoDeta-Gamma (1$1!in.Deganced)ue/cc 2.98x10'3 6.$6x10-3 Tritium, uc/cc- ,
9.70x10-3 1.26x10-2 A summary of the nnolyscs performed on the component cooling system is
no folloun ,
, Dato _ pli con duc t ivi t_y,,(,umhos) ,02 0/ (p,p_ml i_, Ac t ivi tyJnc/,,c,c),
3-3-69 8.8 1070 450 2.75x10-7
_. ._---._._.-.a . _ - , . . - - .. _ _ .-- _.,- _ _ ,._- . . _ . . _ . _ , - ,.. - . - - .. _ ,..-.- - .
. _ Mrc Opernt j o.a Report for .
lbn h .1959 . . .. . . (3 h- ) M hl S !) R 2 0l l i TLE _l R E U'll S Radiation t.orn yJng com.irted of rout Ane p3nnt surveyr., the contniturent ves t.e} cod i,.it erj n} n s hip. ent o. 'Jhe fo))oulna taxinuu indlatjon readingo W re in).en:
- 1.o c a t i on RndintlonJ_ca,dj1nj CEA 11u))A[im Uncle Drun (ha)Jng inhiuc) 1.25 inrcu/hr bet a-gninna Charging Poup (conteel wit h chnober) 22 inrem/hr beta-gntmrn Sanp)c noo:a (door of cc:rp)c panel) 1.3 taren/hr betn-gnuma Chen1cn1 Lnb !!ot Sinh (1" f rou drain) 0.0 mren/hr beta-gnmma
)Mur Evaporntor (ender botton) 2'1 inrem/hr battrganna Eveporntor (contact outnide upper Icyci) 5 mrem /hr beta-gnumn Drun Stornge Area (at lillA fence) 1:5 mrem /hr beta-gamma
Prjinary f ompertment (cenern) upper Icyci) 75 nrem/lir be'ta-gsmma e Prjiary Conpartment (contact M.Q. pump volute) 150 mrcu/hr beta-gam"o Prinary Compnttnent (S.G. bottom) 65 inrem/hr betn-gn6ao
, Prirary Compartr-ent (pressurizer bottom) 60 turem/hr betn-enmaa Prjrery Cor partt.ent (generni louer Icyci) 00 rarem/hr beta-conan Primary Compartment (necen . 11.X. ) 300 intem/hr beta gauma Prjunty Conpartment (Non-hocen IlX) 19 mrem /hr beta-camma Auxiliary p.quipment Compartment (1). T. t op) 10 mrem /hr betn-ntnama Aux 3)inry Equipment Compartmerit (D.T. bottom) 35 mrem /hr beta-gansa Auxiliary F.quipment Compartment (general louer level) 3 mreii/br bntn-gnumn
., henctor Dech (unter Icvc1 at grating) 150 mrem /hr beta-gnmma Menetor Doch (inst rument ports) , 200 mrem /hr bet a-gum
' Reactor Dech (unist 1cvel) 150 mrem /hr beta-camna Renctor Dech (storage vell railing) 250 mrcu/hr botn-gamina Contaminntion curveying consisted of routino plant site surveys, curveys of matcrials chipped, tools, equipment and the containment vconcl. The c)cnn arens ucro uithin the "C)c'on Aren" limita. The cont rolled aren uns genern)1y uithin the "Cican Aren" limito. The controlled aren uac cicaned frequently to hecp and/or to return it' to the "Cican Aren" liuits. The exclusion arcan ucre cicaned periodienlly to minimize the amount of omenrabic contamination. The folloujng contamination IcVels
- ucro observed: , y 1.ocat Jon Contamin'ation Readint CLA bullding Charging Pomp Chn"ber 224977 d/n/cment beta-ganma
. Charging Puup Chenbar <10'd/n/nment n)pha Charging Moon riour 1136 d/u/cucar bet n-gamma
%w *
- . . . - . , , . ,,_ _,,,,..._.m,.,,_m_, ,
SI:1:C Ocorat lenn Report for
',tarch 39M_.. _. _... -._. (4 Loccifon Cont aminnt J on _ needinn
' C6A building (cont hutal) 29688 d/m/ smear beto-gamma
. S'ampl e noo.a Sinh ,
Sample novu Sinh *
<10 d/m/ smear c]pha Staaple 1:com Tl.oor $89 d/in/r mear bet n gamma .
Chemical Lnb Hot Sinh 2.121-d/u/ smear beta-ca ma Chenien1 Lab !!ot Sinh <30 d/ia/st. ear alphn ,
1_:Upp 1
Pump toon rioor - 3500 d/m/r.mear beta-gren '
Shipping Room ricor 191.d/m/s.mear beta-ganuta Eu Y.' .
Operating Doch 6320 d/u/ smear bet n~gatter.n
. Operating Dec k <10 d/in/omcar nipha Ecactor 4.. J;. (grating) .__
32320 d/w/cment beta gainma
! neoctor Dech (grating) <10 d/m/omear nipha Primary Corpartt'ent (grating) 14500 d/m/cmear beta-conuun Primary Comportment (grating) <10 d/m/timear n1pha Liquid and ganeous ef fluent s f rom the SN1:0 cite for the nonth of flarch, 1969, ucre tir, fol3ous: -
(Curic) (curic) (Curie) l 1:f fluent Activity Activity Activity -
Thic lionth
_ Type Year'to Date Lant h.'elve !!ont hp,
, Liquid 0.001424 0.0,01928 0.009385 Tritium O.086811 0.107661 4.550677 Air, Xe 0.00014,8 0.040000 14.459574-Air, 1-131 0.000000 0.000000 0.000321 Air, !!.P.P. 0.000001 ,
0.000400 0.144595 One barrel of vaste was drummed for temporary storano. Do druma ucre '
- r. hipped f rom the cit o.
Mndiation expocure for all SNF.C personnel as measured by film badges for
- the_ month of February 1969 vero a maximum of.650 mrem with _ an average of 301.3 urem.
Endfation exposure for all viciting perr.onnel ao mensure'd by film badges for the month of-Tchruary 1969 vero a toximum of 0 mren with an average of 0 prem.
The averano radiation expocure for.all personnci as mennured by film badges ,
for the month of February 3969 vac 84.85 nrem. -
l .
l l
t ,
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SliXTO:1 !!llCLE471 E'<PE4til:E!!TAL C03PO*14TIO:t ,
l!ONTil IIAIMI YFAR 1909 talcIr.$ .t 1]J112 UONT!! YEAR To DATE T11tES CinTICAL !!0. 0 0 623
!!O'JRS CRITICAi, ' HRS. 0 0 22,o40.4?
TIMES SCR'J::;ED (1tA::JAL) !!O. O O 449
- tines QCRIJ:::ED (111ADVERTANT) NO. 0 0 , 42
'IllEnnAL PO'..'ER GENEPATIOil INH 0 0 429,077.53 AVERAGE :IJRI:UP (Pu Region) ItIDAtTU 0 ,
0 10,02).03 CO:iTROL ROD P(r>ITIO::S AT 12 D OF liONTil AT N101LIBRIUl! PC,fER OF 0 lut liAIN 000L\uT B0n0N 1650 PPM RODS OUT - INCRES 0 0 no, 3 0
!!O. 1 11 0 . 2 0 0 No. 6 0
., No. 4 NO. 3 1:ECTRICAL R U !!ONTH YEAJ TO DATE GRO3S 0ENERAT10!i 1 ".111 0 0 73,529 3 STATION SERVICE IMil 85 97 254 17 15,437 57
! STATION SERVICE % 0 0 21.00 0 0 17,14 AVO. PIA!!T EFFICIENCY - 1NH(c)A3al(t) %
AVO. GE!:ER\TIOM BJN!!11:0 ( 0 IIRS) im 0 0 3,461.11 PIANT LOAD FACTOR - , ,
% 0 ,
STFM1 SUPPLIED BY REACTOR HRS. 0 0 19,259 74 RWDF EVAPORATOR OPERATION IUGg 226.50 , 387.84 7,802.70 f s.
1 ,
- ItD1ARl;S _. ,
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AVDlMiB 1GM03 PU..'C1.. Inl (Ui'PT.R CURW,)
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