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Responds to NRC 831128 Confirmatory Action Ltr Re Soft Seats Inboard Feedwater Check Valves B21-F010 a & B.Planned Actions:Dupont Kalrez & Parker Seal Aflas Considered for Testing as Alternate Matls
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1984
From: Schroeder C
To: James Keppler
Shared Package
ML20080P010 List:
8063N, CAL, NUDOCS 8402220416
Download: ML20080P033 (2)


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/^N Commonwealth Edison j One Fast N tion 11 Plaza. Chicigo, lihnois i TJ 7 Address Reply to: Post Office Box 767


/ Chicago, Illinois 60690

.anuary 31, 1984 h'NtlNCIPAL STAEF gg y p gi J/RA DE V'.d-A/RA DPMSP 1C DPNA Mr. James G. Keppler PA0 SCS 1 Regional Administrator ~

5GA > ML U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III iqg] .

pgge g 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137


Lssalle County Station Units 1 and 2 Response to Confirmatory Action Letter dated November 28, 1983 Item E, Qualification Plan NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 Reference (a): J. G. Keppler letter to Cordell Reed dated November 28, 1983.

Dear Mr. Keppler:

As required by the referenced confirmatory action letter, this letter provides our response to Item E, Plan and schedule to obtain a fully qualified sof t seat for the inboard feedwater check valves, B21-F010 A&B.

A material supplier and literature search was conducted for alternate materials to replace the presently used EPR. Two alternative materials are being considered for testing: Kalrez, from Dupont, and Aflas from Parker Scal.

These materials, and the presently used EPR compound, will be subjected to the following conditions:

1. Temperature 4200 Continuous, all water environment.

4500, for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, all water environment

2. Pressure 1000 PSIG
3. Radiation 2.6x107 Rads Gamma
4. Time Sufficient Duration to measurably effect physical properties.
5. Compression 0,10,20, 30% of original material thickness.

Upon completion of testing, the physical condition of the samples will be evaluated by measuring the change in the following physical parameters. These evaluations will be based on various ASTM standards. - A degradation of physical properties that results in a failure of a seal to pass an equivalent leak rate test, will be considered a failure of the material. g $Mk B402220416 940217 TEB PDR ADOCK 05000373 G PDR


p. .

J.-G. Keppler January 31, 1984

1. Compression set ASTM D3985
2. Hardness ASTM D224
3. Tensile Strength ASTM D412
4. Modulus of Elasticity ASTM D797
5. Tear Strenght ASTM D624
6. Radiation Damage NA Testing is expected to take approximately 10 months.

When a physically acceptable material has been selected, the seal design will be reviewed to determine if any changes would be necessary to the original design due to a material change. This should be completed in two weeks. A design change would result in a new mold being fabricated. This is estimated to take six weeks.

Production and delivery of new seals is estimated to take six weeks. Installation could then be done during a planned outage of appro-priate duration, but no later than startup following the first refueling outage for each respective unit.

A detailed test plan and procedures will be developed in conjunction with a testing consultant. To date we have-discussed the above plan with Anchor / Darling and Farwell & Hendricks, Inc.

To the best'of my knowledge and belief the statements contained herein and in the attachment'are true and correct. In some respects these statements are not based on my personal knowledge but upon informa-tion furnished by other Commonwealth Edison and contractor employees.

Such information has been reviewed in accordance with Company practice and I believe it to be reliable.

If there are any further questions regarding this matter, please contact this office.

Very truly yours, WM C. W. Schroeder bile +

Nuclear Licensing Administrator im cc: NRC Resident Inspector - LSCS 8063N

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