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Notifies of Vr Harding Employment at Law Firm.Harding Will Not Participate in Any Case Currently Pending Before NRC
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/13/1983
From: Silberg J
To: Bloch P, Bright G, Kline J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20077D806 List:
NUDOCS 8307270287
Download: ML20077D804 (1)


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4 SHAW, PITTMAN, POTTs & TROWBRIDGE A pamTNgesseis or enortssiosea6 compomatiONs -

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.#,T m 3 0,#.e .o .. a July 13, 1983 (202) 822-1063 In the Matter of THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING COMPANY (Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2)

Docket Nos. 50-440, 50-441 Notification to the Parties:

Pursuant to Disciplinary Rule 9-102 of the District of Columbia Code of Professional Responsibility, this notifica-tion is to inform all of the parties to this proceeding that Ms. Vicki R. Harding began working at Shaw, Pittman, Potts &

Trowbridge on Monday, July 11, 1983. Ms. Harding formerly worked at the NRC as a member of NRC Commissioner Ahearne's staff and as an attorney in the Hearing Division,. Office of the Executive Legal Director, NRC. Ms. Harding has joined Shaw, Pittman in order to work as an associate in the firm's general corpora + practi ce. Ms. Harding will not participate in any manner in any caso ca.:rrently pending before the NRC or on appeal from the NRC, nor will she discuss any such cases with any attorneys in the firm.

sincerely, p .

J_ E ., Silberg, P.C.

cc: attached Service-List

  • 0307270287 830713 e>

03 PDR ADOCK 05000440  :