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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20059D64531 August 1990Requests Dismissal of Ohio Edison Co Application to Suspend Antitrust License Conditions in OL & Follow Recommendation of Doj.Alleged Increase in Nuclear Power Costs Heightens Importance of Continued Imposition of Antitrust Conditions
ML20059C99527 August 1990Responds to Util Re Suspension of Antitrust License Conditions
ML20059G10024 July 1990Requests NRC Expeditious Disposition of Matter Re Ohio Edison 870918 Application to Suspend Antitrust License Conditions.Doj Position in Inconsistent W/Prior Analyses & W/Pertinent NRC Case Law.Jd Pace Affidavit Encl
ML20151D81215 July 1988Forwards Opposition of City of Clyde,Oh to Util Application to Suspend Antitrust Conditions at Facilities,Per 880616 53FR22589 & 53FR22590
ML20150D3545 July 1988Forwards Response of Ohio Edison Co to Comments on Antitrust License Amend Application.Util Requests Commission Hold Present Proceeding on Application in Abeyance Pending Resolution of Court Action Filed on 880622
ML20197G9598 June 1988Forwards Technical Rept, Analyses of Northeastern Ohio Seismicity & Tectonics, Which Responds to Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy 880122 Petition for Immediate Action to Relieve Undue Risk Posed by Inadequate Seismic DesignEarthquake
ML20155F20927 May 1988Requests 30-day Extension Until 880703 to File Response to Cities of Clyde & Cleveland Re Util Antitrust License Amend Application,Due to Length of Comments.Nrc Antitrust Counsel Does Not Object to Granting Extension Based on Discussion
ML20155F38323 May 1988Forwards Tables of Contents & Appendices Inadvertently Omitted from City of Cleveland,Oh 880219 Answer to Util 870918 Application
ML20147E81429 February 1988Forwards American Municipal Power-Ohio,Inc Request for 30 Day Extension for Filing Comments
ML20235A53618 September 1987Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-58,suspending Antitrust Conditions Insofar as Conditions Apply to Ohio Edison Co.Fee Paid
ML20212N13011 March 1987Forwards Final Draft Plant Operating Agreement Mentioned in Application for License Amend & Approval Re Sale & Leaseback Transactions.Agreement Currently Being ExecutedEarthquake
ML20212F4653 March 1987Identifies Potential Equity Investors Wishing to Participate Directly or Through Subsidiary in Sale & Leaseback Transactions,Per Util 870123 Application for Amend to License NPF-58.Annual Repts & Supporting Documentation Encl
ML20207Q58623 January 1987Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-58 Re Sale & Leaseback Transactions W/Ohio Edison Co.Fee Paid
ML20206S27017 September 1986Notifies of Address Change Effective on 860927.Requests Address on Encl List of Dockets Be Changed
ML20214L6684 September 1986Requests Encl Signature Page Be Substituted for Original Signature Page to MR Edelman 860902 Affidavit Attached to Licensee 860902 Response to Ocre Motion for Continuance.Svc List Encl
ML20209B0072 September 1986Advises That Sunflower Alliance Will Not Suppl or Amplify Notice of Reconsideration Filed on 860808.W Clements Directed to Destroy Notice of Appeal
ML20212P00728 August 1986Requests Scheduled 860905 Meeting Re Discussions/Possible Vote on Full Power OL for Unit 1 Be Stayed Pending Decision from Us Court of Appeals for Sixth Circuit in Ocre Vs NRC
ML20214J96412 August 1986Advises That Licensee Will Await Aslab Decision Before Responding to Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy 860808 Petition to Reconsider Portions of Aslab 860725 Decision ALAB-841.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20203Q2995 May 1986Advises That Per Encl Sec 860429 Order,Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co & Toledo Edison Co Now Subsidiaries of Centerior Energy Corp.Utils Will Continue as Electric Companies & as NRC Licensees & CP Holders
ML20210L39325 April 1986Confirms That Baseline Testing Referred to in Affidavit of Dr Green Completed Prior to Fuel Loading of Unit 1.Svc List Encl.Related CorrespondenceAffidavit
ML20203D72316 April 1986Informs That Both Seismic Instrumentation & Hydrogen Control Equipment Will Be Accessible at Time of Aslab Visit,Per 860403 Telcon Re Hearing on Ocre Motion to Reopen Proceeding.Personal Info Requested by 860509.Svc List Encl
ML20140A72918 March 1986Forwards ACRS to Palladino Re ACRS Consideration of State of Oh 860131 Earthquake.Svc List Encl.Related CorrespondenceEarthquake
ML20141M95625 February 1986Requests Denial of Ocre 860203 2.206 Petition to Prevent Fuel Loading or OL Issuance Until Assessment of 860131 Earthquake Complete.Encl Affidavits Confirm That Earthquake Did Not Adversely Affect PlantSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Finite Element Analysis
Design basis earthquake
ML20214C89619 February 1986Forwards Original Signature Page to Be Substituted in Affidavit of Ta Boss,Attachment 1 of Applicant to Commissioners
ML20214C99618 February 1986Responds to Dl Schlemmer 860204 2.206 Petition Requesting Plant Closure Due to Inadequate Seismic Design & Idcvp to Assess Integrity of Site QA Programs.Petition W/O Basis & Should Be Denied in All RespectsEarthquake
ML20137U68613 February 1986Forwards Amend 5 to Form U-1,recently Filed W/Securities & Exchange Commission,Providing Addl Info Re Proposed Affiliation Between Utils.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20151U0305 February 1986Informs of Intent to Respond to Assertions in Ocre Re Summary of 851218 Meeting Between NRC & Hydrogen Control Owners Group.Motion to Reopen Has Not Been Filed by Ocre.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20137N97031 January 1986Forwards Amends 3 & 4 to Form U-1,recently Filed W/ Securities & Exchange Commission,To Provide Addl Info Re Proposed Affiliation Between Utils
ML20137F17114 January 1986Forwards 851213 Insp Rept Re 851120 Emergency Preparedness Exercise.Related Correspondence
ML20136J0898 January 1986Forwards Amend 2 to Sec Form U-1,providing Addl Info Re Proposed Affiliation Between Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co & Toledo Edison Co
ML20141F5956 January 1986Forwards Articles Re Turbine Missiles Cited in Memorandum & Order LBP-83-48,per Request.Related CorrespondenceTurbine Missile
Overspeed trip
ML20141F7166 January 1986Informs of Typo in 851230 Applicant Answer to Ocre Motion to Reopen Record & Submit New Contentions. Steam Binding Should Read Steam Blanketing. W/Svc List
ML20151P13431 December 1985Forwards Original Signature Page to Affidavit of Kw Holtzclaw for Telecopy Attached to Applicant Answer to Ocre Motion to Reopen Record & to Submit New Contentions,Filed on 851230.Svc List Encl
ML20138H92012 December 1985Comments on Applicant Brief in Opposition to Intervenor Appeals from Concluding Partial Initial Decision.Footnote 94 Should Ref Defect W/Crankshaft Oil Hole Plugs as Failure Instead of Simply as Crack.W/Svc List
ML20137U2574 December 1985Forwards Corrected Table of Authorities to Applicant Brief in Opposition to Intervenors Appeals from Concluding Partial Initial Decision
ML20205H22413 November 1985Forwards Amend 1 to Form U-1 Recently Filed W/Securities & Exchange Commission to Provide Addl Info & Exhibits Re Proposed Affiliation Between UtilsFeedwater Heater
ML20133H98414 October 1985Forwards Util to HR Denton Providing Updated Info on Facility Status & Readiness for Fuel Loading & Operation. Unit 1 May Be Ready to Load Fuel as Early as 851108.Svc List Encl.Related CorrespondenceSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
ML20133J25711 October 1985Forwards Original Signature Page to Gr Leidich Affidavit Attached to Applicant Response to Ocre Motion for Stay Pendente Lite
ML20132C76924 September 1985Forwards Util Re Unit 1 Status & Operational Readiness.Related Correspondence
ML20135B7719 September 1985Forwards News Release by State of Oh,Dept of Health Announcing State Policy on Distribution of Potassium Iodide.Svc List Encl.Related CorrespondencePotassium iodide
ML20134G05121 August 1985Forwards Util Updating Progress on Unit 1 During Jul 1985 for ASLB Info.Related Correspondence
ML20134D26014 August 1985Forwards 850805 Application & 850808 Registration Statement Filed W/Securities & Exchange Commission Re Proposed Affiliation Between Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co & Toledo Edison Co.Utils Will Be Subsidiaries of Holding FirmIncorporated by reference
ML20133E5976 August 1985Forwards Hydrogen Control Owners Group & Hydrogen Control Owners Group Rept on 1/4-Scale Scoping Test Results. Subj Test Program Part of Final Analysis Required by Hydrogen Rule.Related Correspondence
ML20128M27622 July 1985Forwards Util to NRC Re Progress Update for June 1985.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20129K14119 July 1985Forwards EC Christiansen & WR Kanda Affidavits Re Placement, Operation & Safety Parameters of Check Valves Used in Lube Oil Generators & 850505 Fire in Reactor Bldg,Respectively
ML20128R11710 July 1985Forwards Recent Press Release Announcing Agreement Between Applicant & Toledo Edison Co to Combine Under Newly Formed Holding Company.Svc List Also Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20128A52828 June 1985Forwards M Edelman to H Denton,Setting Forth Applicant Proposed Schedule for Final Analysis of Plant Hydrogen Control Sys.Completion Expected by End of 1986.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20127B48220 June 1985Forwards Addendum to Torsiograph Tests of Emergency Diesel Generators,Divs 1 & 2 at Perry Nuclear Power Plant-Unit 1 on Cylinder Imbalance, Prepared by Failure Analysis Assoc. Related Correspondence
ML20127A99319 June 1985Informs That Unit 1 12 Wks Negative Re 850614 Project Master Plan Fuel Load Date.Related Correspondence
ML20126C39210 June 1985Forwards Failure Analysis Assoc Rept FaAA-85-4-1, Torsiograph Tests of Emergency Diesel Generators,Divs 1 & 2 at Perry Nuclear Power Plant - Unit 1, Discussed During Evidentiary Hearings on Issue 16.Related Correspondence