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FOIA Request for NUREG-0313,results of Stress Ratio Index Tests on Welds at Facility & Info Re Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking & Performance of Weld Overlay Patches
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/17/1982
From: Van Allen S
FOIA-83-42, RTR-NUREG-0313, RTR-NUREG-313 83-017A, 83-17A, NUDOCS 8303100065
Download: ML20072C751 (1)


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Please refer to FOIA No.83-ol1A

, Freedom of Information Coordinatorf FREEDOM OF INFORMATION UNITt0 STATt$ NUCLEAR RtCULATORY COMMs5$10N N

y"*T****C' FOTA ~13 - off b ti/ M -EJ Jan.17,1982

Dear Gentleper9on:

4 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 USC I552).

I write to request copies of the following:

a) NUREG 0313 RtVISION 1 b) Results of all " stress ratlo Indem" (5RI) tests done on the welds at the Monticello,MN nuclear plant c) All information or t!'e " Inter granular stress corrosion cracking" (IGSCC) and weld overlay-type patches at all nuclear plants where the weld overlays have been done,and specifically any Information regarding the perfomance of the patches, and d)all records of the availability of those plants (% of "up" If, for any reason, you feel that this request is directed to the wrong office ort ime")

agency, we ask that you exercise your authority under the Act to forward this letter to the proper official and immediately notify us that you have done so.

As you know, the amended Act provides that if some parts of a file are exempt from release that " reasonably segregable" portions shall be provided. I therefore request that if you determine that some portions of the requested information are exempt, you provide me immediately with copies of the remainder of the reques'ted information.

I, of course, reserve my right to appeal any such decisions. My re-quest includes any and all appendices, annexes, or other materials attached to or relating to the requested information, as well as any other information which may be of interest to me.

If you determine that some or all of the requested information is exempt from release, I would appreciate your advising me as to which exemption (s) you believe covers the material whic you are not releasing.

As you know, the amended Act permits you to reduce or walve the fees if you find that it "is in the puMic interest because furnishing the information can be con-sidered as pimarily benefitting the public." Since our organization is aTon-profit organiz tion which is devoted to public education and any materials received in re-sponse to this request would be used for that purpose, I believe that this request plainly fits that category and ask you to waive any fees. If it is your decision not to waive fees, I ask that your response include your reasons for that determination.

If you have any question' regardmg'this request, please telephone me at the below s

number. As provided for in the amended Act. I will expect to receive a reply from you postmarked within ten (10) working days from your receipt of this letter. If for any reason the requested materials are not mailed within ten working days as well, I will appreetate your letter advisirg me as to the date when I should expect to receive the requested materials.

S Steven t Van Allen (612) 376-3663 3 Porthern Sun Alliance 1519 t Frenklin Av Minneapolls.MN 55404 h y g 5 eso: 7 p

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