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Forwards Evaluation of Comments on FSAR Section 2.3.5 Re long-term Diffusion Estimates:Objective & Calculations
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/22/1982
From: Van Der Hoven
To: Spickler I
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-NRC-03-81-099, CON-NRC-3-81-99 NUDOCS 8204270362
Download: ML20071J759 (3)


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. . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

\,'*" *' ,/ ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES Rockville, Maryland 20852 R32 00-40 April 22, 1982 co e O>

Mr. Irwin Spickler 8 Div. of Site Safety and ggCEgl/ED '

Environmental Analyses g7 51 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation -

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 9 P

Dear Mr. Spickler:

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m In partial response to Task Order No.1 of Interagency Agreement No. NRC-03-81-099, enclosed pleaca find my evaluation and coninents on the following:

Seabrook Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 Public Service Company of New Hampshire Final Safety Analysis Report Section 2.3.5 Long-Term (Routine) Diffusion Estimates:

Objective and Calculations At your convenience I will be pleased to discuss this evaluation with you and your staff.

Sincerely, Sef , ;btIbW~

Isaac Van der Hoven Air Resources Laboratories Enclosure cc: E.H. Markee, ONRR/NRC

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, 10TH ANNIVERSARY 1970-1980 f  ; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 8204270 362 '.

? A young agency with a histanc tradition of service to the Nation

Comments on Seabrook Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 Public Service Company of New Hampshire Final Safety Analysis Report Section 2.3.5 Long-Term (Routine) Diffusion Estimates Objective and Calculations Prepared by Isaac. Van der' Hoven Air Resources Laboratories National Oceanic- and Atmospheric Administration April 21, 1982 It should be noted that the section being reviewed pertains to the estimation of downwind doses from routine reactor emissions to the atmo-sphere'throughout the year. Thus the use of sector-averaged diffusion models, such as Equation 10, are appropriate. When a choice was available, the report has tended towards the conservative (high concentration values) approach. Examples are: 1) using the plume rise model giving the smallest plume rise; 2) assuming that no unlimited mixing takes place and that the annual average daytiae and nighttime mixing depth prevails during these two parts of the day; and 3) assuming that diffusion in the unmodified marine air is always Type F.

The solar radiation criteria for the development of a TIBL is not supported by any reference. Is solar radiation actually measured at the site? Will inland cloudiness hinder the development of a TIBL?

The TIBL height model (Eq. 35) has little verification by measurement.

The sane holds true for the Brookhaven TIBL model (NUREG/CR-0936).

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.g ,, j Nationti Ocznic and A:mosonecie Administratica

% U# E.W 9CNMENTf.L RESEAACH LA50.31.70.%3 AIR RESOURCES LABORATOPIES April 15, 1982 AEEEEEEEEEEI i This is to inform you that effective April 19, 1982, the Air Resources Laboratories of NOAA will be located at the following address:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration .

Air Resources Laboratories, 8th Floor 6010' Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 Telephone Nos: 443-8276 443-8811 t

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10TH ANNIVERSARY 1970-1980 Na:ianal Oceanic and Acmaspheric Administra:ian h 5 A young agency with a histon:

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