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Forwards Revision 3 to Procedure 0291A, Meteorological Monitoring Offsite Dose Calculation Program for Emergency Preparedness at Operating Nuclear Power Plants, Per NUREG-0519 Item III.A.2 & NUREG-0654,Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/1982
From: Schroeder C
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20050A545 List:
RTR-NUREG-0519, RTR-NUREG-0654, RTR-NUREG-519, RTR-NUREG-654, TASK-3.A.2.2, TASK-TM 3756N, NUDOCS 8204010402
Download: ML20050A544 (2)


/ 'N Commonwealth Edison

) Ont First Nation?.I Pltza. Chic go, l'tano s

.fC ' Ac;drsss Arply to: Post Office Box 767 m g(j/ Chicago, Illinois 60690 i

March 30, 1982 e g P  ?

a C p,,2csVS 11962.P $

Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief O Licensing Branch #2 I p C

6 Division of Licensing H % pW85 w mper d '(

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission #

g' s Washington, DC 20Q55 .$

e s g e


LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2 I

c v III. A.2 Improving Licensee Emergency Preparedness Long Term, Meteorological and Dose Assessment Capabilities

, , NRC Dockets 50-373 and 50-374 References (a): NUREG 0519 Supplement No. 2 SER For LaSalle County Station Chapter 22, Item III.A.2 s (b): LaSalle County Station Unit 1 Facility Operating License

' NPF-ll DR' AFT dated 3-19-82 Items 2.C.28( r )(4)(ii) and (iii)

Dear Mr. Schwencer:

The purpose of this letter is to provide information on meteorological and dose assessment capabilities, as required in Re ference (a) and (b) .

s These references state, in part, that:

N' "The licensee shall provide the interim meteorological improvement and shall provide the mechanism for long-term J improvements over a staged implementation schedule as follows:

l'. Prior to exceeding Jive percent power, the licensee shall install a process' computer with the capability to retrieve a meteorolog,1 cal information that s

provides a redundant means for data access.

2. -Prior to exceeding five percent power, the licensee

,' x shall commit to the meteorological and dose assessment s capaollity to meet the guidance of Appendix 2, g x NUREG-0654, Revision 1, as follows:

s s $

t' ,&

('+ 3 8204010402 820330 PDR ADOCK 05000373 ,


l A. Schwencer March 30, 1982 i

t l a. a functional description of upgraded capabilities l by April 1,1982, which includes measurements from

! a primary and backup system, assessment using a dose l calculational methodology with a Class A transport l and diffusion module, and remote access capability for transfer of meteorological and dose assessment information to appropriate offsite agencies (including NRC);

b. Installation o f hardware and software capability described by above July 1,1982; and
c. full operational capability described above by Janua ry 1,1983.


3. Prior to April 1, 1982, the licensee shall include a description of the dose calculational methodology with
a Class A transport and dif fusion module, and a l

description of an acceptable meteorological measurement preventative and corrective maintenance program in the l radiological emergency plan."

l l

Item 1 above has "been accomplished at LaSalle County Sta-tion. Item 2a, a functional description of upgraded capabilities, is provided in the enclosed report.

l L Commonwealth Edison Company. .

Offsite 00se Calculation Sy' stem L "A Meteorological Non!.toring, Offsite Dose Calculation Program for Emergency Preparedness' at Operating Nuclear Power i Plants" date'd February,'1982, Rev. 3.

l t

Item 3 has been prepared and is in the final stages of .

review prior to distribution.

l l

If there are any further questions in this matter, please  :

contact this office.

t Very truly yours, M h 3/3s/ 8't-C. W. Schroeder Nuclea r Licensing Administrator Enclosure -

NRC Resident Inspector - LSCS .

3756N *

, , _ . . . ._.