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Forwards LER 82-064/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 01/28/1983
From: Fiedler P
To: Haynes R
Shared Package
ML20028G228 List:
NUDOCS 8302070539
Download: ML20028G227 (4)


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GPU Nuclear F.

gg g{ P.O. Box 388 Forked River, New Jersey 08731 609-693 6000 Wnter's Direct Dial Number:

January 28, 1983 Mr. Ronald C.11aynes, Administrator Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Mr. Ilaynes:

Subj ect: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 Licensee Event Report Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219/8 2-64 /03L This letter forwards three copies of a Licensee Event Report (LER) to report Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219/82-64/03L in compliance with paragraph 6.9.2.b 2 of the Technical Specifications.

Very truly yours, V A' &

PeterfD. Fiedler Vice President and Director Oyster Creek PBF:Ise Enc 1 osttre s cc: Director (40 copies) ,

Of fice of Inspection and Enf orcement l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Was hi ngton, D.C. 20555 Director (3)

Of fice of Management Information and Program Control U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington , D.C. 20555 NRC Resident Inspector Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Forked River, NJ 08731 0302070539 830128 PDR ADOCK 05000219 S PDR GPU Nucle ir is a part of the General Public Utihties Systein f6@

OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR CENERATING STATION Forked River, New Jersey Licensee Event Report Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219 /82-64 /03L Report date January 28, 1983 Occ ur re nce Da te December 30, 1982 Identification of 7ecurrence Opera' ion in a degraded mode permitted by limiting condition for operation as specified in the Technical Specifications, paragraph 3.4.c.3, when the Cont ainment Spray System I and Emergency Service Water System I were declared inoperable during surveillance testing.

j This event is considered to be a reportable occurrence as defined in the Technical Specifications, p1 agraph 6.9.2.b.2.

Conditions Prior to Occurrence The plant was operating at steady state power.

i Major Plant Parameters:

Reactor Power 941 MWt Generator Load 275 MWe.

Reactor Coolant Temp. 5350F Mode Switch Position Run Description of Occurrence l During surveillance testing of the Containment Spray and Emergency Service Water (ESW) Systems, the acceptance criteria of less than or equal to 8 PSID for baf fle plate dif ferential pressure was exceeded for heat exchanger 1-2 in System I. The dif ferential pressure of 11 PSID for heat exchanger 1-2 (one of two heat exchangers in parallel) was above the Ifmit of component operability and therefore, Containment Spray System I was declared inoperable.

Apparent cause of Occurre nce The cause of the occurrence was attributed to heat exchanger fouling. Samples taken f rom the tube sheets and covers for the 1-1 and 1-2 heat exchangers indicated that approximately half of the debris was living, grass-like ,

organisms . The other half was mostly dead mussels, worms, and small (4-15 cm) fish. (See attachment 1 for complete listing) l l

l t

Licensee Event Report Page 2 Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219/82-64 /03L Analysis of Occurrence The Containment Spray and Emergency Service Water Systems are engineered safety systems designed to remove heat energy f rom the containment in the event of a loss-of-coolant accident. There are two independent systems used to accomplish this, with each Containment Spray and Emergency Service Water System having redundant pumps, each capable of performing the safety function. The systems are designed such that a single Containment Spray pump and a single Emergency Service Water pump can provide the necessary cooling.

In this case only one of the two heat exchangers in System I was inoperable.

However, due to Technical Specifications requirements, the entire System I was declared inoperable. System II was demonstrated operable, as required by the Technical Specifications. The heat exchanger pressure readings are a part of both the pump operability test and the inservice test; therefore, they are recorded on a monthly basis. They are used to indicate a problem due to fouling (as in this event) and the limits on dif ferential pressure are set such that cleaning or inspection will be performed prior to any structural damage to the baf fle plates. It was also noted that ESW flow through the heat exchangers was within acceptance criteria. Based on this the significance of this event is considered minimal.

Corrective Action Both heat exchangers in System I were inspected and cleaned. Repairs made to the baf fle plates during August, 1982 were inspected and found to be secure.

System II was survellied and demonstrated operable as required by the Technical 1 S pecifications . The af fected heat exchangers were opened, cleaned, tested satisfactorily and returned to service. In addition, the repairs and modifications necessary to allow chlorination of the Emergency Service Water System have been completed and the system is now in operation.

I 1

(At tachment 1)

Results of the Analysis of the Biofouling Sample Obtained from Containment Spray itent Exchanger 1-2 December 30, 1982 Type of Organism Relative Abundance Maximum Cond ition (By Volume) Size i colonial hydroids and bryozoans 50% -


(" grass like" organisms) hiue mussels 14% 25 mm dead ribbed mussels 11% 50 mm dead colonial tunicates 9% -

dead hydroides 6% -

dead (worms in white calcareous tubes) fish 4% nothern pipefish 160 mm dead Atlantic silverside 85 mm fourspine stickleback 40 mm barnacles 3% -

dead a lga e 17. -

live lea ves 1% - -

I other detritus l' - -


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