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Notice of Violation from Insp on 791127-30
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/1980
Shared Package
ML19322E344 List:
50-269-79-35, 50-270-79-32, 50-287-79-35, NUDOCS 8003270249
Download: ML19322E353 (1)



M 2 81980 APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Duke Power Company License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47 and DPR-55 Oconee, Unit 1, 2 and 3 Based on the NRC inspection November 27-30, 1979, certain of your activities were apparently not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements as indicated below. These items have been categorized as described in correspondence to you dated December 31, 1974.


As required by Technical Specification 6.4, the station shall be operated and maintained in accordance with approved procedures.


Station Procedure HP/0/B/1000/10, " Working limits for contamination control" states that in areas where contamination exists above the working limits specified, a posted and/or roped-off contamination area will be established.

Contrary to the above, procedure HP/0/B/1000/10 was not followed in that a posted and/or roped-off contamination area was not established on November 19, 1979 around four Unit I high pressure turbine holddown bolts contaminated above the limits specified by procedure.


Station Procedure OP/0/A/1102/06, " Removal and Restoration of Station Equipment", enclosure 7.1, step 7.1.13 specifies the proper valve or breaker position required for restoration of a system to service.

Contrary to the above, on October 16, 1979, while restoring the Unit 3 low pressnre injection system "B" train to service, vent valve 3GWD-152 was not closed as called for on the Removal and Restoration of Station Equipment Checklist, although the checklist was initia11ed and dated indicating the valve was left in the proper position.

This is an infraction.


As required by 10 CFR 20.203(f), each container of licensed material shall bear a durable, clearly visible label identifying the radioactive contents and providing sufficient information to permit individuals handling or using the containers, or working in the vicinity thereof to take precautions to avoid or minimize exposures.

Contrary to the above, on November 27, 1979, five bags of radioactive material located on the Unit 3 low pressure injection deck, were observed without the proper labels.

This ir a deficiency.

l 80032797-D
