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Notice of Violation from Insp on 800501-30
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/20/1980
Shared Package
ML19337A961 List:
50-269-80-20, 50-270-80-15, 50-287-80-14, NUDOCS 8010010112
Download: ML19337A976 (2)




APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Duke Power Company License Nos. 1

.-38 Oconee Nuclear Station DPR-47 Based on the NRC inspection May 1-30, 1980, certain of your activities were apparently not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements as indicated below. These items have been categorized as described in correspondence to you dated December 31, 1974.


Technical Specification 6.4.1 requires that the station be operated and maintained in accordance with current, written, approved procedures.

Contrary to the above, on May 22, 1980 fuel handling procedure OP/0/A/1506/01 was used to transfer a spent fuel assembly to the shipping cask. This procedure was not checked with the control copy prior to use and, in fact had been revised by two revisions dated December 1, 1979 and May 13, 1980.

This is an infraction and applies to Unit 1.


As required by 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Criteria XIV and as implemented in Section 17.2.14 of DUKE-1A, Quality Assurance Program measures to maintain equipment status shall be utilized. The Administrative Policy Manual for Nuclear Stations, Section 3.1.3 further requires measures to be established to assure accurate knowledge of component status is available for appropriate action consistent with the status of the item.

Contrary to the above, the boron content of a demineralizer placed into service on May 5, 1980, was not accurately reflected on the status board in the control room.

Consequently an unplanned reactivity addition of approxi-mately 4.45% AK/K occurred.

This is an infraction.


As required by Technical Specifications 6.4.1 a. and b. detailed procedures for control and operation of systems and components involving nuclear safety of the facility shall be provided. This requirement is also con-tained in DUKE-1-A, Quality Assurance Program and is further implemented in Section 3.1.4 of the Administrative Policy Manual for Nuclear Stations.

Contrary to the above, following refueling activities on or about April 11, 1980 data was not available or provided to control room operators for use in OP/2/A/1103/15, " Reactivity Balance".

Consequently the control room operators could not calculate shutdown margin as required by Technical Specification

8010010 IN

s Duke Power Company Appendix A License Nos. DPR-38 and DPR-47 Notice of Violation This is an infraction and applies to Unit 2.


As required by Technical Specification 6.2.1, which is implemented by Oconee Nuclear Station Directive 3.1.10, any reportable occurrence shall be investigated promptly.

Contrary to the above, on June 7, 1980 a reportable event involving a reactivity insertion of more than 0.5% AK/K occurred but was not promptly investigated.

This is an infraction and applies to Oconee Unit 2.

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