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Forwards Interim Response to IE Bulletin 80-05,Vacuum Conditions Resulting in Damage to Chemical Vol Control Sys Holdup Tanks. Vacuum Relief Valves Will Be Covered by Periodic Maint Program.List of Insp Results Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 06/09/1980
From: Jackie Cook
To: James Keppler
IEB-80-05, IEB-80-5, NUDOCS 8006240585
Download: ML19318B022 (6)



mG Consumers Power James W Cook Voce Pressdent, Msdiand Prtrject General of f aces. 1945 West Pernall Hood, Jackson, Michigan 49201 e (517) 788 0640 June 9, 1980 Mr James G Keppler, Regional Director Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 MIDLAND PROJECT DOCKET NO 50-329, 50-330 IE BULLETIN 80-05 FILE: 0505.12 UFI: 99*02*05*10 SERIAL: 90h7 This is ar .nterim response to IE Bulletin 80-05 CP Co has reviewed the design of tanks containing prir.ary system or potentially radioactive water for possible damage during tank pumpdown. Although these systems were discussed in the response to IE Circular 77-10, the specific concerns of IE Bulletin 80-05 are addressed in the table attached to this letter which indicates results of the review to date. In addition, the vacuum relief valves in questien vill be covered by a periodic maintenance program ar.1 the tanks which are located out-of-doors are provided with heaters for freeze protection.

Yours very truly dll$4et./,AP -


.0/pg CC Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation Director, Office of Inspection & Enforcement JUN 131980 8006240575 q

/ ,


4 Adequate Vacuum Protection System Corrective Action Vacuum Protection Taken or Planned Provided . Verified System / Component Reviewed i Yes None Pressurizer quench tanks Vacuum breaker (

. N e ver gas Yes IT-53/2T-53 2 No See Note 3 H /N c ver gas Makeup tanks IT-58/2T-58 2 2 N e ver gas (2) Yes None .

. Boric acid addition tanks 2 1T-70A,B,C; 2T-70A,B,C

  • Yes None .

LWS receiver tanks OT-88A,B,C,D Vacuum breaker Yes None LWS drain tanks OT-89A,B Vacuum breaker ( ' }

Yes None Vacuum breaker ( ')

Chemical waste receiver tanks OT-83A,B Yes None Vacuum breaker ( ' )

LWS concentrate monitor tanks OT-90A,B,C,D

  • Yes None LWS monitor tanks OT-95A,B Vacuum breaker No See Note 4 Reactor coolant pump seal None drain tank 1T-85/2T-85
  • Yes See Note 5 Vacuum breaker Equipment drain tank OT-86A,B N c ver gas No 2

Yes See Note 5 BRS receiver tanks OT-82A,B,C,D Vacuum breaker ( ' )

No N c ver gas 2

' Yes None BRS concentrate tanks OT-91A,B Vacuum breaker NOTES:

(1) Inverted U-tubes are attached to the vacuum breaker inlet to prevent dust accumulation.

h Notes for Response to IE Bulletin 80-05 Cont'd *

(2) Loop sea'Is also provide protection against tank collapse For due normaltoplant pump suction operation, thevacuum.

d For emergency (safety-related) operation, the makeup tank is not use .If any design modifications are cover gas system is being reviewed.

in 60 days.

functionability of the N 2/Hy i a schedule will be developed upon completion of this system rev ew h reactor Final calculations (4)An N, cover gas for this system is being examined y even backup.

though this A vacuum breaker is also being examined as an Ndifications will then be determined if tan l builBing collection header.

will be completed in 60 days and a schedule for any design mo -

fied in IE Bulletin 80-05; however, the (5)The N 2 e ver Eas is being reviewed relative to the problems identiThis review will be complete in approximat if required.

vacuum breakers are adequately sized to protect the tanks.60 days and t

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